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P.R.O.B.E. • Episode 5

When to Die


18% 7 votes

Released April 2015
Written by Bill Baggs
Directed by Bill Baggs
Runtime 61 minutes
Locations Earth England London

When Liz Shaw returns from a working holiday in Spain a new and deeply disturbing case awaits.

Corporal 7891 Alpha has outlived his usefulness or rather the government can no longer afford to fund the medication. And that can mean only one thing... termination!

At first glance a "government authorised execution" is a simple enough task for the Preternatural Research Bureau (PROBE) team.

But as events unfold, and the truth about Corporal 7891 Alpha is revealed, the case becomes far more complex.

Only Liz's wealth of experience, courage and determination can save the day — but not before her moral compass is knocked off course.

Distribution is from TARDIS Guide votes only.