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Gallifrey: Time War 3 • Episode 4



3.93/ 5 53 votes


RAYO: You could always help me feed the chickens if you like

NARVIN: Feed… chickens…? Right! Yes, of course. Happy to. Um… what am I meant to do exactly?

RAYO: Here, take a handful of seed. That’s it. now just scatter it in front of the coops. They’ll come to you

NARVIN: Right. (clears throat) Here, chicky chicky chicky!

RAYO: What are you doing?

NARVIN: Feeding them?

RAYO: Yeah, but… that noise you just made? What was that?

NARVIN: I thought that… perhaps… the chickens would like it?


VEEGA: Be careful, Leela.

LEELA: I shall.

VEEGA: You’ve been so good to us over the years.

LEELA: And you have been good to me. I will see you when we return.

VEEGA: Goodbye, Leela.


ROMANA: Kill every last person and Unity becomes just another dead rock. Like all the other dead rocks you've left in your wake.

DALEK: Negative. Unity is more than other worlds.

ROMANA: You mean it's your fuel source. And who's going to mine that fuel? There's a war on. You don't have Daleks to spare.

DALEK: We will spare enough lives to keep the mines in operation.

ROMANA: And who will shuttle the miners back and forth to the mines? Who will cook their meals? Who will look after their children? Who will sweep the streets, and wash the laundry, and fix the plumbing? Who will live?

DALEK: That is not our concern.

ROMANA: No, I thought not, somehow.

DALEK: Provide us with the location of your associates.

ROMANA: We've been here before though, and I will never betray those I love. Not ever. So what are you going to do about it?

DALEK: Exterminate.


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