Stories Minisode Minisodes Transmission from Mars 1 image Back to Story Transcript BERNICE: People of Mars. This is Bernice Summerfield. Broadcasting on erm, hopefully an emergency frequency. I'm trapped in a pyramid - yes, a pyramid - er, roughly four kilometres southeast of colony sector five. My guide's dead, killed by -- (static). BERNICE: All you need to know, is that Egyptian Gods were real - they came from Phaistos Osiris, had terrible powers, and Sutekh, the nastiest of the lot, has just come back to life in the middle of your war - (explosion) BERNICE: Hello? Anyone!? God of Death heading your way! Stop fighting! Send help! Because the only man who can help is - (static) SUTEKH: Why do you still run? There is nothing more that you can do. Return to me, I will allow you the gift of seeing my rebirth before you die. Transcript by Shauny. The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.