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[Memory TARDIS]

(A mash-up of various TARDIS themes and contents. Someone is wearing a space helmet and pressing buttons. He removes it and gasps for breath.)

CLYDE: Whoa! So much cool junk.
JO: Less of the junk, Clyde Langer.
CLYDE: Jo! My God!
JO: Oh, hello, darling!
CLYDE: This is amazing! Where are we? It kind of looks like the TARDIS.
JO: Kind of, but kind of not so much. Oh, look, look, look, look!

(They've found a compartment full of sonic screwdrivers.)

JO: Oh, look! Oh, wow! Look at that, look at that. Oh, amazing! Oh, that's the one. I've always wanted to have a go with one of these.
CLYDE: Are you sure? Shouldn't we be careful with that?

(She activates it, and bits light up around the TARDIS. The WHO 1 numberplate has prominence.)

CLYDE: Give it to me.
JO: No, no, no! I don't think that's fair.
CLYDE: I know exactly which one...
JO: I'm a great-grandmother, I...
CLYDE: I understand that, but I...
JO: I don't think that at all.
CLYDE: Just let it go, let it go. Look, it's that one there. Okay, yeah?

(The screwdriver is switched off and put back.)

JO: Right.
CLYDE: Okay, we'll just put that...
JO: Okay, well, er, best I just hang on to this, then, isn't it?
CLYDE: Yeah. So is there no Doctor here?
JO: Oh, yes. Oh, my darling, I think they're all here. All the Doctors. All of the companions. Oh! (cuddly toy) Sweet Sarah Jane.
CLYDE: Do you think so?
JO: Oh, yes. Ah, yes. You see, the TARDIS never really lets go. Here, well, anything is possible. I know.
CLYDE: By the way, I heard, and I'm sorry.
JO: Thank you. You know, Cliff would... Oh, Cliff would have... he would have just loved all this weirdness. Sit. So tell me how you all are. You, Luke, Rani.
CLYDE: Good. Good. Yeah, just the same. I mean, we don't see as much of each other, obvs, but when we can. You know, Luke and Sanjay are off doing experiments on the UNIT space station, and there's this TV series of my Blood River City comics we're doing in LA.
JO: Oh, that's marvellous! And Rani?
CLYDE: She's still... marching around. Waking everyone up to how much danger we're in with climate change. Exposing corporations more interested in making money out of it than stopping it.
JO: Yes. A girl after my own heart. Oh, you know, Clyde, she's... she's so like Sarah Jane in so many ways.
CLYDE: Never stops.
JO: And when you all meet up, I bet it's like you've never been apart.
CLYDE: Yeah, but I miss the old days.
JO: So do I, Clyde. So do I. You know, darling, the older you get, the more and more you miss. I miss my Doctor. Especially now.
CLYDE: How many Doctors did you know?
JO: Oh, more than most. Three, once. Well, no, three all at once, once. Well, no, actually, wait a minute, two and a bit.
CLYDE: Which bit?
JO: People were vanishing. That's how it all started. And something was coming for the Doctor.

The Three Doctors

CLYDE: Luke must be having a banging time in UNIT.
JO: Oh, you would have loved the Brigadier.
CLYDE: I met him. I mean, he was retired by then, but he helped Sarah Jane break into the Black Archive to deal with some alien tag-team trouble.
JO: Like I said. The older you get, the more people you miss.
CLYDE: Did you love him?
JO: Who?
CLYDE: The Doctor. Your Doctor.
JO: Oh, yes. Oh, I loved him so much. But not in the same way that I loved Cliff, although I wish the Doctor was here now, you know, helping me pick up the pieces. I loved him the same way that you loved Sarah Jane.
CLYDE: Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
JO: Of course I'm right. I've lived too long. I've seen too much to be wrong. And that's why I'm telling you now, you have got to tell her.
CLYDE: Tell who...what?
JO: Oh, Clyde! Don't play games with me.
CLYDE: I play a mean Hungry Hippo.
JO: No! No, Clyde, don't just joke this away. We're not Time Lords. Our time is short. Don't waste it. If you love Rani, you just jolly well go and tell her.
CLYDE: How did you know?
JO: Oh, my darling, I saw it every time the two of you were together. And I saw it again just now. It hurts. I know that love.
CLYDE: She's so busy, you know? And what she does is important. What do I do? I just... I write daft comic book stories.
JO: Oh, stories are important, Clyde. We're made of stories, and you're missing the most important one of all. Mine wasn't the Doctor, it was Cliff. My darling Clyde, don't miss your story with Rani.
CLYDE: I don't know how. You know, I... I've just always been the joker.
JO: Then tell her in a joke. Oh, but tell her. Our time together, that's the most precious thing we have. Don't waste it.
CLYDE: You're right. Okay, I'm gonna to find her.
JO: Yes.
CLYDE: Are you coming?
JO: No. No, I think I'll just stay here a bit longer. See what other memories come to call. Oh, take care. The TARDIS will show you the way. It always does. Good luck, my darling.

(Clyde is transported away. Jo clutches a Metebelis 3 blue crystal and sits down again.)

JO: Oh, cariad, the Doctor brought us together once.

(Someone's shadow is cast onto the console. Jo looks up.)


Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.