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[Memory TARDIS]

(A mash-up of various TARDIS themes and contents.)

JAMIE: Where the devil am I?
ZOE: I think it's a TARDIS. Oh, I think it's The TARDIS, in a manner of speaking.
ZOE: Hello, Jamie!
JAMIE: Zoe! Oh!
ZOE: Oh, Jamie, Jamie! You remember!
JAMIE: Of course I remember. Mind you, I forgot for so long.
ZOE: Well, they made us forget, the Time Lords, when we left the Doctor. They erased our memories. But in here, it's all back. Every adventure, every story, every single moment!
JAMIE: Aye, but how did we get here? And where's the Doctor?
ZOE: Oh, he'll be out there somewhere in the stars. But I don't think this is for him. I think this is meant for us. Oh.

(The second Doctor's recorder.)

JAMIE: I've missed him every day of my life, but I didn't even realise it.
ZOE: What they did to us was unforgivable. And I think we've been brought here to undo it.
JAMIE: One last gift from the Doctor. I'd still be with him now if I could, trying to keep up with him.
ZOE: Oh, don't you have a family?
JAMIE: Aye. Five daughters.
ZOE: Oh!
JAMIE: Legs hairier than mine, and 19 grandchildren.
ZOE: Nineteen?!
JAMIE: Aye, not so wee any more.
ZOE: Well, I have a son. A scientist. I named him James.
JAMIE: A...after me?
ZOE: I never realised before, but... Well, of course after you!
JAMIE: Oh. Did you marry a man from the Space Wheel?
ZOE: No, no. We met on Earth, in Australia.
JAMIE: Ha! I've been there. Got shot at.
ZOE: Oh, we got shot at all the time.
JAMIE: Aye. But look at you. Ever so noble.
ZOE: Oh, presidential robes, thank you very much. This is my third inauguration.
JAMIE: President?
ZOE: Mmm-hmm.
JAMIE: The Doctor would be so proud.
ZOE: Isn't it funny. All the things he showed us, and taught us, I've been using them every single day of my life without realising? All those experiences were at the back of my mind, pushing me forwards.
JAMIE: Me too. Do you think we'll ever see the Doctor again?
ZOE: Oh, I'm not sure. But we keep him alive by telling our stories.

(Two chairs appear, they sit down.)

JAMIE: Oh. So, we tell our stories to each other and to our families.
ZOE: Yes. Pass them down, generation after generation.
JAMIE: Ah, well, where do we begin? And don't say Cybermen. I want to forget about the Cybermen.
ZOE: Okay. Er... The Krotons. No! The Quarks.
JAMIE: The Quarks, aye. The wee metal beasties. And didn't the TARDIS get swallowed by lava?
ZOE: Yes! And then things got worse.
JAMIE: That's right. I remember now.

The Mind Robber

JAMIE: Oh, that was scary. Those clockwork soldiers gave me the shivers. Still, we got away by the skin of our teeth.
ZOE: The story of our lives. And you've got a different face. Sorry about that.
JAMIE: Aye. Maybe we should go back there, swap this old one for a new one.
ZOE: No chance. You look very distinguished.
JAMIE: Ah, thank you. Well, who'd have thought, president and a Highlander sharing stories. I can get used to this.
ZOE: Well, we can't stay here forever, Jamie. There's people who need us.
JAMIE: But... suppose we went back and forgot all over again.
ZOE: Well, whatever this place is, it's restored our memories, for good. I think all we need to do, if we want to come back here, is to close our eyes and remember it.
JAMIE: Maybe we're in heaven.
ZOE: I hope not. I'm a very busy woman.
JAMIE: Oh, so does Madame President have time for another story?
ZOE: Go on, then. Er... Ice Warriors.
JAMIE: Oh, how can I forget those great lumbering lizards? And poor Victoria, screamed her lungs out when she first saw them. Nearly brought down a mountain. I wonder if she's still out there somewhere?
ZOE: Oh, I bet she is. I wonder if we all come here eventually? All the Doctor's friends?
JAMIE: I hope she had a nice life.
ZOE: I'm sure she did. I bet she thought of you every single day. Because there's one thing I know for sure. I will never, ever forget this again.

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.