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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Written by

Russell T Davies

Directed by

Jamie Donoughue


3 minutes

Time Travel


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Remembered TARDIS


This is for rating and reviewing the new content at the beginning and end of this episode only.

In 1911, an ancient threat rises in the tombs of Egypt and brings terror to an English country house. Sutekh has risen, and the world must beware.

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WOW a huge improvement compared to daleks in colour and love how the prologue and epilogue got me so hyped for the finale


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A nice little segment to ease new viewers into the classic that "Pyramids of Mars" is. Both Millie and Ncuti give a solid Performance and make you curious how they defeat Sutekh in the big Finale of Series 14/Season 1.

Overall an enjoyable little extra but more so on the lower end for the Tales Segments. Your Opinion may vary depending on how much you like the Payoff of "Empire of Death". But as its own little thing? It works! Solid charming Minisode!


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[Memory TARDIS]

(Not much of a mash-up this time as this is just an explanatary filler between the two part series one finale. There is a miniature jukebox. The Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby Sunday are sitting staring into a small version of the new Time rotor as if it is a campfire. The air of doom and gloom is palpable.)

DOCTOR: I fought Sutekh. A long time ago in the summer of 1911, deep in the English countryside.
RUBY: But you beat him. You won.
DOCTOR: By the skin of my teeth. I don't think I could do that again.
RUBY: So what happened?
DOCTOR: I was a different man back then. I don't think you would have recognised me. I travelled with this amazing friend, like you. Her name was Sarah Jane Smith and we had some good times. But... no. No, the story doesn't start in Britain. It starts halfway across the world... in Egypt, where an Englishman was looting the tombs of the Pharaohs and disturbing the dead.

Pyramids of Mars

RUBY: But Sutekh survived.
DOCTOR: All this time I thought he was dead, but he was just waiting.
RUBY: You fought him. You defeated him. You've got to know something we can use against him.
DOCTOR: That Sutekh was the size of a man. He's now evolved into a Titan. How do I fight that?
RUBY: And if you don't?
DOCTOR: It's the end of the universe. What do I do?

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