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[Memory TARDIS]
(A mash-up of various TARDIS themes and contents. The Fifth Doctor is trying to get the controls to work properly.)
DOCTOR: Okay, I think there must be... a kettle in here. There's everything else. I can't remember, did we ever do tea? We had a pineapple once, remember?
TEGAN: I was fast asleep, in bed. I said goodbye to Nyssa and... Oh, it's good to see you!
DOCTOR: Oh. We never really did this sort of thing, did we?
TEGAN: We do now! Oh, you got old.
DOCTOR: You didn't. Not one line.
TEGAN: Don't get clever.
DOCTOR: Oh, there's one... hundred.
TEGAN: That's enough. But it's good to see you. I mean, how...? What kind of gimcrack TARDIS is this? Don't tell me. You had an accident.
DOCTOR: Believe it or not, I woke up in here myself. I think... it's a memory. It's a remembered TARDIS.
TEGAN: I don't remember it being such a mess.
DOCTOR: No, but time is memory, and memory is time. So this is the memory of a time machine, and it's reached out and remembered... us.
TEGAN: I've missed you.
DOCTOR: I missed you too, once or twice. But that's not the point. I think this thing... needs feeding.
TEGAN: Oh, great! I knew we'd be in trouble. Don't tell me, it's going to eat our brains.
DOCTOR: No! Well, not literally. But this is a remembered TARDIS, and memories thrive on stories. That's what it wants. Stories being told. Around a fire, like every storyteller across creation.
(The chairs appear.)
TEGAN: What sort of stories?
DOCTOR: Tegan, we lived through the most extraordinary times! We've got the best stories ever!
TEGAN: Well, do you mean we sit and tell stories about ourselves?
DOCTOR: I think so.
TEGAN: Oh, that's not so mad. I do that every day. All the things we did, Doctor. Truth be told, I think of nothing else.
DOCTOR: Maybe we should tell the story of... I'm sorry, Tegan, but if we're going to tell a story, maybe it should be the strongest of all. The day we met the Cybermen.
TEGAN: I can't. Okay. I'll do it for him.
DOCTOR: Brave heart. I wonder... where to begin.
TEGAN: Well, it began with Adric, cos he was travelling in the TARDIS before I ever met you. He stowed away from a different planet.
But then, he told you that he wanted to go home.
DOCTOR: No, but before that. It's hard to tell where a story begins, isn't it? But before we came blundering in, it began on Earth. Think back, Tegan. It all started with those mysterious deaths... in the caves.
TEGAN: Poor soul.
(The Doctor is holding the Star of Mathmatical Excellence.)
DOCTOR: And here it is. Remembered. He was so...
TEGAN: Oh, he was a nightmare!
DOCTOR: He was daft and silly and sulky and... He was just a kid.
TEGAN: He loved you.
DOCTOR: Yes. I realise that now.
TEGAN: Looking back, I think, wow! We never stopped running. He died, we sailed on, we had more adventures. We never stopped. We never stopped to think!
DOCTOR: That's because of me. I never look back.
TEGAN: Well, maybe that's what a Memory TARDIS is for.
DOCTOR: Therapy.
TEGAN: About time.
DOCTOR: I think it's done me good. And telling the story keeps him alive. Now, tell me stories about you. About life, about everyday things.
TEGAN: Little tiny boring human things, you mean?
DOCTOR: They are the jewels. In this vault of memories, an ordinary life is one of the most shining things of all.
TEGAN: Well, okay. I left you, remember? Found myself on the bank of the Thames with a load of dead Daleks. Long story but, in the end, I got myself back to Brisbane, and it took a while. I think I was in shock. I thought, "What can I do with my life? What can I do that would make the Doctor proud?" So I started campaigning for the environment, and I used every trick you taught me. To never give up, to never be defeated, to keep fighting even in the darkest of times. And, oh! There were some times I thought, "He would be proud of me."
Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.