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November 2023

Written by

Russell T Davies

Directed by

Joshua M.G. Thomas


8 minutes

Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

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Remembered TARDIS


This is for rating and reviewing the new content at the beginning and end of this episode only.

The Doctor and Tegan meet again and remember their terrifying adventure against the Cybermen to save the Earth… and the friend they lost along the way.

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Heart warming


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I'm glad this is an episode they revisited for TOTT, but the do not reflect on Adric enough at all. His death is so tragic, and so unfair. Out of everyone, every companion, he's the only one you get attached to and then they mercilessly kill. Sara and Katarina were barely there, and Amy, Rory and Clara die but in a way where they still live. It's f**ked that only Adric gets this treatment


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AVG. Rating241 members
3.93 / 5

AVG. Rating27 votes
3.81 / 5

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[Memory TARDIS]

(A mash-up of various TARDIS themes and contents. The Fifth Doctor is trying to get the controls to work properly.)

DOCTOR: Okay, I think there must be... a kettle in here. There's everything else. I can't remember, did we ever do tea? We had a pineapple once, remember?
TEGAN: I was fast asleep, in bed. I said goodbye to Nyssa and... Oh, it's good to see you!
DOCTOR: Oh. We never really did this sort of thing, did we?
TEGAN: We do now! Oh, you got old.
DOCTOR: You didn't. Not one line.
TEGAN: Don't get clever.
DOCTOR: Oh, there's one... hundred.
TEGAN: That's enough. But it's good to see you. I mean, how...? What kind of gimcrack TARDIS is this? Don't tell me. You had an accident.
DOCTOR: Believe it or not, I woke up in here myself. I think... it's a memory. It's a remembered TARDIS.
TEGAN: I don't remember it being such a mess.
DOCTOR: No, but time is memory, and memory is time. So this is the memory of a time machine, and it's reached out and remembered... us.
TEGAN: I've missed you.
DOCTOR: I missed you too, once or twice. But that's not the point. I think this thing... needs feeding.
TEGAN: Oh, great! I knew we'd be in trouble. Don't tell me, it's going to eat our brains.
DOCTOR: No! Well, not literally. But this is a remembered TARDIS, and memories thrive on stories. That's what it wants. Stories being told. Around a fire, like every storyteller across creation.

(The chairs appear.)

TEGAN: What sort of stories?
DOCTOR: Tegan, we lived through the most extraordinary times! We've got the best stories ever!
TEGAN: Well, do you mean we sit and tell stories about ourselves?
DOCTOR: I think so.
TEGAN: Oh, that's not so mad. I do that every day. All the things we did, Doctor. Truth be told, I think of nothing else.
DOCTOR: Maybe we should tell the story of... I'm sorry, Tegan, but if we're going to tell a story, maybe it should be the strongest of all. The day we met the Cybermen.
TEGAN: I can't. Okay. I'll do it for him.
DOCTOR: Brave heart. I wonder... where to begin.
TEGAN: Well, it began with Adric, cos he was travelling in the TARDIS before I ever met you. He stowed away from a different planet.
But then, he told you that he wanted to go home.
DOCTOR: No, but before that. It's hard to tell where a story begins, isn't it? But before we came blundering in, it began on Earth. Think back, Tegan. It all started with those mysterious deaths... in the caves.

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