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Doctor Who does Tomb Raider. With its many twists and turns, interesting side characters and villains, this is good fun! Note however that Moonflesh is required listening.

The music is a bit monotone, but the sound design is on point and the worldbuilding is very nice too.


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Moonflesh

Another really generic and painfully dull story. It really feels like they've ran out of steam for the 5 and Nyssa team. There's not much I can say in favour of this story, I suppose the villain voices were fairly good but that's about it. I found it hard to care about the characters, especially any of the sons. The only time it got somewhat interesting was the reveal of Virna's daughter.

There's technically a new "companion" here aswell but after two really poor stories I find it immensely difficult to care about her story whatsoever. Atleast with Thomas Brewster he brought a much-needed fresh dynamic to the growing-stale TARDIS team. I really hope the next story makes this trilogy worthwhile.

Next Story: Masquerade


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