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(Amy, Rory, and The Doctor look at the second Amy)

AMY: Who the hell are you?

AMY 2: I'm you. From your future.

DOCTOR: Tell me exactly what's happened.

AMY 2: Well, the exterior shell of the TARDIS has drifted forwards in time. If you step into the box now you step inside the control room a tiny bit into the past.

AMY: I don't understand

AMY 2: Neither do I

AMY: But you just said it!

AMY 2: No. I'm just repeating it. I'm just remembering what I heard myself saying when I was standing where you are now, and repeating it. I'm just repeating this too, and this. And this.

AMY: Oh, I still don't understand.

AMY 2: You still don't.

DOCTOR: Okay, when does this Amy step inside the box, we need to maintain the timeline.

AMY 2: Ah, as soon as she's slapped Rory.


RORY: Ha! No. Why do I get slapped?

DOCTOR: Because we have to stick to the established chain of events. One mistake and the whole timeline could collapse, and we'll end up with two Amy Ponds forever and then what would you do?

(Rory smiles suggestively and looks at Amy. She slaps him)

DOCTOR: Okay you, into the police box now!

AMY: What, and then I become her?

DOCTOR: Yes, go, go, go!

AMY: Do I really look like that?

AMY 2: Yeah. Yeah, you do.

AMY: Ooh I'd give you a driving license.

AMY 2: Oh, I bet you would!

DOCTOR: Oh, this is how it all ends. Pond, flirting with herself. True love at last. Oh, sorry Rory.

RORY: Absolutely no problem at all.

DOCTOR: Now, Amy!

AMY: What's the first line?

AMY 2: "Okay kids, this is where it gets complicated".

AMY: Gotcha!

(Amy enters the TARDIS. For ease of the transcript, Amy 2 is now Amy)

AMY: So, is that it? Are we okay now?

DOCTOR: No, we're still trapped.

(A new copy of Amy and Rory enter the TARDIS quickly)

DOCTOR: What are you doing?

RORY 2: You told us to get into the police box. Well, from your point of view, you're about to tell us to get into the police box. From our point of view you just told us to get into the police box which is why we got into the police box which is why we're... here.

RORY: Do I have to remember all of that?

RORY 2: It just sort of happens.

(Amy waves to herself, they both say hi)

DOCTOR: Hey! Stop that, you two, into the police box now, run!

(Amy 2 and Rory 2 are now Amy and Rory...)

AMY: So, what now?

DOCTOR: You two! Stay where you are!

RORY: What are you doing?

DOCTOR: I'm setting up a controlled temporal implosion. It's the only way to reset the TARDIS. But unless I find exactly the right lever to control the implosion, we're all going to die.

AMY: You don't know which lever?

DOCTOR: No. But I'm about to find out.

(Another Doctor comes through the TARDIS door)

DOCTOR 2: The wibbly lever!

DOCTOR: The wibbly lever! Thank you!

(The Doctor pulls the lever then runs into the TARDIS and it dematerialises)

DOCTOR: Okay, we're back in normal flight. The TARDIS is no longer inside itself the localised time is no longer about to implode and rip a hole in all causality but just in case... Pond, put some trousers on!

Transcript by Shauny. The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.