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(The Doctor offers his sonic screwdriver.)

DOCTOR: Need this?

DOCTOR 5: No, I'm fine.

DOCTOR: Oh no, of course, you liked to go hands free, didn't you, like hey, I'm the Doctor. I can save the universe using a kettle and some string. And look at me, I'm wearing a vegetable.

DOCTOR 5: Okay, you're my biggest fan. Look, it's perfectly understandable. I go zooming around space and time, saving planets, fighting monsters and being well, let's be honest, pretty sort of marvellous, so naturally now and then people notice me. Start up their little groups. That LINDA lot. Are you one of them? How did you get in here? Can't have you lot knowing where I live.

— Fifth Doctor, Time Crash

TENTH DOCTOR: You know, I love being you. Back when I first started at the very beginning, I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important, like you do when you're young. And then I was you, and it was all dashing about and playing cricket and my voice going all squeaky when I shouted. I still do that, the voice thing. I got that from you. Oh, and the trainers, and -

(He puts his spectacles on.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Snap. Because you know what, Doctor? You were my Doctor.

FIFTH DOCTOR: To days to come.

TENTH DOCTOR: All my love to long ago.