Stories Book Virgin New Adventures Theatre of War 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 1 review 15 February 2025 · 250 words Review by Voyxger Spoilers This review contains spoilers! “I will show you death in an hour glass” what a book, Justin Richard’s first doctor who novel is an absolute banger, this book was my first experience with the character of Irving braxiatel outside of zagreus and he is an absolutely charming fella, his mirroring of the 7th doctor being this manipulative person on the inside but outside shows a more bureaucratic demeanor is brilliant, Benny also shines very highly in this book, her sections are the most fun to read and while ace and 7 are also great, 7 in particular getting a brilliant Monologue about the passing of time , Benny is truly the star here, her initial sections before 7 and ace get involved are so much fun and it shows that Benny can stand on her own as a character without needing another lead. Richard’s prose at times is a bit iffy but his story crafting is absolutely brilliant, the twists and turns this book takes will leave you agape constantly, the foreshadowing from the Quotes and Files at the beggining of each chapter will leave you constantly guessing and I admire deeply the story that Richard’s has created here as well as his writing of braxiatel. As someone who is not a big Shakespeare guy I can still respect the homages to him as well as the classic theatre presented in this book. Definitely a great book and im glad that the NA range has been staying consistently good since the Alternate universe arc! Voyxger View profile Like Liked 0