Stories Television Doctor Who Series 9 Doctor Who S9 Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The Witch’s Familiar 2 images Back to Story Transcript Needs checking [Planet surface] (Clara is hanging upside down with a rope around her ankles, spinning. Missy is sharpening a stick with a knife.) MISSY: Consider the Doctor. The Doctor, trapped. The Doctor, alone. You all right there, dear?CLARA: Where are we? How did we ?MISSY: Shh, now. Mummy's talking. Okay, I'm going to tell you a story of the Doctor. It's classic. On the run, no TARDIS. No friends, no help. In other words, the Doctor, happy. It was a long time ago. (As she tells her tale, we get a brief black and white glimpse of a figure in a long scarf ducking behind a stone column.) MISSY: Doesn't matter which face he was wearing, they're all the Doctor to me. So let's give it to the eyebrows. (The hero of her story is now the current Doctor.) CLARA: But the DaleksMISSY: Yes, I'm coming to that.CLARA: Shouldn't we be, um? I don't want to say dead.MISSY: Hush! He's travelling by teleporter. Unfortunately, his teleporter is out of power. Also unfortunate, he's being stalked by, oh, say about fifty android assassins? I may be rounding up. (She checks her sharpened stick.) MISSY: Ow. Fifty invisible, indestructible android assassins, all exclusively programmed to kill him.CLARA: Why are you sharpening that stick?MISSY: Well, I've no idea how long we're going to be stuck out here. Might have to go hunting.CLARA: So why am I tied up?MISSY: In case there's nothing to hunt. (Back to the flashes of black and white Doctor being shot at by lasers and backing down a big stone staircase.) MISSY: The Doctor, then. Surrounded. Outnumbered. Outgunned. And freeze. Nanoseconds to live. Four, I'd say, being generous. Now, my question is this. How did he survive? (She prods Clara.) MISSY: Oh, come on, Clara! You know him. Consider the Doctor. (Clara's mind's eye sees the Doctor looking at her.) CLARA: Where did he get that teleport thingy?MISSY: Oh, good, good. He stole one from an android.CLARA: So, I'm guessing he uses the same energy as the android weapons, right?MISSY: Excellent! Not seeing you as sandwiches now.CLARA: Okay, then. He uses the energy wave from the android weapons to recharge the teleport bracelet and at the exact moment he's supposed to disintegrate, (The Doctor raises his hands over his head, pointing the sonic screwdriver at the teleporter - just like that poster for Star Wars, A New Hope - to absorb the laser energy and -.) CLARA: He actually teleports. Hang on, that's how you did it. That's how we escaped the Daleks.MISSY: I modified the same principle for our vortex manipulators, yes. Blew them off, I'm afraid. But the Doctor, he, he improvised it. He must have got through several thousand calculations in the time it takes to fire up a disintegrator. Seriously, what a swot!CLARA: So the androids think he's dead and the Doctor escapes. (The Doctor falls down a hole.) MISSY: No, he's the Doctor. He fell into a nest of vampire monkeys. (The green eyes of the screeching monkeys glow in the light of the screwdriver.) MISSY: But that's another story! (She lets Clara down very suddenly.) CLARA: Oh!MISSY: Why does the Doctor always survive?CLARA: Because he's clever.MISSY: Yes, but there's lots of clever dead people. I love killing clever clogs, they make the best faces.CLARA: Because he always assumes he's going to win. He always knows there's a way to survive. He just has to go and find it.MISSY: Yes, except this time, he made a will and threw himself a goodbye party. Now, if the Doctor assumes he's going to die, what happens then?CLARA: We do.MISSY: He's trapped at the heart of the Dalek empire. He's a prisoner of the creatures who hate him most in the universe. Between us and him is everything the deadliest race in all of history can throw at us. We, on the other hand, have a pointy stick. How do we start?CLARA: We assume we're going to win.MISSY: Oh. Pity, really. I was actually quite peckish. (Missy starts to walk off across the desert.) CLARA: Can I have a stick too?MISSY: Make your own stick. [Davros' room] DAVROS: It took me so very long to realise it was you, standing at the gates of my beginning. And here you are at the end. (The Doctor is hunting for something, anything, and finds it on a table of spare parts..) DAVROS: But this time, I have you at my mercy. Exterminate. (The Doctor holds a Dalek gun to the back of Davros' head then takes it away again.) DAVROS: Ancient. Inoperable. (The gun fails to fire.) DOCTOR: Genius.DAVROS: You would threaten a dying man? Have I not suffered enough?DOCTOR: Get out.DAVROS: I cannot leave this chamber. It sustains me.DOCTOR: Get out! [Control room] (Alarms sound.) DALEK: Alert! Alert! The infirmary is breached.DALEK SUPREME: Protect Davros. Davros must be assisted. (A red dot is moving on a schematic of the building on the wall screen.) DALEK: Davros is leaving the infirmary.DALEK SUPREME: Davros must remain. Davros cannot leave.DAVROS [OC]: My children! Help me!DALEK SUPREME: You must return to the infirmary.DAVROS [OC]: The Doctor is escaping. Find him. Find the Doctor.DALEK SUPREME: Find the Doctor! Seek, locate, destroy! (Daleks go flying out over Skaro.) [Corridors] DALEKS: Seek, locate, destroy. Seek, locate.BATTLE DALEK: Exterminate the Doctor! [Planet surface] DALEKS [OC]: Exterminate the Doctor! Exterminate!CLARA: What's happening?MISSY: What do you think?CLARA: He's in the middle of that?MISSY: Ah, that's what we need. [Control room] DAVROS [OC]: Assist me!DALEK: Davros approaches.DALEK SUPREME: Admit Davros. Admit the creator.DAVROS: Help me!DALEK SUPREME: Assist Davros. Assist. (A Dalek sees Davros lying on the floor of his room. The control room doors to admit the Doctor in Davros' chair.) DOCTOR: Admit it. You've all had this exact nightmare. [Davros' room] (Davros has no body below the waist.) DAVROS: Get me Sarff!COLONY SARFF: I am here. [Control room] DOCTOR: So,anyone for dodgems?DALEK SUPREME: Exterminate!DALEKS: Exterminate! Exterminate! (They all fire at the Doctor. White out.) [Cave] (Looking down a hole in the ground.) CLARA: Daleks have sewers?MISSY: With one significant difference.CLARA: Being?MISSY: They're ever so slightly alive.CLARA: They're what?MISSY: How much of a drop would you say that is? Can you see the bottom?CLARA: Too dark. Er, we could chuck a stone down, or something.MISSY: Oh yeah, good idea. (She pushes Clara down the hole.) CLARA: Oh! (Scream, thud.) MISSY: Twenty feet. [Control room] (The Doctor takes a sip from a white teacup with gold trim.) DOCTOR: Of course, the real question is, where did I get the cup of tea? Answer? I'm the Doctor. Just accept it.DALEK SUPREME: You are unharmed.DOCTOR: Proposition. Davros is an insane, paranoid genius who has survived among several billion trigger-happy mini-tanks for centuries. Conclusion? I'm definitely having his chair.DALEK SUPREME: You cannot escape, Doctor. (The Doctor holds up the Dalek gun.) DOCTOR: I'm guessing his personal forcefield only works in one direction.DALEK SUPREME: The Doctor does not use weapons.DOCTOR: Doesn't he? Ah, listen to your little hearts beat! [Sewers] (Clara starts to sit up.) CLARA: AhMISSY: Hello. (Clara grabs the pointed stick.) MISSY: Oh, poppet. Do you really think you could?CLARA: First chance I get.MISSY: You won't survive down here on your own.CLARA: You won't survive turning your back.MISSY: Ooo. How exciting. (Missy turns her back on Clara. Nothing happens.) MISSY: God, you're dull. (She spins round and grabs the stick back.) MISSY: In future, if you're going to take my stick, do me the courtesy of actually killing me. Team work is all about respect.CLARA: We're not a team.MISSY: Of course we are. Every miner needs a canary. Now, hush, look around. Bit of a mess, isn't it?CLARA: You said it was a sewer.MISSY: Daleks don't generate much in the way of waste.CLARA: So what is it all, then?MISSY: Decaying Daleks. Daleks can't die. Genetically hard-wired to keep on living, whatever happens. Well. But they still age, poor loves. Over time, the body breaks down, rots, liquefies. Interestingly, the Dalek word for sewer is the same as their word for graveyard. (She stabs a piece of organic material and it reacts. The walls are covered in screaming bits of Dalek.) [Control room] DOCTOR: Ask me what I want.DALEK SUPREME: Irrelevant. You will not prevail. You will not succeed.DOCTOR: I've been at the heart of your empire for forty two minutes, and I own it, and I haven't even got out of my chair. Ask me what I want.DALEK SUPREME: What do you want?DOCTOR: Clara Oswald. (He broadcasts across the planet. They can even hear him in the sewers.) DOCTOR: I want Clara Oswald, safe, alive, and returned to me immediately. You bring her back. You do that. You do that now. Unharmed. Unhurt. Alive.DALEK SUPREME: Your associateDOCTOR: I saw what happened. I was there. And I'm hoping, for all of our sakes, that it was a trick.DALEK SUPREME: It was not a deception.DOCTOR: Because if Clara Oswald is really dead, then you'd better be very, very careful how you tell me. [Sewers] MISSY: Listen to that. The Doctor without hope.DOCTOR [OC]: Who's going to tell me? [Control room] DOCTOR: Who's going to go first? [Sewers] MISSY: Nobody is safe now.DOCTOR [OC]: All the power Davros had is mine. [Control room] DOCTOR: Everything he had, I have. [Sewers] DOCTOR [OC]: Who's going to tell me that Clara Oswald is really dead?MISSY: He'll burn everything. Us too. [Control room] DALEK SUPREME: Clara Oswald is not alive.DAVROS [on screen]: Doctor, this urge for conquest. It is gratifying to see you learn.DOCTOR: Davros. You're up. Sorry, this seat's taken.DAVROS [on screen]: Indeed. But not by you. (Snakes seize and hold the Doctor, covering him completely.) DAVROS [on screen]: You've met my Head of Personal Security, I think. Colony Sarff. His agents are everywhere. [Davros' room] DAVROS: Are you ready?COLONY SARFF: Of course.DAVROS: Be subtle, Colony Sarff. Tonight, we entrap a Time Lord. (Sarff uncoils.) [Sewers] CLARA: What is that? A lift? (A door at the end of the sewer.) MISSY: What? Never mind the lift. See that thing on the wall? (A metal circle with a blue dot in the middle, standing proud of the rock.) CLARA: What about it?MISSY: Take a look.CLARA: What is it?MISSY: Closer.CLARA: What am I even looking for?MISSY: Nothing. I'm giving it a good look at you.DALEK [OC]: Intruder alert! Intruder alert! (Alarms sound. Missy grabs Clara.) CLARA: Why the hell did you do that?MISSY: Ever ring a doorbell and run away?DALEK [OC]: Humanoid detected in lower level. (Missy handcuffs Clara to the wall camera unit.) MISSY: Not this time.DALEK [OC]: Dalek to Lower Level Thirteen.CLARA: What the hell did you do that for?MISSY: We need to trap and kill a Dalek. You're the bait, I'm the hook. (She removes the cameo brooch from her blouse neck.) MISSY: Dark star alloy. Goes through armour plating like a knife through people.CLARA: Missy. Missy. Missy, uncuff me now!MISSY: It's pretty, though, isn't it? Got it in the olden days on Gallifrey. The Doctor gave it to me when my daughter (The lift arrives.) MISSY: Keep it talking. We need to draw it out of the lift.CLARA: You can't kill a Dalek with a brooch. (Missy hides near the lift.) MISSY: Yes, you can. Yes, you can.DALEK: Humanoid detected. Remain still. Do not move. Scan in progress. Humanoid unauthorised in restricted area. (It trundles up to Clara.) DALEK: Sterilisation proceeding.MISSY: Hey, you! Guess what? I just put a hole in you. (She pricks the Dalek's 'globes' and steam comes out.) MISSY: And another and another. And another!CLARA: What are you doing?MISSY: Murdering a Dalek. I'm a Time Lady, it's our golf.DALEK: Damage levels insignificant.MISSY: Oh, really? I think you're forgetting you're surrounded by a bunch of very old, very angry Daleks. (The decaying Daleks screech.) MISSY: (American) You just got yourself a puncture in a bad neighbourhood. Meet the locals? All blind and squelchy and out of their tiny minds, but they can still smell! Nobody hates like a Dalek. Here they come! I think they want to steal your motor.DALEK: Emergency! Emergency! My vision is impaired. (Viscous fluid seeps into the Dalek then out of its grill.) DALEK: Exterminate! Exterminate!MISSY: Oh, here comes the older generation! (The Dalek fires at tentacles coming from the walls. Missy uncuffs Clara and they run off.) MISSY: These young folks today are so tetchy!DALEK: Emergency! Emergency! (Explosion.) MISSY: Wheeeeeee! [Battleground] (The smoke clears to reveal we are back where it started, with the boy surrounded by hand mines.) YOUNG DAVROS: Help me! You can't leave me. You promised. You did! You said I could survive. You said you'd help me. Help me! [Davros' room] (The Doctor wakes to see Davros reintegrated with his chair.) DAVROS: I hope you are grateful. It wasn't easy to procure. And very nearly unique, of course. You should feel privileged. The only other chair on Skaro. (The Doctor looks round to see he is sitting on an ordinary metal frame chair.) DAVROS: Don't get up.DOCTOR: You neither. (The Doctor crosses to the door.) DAVROS: The chamber is sealed, and I believe you are not carrying your sonic device.DOCTOR: I gave it up. Bad memories.DAVROS: I am dying, Doctor.DOCTOR: You keep saying that, you keep not dying. Can you give it some welly? Come on.DAVROS: And it is time for us to conclude our business together.DOCTOR: We have no business. (An extra golden loop of cable closes its eyes with a soft hiss.) DAVROS: We have nothing but. Look again at the cables, Doctor. Understand what they are. What they can do. Just step a little closer. [Sewers] (Missy opens the lid of the Dalek and scoops out the remains of the mutant Kaled within it.) MISSY: Get in. [Davros' room] DOCTOR: They don't have much respect for you, do they? Your kids. Have you seen the state of this place? I mean, this is exactly where you dump a smelly old uncle slash family pet slash genius scientist who couldn't even invent legs. Seriously, how do your boys take it when everybody else has got two eyes? (The Doctor is examining the 'life support' unit.) DAVROS: You know what it is, of course.DOCTOR: Oh, yes. It's a hyperspace relay, with some kind of a genetic component.DAVROS: I am connected to the life force of every Dalek on this planet. It is what has kept me alive. As their hearts beat, so does mine.DOCTOR: Ooo. Nice. Vampiring off your own creations, just to eke out your days. I'm surprised the Daleks allow it.DAVROS: Oh, they have no choice. My Daleks are afflicted with a genetic defect.DOCTOR: What defect?DAVROS: Respect. Mercy for their father. Design flaws I was unable to eliminate. And now he sees it. Now he understands. The cables, Doctor. Touch them. Imagine, to hold in your hand the heartbeat of every Dalek on Skaro. They send me life. Is it beyond the wit of a Time Lord to send them death? A little work and it could be done.DOCTOR: Er, why would you be telling me this?DAVROS: Genocide in a moment. Such slaughter, not in self-defence. Not as a simple act of war. Genocide as a choice. Are you ready, Doctor? So many backs with a single knife. (The Doctor backs away a little, but Davros takes his hand and guides it towards the cables again.) DAVROS: Are you ready to be a god? (The Doctor reaches but does not touch.) DAVROS: Why do you hesitate? No one would know. Clara Oswald is dead. Is this the conscience of the Doctor, or his shame? The shame that brought you here.DOCTOR: There's no such thing as the Doctor. I'm just a bloke in a box, telling stories. And I didn't come here because I'm ashamed. A bit of shame never hurt anyone. I came because you're sick and you asked. And because sometimes, on a good day, if I try very hard, I'm not some old Time Lord who ran away. I'm the Doctor.DAVROS: Compassion then.DOCTOR: Always.DAVROS: It grows strong and fierce in you, like a cancer.DOCTOR: I hope so.DAVROS: It will kill you in the end.DOCTOR: I wouldn't die of anything else.DAVROS: You may rely on it. [Sewers] (Clara is inside the Dalek casing, which has its front panels open. Missy is attaching electrodes to her head.) CLARA: How am I supposed to make it go? Are there pedals?MISSY: Telepathic control. Open wide. (Clara opens her mouth wide.) MISSY: I meant your skull. Never mind (Beeep! as the electrodes penetrate Clara's skull.) CLARA: Ow!MISSY: Shh, shh, now, don't worry.CLARA: Ow.MISSY: There's loads of nano-tech repairing any damage as the feed goes in.CLARA: What about when it comes out?MISSY: No idea. Nobody knows. Anyway, to control the unit, you just have to think. Novel idea for you, but let's try it. Move forwards.CLARA: I don't know how to (She gasps as the Dalek moves forwards.) MISSY: You see?CLARA: Oh! How did I do that?MISSY: Circle right.CLARA: I can't (She circles right.) MISSY: Circle left. There you go. All right, this won't hurt a bit. (Missy touches a control and the Dalek casing starts to close up around Clara.) CLARA: Hang on. No, Missy. No, no, no, no! No, Missy. Missy, no, no, no, please don't! Don't, don't, please! (Clang!) MISSY: Are you okay? [Inside the Dalek] CLARA: Fine, I think. [Sewers] DALEK: Fine, I think.CLARA [in the Dalek]: Okay.CLARA DALEK: Okay. That's a bit weird.MISSY: Just a bit. Okay. All right. Shh. Say your name.CLARA DALEK: Why?MISSY: Just just say. Just say it.CLARA [in the Dalek]: Clara.CLARA DALEK: Dalek.MISSY: Say it again.CLARA [in the Dalek]: Clara Oswald.CLARA DALEK: Dalek. Dalek.MISSY: One more time.CLARA [in the Dalek]: I am Clara Oswald! I'm Clara Oswald!CLARA DALEK: I am a Dalek! I am a Dalek! I am a Dalek! I am a Dalek! (As Missy laughs, the gun fires.) MISSY: Whoa! Just don't get emotional. Emotion fires the gun. Okay?CLARA [in the Dalek]: I don't understand.CLARA DALEK: I do not understand.MISSY: Say I love you. Those exact words. Don't ask me why, just say it.CLARA [in the Dalek]: I love you.CLARA DALEK: Exterminate. (Missy laughs.) MISSY: Say, you are different from me.CLARA [in the Dalek]: You are different from me.CLARA DALEK: Exterminate! Exterminate!MISSY: Say, "Ex-ter-min-ate!"CLARA [in the Dalek]: Exterminate.CLARA DALEK: Exterminate! (Missy laughs, then dodges about as Clara spins the Dalek, firing its gun.) CLARA DALEK: Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!MISSY: Cybermen suppress emotion. Daleks channel it through a gun. That's why they keep yelling exterminate. It's how they reload. So, let's go and kill them. Come on. [Davros' room] DAVROS: There is a question, Doctor. One I have longed to ask.DOCTOR: Yeah, well, if you're going to put your hand on my knee, it isn't going to go well.DAVROS: Why did you leave Gallifrey?DOCTOR: Well, because I did.DAVROS: You stole the TARDIS, and ran and ran. Why?DOCTOR: It's a boring place, Gallifrey. I was going out of my mind.DAVROS: Yet you long to return.DOCTOR: Ah, well, I'm inconsistent.DAVROS: But it is always the same lie.DOCTOR: What lie?DAVROS: You weren't bored. No one runs the way you have run for so small a reason.DOCTOR: I do.DAVROS: No, you don't. Colony Sarff confiscated these items on your arrival. (Davros goes to a box on a small table.) DAVROS: A Time Lord confession dial, I believe. Your confession. Tell me. Send me to my grave with this precious knowledge. What is the Doctor's confession? (Davros reaches for the dial.) DOCTOR: Don't you dare!DAVROS: Is it possible I have touched a nerve?DOCTOR: Some things matter to me, Davros. Not many, but a few. And you don't put your fingers anywhere near them. (The Doctor retrieves his sunglasses from the box.) DOCTOR: And they'd better not be scratched. These are my best ones.DAVROS: Still you play the fool. (The Doctor dons his shades.) DOCTOR: Well, by now that should make you nervous. [Corridor] DALEK: Halt! Report. (Missy raises her hands.) CLARA [in the Dalek]: Humanoid intrudCLARA DALEK: Humanoid intruder found on lower levels.DALEK: Why has the intruder not been exterminated? Explain. Explain. Explain!MISSY: I'm a prisoner of special significance. Count the hearts.DALEK: You are a Time Lord?MISSY: Time Lady, thank you. Some of us can afford the upgrade. Is it still the same old Supreme Dalek these days? I fought him once on the slopes of the Never Vault. Tell him the bitch is back. [Davros' room] (The Doctor is apparently gazing at his reflection in a wall screen.) DAVROS: Make your confession, Doctor. Why did you really leave Gallifrey?DOCTOR: How long has it been, you and I?DAVROS: Long enough. Galaxies have burned.DOCTOR: And now you ask me a personal question?DAVROS: You have slaughtered billions of my children, as I have slaughtered billions of your race. We have exhausted the conventional means of communication. (The Doctor removes his sunglasses.) DOCTOR: My people are alive. They didn't die. I brought them back. I found a way.DAVROS: Is this true?DOCTOR: Gallifrey is back in the sky. I don't know where, I may never know. But Gallifrey is back and it is safe from both of us.DAVROS: Doctor, my most sincere congratulations.DOCTOR: I'm sorry?DAVROS: This is wonderful news. Beyond all hope. I congratulate you.DOCTOR: Why are you saying that?DAVROS: A man should have a race, a people, an allegiance. A man should belong, Doctor. Believe me, please. I am happy for you. So happy.DOCTOR: I don't, I don't understand this. Why are you (The Doctor is speechless.) DAVROS: Come closer again. Let me see your face.DOCTOR: You've seen it often enough.DAVROS: Let me see it again with my own eyes. (The blue light in his forehead goes out. The Doctor leans forward as Davros opens his rheumy eyes.) DAVROS: Closer, please. (Their eyes meet.) DAVROS: If you have redeemed the Time Lords from the fire, do not lose them again. Take the darkest path into the deepest hell, but protect your own as I have sought to protect mine. Did I do right, Doctor? Tell me. (Davros puts his hand on the Doctor's.) DAVROS: Was I right? I need to know before the end. Am I a good man?DOCTOR: You really are dying, aren't you?DAVROS: Look at me. Did you doubt it?DOCTOR: Yes.DAVROS: Then we have established one thing only.DOCTOR: What?DAVROS: You are not a good doctor. (They both chuckle, then Davros struggles to breathe.) DAVROS: Pity. I had hoped to see the sun one last time with the eyes of my true self. [Control room] MISSY: Oh, hello! Look at you all, with your nice, shiny domes. Oh, I am loving this. (to Dalek Supreme) You're my secret favourite. Don't tell the others. (She sits on his dais.) DALEK SUPREME: You are an enemy of the Daleks.MISSY: Yes, well, anyone who's not a Dalek is an enemy of the Daleks, so that was an easy guess.DALEK SUPREME: You will be exterminated.MISSY: Please, please do, because I have been on my feet all day. (She stands again.) MISSY: But before you get all exterminate-y, two things. One, I want to see Davros. Two, I have a lovely little gift for you all, if you take me to him right now.DALEK SUPREME: We do not negotiate.MISSY: Clara Oswald. I brought you complete control of the Doctor, gift-wrapped. Better. Canned. (Clara is speechless.) [Davros' room] (Davros is by the window, looking out.) DAVROS: It is beautiful, my world, is it not?DOCTOR: How did you get it back?DAVROS: The Daleks remade it. Like you, they have a strong concept of home.DOCTOR: No, like you. Everything you are, they are. (The Doctor is plugging Davros back into the life support cables.) DAVROS: Like both of us, perhaps. How far we have come to go home again.DOCTOR: I'm trying to pep this up, but you've been going a long time. Every Dalek on Skaro isn't enough any more.DAVROS: It is so good of you to help me.DOCTOR: I'm not helping you. I'm helping a little boy I abandoned on a battlefield. I think I owe him a sunrise. (The sun is edging above a mountain range.) DOCTOR: Come on, chin up. (Davros moans.) DOCTOR: Any minute nowDAVROS: I have always admired you, Doctor.DOCTOR: Here it comes.DAVROS: I wish, just once, we had been on the same side.DOCTOR: Look, the sun's coming up. We're on the same side now.DAVROS: I regret I cannot open my eyes. (Davros is crying.) DOCTOR: Okay, don't ever tell anyone that I did this. (He waves his hand around until a golden glow forms.) DOCTOR: A little bit of regeneration energy. Probably cost me an arm or a leg somewhere down the line. Or I'll just be really little. (The Doctor stands in the middle of the cables where Davros used to be. Davros chuckles to himself as the Doctor takes hold of a cable with his glowing hand.) DOCTOR: Should be enough, just to (The Doctor screams as snakes bind his hands to the cables.) DAVROS: Hold him firm, Colony Sarff. He is precious to us now. (The Doctor is on his knees with pain as regeneration energy flows though the cables to Davros..) DOCTOR: What are you doing?DAVROS: Regeneration energy. The ancient magic of the Time Lords. I thought I would have to tear you apart to take it from you but, as always, your compassion is your downfall. (Davros' voice gets stronger through this.) DOCTOR: No! No! No, please! No!DAVROS: You have opened your veins of your own free will, and all Daleks shall drink the blood of Gallifrey. They shall rise stronger than ever. (The Doctor screams as wizened Davros fills out and straightens up in his chair..) [Control room] (Clara is listening open-mouthed inside the Dalek casing.) DALEK SUPREME: Where is Clara Oswald? You will tell us! You will tell us! You will tell us (Missy is dancing in rhythm to the Dalek's speech when suddenly they all stop, sink plungers and weapons pointing towards the floor.) MISSY: I'm sorry. Was I, er, was I boring you? (Golden regeneration energy starts to rise from the Daleks.) MISSY: No. No, no, no, no, Doctor. What have you done?CLARA [in the Dalek]: What's happening?CLARA DALEK: What is happening?MISSY: I have to find the Doctor.CLARA: No!CLARA DALEK: Exterminate!CLARA: No!CLARA DALEK: Exterminate!CLARA: Please, you can't just leave me here. Please! (She follows Missy out of the room.) [Davros' room] DAVROS: There was a prophecy, Doctor, on your own world.DOCTOR: Please you must, you must stop this. You must stop this!DAVROS: It spoke of a hybrid creature. Two great warrior races forced together to create a warrior greater than either. Is that what you ran from, Doctor? Your part in the coming of the hybrid? Half Dalek, half Time Lord? [Corridor] (Missy encounters a motionless Dalek.) MISSY: Give me your gun! (She wrenches it from the Dalek and shoots the lock to Davros' room.) [Davros' room] DOCTOR: Stop! (The Doctor screams. Missy runs in and starts shooting with the Dalek gun. Finally she destroys the cables and kills Colony Sarff, who falls to the floor The Doctor collapses.) [Control room] (The Daleks reboot after their upgrade.) DALEK SUPREME: We are renewed. We are more powerful. The experiment has succeeded. All praise Davros.DALEKS: All praise Davros! All praise Davros! (etc., etc.) [Davros' room] (Missy slaps the Doctor awake.) MISSY: Morning.DOCTOR: Where's Clara?MISSY: Oh, hello to you, too.DOCTOR: You're alive, so she is too. Where is she?MISSY: I'm fine, thanks for asking.DAVROS: Oh, you are not fine. Thanks to you, Doctor, my creations shall grow to yet greater supremacy, and my own life is prolonged. This is the final defeat of the Time Lords. Have you nothing to say, Doctor?DOCTOR: Three. (The Doctor retrieves his confession dial and puts it in his pocket.) DAVROS: Do you understand what has happened? Hear my children sing.DOCTOR: Two.MISSY: Oh, I know that face.DAVROS: All praise Davros, creator and saviour of the Daleks.DOCTOR: One. (The city shakes.) DAVROS: What is that? What's happening? [Control room] DALEK SUPREME: We are under attack. Explain! Explain! [Davros' room] DOCTOR: I knew exactly what you were doing, and I let you do it. You transmitted regeneration energy into every Dalek on this planet. Every single one.DAVROS: What have you done?DOCTOR: One word. Er, no, two words, actually. First word, moron. (Missy sniggers.) DOCTOR: Second word, sewers. [Control room] (The floor cracks.) DALEK: Emergency! What is happening? Power is fluctuating! [Davros' room] DAVROS: No. This cannot be correct. How can this be?DOCTOR: Generations of Daleks just woke up very cross, and they are coming up the pipes. Or to put it another way, bye! (The Doctor leaves.) DAVROS: Doctor, you must help me.MISSY: Can I just say, it's been an absolute pleasure to finally meet you? (She gives a little curtsey and holds out her hand, then pokes Davros in his blue eye. It hurts. Then she runs out.) MISSY: Doctor! [Control room] (The city is falling apart. The Doctor touches the viscous yuk oozing from cracks in the walls and out of ventilation grills in a corridor. The chief Daleks have the stuff going in and coming out of them while the Dalek Supreme spins on its dais.) DALEK: My vision is impaired. I cannot see.DALEK SUPREME: (spinning) Alert. I cannot control. [Corridor] (The Doctor encounters an unaffected Dalek approaching from a side corridor.) CLARA DALEK: Doctor!DOCTOR: This city is about to be sucked into the ground. Your own sewer is about to consume you. There's no way you can win, there is nothing you can do, so just tell me, where is Clara Oswald?CLARA DALEK: I am a Dalek.DOCTOR: Yes, you're a Dalek. Where is Clara?CLARA DALEK: I am a Dalek.DOCTOR: Yes, I know that you're a Dalek. Where is Clara Oswald? (The Dalek stops in front of the Doctor.) CLARA [in the Dalek]: It's me, I'm right here! It's me, I'm in here! It's Clara!CLARA DALEK: I am a Dalek! I am a Dalek! (Missy runs up with the Dalek gun and points it at the Dalek.) MISSY: Doctor, stop! It's you, isn't it? I mean, no offence, you all look alike, but it is it is you?CLARA [in the Dalek]: Yes, it's me, it's me. I'm right here.CLARA DALEK: Affirmative.MISSY: Clara's dead, Doctor. This is the one that killed her.CLARA DALEK: Do not listen to her. I am a Dalek, I am a Dalek.MISSY: I got her out of the city, but this one caught us and shot her down. There was nothing I could do, I'm afraid.CLARA DALEK: I am a Dalek.MISSY: She ran. She screamed. I'm so glad you didn't have to see that.CLARA DALEK: I am a Dalek. I am a Dalek.MISSY: This one's a mad one, isn't it? I mean, it's almost like, like it's proud.CLARA DALEK: I am a Dalek. I am a Dalek. I am a Dalek! (Missy moves behind the Doctor and puts the gun in his hand.) MISSY: Kill it, Doctor. They're all going to die anyway. Indulge yourself. Go on, kill the Dalek.CLARA DALEK: Do not kill me! Do not kill me! (The Doctor points the gun at the Dalek.) DOCTOR: Is Clara dead?CLARA [in the Dalek]: No! Doctor, no! I'm not dead, I'm in here! Can you hear me?CLARA DALEK: I am a Dalek. I am alive.CLARA [in the Dalek]: I'm your friend. I'm your friend!CLARA DALEK: I am your enemy. Your enemy.CLARA [in the Dalek]: No, please, don't.CLARA DALEK: Mercy. Mercy.DOCTOR: You shouldn't be able to say that.CLARA DALEK: Mercy.DOCTOR: That word shouldn't exist in your vocabulary. How did Davros teach you to say that?CLARA DALEK: Mercy.DOCTOR: Why aren't you trying to kill me?CLARA DALEK: Mercy.CLARA [in the Dalek]: Because I would never kill you. You are the last person I would ever kill.CLARA DALEK: I show mercy.DOCTOR: I'm putting the gun down. Open your casing.CLARA [in the Dalek]: How?CLARA DALEK: How?DOCTOR: Just think the word "open". It'll work. (Clara sighs and obeys. The casing opens to reveal her.) MISSY: Oh, look at that. Now, there's a surprise.DOCTOR: Missy, run.CLARA: Oh, Doctor (The Doctor starts to disconnect Clara from the Dalek casing.) MISSY: In a way, this is why I gave her to you in the first place. To make you see. The friend inside the enemy, the enemy inside the friend.DOCTOR: I'm sorry, Clara. I'm so sorry!MISSY: Everyone's a bit of both. Everyone's a hybrid.DOCTOR: I said, run.MISSY: It wasn't me who ran, Doctor. That was always you. (Missy walks away.) [Control room] DALEK SUPREME: Emergency! Dalek control is compromised. (The Doctor and Clara run in. A bit of ceiling falls.) DOCTOR: Where was the TARDIS? It was over there somewhere, wasn't it? (He is still holding the Dalek gun.) DALEK SUPREME: What is happening? Explain! Explain!DOCTOR: Dalek Supreme, your sewers are revolting. (More rubble falls as he and Clara run to the indicated spot.) DALEK SUPREME: You will assist, or you will be exterminated.DOCTOR: Oh, well, go on, then. Exterminate away.CLARA: Doctor! (The Daleks fire, but the energy bolts bounce off something invisible around them.) DOCTOR: Oops, sorry. TARDIS force field is still here. We get in, you don't.DALEK SUPREME: The TARDIS has been destroyed.DOCTOR: Ah, don't be silly, of course it hasn't. It just redistributed itself for a moment. Hostile Action Dispersal System. I'll give it a quick blast from my sonic, and the real time envelope will reassemble right here.CLARA: Doctor, you don't have your screwdriver.DOCTOR: Oh, yeah, I'm over screwdrivers. They spoil the line of your jacket. These days, I'm all about wearable technology. (He puts on his sunglasses.) CLARA: No! No? Seriously? (The Doctor twitches the glasses and -) DALEK SUPREME: What is happening?DOCTOR: Oh, same old, same old. Just the Doctor and Clara Oswald in the TARDIS. (The TARDIS reforms around the Doctor and Clara, then dematerialises.) [Corridor] (Missy runs into a bunch of Daleks.) DALEKS: Humanoid detected. Humanoid detected. Remain still. Do not move. Do not move. You are a Time Lord. (The building shakes. She staggers.) MISSY: You know what? I've just had a very clever idea. [Planet surface] (The Doctor and Clara watch the city disintegrate from a high ridge.) CLARA: No chance you're going to tell me what's in that confession dial, I suppose? (He puts it in his trouser pocket.) CLARA: Hmm.DOCTOR: It doesn't make sense.CLARA: What doesn't?DOCTOR: When you were in the Dalek, you made it say mercy.. It shouldn't have understood the concept, it shouldn't have been able to say it. How did a tiny piece of mercy get into the DNA of the Daleks? (Long pause as the obvious reason finally dawns on him, then he runs to the TARDIS clutching the Dalek gun.) CLARA: Doctor? [Battlefield] YOUNG DAVROS: Help me! You can't leave me, you promised. You said I had a chance. (The TARDIS materialises behind him.) YOUNG DAVROS: Who are you? I don't get it. How did you get there?DOCTOR: From the future.YOUNG DAVROS: Are you going to save me?DOCTOR: I'm going to save my friend the only way I can. Exterminate! (He blasts all the hand mines to oblivion.) DOCTOR: Come on, I'll take you home.YOUNG DAVROS: Which side are you on? Are you the enemy?DOCTOR: I'm not sure that any of that matters, friends, enemies. So long as there's mercy. Always mercy. (The Doctor holds out his hand. The boy Davros takes it and they walk away together.) Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.