Stories Television Doctor Who Season 5 Classic Who S5 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Web of Fear 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Episode One (From the Lost in Time DVD) [TARDIS] (The Doctor's evil double, Salamander, has been sucked out of the TARDIS while it is in flight. The Doctor and Victoria are hanging on to the console base.) DOCTOR: Jamie! Jamie! The doors! We've got to close the doors! Can you do it? (Jamie is hanging onto a wall roundel on the opposite wall to the doors.) JAMIE: I'll try, Doctor, but I'll have to get to a better position.DOCTOR: That's it, Victoria. Hold on. Whatever you do, hold on!VICTORIA: I'm slipping!DOCTOR: No, no, you're not. I've got hold of you. Don't look out there. Concentrate on holding on.VICTORIA: I can't!DOCTOR: Yes, you can. That's the style.JAMIE: Right, Doctor, I'm going to try and fall to the control panel.DOCTOR: All right, but watch the TARDIS doesn't lurch again. (Jamie falls backwards onto the console.) JAMIE: Made it.DOCTOR: Well done.JAMIE: So far, so good.DOCTOR: You know the switch?JAMIE: Aye. Found it. I'm nearly there. (Jamie reaches for the lever, then falls. He grabs on to the Doctor's coat before he slides down towards the doors.) DOCTOR: It's all right, they're closing! (The TARDIS doors shut tight.) DOCTOR: Oh, well done, Jamie. You did it! That was a near thing, wasn't it? Are you all right, Victoria?VICTORIA: Oh, what happened? Are we safe now?DOCTOR: Oh yes, I think so. Salamander started the TARDIS without first closing the door. He was sucked out.JAMIE: Aye, and I nearly joined him.DOCTOR: I'm very glad you didn't. He's not in a very enviable position, you know, at the moment, floating around in time and space. Now then, where shall we go?JAMIE: Oh, let's just get our breath back first before you start tearing off anywhere. Anyway, as you know the TARDIS has a mind of its own. You know you can't control it.DOCTOR: Can't control it?JAMIE: No.DOCTOR: We'll see about that. We'll see about that.VICTORIA: Here we go again.JAMIE: I wonder where it'll be this time.DOCTOR: Yes, I wonder. [Museum] (It's an Abominable Snowman, and it is being looked at by a grey-bearded Travers. A door opens.) ANNE [OC]: Mister Silverstein?SILVERSTEIN [OC]: Yes. Who are you?ANNE [OC]: Anne Travers. Is my father here?SILVERSTEIN [OC]: Yes, he's here Come and see him, and take him away. He's a fool, an old fool. (Other exhibits in the room include a baby giraffe.) ANNE: Father? Father.TRAVERS: Anne, what are you doing here?ANNE: Looking for you.TRAVERS: Oh?ANNE: You were supposed to be meeting me.TRAVERS: Was I?ANNE: At the airport. Father, what is the matter? You send me a cable saying you're in grave trouble, and I have flown half the way around the worldTRAVERS: Trouble. Yes, a great deal of trouble. And it's that thing!ANNE: The Yeti?TRAVERS: You're a stupid old fool, Julius Silverstein.SILVERSTEIN: Oh, me the fool? You would like me to be the fool and give you back my Yeti, huh?TRAVERS: Well, you must, man. Don't you understand? It's dangerous.SILVERSTEIN: Huh! For thirty years it stands here in my museum, and now he tells me it is dangerous.TRAVERS: I wish I'd never brought it back from Tibet.ANNE: Father, what has happened?TRAVERS: Well, he won't listen to me. This silly old goat won't listen to me. I've told him, warned him. Damn it, he knows it's a robot.ANNE: But Father, the Yeti isn't dangerous. It can't work unless it has a control unit.TRAVERS: But I've done it, Anne! I have reactivated a control unit.ANNE: Oh, but Father, this is wonderful news.TRAVERS: Is it? Yes, yes, I suppose it would be, except for one thing.ANNE: What?TRAVERS: The sphere. It's gone. It's disappeared! Look, you must let me have the Yeti back, Julius. Oh, make him understand, Anne.SILVERSTEIN: Oh, I understand. I buy the Yeti off you thirty years ago, and now it is valuable. You try to scare me, take your Yeti back. Why? Money! You want to rob me.TRAVERS: All right then, I'll buy the thing back if that's what you want!SILVERSTEIN: No, no, no. It's priceless. The only one in the world, and it is mine.TRAVERS: You fool.SILVERSTEIN: Thief!TRAVERS: I'm not a thief.SILVERSTEIN: Swindler!TRAVERS: Stubborn old goat!ANNE: Father!SILVERSTEIN: Take him away. Out of my house.ANNE: Father, look, perhaps you've made a mistake. You've put the sphere away somewhere in your laboratory and forgotten it. You've done it before, you know.TRAVERS: No, I've looked everywhere.ANNE: Well, let's go home and look again, shall we? You know what you're like.TRAVERS: Yes, but supposeANNE: Let's go and have a quiet dinner and you can tell me all about it. Then we'll go home and we'll look for the sphere.TRAVERS: All right. But I warned you, Julius, I warned you.SILVERSTEIN: Get out! Take him away! Nobody destroys Julius Silverstein's collection. Nobody!ANNE: Come on, Father.SILVERSTEIN: Nobody. The Yeti's mine. You can't scare me with your mad stories. Out, out, out! (They leave the room. A silver sphere hovers in a window, beeping to itself. It drops out of sight as Silverstein returns to blow out the candles that illuminate his private collection. Then suddenly the sphere smashes through the windowpane. Silverstein goes to investigate.) SILVERSTEIN: Travers? Travers, is that you? I am not frightened by your stupid tricks. Travers? I know it's you, I'm not a fool! (Silverstein comes round the corner and hears the beeping. The Yeti's eyes light up and it attacks him.) [TARDIS] JAMIE: I tell you it did. It was flashing. (The Doctor is eating a sandwich.) DOCTOR: Now, Jamie, if that light had come on, we'd have landed, wouldn't we?JAMIE: Look, I'm not arguing about that.DOCTOR: But we're still travelling, aren't we? So how could it have done?JAMIE: Look, I don't know. All I know is that thing came on. Now I've not taken to seeing things. At least I don't think I have. (Victoria enters in a new Pocahontas style mini-dress, with her hair in plaits.) VICTORIA: Hey, do you like it?DOCTOR: What?VICTORIA: I found it in the chest. I think it looks very sophisticated, don't you?DOCTOR: Oh, yes, very sophisticated, Victoria. Go on, Jamie. Don't you?JAMIE: Aye. Now look, I'm not daft you know, Doctor.VICTORIA: Doctor?DOCTOR: What?VICTORIA: Why is that light flashing?JAMIE: Aha!DOCTOR: I see. Are you two playing some sort of game?JAMIE: There you are. Told you so.DOCTOR: Well, then we are landing, aren't we? (The TARDIS dematerialises.) VICTORIA: Let's hope it's somewhere pleasant.JAMIE: Hey, it might even be Scotland.DOCTOR: Now shush. The scanner, that will tell us.VICTORIA: Where are we?JAMIE: Nothing but stars. What does it mean?DOCTOR: I don't know. Something strange has happened. We're suspended in space (Not just suspended, but being rapidly covered in cobwebs.) DOCTOR: Gravity?JAMIE: On.DOCTOR: Power?VICTORIA: On.DOCTOR: Control?JAMIE: Er, on.DOCTOR: Flight.VICTORIA: That's on too.DOCTOR: There you are, you see? I was right. It is all working.JAMIE: You mean we've landed and yet we haven't landed?VICTORIA: Doctor.DOCTOR: Just a minute, Victoria. If the time lock has slippedVICTORIA: Doctor, look at the scanner! (The view is being covered by cobwebs.) JAMIE: What is that stuff, Doctor?DOCTOR: I don't know. But something or someone is holding us here. [Goodge Street Ops room] (An army corporal is talking into a telephone.) LANE: Hello? Hello? Hello? (Another soldier, in fatigues, enters.) BLAKE: Know where the Captain is?LANE: Yeah, he's upstairs, being chatted up by that TV bloke. [Goodge Street Common room] (There's a darts board on the wall. The interview is being put onto audio tape by a smarmy man in a bow-tie.) CHORLEY: And finally, Captain Knight, could you tell us your own feelings about Colonel Pemberton?KNIGHT: Well, he was certainly a brave soldier. There's no doubt about that. He gave his life for his country, and I was proud to serve under him. Is that all right?CHORLEY: Oh, super. Sterling stuff! You talk in pure quotes, old boy.KNIGHT: Not just quotes, Mister Chorley. I meant what I said. (The Corporal enters and salutes.) BLAKE: Professor Travers is here, sir.TRAVERS: What the devil's going on? Why have I been brought here like this? Who are you?KNIGHT: KnightTRAVERS: Never heard of you. Who?KNIGHT: Captain Knight. OK, Corporal. (The Corporal leaves.) KNIGHT: Look, it's no good shouting at me, Professor. I didn't ask for you.TRAVERS: Who did, then?KNIGHT: Your daughter.TRAVERS: Anne? Just like her mother. Always interfering in things she knows nothing about.KNIGHT: I understood that you'd sent for her to come back from America and help you.TRAVERS: What do you want me for, anyway?KNIGHT: I don't. I consider this to be a military matter. Others disagree.TRAVERS: Well, you haven't had much success so far, have you? (Knight leaves.) TRAVERS: Army. What the devil do they know about it? Who are you?CHORLEY: Harold Chorley, London Television.TRAVERS: Who? What?CHORLEY: Harold Chorley, London Television.TRAVERS: Television? Never watch it. You an actor or something?CHORLEY: Journalist, actually. The government, in its infinite wisdom, decided only to allow one correspondent down here. The press chose me.TRAVERS: Oh yes?CHORLEY: Tell me, Professor, will you be in charge of the scientific section, or will your daughter?TRAVERS: Mind your own business!CHORLEY: And how long do you think it's going to take you to come up with the answer? One week? Three, perhaps?TRAVERS: Well how the hell should I know? Is that thing working?CHORLEY: Of course.TRAVERS: It's more than likely we won't be able to defeat this menace. London, in fact the whole of England, might be completely wiped out. There, did you get that? [TARDIS] (The Doctor is sitting on the floor working on a control box. Victoria is sitting next to him. Jamie hands over a component.) JAMIE: That's the only one I could find.DOCTOR: Oh. Oh yes, that'll do, Jamie, I think. Just get that in there and that'll be excellent. There we are, that should work. (The Doctor hands the box up to Jamie.) JAMIE: What does it do?DOCTOR: Oh, nothing.JAMIE: Oh, no.DOCTOR: Well, nothing yet, but it will do once we start moving again. (Jamie drops the box and the Doctor catches it.) VICTORIA: Do you think we ever will? We've been here so long.DOCTOR: Yes, of course we will, Victoria. You see, whatever's holding us must let go sometime.JAMIE: Doctor, the scanner. It's clearing! (The cobwebs disappear.) VICTORIA: The scanner's cleared!DOCTOR: Right. Now Jamie, give me a hand while there's still time. Plug this in.JAMIE: Yes.DOCTOR: Plug it in there. Yes, that's right. Now listen, both of you. As soon as we land, whatever you do, don't let go. Hold on. (The box is attached to the console.) VICTORIA: What's going to happen? We're landingDOCTOR: There. Now, hold tight (There is a piercing noise.) DOCTOR: Oh, it's not so bad as I thought. (There's a big jolt, and everyone falls down.) DOCTOR: Is everyone all right?JAMIE: Aye. What did you do?DOCTOR: Well, I've managed to move us on a bit. Not very far, perhaps half a mile from where we were expected to land. For the moment, we have eluded our captor. Look at the scanner, both of you. (It is a rounded tunnel lined with dressed stone and lit in places.) VICTORIA: Well, where are we?DOCTOR: I really don't know, Victoria. Shall we go out and have a look?VICTORIA: Now, is it safe?DOCTOR: Oh, I shouldn't think so for a moment. Jamie, I think we're going to need torches. [Covent Garden Underground station] (The Doctor, Victoria and Jamie come out of the TARDIS, which is parked by metal security gates. The walls are tiled. There is a large metal boxed conduit above.) DOCTOR: Some sort of grille.JAMIE: Don't say you've landed us in a prison.DOCTOR: It could be the dungeons of a castle.VICTORIA: It's so dark.DOCTOR: Ah, steps. Come along, be careful. (They go down a staircase.) DOCTOR: Yes, it seems to be a large room. Tiled walls, curved ceiling. Come on. [Covent Garden Underground platform] JAMIE: The floor seems to end here. Hey, there's a sort of trench. Look.VICTORIA: Hey, Doctor. Come and look at this.DOCTOR: What have you found, Victoria?VICTORIA: See for yourself. (The Doctor shines his torch on the wall.) DOCTOR: Covent Garden. Oh yes, of course. It's an underground station. We're standing on the platform.VICTORIA: Underground station?DOCTOR: Trains. Underground trains. A little after your time, I think, Victoria.VICTORIA: Is it always as dark as this?DOCTOR: No, no, no. It's probably the middle of the night. Come along, let's go up top. There'll be lots of light up there. Funny, isn't it?JAMIE: What?DOCTOR: How we keep landing on your Earth! [Covent Garden Ticket hall] (The street exit has a metal gate across it.) VICTORIA: Oh, the Doctor was wrong.JAMIE: Aye, it's not the middle of the night, it's broad daylight.DOCTOR: Just a minute. Just let me get my breath. Those stairs.JAMIE: It looks like we're locked in, though.DOCTOR: Well, that's strange.VICTORIA: Doctor.DOCTOR: Yes?VICTORIA: Listen.JAMIE: I can't here anything.DOCTOR: Oh, it is quiet. I see what you mean. The middle of London, there should be some noise.JAMIE: Hey, Doctor, there's an old man over there. Let's ask him.DOCTOR: Yes, go on.JAMIE: Excuse me. Excuse me. (Jamie reaches through the gate to touch the man leaning against it. The cobweb covered figure slides sideways to the ground, revealing a newspaper banner proclaiming 'Londoners flee! Menace spreads'.) [Covent Garden Underground platform] DOCTOR: It's all right, it's all right.VICTORIA: Oh but Doctor, did you see his face? It was sort of covered with cobwebs.JAMIE: Like that stuff we saw on the scanner.DOCTOR: Yes, yes. Now, come along.VICTORIA: Oh, no, no, don't let's go into the tunnel, please.DOCTOR: But we've got to get above ground, Victoria. Now let's try the next station. Come along.JAMIE: Aye, come on. (Jamie jumps down into the 'trench'.) DOCTOR: Jamie, no! Don't move! Don't touch the rails.JAMIE: What's the matter?DOCTOR: Whatever you do, stand still! Stand still. Don't move. Keep quite still, Jamie. (The Doctor holds a small meter over the rails.) DOCTOR: Oh, it's all right. You can relax. The electricity is off.JAMIE: What was all that about?DOCTOR: If there had been a current running through these rails, you'd have been fried!JAMIE: Hey?DOCTOR: Electrified. Brunched! Burnt up! Now, come along. It's safe now, I think, but we'd better be careful. Follow me [Tunnel] (The Doctor bends down to touch the rails.) VICTORIA: What are you doing, Doctor?DOCTOR: Just confirming something. Yes, just as I thought. There haven't been any trains here for some time.JAMIE: Hey, what's that over there?DOCTOR: It's a power cable. I wonder what it's doing down here? (A row of overhead lights comes on.) DOCTOR: In there, quick. (They hide in a maintenance men's alcove. Three soldiers approach. The sergeant is carrying a rifle at the ready and the other two a drum of cable which is unwinding as they walk past the alcove and on towards Covent Garden.) DOCTOR: Soldiers? I wonder what they're doing down here?JAMIE: Let's go and ask them.DOCTOR: No. I think we'd better tread carefully. Let's go and find out what's going on first. (They follow the soldiers a short way.) VICTORIA: What do you want us to do, Doctor?DOCTOR: You follow the soldiers, but keep out of sight. I'm going to see where this cable goes to. Meet back here in a few minutes, all right?JAMIE: Right. (The Doctor heads back up the tunnel. Further along, the soldiers stop.) BLAKE: (a corporal) What's the matter?WEAMS: Thought I heard something.ARNOLD: (the sergeant) Getting a bit jumpy, aren't you, Weams?WEAMS: It's no wonder, is it, Staff?BLAKE: Shall we connect up the new drum now, Staff?ARNOLD: Yeah. All right, Corporal.BLAKE: Good thing we fixed these lights.WEAMS: You can say that again. (A little way back.) JAMIE: I can't hear anything.VICTORIA: Are they still there?JAMIE: I think they must be moving. Come on. (Victoria walks into a cobweb and squeals.) WEAMS: I told you I heard something, didn't I, Staff?ARNOLD: Yeah. Come on.VICTORIA: I'm sorry!JAMIE: It's only a cobweb.VICTORIA: Oh, do you think they heard?JAMIE: Hope not. Come on. (But they are ambushed at the next maintenance alcove.) ARNOLD: Well, well, well, would you believe it? The babes in the wood. [Charing Cross Underground platform] (The Doctor has followed the cable to another platform and into a pile of crates, labelled Explosives. There is a beeping sound which he recognises, and he hides by the rails under the platform as a Yeti enters.) [Goodge Street Ops room] LANE: It's no good. I can't raise them, sir.KNIGHT: The truck was due there twenty minutes ago.LANE: I wouldn't worry, sir. We've never had any trouble at Holborn before. They're probably on their way back by now.KNIGHT: Yes, perhaps you're right, Corporal Lane. Keep trying Holborn.LANE: Sir. (Anne Travers enters.) KNIGHT: Oh, hello.ANNE: This blast recorder's working now, Captain.KNIGHT: Fine. Let me give you a hand.ANNE: It's quite all right, I can manage.KNIGHT: No, no, I insist. Come on. (Chorley enters.) CHORLEY: Now look here, Knight. I really must protest.KNIGHT: What's the matter now, Mister Chorley?CHORLEY: Professor Travers! He's being obstructive and secretive. Now I was led to believe that when I came here, I was going to be given full facilities. Look, perhaps you can help, Miss Travers?ANNE: I really am very busy, Mister Chorley.CHORLEY: But so am I.KNIGHT: There's not time for talking, Chorley. Travers is busy. Now don't worry, I'll see that you're not left in the dark. (Anne smiles as Knight bustles Chorley out of the room.) (Meanwhile at Charing Cross, two Yetis are on the platform. They use a cobweb gun to smother the crates of explosives.) [Goodge Street Fortress] ARNOLD: All right, you two, stand over there. Keep an eye on them, Blake, will you? (Another soldier enters.) ARNOLD: Hey, you there. Give the craftsman a hand.SOLDIER: Oh, but Staff, I'm on this other job.ARNOLD: Don't argue, lad. Just get on with it. I want that in the Operations Room upstairs. (Weams and the soldier carry the cable drum up the staircase.) [Goodge Street Ops room] (Anne and Lane are working on pieces of equipment.) KNIGHT: How's it going?ANNE: Just fine.KNIGHT: What's a girl like you doing in a job like this?ANNE: Well, when I was a little girl I thought I'd like to be a scientist, so I became a scientist.KNIGHT: Just like that?ANNE: Just like that. (Arnold enters.) KNIGHT: Been a long time, Staff. Everything all right?ARNOLD: Yes, all right, sir. Weams is just struggling up with the cable now. Come on, you two, chop chop.WEAMS: In here, mate. Come on.KNIGHT: Any trouble at Charing Cross?ARNOLD: No trouble, sir. All right, lads, you can buzz off now. By the way, I brought you back a little present, sir.KNIGHT: Oh?ARNOLD: Found a couple of youngsters loose in the tunnel.KNIGHT: What the devil were they doing down there?ARNOLD: I don't know, sir. I thought perhaps you'd better chat them up, so I brought them back here.KNIGHT: Put them in the Common Room, Staff. I can't talk to them now. I don't want to waste any more time on this demolition job.ARNOLD: Sir.ANNE: Staff Sergeant.ARNOLD: Yes, miss.ANNE: You're sure there are only two of them down there?ARNOLD: Yes, miss. Why?ANNE: Well, I don't like the idea of the tunnel being blown up if there's anybody else down there.ARNOLD: I see what you mean, miss.KNIGHT: Make sure there's no one else down there. Have a word with them, Staff. I want that tunnel blown as soon as possible. [Goodge Street Fortress] JAMIE: How much longer are we going to be kept here?BLAKE: What's the matter then. Don't you like it here?VICTORIA: No, I don't. Where are we, anyway? (Arnold enters.) ARNOLD: All right, Blake. I'll take over now.BLAKE: Right-ho, Staff.ARNOLD: You two, in here. [Goodge Street Common room] JAMIE: Do you mind telling us where we are?ARNOLD: Oh, this place has been here a long time. It were a transit camp in the Second World War.JAMIE: What do you do down here?ARNOLD: Now, now, everybody knows what's happening. And you know very well you shouldn't have come down here. By the way, you were on your own, weren't you?VICTORIA: WellJAMIE: Yes. (At Charing Cross, the Yeti leave and the Doctor comes out of hiding.) ARNOLD: You're quite sure there was nobody with you?JAMIE: Look, how many more times?ARNOLD: Well, that's all right then. (Knight enters.) KNIGHT: Clear to fire, Staff?ARNOLD: Yes, sir. They were on their own apparently.KNIGHT: Right. (Knight leaves.) JAMIE: What was all that about?ARNOLD: I suppose there's no harm in telling you. You know, you two are very lucky. We're going to blow up the tunnel.JAMIE: What?ARNOLD: That's what we were laying the cable for.VICTORIA: The Doctor! [Goodge Street Ops room] (Knight enters.) KNIGHT: It's all right, they were on their own. Okay, Weams, no sense in wasting any more time. Off you go.WEAMS: Right, sir. (Weams flips a couple of switches and presses a button. In Charing Cross, the web-covered crates flare bright white and go boom as the Doctor is thrown away from them.) Episode Two [Goodge Street Common room] (Jamie and Victoria have been locked in.) JAMIE: Come on, let us out! Let us out!VICTORIA: It's no good, Jamie. They can't hear. What have we done?JAMIE: Not we, Victoria. Me. I'm the one that's to blame. I should have told them about the Doctor. [Goodge Street Ops room] KNIGHT: A doctor? Well, if he was anywhere near those explosives when they went up.ARNOLD: Yes, sir. Don't you think I should go and have a look, sir? The youngsters said he was following the cable.KNIGHT: Yes, you'd better.ARNOLD: Sir.KNIGHT: Oh, and Staff, take someone with you.ARNOLD: Sir. (Arnold leaves.) WEAMS: Sir?KNIGHT: Yes, Weams?WEAMS: This blast recorder ain't working, sir.KNIGHT: Rubbish. Miss Travers checked it.WEAMS: Well, it ain't registered, sir.ANNE: He's right.KNIGHT: But it fired. Look at the circuits. You can't have an explosion without a blast, can you?WEAMS: No, sir.ANNE: Well, come to think of it, we didn't hear anything either. We should have heard something, even at this distance.KNIGHT: Yes.WEAMS: Sir, this Doctor bloke who's in the tunnel. He could have tampered with the charges, you know.KNIGHT: Sabotage. I think it's time we had a chat with those two youngsters. [Goodge Street Common room] VICTORIA: You mustn't blame yourself, Jamie. After all, the Doctor did tell us to be careful. Now we still don't know who these people are.JAMIE: No, we don't know anything, except the Doctor might have been blown to kingdom come. (Knight enters.) VICTORIA: The Doctor, is he?KNIGHT: Sit down, both of you. (Anne and Chorley enter.) VICTORIA: Is it bad news, then?ANNE: Oh, no. Well, at least, we hope not.KNIGHT: We don't know for the moment. I've sent a couple of men along the tunnel to investigate. But that's not why I came in here. You three are up to something, and I mean to find out what.JAMIE: We're up to something? Now just a moment. Suppose you tell us first just what's going on down here.CHORLEY: How did you get into the tunnel? Or let me put it another way. Where did you break in?VICTORIA: We didn't break in.CHORLEY: But you must have done. All the stations are sealed, aren't they?VICTORIA: We just arrived. We were brought here.WEAMS: Sir, Lane's got Holborn on the line. Sounds like trouble.KNIGHT: Yeti?WEAMS: Could be, sir. Something's up.KNIGHT: Okay, Weams. (Knight leaves with Weams and Chorley.) JAMIE: Yeti? Did he say Yeti? [Goodge Street Ops room] LANE: Hello? Hello, Holborn? This is HQ to Holborn. Can you hear me? Not a sausage.O'BRIEN: There must be someone manning the phone. (Knight, Weams and Chorley enter.) KNIGHT: Okay, Lane, what gives?LANE: Well, it's just firing at the other end, sir.KNIGHT: Firing?LANE: Yes, sir. Listen. (Sounds of weapons fire, a voice then a scream and silence.) CHORLEY: Great stuff.LANE: Hello, HQ to Holborn?KNIGHT: What happened, Lane?LANE: Well, it was difficult to hear, sir. I think the truck was late getting thereKNIGHT: Then what?WEAMS: Well, they must have got the ammo unloaded, sir, because he says they were jumped when they were moving.KNIGHT: Take O'Brien and a couple of the others.LANE: Sir. Come on, mate. (Lane and O'Brien leave.) CHORLEY: Here, you're not going out there?KNIGHT: Yes, Mister Chorley. Want to come? Report some action first hand?CHORLEY: Well, I don't think I'd better get in the way. I, er, I think I'd better stay here, don't you?KNIGHT: Yes. Yes, I think you better had. [Charing Cross Underground platform] (The crates have been destroyed inside their cobweb cocoon.) BLAKE: There hasn't been an explosion, Staff.ARNOLD: I can see that, lad. Here.BLAKE: No sign of that Doctor bloke.ARNOLD: No. Here, what do you make of this?BLAKE: It's our detonator, all right. It's fired, too. Here, hang on a minute. All the ammo, Staff. If it's fired, then why didn'tARNOLD: Yeah, why isn't this tunnel blocked? No damage at all. Yet something blew up here.BLAKE: It's obvious, innit? It's been got at.ARNOLD: Where's that Doctor? That's what I'd like to know. [Goodge Street Laboratory] (Professor Travers is at his work bench, examining internal circuitry of a Yeti control sphere.) ANNE: Father?TRAVERS: Hmm?ANNE: The soldiers have found two youngsters in the tunnels. They seem to know a great deal about the Yeti.TRAVERS: Oh?ANNE: They know they're robots.TRAVERS: What?ANNE: They know about the control spheres, too.TRAVERS: But they can't have. I mean, the public were never told.ANNE: I know.TRAVERS: Where are they? [Goodge Street Common room] JAMIE: Don't you see it makes sense, Victoria. If the Yeti are in London, then the Intelligence is here too.VICTORIA: What, you mean controlling them?JAMIE: Aye, and not only them. Look, it must have been the Intelligence that got hold of us in space, and it must have brought us here.VICTORIA: Oh, but why?JAMIE: I wish I knew. Revenge, perhaps. (Travers and Anne enter.) TRAVERS: Well now, you've got some explaining to do, haven't you?JAMIE: We have? Now look here.TRAVERS: Now, now, just what do you know about the Yeti?JAMIE: Quite a lot, but before we go into allTRAVERS: And the spheres? Where'd you find out about them?JAMIE: That's none of your business. I'd just like toTRAVERS: Who are you?JAMIE: I'd like to ask you the same question.VICTORIA: Wait a minute, Jamie! I'm Victoria Waterfield. And that's Jamie McCrimmon!ANNE: Father?TRAVERS: But it can't be. Why, that's over forty years ago.JAMIE: What's going on here?VICTORIA: Oh Jamie, don't you recognise him? It's Professor Travers.JAMIE: So it is! Professor Travers! Here, hasn't he got old? Oh, but we're very pleased to see you, Professor. Very pleased.TRAVERS: The time machine. It was all true then?JAMIE: The TARDIS you mean? Aye, of course it's true. Hey, do you know what's happened to the Doctor?VICTORIA: Oh, is he safe?TRAVERS: Isn't he with you?ANNE: No, he's in the tunnels. Arnold's gone to look for him. Father, what is going on?TRAVERS: Oh dear, I do hope he's all right. Come on, Jamie. Let's go and find out if he's got back yet.ANNE: Father!TRAVERS: Eh? Victoria, try and explain to Anne, will you? It's all right, Victoria. You were born. I mean. She was born years before I was! (Travers and Jamie leave.) ANNE: A time machine.VICTORIA: Oh, dear. [Goodge Street Ops room] ARNOLD: And the Captain's been gone about twenty minutes, you say?WEAMS: Yes, Staff.CHORLEY: Must have been quite a battle. I should think we've lost those chaps bringing back the ammo.ARNOLD: Well it's to be hoped you're wrong, Mister Chorley. All right, Blake, you can stand down now. You too, Weams.WEAMS: Right-ho, Staff. (Jamie and Travers enter.) JAMIE: Ah, Sergeant. The Doctor, is he all right?ARNOLD: He weren't killed in the explosion, if that's what you mean.TRAVERS: Oh, thank heavens.ARNOLD: For the simple reason that there weren't no explosion.TRAVERS: What?ARNOLD: Somebody had tampered with it, and it's my guess it was this Doctor feller.TRAVERS: What rot, Arnold. The Doctor's a friend of mine. He's the one man that can help us.ARNOLD: Oh is he now? Well, he weren't nowhere to be seen. He'd disappeared.JAMIE: Do you think the Yeti got him?ARNOLD: No.JAMIE: What makes you so sure?ARNOLD: Dunno. Just a hunch. Hey, wait a minute, where d'you think you're going?JAMIE: He may be lying injured.ARNOLD: No, we'd have found him. Unless you know where he is?JAMIE: I might.ARNOLD: Take me to him, could you?JAMIE: Aye.ARNOLD: Right, well come on, lad. [Goodge Street Common room] ANNE: It flies? Through time and space?VICTORIA: Not exactly flies. Well, it's difficult to explain.ANNE: Not half as difficult as it is to believe.VICTORIA: Your father believes it.ANNE: Yes. Yes, he seems to. And you met him, when was it you said? In 1935? In Tibet?VICTORIA: Yes.ANNE: You couldn't possibly have. You're no older than. But you seem to know about the Tibet business. Why didn't my father tell anyone about this Doctor friend of yours and his TARDIS?VICTORIA: You're his daughter, and even you find it difficult to believe. So how would other people react? (Chorley enters.) CHORLEY: Ah, sorry to barge in. Left my typewriter in here, and I want to knock up a quick piece about this mysterious Doctor chap. Hey, a bit of a turn-up for the book, wasn't it? Any theories?ANNE: On what?CHORLEY: On what the Doctor and these two kids were doing in the tunnel.ANNE: Mushrooming?CHORLEY: No, seriously.ANNE: Ask a silly question.CHORLEY: Hasn't she told you anything?ANNE: Nothing that you could print, Mister Chorley.CHORLEY: Oh, for goodness sake, why is everybody being so evasive? Why won't anybody answer any questions?ANNE: Perhaps they're afraid you'll interpret them in your own inimitable style.CHORLEY: And what does that mean, pray?ANNE: It means you have a reputation for distorting the truth. You take reality and you make it into a comic strip. In short, Mister Chorley, you are a sensationaliser.CHORLEY: You smug little redbrick universityANNE: Don't say it, Mister Chorley. I have a very quick temper and very long claws.CHORLEY: There's no sense in us losing our temper, Miss Travers. I'm sorry that my journalistic style doesn't appeal to you, but there are millions of people it does.ANNE: Yes, the gutter press has a very large following.CHORLEY: Yes, it does. It does indeed. And you'd do very well to remember that, because I intend to print all the facts when we get out of here.ANNE: If we get out of here. The Yeti, remember?CHORLEY: I'm not forgetting. In fact, I think our little friend here could tell us a few things about them. It was quite a coincidence, wasn't it, you three pitching up when you did.VICTORIA: What do you mean?CHORLEY: Ah, don't give us the innocent bit, love. You know very well that the Doctor sabotaged that explosion.ANNE: Mister Chorley, what are you talking about?CHORLEY: Arnold's just come back and confirmed there was no explosion in the tunnel, and the only person who was in there, as far as we know, was your Doctor friend.VICTORIA: If the Doctor did stop it, he had a very good reason.CHORLEY: Yes, well we'll find out soon enough, because Arnold's just taken the lad back in to hunt him out.VICTORIA: Jamie's gone into the tunnel? [Tunnel] (Captain Knight and a party of soldiers have salvaged some supplies from Holborn. On their way back they are attacked by Yeti. Lane leads a rearguard action as Knight supervises construction of a barricade of ammunition crates across the tunnel.) KNIGHT: Right, Thompson, that's the best we can do. Now go and tell the Corporal to get the men back here as fast as he can. (Gunshots.) KNIGHT: No. No, you're too late. Stay where you are. Lane! Lane! Fall back! You'll never hold them! (Further along the tunnel, Lane and two soldiers are firing at two Yeti. The bullets have no effect.) LANE: Will nothing stop them? (One soldier falls, and the Yeti kill him.) LANE: Come on, back! (Lane and O'Brien retreat, firing.) LANE: Right, come on! (O'Brien's rifle jams, so he uses it as a club. The Yeti knock him down and use their web guns on him. Lane fires and runs back to the barricade.) LANE: We couldn't hold them, sir. They're coming, two of them! They got O'Brien and Cocksey. Nothing stops them. (There's a voice behind them.) LANE: It's Staff Arnold.KNIGHT: Yeah, come on. (Knight and Lane go back to Arnold and Jamie.) ARNOLD: Captain?KNIGHT: Yeti.LANE: They got two of us.KNIGHT: And the ammo detail. They're all gone.ARNOLD: What's the plan then?KNIGHT: I brought a load of explosives down from Holborn. I'm going to blow it and them with it.ARNOLD: Taking a bit of a risk, aren't you, sir?KNIGHT: Yeah, I know.JAMIE: Hey, look. What's happening? (The Yeti are using their web guns on the barricade.) LANE: What are they doing?JAMIE: Looks like the cobwebs.KNIGHT: Cobwebs or not, I'm going to blow it sky high. Get back! (Knight aims his rifle at the barricade and fires. There is the sound of an explosion and a blinding light.) LANE: What's that noise?JAMIE: The boxes are pulsating! (The cobweb has absorbed the blast. The Yeti are untouched.) KNIGHT: Get back! (But there are two more Yeti approaching from their rear.) [Goodge Street Laboratory] TRAVERS: Chorley's an idiot, telling Victoria the boy's gone. Those two are all that child's got in the world.ANNE: I asked her to make some tea. Thought it would take her mind off things.TRAVERS: Oh, good idea. Oh, switch the soldering iron on, would you?ANNE: Father? Have you ever seen this TARDIS?TRAVERS: No, no, I can't say I have. (Victoria is outside the door, and overhears them.) ANNE: It all sounds a bit far-fetched to me. You know, I think the Doctor's at the back of all this.TRAVERS: What do you mean?ANNE: Doesn't it strike you as odd that on the two occasions you've encountered the Yeti, you've also come across the Doctor?TRAVERS: Well?ANNE: Well, it's obvious. He controls them!TRAVERS: Oh, but surely. What? Oh, tea. Thank you, my dear. (Victoria has entered.) TRAVERS: Oh, aren't you having any?VICTORIA: No. I think I'll go and lie down for a bit.TRAVERS: Yes, good idea. (Victoria leaves.) ANNE: Do you think she heard?TRAVERS: No. In any case, what you say is nonsense, Anne. I saw the Doctor defeat those robots and save Detsen Monastery. He wouldn't do that if he was in league with them, now would he?ANNE: No, no, I suppose not. In a situation like this one imagines all sorts of things. [Tunnel] THOMPSON: This waiting's getting on my nerves. Why the heck don't they do something?ARNOLD: Steady, lad. We'll know soon enough.THOMPSON: We can't just stand here. Can't we make a run for it?JAMIE: We wouldn't stand a chance, not with them switched on.KNIGHT: How do you know that?ARNOLD: It's all right, sir. The Professor's vouched for him. Understand he knows a great deal about these robots.JAMIE: See, you have to find out. (beeping sound) What's that? (The Yeti leave.) THOMPSON: They've left us behind.KNIGHT: What made them do that, I wonder?ARNOLD: Couldn't say, sir. But I don't think we should stay to find out.KNIGHT: Yes, you're right, Staff. Come on. Let's get back.JAMIE: Wait. Can we not just see what they're up to?KNIGHT: No! If there's one thing that I've learned, it's never push your luck. Now come on. [Goodge Street Ops room] WEAMS: Tibet? Tibet? You're joking.BLAKE: That's where old Travers says they come from. He reckons they're Abominable Snowmen.WEAMS: Well, he's off his chump, ain't he? How'd they get here in the first place?BLAKE: Come through the post, don't they?WEAMS: Nah, seriously. Outer space, that's where they come from. Well, that's what I reckon, anyway.BLAKE: Oh do leave off. You've been reading too many kids' comics, you have.WEAMS: All right then, Corp, where do they come from?BLAKE: It's a foreign power, ain't it? Bacteriological warfare, that's what that stuff is in the tunnels.WEAMS: What, that fungus stuff?BLAKE: Yeah. And them Yeti are some sort of new weapon. Well, a sort of robot army.WEAMS: What, you mean it ain't real then?BLAKE: Well of course they ain't, you nit! Otherwise we'd be able to knock 'em out with the small arms, wouldn't we?WEAMS: Yeah. Nothing hardly touches them, does it?BLAKE: Not unless you can cop 'em straight between the eyes. Then they've had it.WEAMS: Yeah, well that'll take some doing. I mean, I'd have a job just holding me arm steady if one of them ugly creeps came at me, wouldn't I?BLAKE: Yeah. I wish we had some more hand grenades, cus they're the things that seem to stop them dead in their tracks.WEAMS: Yeah, but we ain't got any, have we?BLAKE: It's a pity that ammo truck they stopped at Holborn had all the gear in.WEAMS: Stone me! Here, we ain't got much of a chance if we come up against that lot, have we.BLAKE: Not with the funny old crowd we got down here with us. You got civvies, RE's, REME.WEAMS: Here, watch it, mate.BLAKE: The lot. A right old Fred Karno's Army, innit? Still, not to worry, me old son. Not the end of the world, is it. Want some more tea?WEAMS: Yeah, all right mate.BLAKE: Well, move then. (Weams glances at an illuminated map of the underground.) WEAMS: Here, Corp, look at this.BLAKE: What? (The rail lines are marked in white and the web fungus is tracked by a black line which runs around the Circle Line. The Jubilee hadn't been built yet.) BLAKE: Oh, crikey. That's what comes of talking about it.WEAMS: It's that fungus stuff, it's moving again. (Euston Square flickers out and the black line moves on Kings Cross.) [Goodge Street Laboratory] TRAVERS: Oh, Anne, come and do this for me, will you?ANNE: All right, father.TRAVERS: It's my hands. Can't control them! Getting old, that's my trouble.ANNE: Don't worry.TRAVERS: I can't help it. I feel responsible somehow. If only the Doctor would turn up. I'm sure he could help us. (A knock at the door.) BLAKE: Excuse me, sir.TRAVERS: Eh, what?BLAKE: That fungus stuff. It's on the move again. Euston Square's gone.TRAVERS: Come on, let's have a look. [Goodge Street Ops room] TRAVERS: Is it on the move again, Weams?WEAMS: Yes, sir. Kings Cross has gone out, and it's moving on to Farringdon.ANNE: It's never moved as fast as this before.WEAMS: Hasn't moved at all the last three weeks, Miss.BLAKE: What started it up again all of a sudden?TRAVERS: Can't say.CHORLEY: Strange, isn't it, that all this should happen on the very day that your mysterious Doctor friend turned up?ANNE: He hasn't turned up.CHORLEY: Precisely. He could have sent those kids in here as spies.TRAVERS: Rubbish! Would Jamie go away and leave Victoria, if he didn't intend coming back again?BLAKE: Excuse me, sir, but where is the young lady?TRAVERS: Oh, in the Common Room, I suppose.BLAKE: No, she's not, cus I went in there when I was looking for you.TRAVERS: What? Well, where is she then? [Tunnel] VICTORIA: Jamie? Doctor? Jamie? Doctor? [Goodge Street Ops room] ANNE: Not a sign of her.BLAKE: We looked everywhere.TRAVERS: Well, then, she must have goneCHORLEY: Like I said, a couple of spies.WEAMS: Look, sir. The fungus, it's moving again. (The black line is closing in on Liverpool Street.) BLAKE: I hope the Captain and Staff Arnold aren't anywhere near that little lot. [Tunnel] (A voice in the distance is singing scales.) ARNOLD: What is it, sir?KNIGHT: Quiet! Listen. Quick, get in there. (The soldiers hide in an alcove.) EVANS [OC]: (sings) Sosban fach yn berwi ar y tn, Sosban fawr yn berwi ar y llawr, A'r gath wedi (Evans passes the alcove and Arnold steps out behind him.) ARNOLD: Soldier.EVANS: Well, there's a sight for sore eyes.KNIGHT: Are you stark raving mad?EVANS: Aye, well, I always sing when I'm scared, see.ARNOLD: Stand to attention when you're talking to an officer. Name and last three.EVANS: Six ohARNOLD: Shush!EVANS: (sotto) Six oh one Evans, sir.KNIGHT: Evans? Anybody know him?EVANS: Oh, I'm not one of your lot, sir.ARNOLD: Then what are you doing down here?EVANS: Trying to get out, Sarge.ARNOLD: Don't try to be funny with me, lad. How did you get down here in the first place?EVANS: Driver on the ammo truck to Holborn. Got jumped, we did. Quite a dust up, there was. Couldn't get past them hairy creatures, see? Been wandering for hours. Lost, I was. I tried one way, but there seemed to be some sort of cobweb muck moving down the tunnel.KNIGHT: Moving? Are you sure it was moving?EVANS: Well of course I'm sure, sir. Sounds daft, I know, but it seemed to be following a Yeti that had a kind of pointed glass thing in its hands.JAMIE: Was it shaped like a pyramid?EVANS: Well, I suppose it was, really.JAMIE: Well, that's it. Smash the pyramid, and you put the Intelligence out of action.KNIGHT: What Intelligence?ARNOLD: Whereabouts did you say this happened?EVANS: Kings Cross, Staff.KNIGHT: What?ARNOLD: Headquarters, sir. HQ may be in danger.KNIGHT: Yes. We'd better get back as soon as we can.JAMIE: No, look.ARNOLD: You heard what the officer said. Now come on.JAMIE: Look, I came down here to find the Doctor. I'm not going back till I have.ARNOLD: Now look hereJAMIE: No, I'm not going. And if I get a chance to smash that pyramid, I will.KNIGHT: That's quite a risk you're taking.JAMIE: Aye, but it's me that's taking it.KNIGHT: All right, it's your neck, chum.EVANS: Sir?KNIGHT: Yes?EVANS: I'd like to volunteer to go with the young gentleman, sir.KNIGHT: Well, you're not one of my lot. All right. Come on, the rest of you. (The soldiers leave.) JAMIE: Thanks.EVANS: Don't be daft, boyo. First chance I get and I'm skipping. [Goodge Street Ops room] WEAMS: Liverpool Street gone now, sir.TRAVERS: But still no movement on the southern section.BLAKE: No sign of the Captain yet.WEAMS: Once this stuff joins up, we've had it. Why don't we try and get out now, while we've still got a chance?CHORLEY: Sounds like a very good idea to me.TRAVERS: No, no. The decision to evacuate this fortress must be taken by Captain Knight.ANNE: Yes, but where is he, Father? He's been gone for ages.BLAKE: Let's just hope he's not on the Circle Line. [Cannon Street Underground platform] EVANS: Here we are, then. Cannon Street. Circle Line.JAMIE: We've gone miles out of our way.EVANS: I told you I didn't know one tunnel from another, didn't I?JAMIE: Why didn't you tell me about these maps before?EVANS: You never asked. Who wants to find a Yeti anyway?JAMIE: Monument next then Tower Hill. Come on, we must find that pyramid. [Goodge Street Ops room] CHORLEY: Oh, thank heavens you're back, Captain.ANNE: Where are the other men?KNIGHT: Gone.TRAVERS: Captain, come here. The southern section's on the move. Charing Cross and the Temple have gone.CHORLEY: Look, Weams says there's a danger we might be cut off. Now don't you think it would be a very good idea ifKNIGHT: If you want to leave, Mister Chorley, no one's stopping you. Now, when did all this happen?TRAVERS: Just after you left. Still no sign of the Doctor?KNIGHT: None.ANNE: Or the girl?KNIGHT: Has she gone too?TRAVERS: Yes.ARNOLD: That means all three of them are out there, sir.KNIGHT: Yes. But where? [Tunnel] VICTORIA: Doctor? Jamie? (Victoria is lost. A figure in the darkness hears her and hides as she goes past.) VICTORIA: Doctor? [Goodge Street Ops room] WEAMS: I think we've had it, Corp.BLAKE: Yeah, that stuff's got us trapped, all right.TRAVERS: Captain? Look, I know it seems hopeless, but if we could find the Doctor I'm sure he could help us.KNIGHT: Perhaps. But I'm sure that he must be dead by now.ARNOLD: If any of those three are on the Circle Line, sir, they've had it.CHORLEY: Captain Knight? Captain Knight! Cannon Street and Tower Hill have gone now.KNIGHT: That just leaves the Monument. [Monument Underground station platform] JAMIE: Monument. That's Tower Hill next.EVANS: Hey, wait a minute. Did you hear something?JAMIE: What?EVANS: Listen. (There's a pulsing noise.) JAMIE: Look! The fungus, it's here! (A bright glow of white light emanates from the tunnel.) JAMIE: We'd better get out, fast. (But a mass of web is blocking their retreat too.) JAMIE: We're trapped! (The web rolls along the platform towards them.) EVANS: We've had it, boyo. We can't go forward, and we can't go back.Episode Three [Monument Underground station platform] (Jamie and Evans cover their ears as the high-pitched noise echoes through the tunnels. The web closes in, pulsating and getting brighter.) JAMIE: We've got to get to that archway.EVANS: There's something coming through. Look! (A Yeti walks out of the web carrying a small pyramid.) JAMIE: The pyramid! Shoot the pyramid! (Evans shoots at it twice but misses.) JAMIE: The pyramid! Get it! (Two more misses.) JAMIE: Come on, man, try again! (Evans shoots one more and the pyramid goes Boom! The Yeti stands still but the web keeps moving.) JAMIE: But we've destroyed the pyramid. It doesn't work!EVANS: Let's get out while we can.JAMIE: But you shot it!EVANS: Don't argue, come on, (The Yeti moves again with the web. Jamie and Evans run for the archway.) [Tunnel] VICTORIA: Doctor? Doctor, is that you?COLONEL: One moment. (Everyone say Hi! to Nicholas Courtney as Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart. Hooray!) DOCTOR: Victoria!VICTORIA: Oh, Doctor, thank goodness I found you. Are you all right?DOCTOR: Well.VICTORIA: Who's this?DOCTOR: Well, you see, Victoria.COLONEL: Well before you begin this rapturous reunion, there are one or two questions I'd like answered. For a start, is there anyone else down here playing hide and seek?VICTORIA: WellDOCTOR: Well, yes. Where is Jamie, Victoria?VICTORIA: He came out to look for you.COLONEL: Out? Out from where?VICTORIA: The fortress at Goodge Street.COLONEL: Goodge Street? Hang on, are you anything to do with Travers and his daughter?DOCTOR: Travers? What do you mean, Travers?VICTORIA: It's the same man we met in Tibet. I've come to warn you. He thinks you're responsible for the Yeti.DOCTOR: Me?COLONEL: Oh, does he? The plot thickens, doesn't it? I think it's time I got you two back to HQ. Lead on.DOCTOR: Come along, Victoria. [Goodge Street Ops room] ANNE: Well, that's it. The whole of the Circle Line gone. We're completely hemmed in.KNIGHT: Yes, we can't get out, and no one can get in. Not very healthy, is it?LANE: Excuse me, sir.KNIGHT: Yes, Corporal, what is it?LANE: That girl's turned up again, sir, and that Doctor feller you was looking for.ARNOLD: Oh, him?LANE: Yes, Staff. They was brought in by a Colonel.ARNOLD: A Colonel?KNIGHT: Where did he spring from?LANE: I don't know, sir.KNIGHT: I suppose I'd better show my face. Where are they?LANE: Corporal Blake's got them in the Common Room, sir, under guard.KNIGHT: Anne, you'd better fetch your father. He'll want a word with the Doctor. And you carry on here, Staff.ARNOLD: Sir! (Knight, Lane and Anne leave.) WEAMS: Here, Staff, this Colonel, where'd he come from? What's he doing here?ARNOLD: Don't ask me, lad. It's turning into a proper holiday camp, this place. [Goodge Street Common room] VICTORIA: You're sure?DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I'm quite all right, Victoria. I was just knocked out by the explosion a bit, that's all.VICTORIA: Where did the Colonel come from?DOCTOR: Well, I don't know. When I came to, there was no sign of the Yeti, so I wandered around for a bit and then, as I was on my way back to you, he suddenly popped out from nowhere.VICTORIA: How did you find out about the Intelligence?DOCTOR: When I saw the Yeti, I put two and two together. And then now you say Travers is here, well. (Knight enters.) COLONEL: Afternoon. Captain Knight?KNIGHT: Afternoon, Colonel?COLONEL: Lethbridge-Stewart. Expect you're wondering who the devil I am, eh?KNIGHT: Well, as a matter of fact, sir, yes.COLONEL: Well, I couldn't tell you before but you're a bit cut off down here, aren't you? I'm taking over from Pemberton. Sorry about him. Very fine soldier.KNIGHT: Taking over? I see. Well, excuse me, Colonel, but have you got anyCOLONEL: Authorisation? Yes, of course. Here are my papers. Glad to see you don't take things at face value.KNIGHT: All right, Blake. You can fall out.BLAKE: Sir! (Blake leaves.) KNIGHT: How did you get in, sir?COLONEL: Holborn. Ammunition party. Got badly beaten up. All the men dead, I'm afraid.KNIGHT: Not all. Evans managed to escape.COLONEL: Evans?KNIGHT: The driver.COLONEL: Oh, yes.KNIGHT: Evans didn't mention any other survivors.COLONEL: No, well, it all got a bit confused. Driven into a side tunnel, myself. After that, got a bit lost, and then found this Doctor.DOCTOR: Yes, I was wondering when you where going to get around to me.KNIGHT: Yes, well, the Professor's spoken for him. We do know a little about the Doctor already.COLONEL: I see. In fact, more than you do about me, eh?KNIGHT: To tell you the truth, sir, yes. (Travers bursts in.) TRAVERS: Doctor!DOCTOR: Who?TRAVERS: Oh, my dear fellow, am I glad to see you!DOCTOR: My word, it is. It's been a long time.COLONEL: Professor, I'm told you know this man.TRAVERS: Huh? I'd have thought that was obvious. And if it comes to that, who are you?COLONEL: Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart. New C.O. So you can vouch for the Doctor here?TRAVERS: Well, of course I can.COLONEL: And what about this girl?DOCTOR: Oh, she's on my staff.TRAVERS: We've got lots to do, Doctor. Time's running short. Need your help. Captain Knight, I'll take him straight down to the lab. Now come on, Doctor. You'd better come too, Victoria. Things are getting a bit desperate, and I've got an idea (Travers, the Doctor and Victoria leave.) COLONEL: It would seem that the Professor's in charge down here, Captain.KNIGHT: Yes, well, he does have a job to do, sir. I think it's best to let him get on with it, don't you? [Goodge Street Laboratory] DOCTOR: Yes, well as I say, when I came to there was no sign of the Yeti, so I wandered around a bit, got lost and saw the fungus.ANNE: You've seen it, then?TRAVERS: Oh, foul stuff. Oh, it was the Intelligence, all right.DOCTOR: Not me, then?TRAVERS: Huh? What do you mean?DOCTOR: From what Victoria said, you had one or two suspicions about me.TRAVERS: Rubbish, my dear fellow. Whatever gave you that idea, Victoria? Pah! Never heard anything so ridiculous in all my life.ANNE: So you did hear us talking, then?VICTORIA: Yes.TRAVERS: Oh, that. Well, it was only just idle chatter. Oh yes, it was the Intelligence that brought you here, all right.DOCTOR: But why? That's what I can't understand. Why?TRAVERS: Yes, well, you've given it the slip, Doctor. It doesn't know where you are yet.VICTORIA: I hope it hasn't caught Jamie. [St Pauls Underground platform] JAMIE: Saint Pauls.EVANS: We're on the Central Line, all right.JAMIE: Right, come onEVANS: Wait a minute.JAMIE: What is it?EVANS: Nothing. Want a bar of chocolate, that's all. Got sixpence?JAMIE: Ach, don't be daft! Those beasties might be right behind us. Now come on!EVANS: All this walking. Shouldn't be down here at all, you know. Driver, I am. (Evans pulls the lever the vending machine by the platform. It gives him a bar of chocolate at no cost.) EVANS: Well, there's lovely. [Goodge Street Ops room] CHORLEY: Don't you understand, Sergeant? I've got to get out of here!ARNOLD: Well I don't see as I can put it any clearer, sir. We're here at Goodge Street, right? And the fungus has gone all the way round the Circle Line.CHORLEY: Yes, I know that, man, but these other tunnels, the Northern Line, the Central Line, I mean, they're not filled, are they.ARNOLD: No, sirCHORLEY: They must be on a different level to the Circle Line. I mean, Wait a minute, it's absolutely simple. We go out under the stuff.ARNOLD: Now look, sir. You know we've already lost two men trying to do that. The influence of this fungus extends through the earth, both downwards and up. Believe me, sir, we're trapped.CHORLEY: But I've got to get out. You see, well, my reports are so important. I mean, the world must know what's going on down here. I mean, well, there must be a way out. The surface. What's on the surface?ARNOLD: Well, there's a ground level door in Cheney Street, sir, butCHORLEY: Of course, of course, of course. Thank you, Sergeant. thank you. (Chorley leaves.) WEAMS: He's a nutter.ARNOLD: You're telling me. Can't even get my rank right.WEAMS: Yeah, I noticed that, Sergeant.ARNOLD: Cheeky! [Goodge Street Laboratory] DOCTOR: But how, that's what I can't understand. What brought the Intelligence back again?TRAVERS: That was my wretched curiosity, I'm afraid. You see, when I came back from Tibet, I brought quite a bit of stuff with me. You know. Broken Yeti, bits of control spheres, and things like it. Oh, the monks were only too glad to see the back of it.DOCTOR: Yes.TRAVERS: Yes, and then, my dear fellow, one of the control spheres was intact. So naturally I wanted to find out how it worked.DOCTOR: Oh dear.TRAVERS: I fiddled with the thing on and off for years, and then one dayDOCTOR: Don't tell me. It just disappeared.TRAVERS: Mmm.DOCTOR: Yes. Well presumably, once the sphere started working, the Intelligence just homed in on it.TRAVERS: Yes, and with a fully functional Yeti, well, it was a ready made pair of hands for the Intelligence. (Knight enters.) KNIGHT: Sorry to interrupt, Professor, but Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart has decided to hold a briefing. He'd like you all to attend.ANNE: A briefing? We're not in the army yet, Captain.KNIGHT: Yes, I know that, Miss Travers, but now that he's taken over command, he thinks it would be the simplest way of being put in the picture.TRAVERS: Yes, splendid idea. Might help you too, Doctor. Now come on, I'd like to show you the layout as I've already (Travers and the Doctor leave.) KNIGHT: If you'll just make your way to the Common Room, you'll find that he's waiting for you.ANNE: Captain.VICTORIA: Any news of Jamie?KNIGHT: No. No, I'm afraid not. [Tunnel] EVANS: Come on, boy-o. Not far to Chancery Lane now.JAMIE: You're in a hurry, all of a sudden.EVANS: Aye, well I've got it all worked out, see. Next station's where I'm getting off.JAMIE: What?EVANS: Aye. Last time, the Yeti were at Holborn Station, so I reckon if I can get out at Chancery Lane, I might be able to reach my lorry.JAMIE: So you meant what you said, then? You're not going back to HQ?EVANS: No, I'd be more of an hindrance, I would. Anyway, I'm not supposed to be down here. I'm a driver, I am.JAMIE: Aye, there is another word I could use. Look, all you want to do is save your own skin.EVANS: Well, it's the only one I got. Look, boy-o, they don't stand a chance back there. Hop it with me now, boy, while the while the going's good. You've got to take care of Number One in this world. You'll learn. I'm getting out of these tunnels fast. [Goodge Street Common room] KNIGHT: So this was the situation on the fifth. Next slide, Blake. (A picture of the Natural History Museum shrouded in mist.) KNIGHT: Ah, yes sir, this will give you a better idea. You can see the fog, or mist, very clearly.DOCTOR: This mist, does it do anything? I mean, is it poisonous or anything?TRAVERS: No, no, no. But if anyone goes into it they just, well, they just don't come out again.COLONEL: As soon as the effect of the mist was known, this whole area was cordoned off. But by the sixth, the area had expanded to include South Ken tube station. Right, carry on, Knight.KNIGHT: Sir. Next slide please, Blake. Now, you can see how quickly it was spreading.COLONEL: Ah yes, that'd be the seventh, the day the fungus was first reported in the Underground. The tube system had to be abandoned, of course.DOCTOR: Any sign of the Yeti by this date?KNIGHT: No, they weren't sighted until the ninth. Next slide. (Two Yeti.) DOCTOR: Ah yes. My word, I thought I wasn't mistaken. Those Yeti have changed in appearance. Look.TRAVERS: Why, yes. I see what you mean.DOCTOR: It's a sort of Mark Two, isn't it.TRAVERS: Yes, very interesting.DOCTOR: I wonder how the Intelligence managed that?KNIGHT: Gentlemen.TRAVERS: I'm so sorry.DOCTOR: Sorry.KNIGHT: Now by this time, the fungus below ground and the fog above had both extended. Slide. (An aerial picture of west London with a band of fog encircling Hyde Park.) COLONEL: Ah yes, that's it. Now, notice this thin area of mist linking the two arms. I think we must now assume that this mist covers the entire area enclosed by the Circle Line.DOCTOR: Have you had any success against it yet?KNIGHT: No. We've tried chemicals, flame throwers, explosives. All to no avail.COLONEL: That's why we're dependent on you three coming up with the answers. If you fail, London's finished. England itself, perhaps. Now the army will, of course, give you all the support you need. Tell me, Miss Travers, what progress have you made so far?ANNE: Well, my father and I think we may be able to jam the transmissions to the Yeti.TRAVERS: What we really need is some additional equipment.COLONEL: Knight?KNIGHT: Well, sir, the main problem has been lack of communication. As you know, this fog absorbs all radio waves.DOCTOR: What about telephones?KNIGHT: All right for a while, but the Yeti soon destroyed them. We've laid a couple of lines ourselves between here and Holborn, but I don't know how long they'll last. (Chorley enters. Everyone who knows him groans.) CHORLEY: Ah, Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart.COLONEL: What is it, Mister Chorley? We're in the middle of a briefing.CHORLEY: Yes, so I see. Did you know about this door to the surface? A helicopter could lift us all out.COLONEL: Could it? Always assuming we could make contact with the outside world, which we can't, how do you imagine they would find us in that mist? Sit down, please.CHORLEY: Look, Colonel, I resent your tone. You seem to forget that I'm here as a representative of the Press, and as suchCOLONEL: And as such, Mister Chorley, you are no more than a passenger. Staff, lights please.ARNOLD: Sir!CHORLEY: Right! (Chorley leaves as the others mutter.) COLONEL: Right, let's get down to some constructive thinking. [Goodge Street Ops room] CHORLEY: Ah, Weams. Weams, I'd like some information, man.WEAMS: Sir?CHORLEY: Now would I be right in thinking there are a lot of very tall buildings in this area?WEAMS: Well, the Post Office Tower, that ain't far away.CHORLEY: The Post Office Tower, yes. Do you think that's above the mist?WEAMS: Well, I wouldn't know about that, sir, would I?CHORLEY: Where is it in relation to the Circle Line? Come on, man, where is it?WEAMS: Well, it's about here. Crikey!CHORLEY: What's the matter?WEAMS: Can't you see? It's that fungus stuff starting up again. I've got to tell the Colonel! (Knightsbridge, Regents Park and St Pauls flicker out.) [Tunnel] (Jamie is alone when he hears a noise and hides in an alcove. Evans walks past and Jamie surprises him.) EVANS: Argh! You gave me a fright there for a minute, boy.JAMIE: I thought you were supposed to beEVANS: Aye, well, I changed my mind, see. Quite right, you were. Can't leave your mates when they're in trouble, can you?JAMIE: Oh, aye?EVANS: No, well, it wouldn't be right, would it?JAMIE: Well, what was it like up top then?EVANS: Don't know. Well, between you and me, I couldn't get out, see. The gates were locked.JAMIE: Come on.EVANS: Aye, let's get over to HQ. At least we'll be safe there. [Goodge Street Ops room] COLONEL: Queensway, Lancaster Gate, Strand, Chancery Lane. All in a half hour, and it's creeping in all the time. How long do you think we've got, Professor?TRAVERS: It's difficult to say. Why, at this rate, oh, a couple of hours at the most.CHORLEY: Look, Colonel, you've got to do something. We can't just stand here waiting, can we?COLONEL: Ah, Mister Chorley. You'd like to help, wouldn't you?CHORLEY: Well, ICOLONEL: Yes, of course you would. Now look, I'll tell you what I want you to do. We shall all be rushing about a bit, so what I want you to do is to wait in the Common Room. Act as a sort of Liaison Officer. You could do that, couldn't you?CHORLEY: Well, I don't know, ICOLONEL: Yes, of course you could. Off you go. We'll all report progress to you personally.CHORLEY: What, do you mean coordinate things?COLONEL: Yes, that's it. Corporal Blake?BLAKE: Sir?COLONEL: See that Mister Chorley has everything he needs. Desk, comfortable chair, plenty of paper and so on.BLAKE: Sir!COLONEL: Off you go. (Chorley and Blake leave.) COLONEL: Right, that's enough diplomacy for one day. Now, let's get down to some practical soldiering. Doctor, you've been very quiet. Any ideas?DOCTOR: Well, as far as I can see, what we most need is time. Now if we were to blow the tunnel here, just above Goodge Street, we could seal ourselves in for a bit.COLONEL: Good. Practical suggestion. Staff, have we got any explosives?ARNOLD: There is a bit, sir.COLONEL: Enough to blow the tunnel?ARNOLD: Just about enough, sir.KNIGHT: The trouble is, every time we lay the charges, the Yeti cocoon them.DOCTOR: I've thought of that. Got anything on wheels, something that will run along a track?KNIGHT: Yes, yes, there's a baggage trolley. I think it's beside the stairs. Go and see, would you, Staff?ARNOLD: Yes, sir. Be the wrong gauge, of course. We'll soon fix up that though, sir. (Arnold leaves.) COLONEL: What's the plan?DOCTOR: Well, it's simple enough. We lay the explosives on the trolley and set a triggering device, and then blow it up while it's on the move.COLONEL: Yes. Yes, that should work.DOCTOR: Come on, Travers, let's fix up this detonator.COLONEL: Think I'll take the opportunity to have a look around the place. Let me know when you've got the trolley organised.KNIGHT: Sir.WEAMS: Glad to see we're doing something active at last, sir.KNIGHT: Yes. Let's hope that it works. (Marble Arch goes out.) KNIGHT: It had better! (Meanwhile, someone moves stealthily to the main door and unbolts it, leaving the Fortress open to attack.) [Goodge Street Laboratory] (Victoria is looking at a model Yeti.) ANNE: You've seen those things before, Victoria?VICTORIA: Yes. I remember them in Tibet. The Intelligence used them to guide the robot Yeti. (The Doctor enters.) DOCTOR: Ah, there you are, Victoria. I've been looking for you everywhere. Oh, my word. That looks familiar. It doesn't work, does it?ANNE: No. Neither do the other three.VICTORIA: Three? There are only two.ANNE: Well, that's funny. There's one missing. I wonder where that's got to. (It is with the mysterious person who has laid them open to attack. They make adjustments to it and it starts beeping quietly, then it is put by the door to the explosives store. In a tunnel, a Yeti comes to life, turns and heads towards the signal.) TRAVERS: Doctor? Sorry to have been so long, but I've got your blowing-up thingamajig. Here we are.DOCTOR: Ah, good. Fine. This should do the trick. It's both timing and contact.ANNE: Well, I think Victoria's right.TRAVERS: What on earth are you talking about?ANNE: The explosion. We'll be cut off, all right, but so will Jamie.VICTORIA: Don't you see? He'll be trapped. (The Yeti arrives at the Fortress and goes inside, holding a web gun. It walks along the corridors to the explosives store. The Yeti pulls off the padlock.) [Goodge Street Ops room] COLONEL: And this will explode in 60 seconds?DOCTOR: Yes. Just push the trolley down the gradient, and that should give you enough time to get clear.KNIGHT: Yes, but suppose the Yeti stop it before it goes off?DOCTOR: Well, if it comes into contact with anything, it'll blow up at once. (Arnold enters.) ARNOLD: We've got the trolley on the line, sir.KNIGHT: Ah, thank you, Staff.ARNOLD: Funny thing, though, sir. The main door was open.COLONEL: Open? You sure about that?BLAKE: Sir! Sir, sorry to interrupt, sir, but I found this.KNIGHT: What is it?BLAKE: It's the padlock from the explosives store, sir. And this thing was with it.DOCTOR: Did you see inside?BLAKE: No, I thought best not. I left Lane on guard, sir.KNIGHT: Come on!WEAMS: Here, let's have a look at that thing.BLAKE: There. (It's the missing model Yeti.) [Goodge Street Fortress entrance] COLONEL: Staff, close that door, will you?ARNOLD: Sir!COLONEL: All right, Corporal.LANE: Sir!KNIGHT: Well, it seems quiet enough. Do you think there is something in there?DOCTOR: There's only one way of finding out, isn't there? (The explosives store is filled with a mass of pulsating web.) DOCTOR: Well, now we know. How are we going to blow up the tunnel now? [Goodge Street Laboratory] ANNE: Don't worry, Victoria. The Doctor promised he wouldn't blow the tunnel until the very last moment.VICTORIA: Yes, but JamieANNE: Jamie might be a lot safer than you or I at this moment. Have you thought of that?VICTORIA: Safe? But how?ANNE: Perhaps he was right off the Circle Line by the time it closed up.VICTORIA: Oh, do you really think so?ANNE: Of course.TRAVERS: Don't you worry, my dear. Why, the Doctor will find a way. Once we've blown the tunnels and sealed ourselves off, we'll be able to get on with the job in hand. Why, with Anne's technical knowledge, and the Doctor and I, the Intelligence won't stand a chance. [Goodge Street Ops room] DOCTOR: The Yeti have dealt with the explosives here, and I'm willing to bet they'll do the same with those at Holborn as well.COLONEL: Maybe.DOCTOR: I think you're wasting your time now, Colonel.COLONEL: Yes. Still, at least there's a chance. We must check. (Arnold enters.) ARNOLD: Search completed, sir. Headquarters all clear. No sign of Yeti.COLONEL: Good. Captain Knight got the men ready?ARNOLD: Yes, sir.COLONEL: Well, tell Captain Knight to start, will you?ARNOLD: Yes, sir.COLONEL: You and I will follow on behind, Staff.ARNOLD: Sir.COLONEL: Oh, better tell the Professor we're leaving.ARNOLD: Yes, sir. What about Mister Chorley?COLONEL: No. The less he knows, the better.ARNOLD: Sir. (Arnold leaves.) COLONEL: Right, I shall be leaving four men behind here. You'll be quite safe, Doctor.DOCTOR: Will I?COLONEL: Huh?DOCTOR: Someone here is in league with the Yeti. Maybe even controlling them.COLONEL: What?DOCTOR: The main door didn't open by itself, did it? It may be any one of us.COLONEL: Me, perhaps?DOCTOR: Perhaps.COLONEL: Or even you? [Goodge Street Common room] CHORLEY: It's at Covent Garden, you say?VICTORIA: That's where we landed.CHORLEY: Oh, this is ridiculous. You can't land in an Underground station.VICTORIA: The TARDIS can. It's not an ordinary sort of craft.CHORLEY: Look, look, you say it can get us out of here?VICTORIA: Yes. But the Doctor wouldn't go without Jamie. And now they're going to blow up the tunnel, I don't think we're going toCHORLEY: Blow up the tunnel? Blow up the tunnel? Well then, we'll never get out of here. And the Doctor won't leave until Jamie gets back, eh? Oh, there you are, Doctor, we were just talking about you. I hadn't realised what was going on.DOCTOR: Oh?CHORLEY: No (Chorley leaves, closing the door.) DOCTOR: What's the matter with him?VICTORIA: He doesn't want them to blow up the tunnel.DOCTOR: Well, he's too late. They've already left. Wait a minute. Why doesn't he want them to blow up the tunnel?VICTORIA: He thinks he'll be cut off from the TARDIS.DOCTOR: You didn't tell him about the TARDIS, did you?VICTORIA: Oh dear! Oh no! No, do you think thatDOCTOR: Yes, I do think!VICTORIA: Oh, butDOCTOR: There you are. It's locked. Victoria! [Goodge Street Fortress entrance] CHORLEY: They've left already?JAMIE: Aye, we passed them a while back.EVANS: Aye, off to Holborn, they were.CHORLEY: Holborn, eh? Right.EVANS: Before you go, sir, could you tell me where? (Chorley has gone.) EVANS: Charming. (Someone is banging on a door.) JAMIE: Listen. [Goodge Street Common room] (It's the Doctor and Victoria doing the banging.) VICTORIA: I'm so worried about Jamie.DOCTOR: Wait. (The door opens.) DOCTOR: Jamie!JAMIE: Doctor! Good to see you!VICTORIA: Oh Jamie, you're safe!DOCTOR: Jamie, have you seen Chorley?JAMIE: Who's he? Hey, why were you locked in?DOCTOR: Have you seen anyone leave headquarters here?JAMIE: Well, aye, just now. There's a manDOCTOR: Right, come along, no time to waste.JAMIE: What?DOCTOR: Come on, I'll tell you as we go. [Goodge Street Laboratory] TRAVERS: But where's the Doctor? After all, this was his idea.ANNE: Well, shall I go and get him? (A man screams.) TRAVERS: Wait here.ANNE: Father, no! [Goodge Street Ops room] TRAVERS: Weams? Weams! (Craftsman Weams is dead, covered in web.) TRAVERS: What? (The model Yeti is on the floor beside the corpse.) TRAVERS: Good Lord. (A Yeti roars. Travers cries out.) Episode Four [Goodge Street Ops room] TRAVERS: A Yeti! (The Yeti lashes at Travers, and he falls. Then it hits Anne, knocking her down, before dragging Travers out of the Fortress.) [Tunnel junction] JAMIE: Which way?DOCTOR: It's this way to Covent Garden.JAMIE: You're sure Chorley's after the TARDIS though?DOCTOR: Yes, certain of it. Why else would he lock us in?JAMIE: Aye, maybe you're right.EVANS: Like me to take a shufty down this tunnel? He might have taken a wrong turning.DOCTOR: No, no, no, if he did it doesn't matter, does it? Come along, this way. [Tunnel two] (Going towards Holborn.) ARNOLD: What is it, sir?COLONEL: Something up ahead. It's all right. Captain Knight and his party.ARNOLD: They've been very quick, sir.COLONEL: Any luck?KNIGHT: Afraid not, sir. The fungus beat us to it. A hundred yards this side of Holborn.ARNOLD: Just as if it knew what we were up to, sir.COLONEL: Yes.KNIGHT: There's just a chance, Colonel, that we might be able to get to Holborn via Piccadilly.COLONEL: Fungus on the Central Line only, eh?KNIGHT: Well, it's worth a try, sir.COLONEL: Yes, right. Tottenham Court Road, down to Leicester Square, and up past Covent Garden. Come on, follow me. [Tunnel outside Covent Garden] DOCTOR: This looks familiar. It's around this corner.JAMIE: Oh no!VICTORIA: Oh, we can't get to the TARDIS!DOCTOR: No, Victoria, I'm afraid we can't. (They are blocked by pulsing web.) JAMIE: What's happened to Chorley, then?DOCTOR: That's what I'm wondering. Did he reach the TARDIS before the fungus, or did he not?JAMIE: You mean to say, he could have got to the TARDIS and already have taken off in it?DOCTOR: I don't know.JAMIE: Hey, come back, Doctor.DOCTOR: It's all right, Jamie. I'm not going to do anything silly. I just want to try and get a little bit for analysis.VICTORIA: Oh Jamie, stop him.DOCTOR: It's all right, Victoria. Has anyone got a box?EVANS: I've got my tobacco tin.DOCTOR: Oh, splendid.EVANS: But then it's got tobacco in it.DOCTOR: Never mind.EVANS: Hey! Oh, all right. I only hope you think the sacrifice is worth it.DOCTOR: Hold the tin for me, would you, Evans? (The Doctor begins to tug at a strand of the web, and it reacts by sending out a high-pitched sound which drives them back.) EVANS: Gone and set it off! Come on, now!VICTORIA: Oh, it's horrible.JAMIE: Come on, Doctor, get awayDOCTOR: Hold the tin underneath. There we are. Now back, everyone, quickly! [Tunnel junction] ARNOLD: All right, Corporal. Get back and tell Captain Knight it's all clear up here. And get them to get a shift on.BLAKE: Right-ho, Staff. (Blake goes down one branch as Evans and Co come up the other.) EVANS: Hello, Staff. It's all right, it's just Staff Arnold!ARNOLD: One of these days, Evans my lad, you're going to creep up on someone once too often.EVANS: Well, that's life, innit Staff.DOCTOR: Any luck at Holborn?ARNOLD: No. Fungus.JAMIE: Same back there.ARNOLD: Right. I'll tell the Colonel. You lot had better get back to HQ. We'll be along in a few minutes.DOCTOR: Come on, Jamie, I'll just show this bit of fungus to Travers.JAMIE: Right. [Goodge Street Fortress entrance] JAMIE: The door's open, Doctor.DOCTOR: Let's see, Jamie. (The door is hanging off it's hinges.) JAMIE: Hey, look at this! (Broken furniture and equipment covered in web.) DOCTOR: Good Lord! That's Yeti!JAMIE: You don't think they may still be here?DOCTOR: No.JAMIE: I hope not. (Victoria screams.) VICTORIA: Oh, Doctor! (There are bodies lying in the web.) DOCTOR: Quiet, Victoria. [Goodge Street Laboratory] DOCTOR: Anne!JAMIE: Miss Travers!VICTORIA: Will she be all right?DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I think she'll be all right. Evans, get a chair for her, will you? Get her up, Jamie. Come along. It's all right. It's all right now, Anne. Sit down.JAMIE: There you are.DOCTOR: It's all right now.ANNE: Oh, Doctor, Doctor, the Yeti. Have they gone?DOCTOR: Yes, they've gone now. It's quite safe now.JAMIE: What happened?ANNE: My father. The Yeti! The Yeti, they've taken him! Oh, my. Oh.DOCTOR: Jamie, you'd better get her to the Common Room.JAMIE: Come along.DOCTOR: You go too, Victoria.JAMIE: It's all right, we'll find him for you.DOCTOR: Lie her down.JAMIE: Easy, that's it.EVANS: You okay?JAMIE: Yeah, I'll manage, thanks. (Jamie, Anne and Victoria leave.) EVANS: Do you reckon they have?DOCTOR: Have what?EVANS: Taken him, like she said?DOCTOR: Yes, I'm very much afraid they have. But why? Why didn't they just kill him? UnlessEVANS: Yes?DOCTOR: Well, unless they had a use for him.COLONEL: Ah, Doctor. What's this I hear about Travers?DOCTOR: Well, the Yeti broke in while we were out looking for Chorley.COLONEL: Chorley?KNIGHT: What the devil was he doing in the tunnel in the first place?DOCTOR: Well, I'm not quite sure.KNIGHT: I knew that one would panic.ARNOLD: I'm afraid young Weams has had it, sir, like the other poor devils outside.COLONEL: I see. Staff, you'd better getARNOLD: Yes, all right, sir. We're doing that now. Evans, come with me.EVANS: Staff! Glad to see you're all right, sir.COLONEL: Eh?EVANS: Drove you to Holborn, I did, sir.COLONEL: Ah yes, so you did.ARNOLD: Evans!EVANS: Sorry, Staff. (Evans and Arnold leave.) COLONEL: I can't make out why the Yeti broke in. I mean, they could have destroyed the place if they'd wanted to.DOCTOR: Well, the answer's simple. They came for something, and they got it.COLONEL: What was that?DOCTOR: Well, Travers. (Oxford Circus, Green Park, Trafalgar Square and Strand flicker on the Ops room wall map.) BLAKE: Excuse me, sir, but I think you ought to come to the Ops Room.KNIGHT: Why? What's happening?BLAKE: That fungus stuff, it's on the move again. [Goodge Street Ops room] (The flickering lights go out.) BLAKE: It's like a spider's web, ain't it?DOCTOR: Yes. And we're the flies, all right, but where is the spider?COLONEL: Better give the others a hand, Corporal.BLAKE: Sir. (Blake leaves.) COLONEL: Doctor. Been thinking about what you were saying earlier. About someone here in HQ being responsible for all this. Could it have been Travers?DOCTOR: I doubt it.KNIGHT: Well, after all he has disappeared.DOCTOR: Yes. So has Chorley. I'd say he was a much more likely suspect.COLONEL: True.DOCTOR: On the other hand, of course, whoever is in league with the Intelligence could still be amongst us here.COLONEL: That's a fact of which I am uncomfortably aware. But tell me, Doctor, this Intelligence, exactly what is it?DOCTOR: Well, I wish I could give you a precise answer. Perhaps the best way to describe it is a sort of formless, shapeless thing floating about in space like a cloud of mist, only with a mind and will.COLONEL: What's it after? What's it want?DOCTOR: I wish I knew. The only thing I know for sure is that it brought me here.KNIGHT: Brought you here?COLONEL: Yes, been wondering how you got here.DOCTOR: Yes, well, I don't think there's any harm in telling you now. I have a craft that travels in time and space.KNIGHT: Oh, come now, Doctor, you can't expect me toCOLONEL: This craft of yours, this time space craft. Could it get us out of here?DOCTOR: Well, yes, but it's at Covent Garden.COLONEL: What does it look like?DOCTOR: It's a police box.KNIGHT: Oh really, Colonel, you're surely not goingCOLONEL: So if we could rescue that craft, you could take us out?DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I could, but I have to stay here and finish Travers' work. (Jamie enters.) JAMIE: Ah, Doctor. Miss Travers is feeling all right now and would like to see you right away.DOCTOR: Very good, Jamie. Excuse me, gentlemen, please.COLONEL: Yes. (The Doctor and Jamie leave.) KNIGHT: Well, I've heard some stories in my time, but that one really takesCOLONEL: So you don't believe him?KNIGHT: No, of course not, sir. The whole idea is screwy. A police box?COLONEL: Well whether you think it foolish or not, we are going to rescue that craft.KNIGHT: Oh, but sir. Our jobCOLONEL: Captain Knight, the Army has failed to defeat this menace. Now the Doctor thinks he might succeed. Personally, I doubt it. But if we stay here, we're as good as dead. Therefore I do not intend leaving any escape route unexplored, however screwy you may think it.KNIGHT: Oh, surely ColonelCOLONEL: Let's get on with it, shall we, Knight?KNIGHT: Sir. I suppose you've considered that the Doctor might be leading us into a trap? [Goodge Street Common room] ANNE: But, but there must be a chance. If the Doctor saysDOCTOR: No, the soldiers could comb these tunnels for a fortnight and still never find him. I'm afraid your father's been taken by the Intelligence. The only way that we can save him is by finding the central control source.JAMIE: Aye, if he's anywhere, that's where he'll be.ANNE: But why? Why him? Why not me, or one of the soldiers, orDOCTOR: Yes, I know. Tell me. What was your father working on just before the Yeti broke in, Anne?ANNE: We were ready to test the sphere with the control unit, but I don't see what this has to do with anything, Doctor.DOCTOR: But don't you? If he was near to successVICTORIA: That's why they took him.DOCTOR: Well, it's a possibility, isn't it? Now Anne, do you feel strong enough to come back to the laboratory?ANNE: Yes, yes, of course.JAMIE: Anything we can do?DOCTOR: No, no, you just take it easy, Jamie. Come along. (The Doctor and Anne leave.) JAMIE: What's the matter?VICTORIA: I've been thinking about what the Doctor said. Anything we do, the Intelligence always knows.JAMIE: Aye, but I wouldn't let it worry you. The Doctor will soon find a way out.VICTORIA: I wish I could believe that. [Goodge Street Laboratory] (The Doctor is examining the control sphere.) DOCTOR: Oh yes. Yes, this seems to be in order, Anne.ANNE: My father didn't want it put together until this was in proper order.DOCTOR: Very wise. Let's have a look at this (Anne shows the Doctor a control box.) DOCTOR: Oh yes, yes. My word, this is a splendid piece of work, Anne.ANNE: Thank you.DOCTOR: Yes, this should control the sphere all right, but would it override the commands issued by the Intelligence, I wonder?ANNE: No. No, I'm afraid it won't. I just didn't have the time. Do you think we can do it?DOCTOR: We can do it if you've got the right bits and pieces. (Evans has entered silently.) EVANS: Hope I'm not disturbing, Doctor, but Staff asked me to give you this. (A model Yeti.) DOCTOR: Where'd you get this?EVANS: On the floor, by that young lad Weams, it was.DOCTOR: But this is what brought the Yeti to the explosives store. It's obviously been reprogrammed as a homing device and you've given it to me!EVANS: Here, you don't think I had anything to do with these Yeti, do you?ANNE: Doctor. The other models. They've gone!EVANS: Well, don't look at me. I didn't want to come down here in the first place. I shouldn't be down here at all, really. Driver, I am, see. Well you'd better have this before you say I've nicked it.DOCTOR: Thank you.EVANS: And I'll have that tin back when you've finished with it.DOCTOR: Don't look so unhappy. We're all under suspicion, you know, including me.EVANS: Huh! (Evans leaves.) ANNE: What's in the tin, Doctor?DOCTOR: It's the fungus from the tunnel. I thought if we examined it, it might give us a clue. I must get this dismantled. It's like holding a time bomb. [Goodge Street Ops room] COLONEL: So my party will get above ground and approach Covent Garden by Neal Street. Is that clear?ALL: Yes, sir.COLONEL: Now Staff here will be taking the trolley through the tunnel, and will arrive, we hope, at the same time as we do. You picked your two men, Staff?ARNOLD: Yes, sir. Lane and Evans.COLONEL: Right. Now as soon as we get there, we shall be looking for a police box.BLAKE: A police box, sir?COLONEL: Yes, a police box. Now I want that box either out of the station or onto the trolley as quickly as possible. Is that understood?ARNOLD: Yes, sir.COLONEL: Right. Any questions?BLAKE: Yes, sir, this police box. Is it important?COLONEL: Corporal Blake, we'd hardly be going to this trouble if it weren't.KNIGHT: Who's going to look after the civilians, sir?COLONEL: I'd like you to stay behind and look after them, Captain Knight. The Doctor's got work to do. Right, gentlemen, time to go. [Goodge Street Laboratory] (The Doctor has the web sample behind protective shielding.) DOCTOR: Now you'd better stand back, Anne.ANNE: Is it really necessary, Doctor?DOCTOR: This fungus is an unknown quantity, you know.JAMIE: Ah, Doctor.DOCTOR: Oh, Jamie, what is it?JAMIE: The Colonel says to tell you he's on his way.DOCTOR: On his way where?JAMIE: To rescue the TARDIS.DOCTOR: He's wasting his time.VICTORIA: Well that's what I told him. And I think that man Chorley must be behindDOCTOR: Shush. Now look. Get behind me, both of you, and keep clear. Here we go. (The Doctor pries the tobacco tin open.) DOCTOR: No!ANNE: What is it, Doctor?DOCTOR: The tin's empty! Evans. [Goodge Street Fortress entrance] EVANS: Of course, really I shouldn't be doing this, you know, Staff. Not officially on the strength down here, see. What I am really is a driver, you seeARNOLD: Don't try to come the old soldier with me, lad.EVANS: Who, me?ARNOLD: Yes, you. And when we get in the tunnels, don't you try to skive off, cus if you do I'll have you for breakfast. Do you understand?LANE: Trolley's ready, Staff.ARNOLD: Right, come on! [Deserted street] COLONEL: Right. So far, so good. If we don't see any Yeti, we should make Covent Garden in about ten minutes. Come on. [Goodge Street Ops room] JAMIE: Captain, they've gone, and Evans with them, I think. I can't find him anywhere.KNIGHT: Yes, well, we'd better question Evans carefully when he gets back.JAMIE: Aye, if he gets back.KNIGHT: It's a funny business, Doctor, that fungus disappearing.DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I know, but don't worry about that just at the moment. I've been working on this control box of Miss Travers'. There's a few more things I need. Transistors, circuits.KNIGHT: Aren't there any in Stores?DOCTOR: No, not of the right type.KNIGHT: Well in that case, Doctor, I can't help you.DOCTOR: Well, I was wondering if I could go up to street levelVICTORIA: But the mist? Or the Yeti?DOCTOR: There's no mist directly above us here. We'd have to risk the Yeti.KNIGHT: No. No, I'm afraid that's out.ANNE: It's terribly important. Please.DOCTOR: It'd only take five minutes.KNIGHT: All right. I'll get my gear.DOCTOR: Well done, Travers.KNIGHT: And while we're gone, you three lock yourselves in.JAMIE: Oh aye. [Tunnel] ARNOLD: The Colonel will be through there at Covent Garden in a few minutes, right?EVANS: Do you think they'll be able to load the police box on here, Staff?ARNOLD: Well, if we can get this thing through the fungus stuff. There's not much of a gradient in this section of the tunnel. Right, I want one volunteer.EVANS: Volunteer? That's a dirty word, that is. Not me.ARNOLD: Lane?LANE: What for, Staff?ARNOLD: Well, this thing wants some help going through to Covent Garden. I'm going through with it.LANE: Into that stuff?ARNOLD: Have you got those respirators?LANE: Well, yeah, here. (Lane takes a couple of gas-masks out of his pack.) ARNOLD: I reckon we shall be all right in these. Oh, all right, Lane. I'll go by mesen.LANE: No, hang on a sec, Staff. That trolley's heavy. It'll take two of us to shift it.ARNOLD: Good lad. Come on.EVANS: You're potty, the pair of you.ARNOLD: Shut up, will you! Do as you're told. Play that rope out as we go. Any sign of trouble, whip us out sharpish, right?EVANS: Well, it's your neck.ARNOLD: Okay.LANE: All right then (Arnold and Lane put of the gas masks and stand either side of the trolley, then push it forward into the fungus. The light gets brighter and the pulse gets louder. There are screams.) EVANS: Staff? Staff Arnold? (Evans pulls on the rope and pulls out the trolley. Lane's body lies across it, covered in web. There is no sign of Arnold.) EVANS: Staff? (Evans flees the scene.) [Covent Garden Market] (Yeti are waiting for them.) BLAKE: Look, sir!COLONEL: In here, quick. [Warehouse yard] COLONEL: Come on, through the gate. I'm going to find a way out. Now split up. (The soldiers take cover behind tarpaulin-covered market stalls. The Yeti arrive at the gates and they open fire.) SOLDIER 1: Yetis. Three of them, sir.COLONEL: Grenade! (The grenades have no effect.) BLAKE: Right, fire!SOLDIER 1: Sir, they're smashing down the gate!BLAKE: We can't hold them, sir!COLONEL: Over the top, all of you! (The soldiers break cover and climb over a stack of wooden crates. One is caught and killed by a Yeti.) SOLDIER 2: Grenades!COLONEL: Through the yard, come on! Bazooka here to cover the others. (A soldier kneels with a bazooka balanced over his right shoulder, and fires. But the Yeti just keep coming.) COLONEL: Dawson! Langley! (Too late. He loses two more men.) COLONEL: Make for the warehouse! Murphy! (Again, too late. The survivors fall back to the warehouse itself.) [Electrical shop] (The Doctor and Knight are collecting supplies.) KNIGHT: There it is again, Doctor.DOCTOR: Just one more thing.KNIGHT: For heaven's sake, hurry up.DOCTOR: I just need one more component. I'll look through here. (The Doctor goes into the back of the shop. Two Yeti appear in the doorway.) KNIGHT: Doctor! Doctor, look out! (The Yeti knock Knight aside.) KNIGHT: No! (The Doctor comes out of the back to see the Yeti standing over Knight's body. They look at the Doctor then leave. The Doctor searches Knight's pockets and finds a model Yeti.) [Goodge Street Ops room] JAMIE: And this was in his pocket, you say?VICTORIA: How did he get it? You said it was stolen.ANNE: Oh but you can't think that he stoleDOCTOR: No, no, no, he didn't steal it. The person who did planted it on him.JAMIE: Hmm.EVANS: Don't you try and pin this on me, boy-o! Strikes me anything goes wrong around here and I'm always the one to get the blame.DOCTOR: All right, all right, let's keep our temper, shall we? The point is two of these were missing. Now where's the other one? [Warehouse] (The ammunition is running out and the Yeti take out the soldiers one by one. As Blake is clubbed down, the Colonel sprints across the yard, jumps the wall and runs for safety. ) [Goodge Street Laboratory] (The Doctor is dismantling the model Yeti.) DOCTOR: There. That one shouldn't bother us any more. Now then, come along, Anne, let's get down to work. Where did I put those bits and pieces?VICTORIA: I wish I knew who put it in the Captain's pocket.JAMIE: Well, it must have been Chorley.VICTORIA: Well look, he left ages ago.JAMIE: It doesn't matter. He could stillDOCTOR: Colonel!VICTORIA: Are you all right?JAMIE: What's happened?DOCTOR: Colonel, what happened?COLONEL: Gone.VICTORIA: Not all of them?DOCTOR: All of them!COLONEL: I said so, didn't I? All of them. Evans, what about your party? Arnold?EVANS: Gone, sir.JAMIE: Captain Knight, too.COLONEL: Knight. Hopeless. (There's a faint beeping coming from somewhere.) COLONEL: Can't fight them. It seems indestructible. Can't fight them! You were right, Doctor, when you said they were formless, shapeless. You were right.DOCTOR: Listen. Listen, everyone! It's the other Yeti model. It's here! It's somewhere in this room!COLONEL: That noise, I've been hearing it on and off all day.DOCTOR: Your pockets!COLONEL: What?DOCTOR: Open your pockets, Colonel. Quickly, quickly, come on! (Guess what he finds.) COLONEL: HowDOCTOR: They bring the Yeti! (Two Yeti crash in with Travers behind them, staring blankly.) Episode Five [Goodge Street Laboratory] JAMIE: Oh, no.COLONEL: I just don't understand what's happening.JAMIE: Poor Travers.TRAVERS: Silence!ANNE: Father.DOCTOR: No, no.ANNE: But I mustDOCTOR: No, Anne. Don't go near him. Just listen to him. (Travers' voice is not his own. He speaks slowly with gasps, rasping.) TRAVERS: I am the Intelligence.ANNE: No.JAMIE: You can't be.TRAVERS: Listen to me. I speak to you with this man's voice because the time has come for you to understand my purpose.EVANS: What's he getting at?COLONEL: Quiet.DOCTOR: What do you want?TRAVERS: You defeated me in Tibet, Doctor.DOCTOR: Yes.TRAVERS: Now you have fallen into the trap that I have so carefully prepared for you.DOCTOR: Oh, I see, so that's why you've brought me here. Revenge.TRAVERS: No. Revenge is a very human emotion. My purpose for you is far more interesting.DOCTOR: And what's that?TRAVERS: Through time and space, I have observed you, Doctor. Your mind surpasses that of all other creatures.DOCTOR: What do you want?TRAVERS: You! Your mind will be invaluable to me. Therefore I have invented a machine that will drain all past knowledge and experience from your mind.VICTORIA: But you'll kill him!TRAVERS: Oh no, he will survive, his mind unharmed. Only empty as a newborn child's.DOCTOR: And if I refuse?TRAVERS: Then I shall have to seek the help of lesser mortals, like your companions here. And many, many others.DOCTOR: But you can't!TRAVERS: I can and I will.DOCTOR: Yes, I believe you.JAMIE: You can't. We'll fight!TRAVERS: That will not do. The Doctor must submit willingly.DOCTOR: And if I do submit, what of the others?TRAVERS: Then the others will go free.ANNE: And my father too?TRAVERS: And him too. I'm only using this body to communicate with you.ANNE: He didn't help you before, then.TRAVERS: Oh, no. I have many other human hands at my command.DOCTOR: And who are they?TRAVERS: Always questioning! Even now, you're seeking to destroy me. I see I shall have to guide your thoughts. (Travers pulls Victoria towards him.) DOCTOR: No, Jamie, no.TRAVERS: Cooperate and the child will be unharmed. You have twenty minutes to make up your mind.JAMIE: Let me go, Doctor! (Travers and the Yeti leave, with Victoria.) DOCTOR: Jamie, don't be a fool. You don't stand a chance.JAMIE: Let me go! Victoria! Let me past, Colonel.COLONEL: No, the Doctor's right. There've been enough lives wasted.JAMIE: And what are we going to do? Just sit around and wait for the next thing to happen?COLONEL: Don't be a fool, boy! We can't fight those things bare-handed. We must work out a plan!JAMIE: Well you do what you want, I'm going. (But there is a Yeti right outside the door.) DOCTOR: He left one of those things there to stop us getting away. Now, Victoria is quite safe.JAMIE: Safe?DOCTOR: The Intelligence knows that if it harms her, I won't cooperate.ANNE: Does that go for my father too?DOCTOR: Yes, Anne, it does.ANNE: Oh, are you sure?DOCTOR: Yes, I'm sure!EVANS: Permission to speak, sir.COLONEL: Yes, what is it, Evans?EVANS: Well, stop me if I've got it wrong, sir, but if this Intelligence thing here gets the Doctor, will he leave us all alone?COLONEL: Yes, that's what it looks like. What's in your mind?EVANS: Well, sir, why don't we just let it have him? Then we could all go home. [Tunnel] VICTORIA: Please, my wrist. Professor! Professor, please. You're hurting me. My wrist! Professor! (Travers pulls Victoria on towards the beep signal.) [Goodge Street Laboratory] COLONEL: Will this Intelligence keep its word, do you think?JAMIE: Well, it didn't in Tibet.DOCTOR: Jamie.EVANS: Leastways, it's a chance.JAMIE: But it's not you that's taking the risk, is it?EVANS: I reckon he ought to give himself up now.COLONEL: Evans, when I want your opinion I'll ask for it.EVANS: Sorry, sir.DOCTOR: It's all right, Evans. If I don't come up with the answer, I will give myself up, I promise.EVANS: That's okay then.JAMIE: You will not give yourself up.DOCTOR: Don't be foolish, Jamie!JAMIE: But Victoria!DOCTOR: She will be your responsibility. And when it's all over, you'll just both have to look after me, that's all.JAMIE: Ay?DOCTOR: Well, if what the Intelligence says is true, my mind will be like that of a child. You'll have to look after me until I grow up.JAMIE: Oh.DOCTOR: Don't worry. I'm going to try not to let it happen.EVANS: Hey, wait a minute.COLONEL: What is it, Evans? What's the matter now?EVANS: Stand back everyone. (Evans opens the door. The Yeti has gone.) EVANS: I thought I heard it go!COLONEL: Yes, well, we'd better make sure. Evans, you, myself and McCrimmon will go and search the place. Doctor, you'd better stay behind here and get on with your tinkering. (The Colonel, Jamie and Evans leave.) ANNE: You're not seriously thinking of giving yourself up to those creatures, are you?DOCTOR: I sincerely hope it won't come to that, Anne.ANNE: It's so hopeless. What can we do?DOCTOR: This control box. We've got to get it working!ANNE: Doctor, we've only got twenty minutes.DOCTOR: Then there's no time to lose, is there? Oh, come on, Anne, don't give up. I need your help.ANNE: Yes, of course.DOCTOR: Right. Now hand me that sphere, will you? [Goodge Street Fortress corridor] JAMIE: I suppose that Yeti was left there as a kind of rear guard.COLONEL: Possibly.JAMIE: If we went into the tunnels, we'd run into them again.COLONEL: Yes, probably would.JAMIE: But supposing we were to go over the top? You see, Colonel, as I see it, there's only one way for them to go. South.COLONEL: Yes?JAMIE: So if we could get ahead of them.COLONEL: What, take them by surprise, you mean?JAMIE: Aye.COLONEL: What's the point? You can't fight those things. I know, I've tried.EVANS: Anyway, we'd never get back in, sir. All the stations are locked.JAMIE: We might find one that's open. I mean, after all, the Yeti get in and out. Why can't we?EVANS: Well, I reckon we're safer here, sir.JAMIE: Aye, we are. But what about Victoria and Travers, eh? Och, if you're both too scared, I'll go myself.COLONEL: Wait a minute, McCrimmon. I think it's pointless, but at least we'll be doing something active.EVANS: What about the Doctor and Miss Travers, sir?COLONEL: Oh, yes. Mustn't leave them unprotected. You stay here, Evans.EVANS: Right, sir.COLONEL: And don't go taking any chances.EVANS: Don't worry. I won't. [Goodge Street Laboratory] DOCTOR: And the cross wires here.ANNE: I still don't see how you canDOCTOR: Well, I haven't finished yet. Now if you detach the germanium crystal strip here, and then attach the collector and the emitter.ANNE: Yes, yes, and link up there. Of course. Then the frequency variations, they'll automatically change!DOCTOR: Simple?ANNE: Yes.DOCTOR: Right. You get on with that.ANNE: Okay.DOCTOR: And I'll just check this sphere. Yes. Yes, that should complete the circuit. Good. I wonder? [Goodge Street Fortress entrance] JAMIE: There's only one way to find out.COLONEL: Yes. Certainly no sound out there.JAMIE: Shall we chance it, then?COLONEL: Why not. Now! (Jamie flings open the door, but there is a mass of fungus behind it.) JAMIE: No! Back! No! (They try to push the door closed again as the fungus makes it way inside.) COLONEL: Push! Push! Push, hard as you can! Push, get your back to it! Get your back to it! Fire door by the stairs. Go and unhitch it. I'll try to hold this. Go on, McCrimmon!JAMIE: You sure?COLONEL: Yes, go on! Go on! (Jamie runs back to the fire door as the fungus forces the main door further open.) JAMIE: All right, Colonel, come on! (Lethbridge-Stewart retreats and the fungus floods inside the Fortress entrance.) [Goodge Street Laboratory] DOCTOR: Strange, it's not picking up. The Intelligence must be transmitting. I wonder why it's not working. (The Doctor thumps the bench and the sphere starts beeping.) DOCTOR: Aha! Success! It's going, Anne.ANNE: Oh, oh that's marvellous.DOCTOR: Come along.ANNE: I'm sorry I'm being so long. This is such a fiddling job.DOCTOR: Help you in a minute. (The Doctor puts the sphere on the floor and it rolls to the door.) DOCTOR: There we are. Yes, you see, it's homing. There we are. Fairly strongly (Jamie and the Colonel enter.) JAMIE: Doctor!DOCTOR: Careful. Shut the door.COLONEL: What?ANNE: The sphere. The sphere, it's working.JAMIE: Never mind about that.DOCTOR: Why, what's happened?JAMIE: We tried to get out the surface door, but the fungus is there.DOCTOR: Well, I'm not surprised. I thought the Intelligence would try to hem us in.COLONEL: Yes, unfortunately it's got into HQ.ANNE: What?COLONEL: Don't worry. Managed to get a fire door closed. Should hold it.ANNE: I hope you're right.DOCTOR: Come on, Anne. We must get to work.COLONEL: Doctor, tell me, this sphere of yours. Exactly how's it going to help us?DOCTOR: Well, the sphere itself, it won't.JAMIE: Eh?DOCTOR: No. But it will help us to test the control box.JAMIE: Is that all?DOCTOR: All?JAMIE: You mean to say you've wasted all this time, just toDOCTOR: Wasted? We haven't been wasting our time.JAMIE: Well, I think you have!COLONEL: Must agree with the boy, Doctor. You don't seem to have achieved very much.ANNE: Colonel, if you left us alone we'd get along a lot quicker.COLONEL: Oh, very well. Come on, McCrimmon. We'll leave them to it. (The Colonel and Jamie leave.) DOCTOR: Right, Anne. Let's get on with this control box. [Goodge Street Ops room] COLONEL: Right, let's have a look at this board. (Evans appears from behind the door, rifle in hand.) COLONEL: Evans, what exactly do you think you're playing at?EVANS: Been working it out, I have, see. Come to the conclusion one of you two must be working for this Intelligence.JAMIE: Oh, for heaven's sake.EVANS: No. It told us it had another pair of hands working for it. Well, I know it's not me, see, so it must be one of you two. Stands to reason, don't it.JAMIE: Oh, don't be daft, man. It's Chorley. I've said so all along.EVANS: Well, it's only natural you'd say that, ain't it?COLONEL: I don't know what you're talking about, Evans, and quite frankly I don't care. Now McCrimmon and I are going out into the tunnels. You'd better join the Doctor and Miss Travers.EVANS: If it's all the same to you, sir, I'd prefer to stay here.COLONEL: Evans, I gave you an order.EVANS: A better position here, sir. Keep an eye on the corridors, I can. Better tactically, don't you think, sir? [Piccadilly Underground platform] (Travers is holding Victoria.) VICTORIA: Please Professor, let me go. I won't try to escape. Oh, please.INTELLIGENCE [OC]: Release her, Professor. As she says, she will not escape. There is nothing for you to be afraid of, child.VICTORIA: Isn't there? Where are you?INTELLIGENCE [OC]: Nearby.VICTORIA: Why don't you show yourself?INTELLIGENCE [OC]: All in good time. Travers, you have served your purpose. Awake. (Travers collapses.) INTELLIGENCE [OC]: Soon you will both see me.TRAVERS: What's happened? Where are we?VICTORIA: I think you'd better rest for a bit.TRAVERS: Rest? No. Work to do. I've got to help the Doctor. Don't run, Victoria, but there's a Yeti over there, on the platform.VICTORIA: I know.TRAVERS: Yes, well, we'll try and give it the slip. What did you say?VICTORIA: I know. That's the one that brought us here.TRAVERS: What? Well, come on, Victoria (Travers and Victoria back away along the platform, but a second Yeti blocks their escape. Victoria screams.) [Goodge Street Laboratory] ANNE: Doctor. Doctor, do hurry.DOCTOR: Nearly ready. There. Now then, let's see if it works. (The sphere does nothing as the Doctor uses the control box.) ANNE: Is it at full power?DOCTOR: Yes.ANNE: Then we've failed.DOCTOR: Hang on a minute (The Doctor moves closer to the sphere. It stops bleeping.) DOCTOR: Ah ha!ANNE: Oh, it works.DOCTOR: Back you come. Yes, the trouble is, it only works at very short range.ANNE: But still, that's better than nothing. So now what do we do?DOCTOR: Well, we know that your control box can stop a Yeti. Now then, if I can re-programme this sphere to obey our verbal commands.ANNE: Yes, but can we do it? I mean, in the time?DOCTOR: How long have we got?ANNE: Twelve minutes. [Tunnel junction] COLONEL: Do we go on or turn back?JAMIE: Let's go on.COLONEL: Right. Come on. What are you waiting for?JAMIE: What made you choose this turning, Colonel?COLONEL: What? Well, I don't know really. Why? You're not still thinking about what Evans said, are you?JAMIE: Well, he was right about one thing. One of us is working with the Intelligence.COLONEL: I can assure you it's not me, McCrimmon.JAMIE: Aye, maybe so. (Jamie spots something on the rails.) JAMIE: Hey, wait a minute! (It's a handkerchief.) JAMIE: This is Victoria's. We're on the right track. [Piccadilly Underground platform] TRAVERS: Anne's all right, you say?VICTORIA: Don't worry, Professor. The Doctor's bound to come up with something.TRAVERS: I wish I shared your confidence, m'dear. Hello, what's happening? (Staff Sergeant Arnold comes out of the tunnel.) TRAVERS: Arnold! How'd you get here? I thought Victoria saidARNOLD: What, what's happened, sir?TRAVERS: Shush! Give me a moment. Do you think you can get to HQ?ARNOLD: I'll try, sir.TRAVERS: Yeah, well, get hold of the Doctor and tell him where we are.ARNOLD: Right, sir.TRAVERS: Thank you. (Arnold goes back into the tunnel. The Yeti have noticed nothing.) VICTORIA: Can't we go with him?TRAVERS: No, Victoria. That Yeti's guarding us. If we go, it'll follow. I don't think they've found out about Arnold yet. [Goodge Street Ops room] (Evans is lounging in a chair when he hears a beeping noise. The sphere rolls into the room and Evans picks his feet up off the floor, then as it gets closer he stands on the chair and makes to shoot it.) DOCTOR: No, don't shoot!EVANS: Is that thing on our side, then?DOCTOR: It is now. Stop. (The sphere stops bleeping.) DOCTOR: Were you scared?EVANS: Eh? Oh no, no, I mean, I just got up here to get a better aim, that's all. How did you make it stop then?DOCTOR: Simple, I told it to.EVANS: Here, ball. Why don't you go back where you come from? (The sphere stays still.) EVANS: Now pull the other one.ANNE: Oh, show him, Doctor.DOCTOR: All right, I will. Move forward. Stop. Move to the left. Stop. There you are, how about that?EVANS: Hey, that's great! Make a smashing toy, that would.ANNE: Toy? That's a highly complex piece of equipment.EVANS: Oh, is it? Well I don't see how it's going to help us.DOCTOR: But it obeys our commands.EVANS: So?DOCTOR: Well, once we get it inside a Yeti, we'll have a powerful ally.EVANS: Inside a Yeti?ANNE: Yes, certainly. Will you help us?EVANS: You must be joking, Go near one of them things? I may be stupid, but I'm not daft.DOCTOR: Oh. Very well, Anne, I shall have to do it myself.ANNE: Oh, I'm coming with you, Doctor.DOCTOR: No, no, it's far too dangerous.EVANS: There you are, what'd I tell you?ANNE: Not another word. I'm coming with you. [Tunnel] COLONEL: Hold it. (A figure is coming towards them.) COLONEL: Staff Arnold? It can't be. We'd given you up for lost.JAMIE: Easy, easy. That's it.ARNOLD: Sorry about this, sir.JAMIE: What happened?ARNOLD: I don't know. Can't remember. I were pushing the trolley through the fungus, and I blacked out. I thought I were falling. When I come to, sir, I were in the tunnels. Where's the Doctor, sir? I met the Professor and the girl back there andJAMIE: Victoria? Is she all right?ARNOLD: Yeti guarding them, but I promised I'd tell the Doctor, sir.COLONEL: Right. Come on, back to HQ.JAMIE: I'm going for Victoria.COLONEL: We'd stand a better chance if we stick together. Go ahead. Come on, Staff. Take it easy.ARNOLD: Thank you, sir. Right, sir.COLONEL: Careful. [Piccadilly Underground platform] (Travers checks his watch.) TRAVERS: The Doctor's twenty minutes are almost up.VICTORIA: Professor? (There's a very fast beeping sound, and the Yeti move their captives along the platform.) VICTORIA: Where are they taking us?TRAVERS: Now keep calm, Victoria. I'm sure the Doctor will think of something. [Goodge Street Ops room] (The black line on the map is moving to Warren Street station. There are footsteps outside, so Evans hides.) JAMIE: Now, that's it then.COLONEL: Evans, come out from behind that board.EVANS: Oh, it's you, sir.COLONEL: Where's the Doctor? Evans!EVANS: B-b-but y-y-you, youARNOLD: Stop bleating like a Welsh baa-lamb, Evans, and answer the Colonel.EVANS: Sir?COLONEL: Doctor and Miss Travers, where are they?EVANS: Gone, sir.JAMIE: Gone where?EVANS: Warren Street, I think.JAMIE: Why?EVANS: After a Yeti, they said.ARNOLD: Look at the board, sir. Warren Street.JAMIE: Come on!COLONEL: No, not you, Staff. Evans, make yourself useful. Get a dressing for the Staff Sergeant's head.EVANS: Sir.ARNOLD: Thank you, sir. [Tunnel] (The Doctor is gazing at the wall of fungus blocking their way.) DOCTOR: Do you think it's mutating, Anne?ANNE: I don't know, but I don't think we'll stay and find out, Doctor.DOCTOR: No, perhaps you're right. (There is a Yeti behind them.) ANNE: We're trapped!DOCTOR: Give me the control box, Anne.ANNE: The control box.DOCTOR: Yes.ANNE: Haven't you got it, Doctor?DOCTOR: What? Hold the sphere!ANNE: Oh Doctor, you must have it!DOCTOR: Yes. (The Doctor finds the box in his pocket and tries to use it.) ANNE: Doctor!DOCTOR: Don't worry, it'll work. It's got to work! (The Yeti stops right in front of them.) ANNE: I know you said it only worked at short range, but for a momentDOCTOR: Don't tell me you were worried? Would you like to hold this for me? Now then. It's all right, it's quite safe. (The Doctor removes the Yeti's control sphere.) DOCTOR: Nearly out. There. Right. (The Doctor puts their modified sphere into the Yeti.) DOCTOR: Now then. Turn round! (The Yeti obeys.) ANNE: Oh, it works! You've done it.DOCTOR: We've done it, you mean. Now then, with my reprogrammed sphere and your control box, we should be able to work him over quite a distance. And put your arm down. (The Yeti lowers it's arm.) DOCTOR: Now we've got a chance, Anne. Come on. Oh, mustn't forget him. Come on, Fred, at the double. [Goodge Street Common room] EVANS: Hold still, can't you?ARNOLD: Oh, come on, Evans. Get on with it.EVANS: I reckon I ought to have been a doctor. Real professional, that is.ARNOLD: All right then, doctor. Take your gear back to the lab.EVANS: Oh, right-ho then.ARNOLD: And when you've done that, you can come back and shift that chair.EVANS [OC]: Staff! Staff!ARNOLD: What is it? [Goodge Street Laboratory] ARNOLD: What is it, Evans? (Evans points to the far wall, which is bulging inwards. Then it gives way.) ARNOLD: Come on, Evans, let's get out of it. (They retreat as a mass of fungus oozes into the room.) Episode Six [Tunnel] EVANS: What are we going to do now, Staff?ARNOLD: The main door should keep the fungus out of the tunnels for a bit. We must warn the others that HQ's had it.EVANS: Right.ARNOLD: Well, come on, then.EVANS: Oh, oh no, not me.ARNOLD: You're not disobeying an order, are you, Evans?EVANS: Now look here, Staff. If we go up there, and this stuff breaks out, we'll be trapped.ARNOLD: Now look, lad, you're scared, that's understandable. But you've been in the Army long enough to know that orders is orders. There's four people up there. If we don't warn them, they're for the chop.EVANS: So? Four of them's getting the chop. There's no reason to make it six, is there?ARNOLD: I've had enough of your lip for one day. Come on. Follow me. Evans! Come back here!EVANS [OC]: Not on your nellie! Cheerio, Staff!ARNOLD: Right, then. I'll get you for this! [Tunnel 2] DOCTOR: Anne. (The Yeti walks past.) ANNE: Hey!DOCTOR: Stop. Come back here. Stop. Anne, I've been thinking. Until we know who else is working for the Intelligence, everyone must be suspect.ANNE: Yes?DOCTOR: Well, the fewer people who know this chap's on our side, the better.ANNE: Yes. Yes, and whoever is the Intelligence is bound to know that you're controlling this Yeti.DOCTOR: I know. You are to remain here for, do you think a minute will be enough?ANNE: What for?DOCTOR: For us to get clear.ANNE: Perhaps.DOCTOR: You are to remain here for ninety seconds, and then resume acting on orders from the Intelligence until you are told otherwise. Is that understood? (The Yeti roars.) DOCTOR: Right. Switch off for ninety seconds starting from now. Come on, Anne. [Tunnel 3] JAMIE: It is them. Come on. Am I glad to see you! There's fungus at Warren Street.DOCTOR: Yes, I know.JAMIE: Oh. What are you doing down here, anyway?DOCTOR: Well, as a matter of fact. I'll tell you another time. Hello, Colonel.COLONEL: Glad to see you're both safe. Any luck with your gadgets?ANNE: No. No, I'm afraid not.COLONEL: Pity.DOCTOR: Any news of Victoria?JAMIE: Yes, she's at the Piccadilly Station.DOCTOR: Piccadilly?ANNE: Is my father there too?JAMIE: Aye, he's with her.DOCTOR: Are they all right?COLONEL: Yes.DOCTOR: How do you know?COLONEL: I ran across Arnold - he saw them.DOCTOR: Arnold?ANNE: Arnold? But Evans said the fungusCOLONEL: Yes, he went into it, all right, but he came out again somehow. Says he can't remember what happened.DOCTOR: We haven't got any time to find out.ANNE: No, time's nearly up.COLONEL: Yes, your twenty minutes.DOCTOR: Yes.ANNE: Yes.COLONEL: Well, come on then.ANNE: What are you going to do?DOCTOR: We can't do anything until we get back to Headquarters, and then, if we've got time, we'll try and increase the range of the control units.ANNE: Yes.DOCTOR: Come on. (Back along the tunnel, the Doctor's Yeti starts beeping again. After a short while it is joined by two others, and they all move off.) DOCTOR: What is it, Colonel?COLONEL: Something up ahead.ANNE: We can't go back.COLONEL: What, fungus, you mean?DOCTOR: No.ANNE: Yes.DOCTOR: Yes.ARNOLD [OC]: Is that you, Colonel?COLONEL: It's Arnold. Hang on, Staff!JAMIE: Why isn't he in HQ?ARNOLD: Sir, the fungus, it's swamped HQ.JAMIE: No!ARNOLD: I'm afraid so, sir. The main doors should keep it out of the tunnels for a bit, butCOLONEL: Where's Evans?ARNOLD: Scarpered, sir. (Three Yeti arrive and surround them.) ARNOLD: Our time's up! We're all together. They've come to fetch us! [Tunnel 4] (Evans hears beeping and hides in an alcove. A Yeti walks past and he comes out, straight into a second one.) EVANS: Er, hello. If you're looking for your friend, he went that way. (The first Yeti returns.) EVANS: Look, you don't want me. I'm not one of them, see? Driver, that's what I am. I shouldn't be down here at all, really. Hey, steady on. Oh, going for a walk, are we? There's lovely. (The Yeti carry Evans away.) [Tunnel junction] (The Yeti make the group stop.) ARNOLD: I'm going to make a break for it, sir.COLONEL: Think you can?ARNOLD: Well, it's worth a try. On the loose, sir, I might be able to do something. If only you could distract them, sir.COLONEL: Right, Staff. (The Yeti has got its instructions now.) ARNOLD: I think it wants us to go on, sir.COLONEL: Right. Here we go. (The Colonel stumbles against the Doctor, knocking him down.) JAMIE: Wait! Can't you see he's fallen over? (Arnold makes his escape in the confusion.) [Piccadilly ticket hall] VICTORIA: Where are we being taken, Professor?TRAVERS: Oh, to meet the Intelligence, I suppose. (A throne-like seat stands in front of the ticket office, linked to a -) VICTORIA: A pyramid!TRAVERS: Yes, but it's different! We've never seen one like this before. It's fascinating! This must be the machine that the Intelligence intends using on the Doctor.VICTORIA: Oh, no, no, no. I shouldn't if I was you.TRAVERS: Yes, I think perhaps you're right. (There is someone in the shadows.) VICTORIA: There's someone there.TRAVERS: What?VICTORIA: There!TRAVERS: Who's there? Who is it? (The shadow leaves) TRAVERS: Did you see who it was?VICTORIA: No. Do you think it could have beenTRAVERS: The Intelligence? If only we could do something.VICTORIA: I'm sure the Doctor will think of something.TRAVERS: No, not this time, Victoria. The Doctor would never risk the chance of the Intelligence harming you.VICTORIA: You mean he'll just give in?TRAVERS: Yes, I'm afraid so. Afraid there's no alternative.INTELLIGENCE [OC]: Yes, you're right, Professor. He has no alternative. I am sorry not to be here to welcome you personally, but I am sure you will not be offended. After all, the guest of honour is the Doctor. He, I am sure, will cooperate as I advise you to do. Any attempt to interfere would be pointless. My Yeti can destroy you so easily.TRAVERS: It's all my fault. If I hadn't tampered with that sphere. People killed, London invaded, all because of my wretched curiosity.VICTORIA: Don't blame yourself, Professor.TRAVERS: Why not? I've sacrificed you all, and for what? [Piccadilly Underground platform] (The Doctor is playing the first two lines of 'Skye Boat Song' on his recorder, as the Yeti guard the group. The Colonel paces restlessly.) JAMIE: Why didn't you tell me all this before?DOCTOR: Him.JAMIE: You don't think the Colonel?DOCTOR: Well, you never know, do you?JAMIE: Which one is ours?DOCTOR: I don't know.JAMIE: What?DOCTOR: Well, unfortunately I've lost track of him.JAMIE: Oh, that's a great help.DOCTOR: Well, never mind, I want you to take this microphone and keep on calling our Yeti to you.JAMIE: How will I know I've got the right one?DOCTOR: You'll soon know if you haven't got the right one, won't you. Jamie, I hope you don't suffer from claustrophobia. [Tunnel] (Chorley is hiding in an alcove as Arnold goes past.) CHORLEY: Sergeant! Oh, thank heavens I found you. I've been wandering down here by myself for ages.ARNOLD: Well, well, well. Quite forgotten about you we had, Mister Chorley.CHORLEY: Tried to get out over the surface, but there are Yeti everywhere. And there's this fungus and fog, all around, you see, and it's hopeless! I tried to get back to HQ, I tried, but all the stations were locked, you see, and I couldn't get back in. And all the time I kept seeing more and more Yeti, and they were closing in on me. I was retreating. I was always retreating, and then, at last I found I could get into Piccadilly, but when I got down there, there was this machine and that Professor, and a girl. And more Yeti. They're everywhere!ARNOLD: My, my, my. We are in a state, aren't we, sir.CHORLEY: Yes. All right. So, I'm frightened. Well so would you be if you'd been up there.ARNOLD: It's all right, sir. Nothing to be ashamed of.CHORLEY: Yes.ARNOLD: There's just one thing that puzzles me though, sir.CHORLEY: Oh, what's that?ARNOLD: How you managed to exist all this time. Why didn't the Yetis get you?CHORLEY: Look, Sergeant, what are you suggesting? You're not suggesting that IARNOLD: Oh no, sir, I was just wondering, that's all. I think perhaps you'd better come along with me, don't you, sir? Come on now. [Piccadilly Underground platform] ANNE: Where's the control box?DOCTOR: Hmm?ANNE: The control box.DOCTOR: It's in my pocket.ANNE: Well, why don't you use it on these Yeti, and then maybe we can escape.DOCTOR: Oh, no. I must meet the Intelligence face to face.COLONEL: Doctor?DOCTOR: What is it?COLONEL: Been thinking. The Yeti haven't noticed McCrimmon's disappearance yet. Not that I think he'll be able to achieve anything.DOCTOR: Well, go on.COLONEL: Well, I don't really know how to say this, but there's Miss Travers and Victoria to think of, and, erDOCTOR: You mean, am I going to give myself up?COLONEL: Yes. Of course, the decision must be yours, yours alone. But the Intelligence did promise to release Travers and Victoria.DOCTOR: You believe that?COLONEL: Well, why not? (Anne hears beeps.) ANNE: Hello, we've got company. (Two Yeti come out of the tunnel carrying Evans, and put him down.) EVANS: Hello, sir.COLONEL: Evans, where the devil have you been?EVANS: Didn't Staff Arnold tell you, sir?COLONEL: Yes. Sounded very like desertion to me.EVANS: Desertion? Me? Oh, good heavens, no. No, I thought I'd try a single-handed and desperate attempt to rescue Professor Travers and the girl. Isn't Staff Arnold about?ANNE: No.EVANS: Good. (One of the Yeti steps behind the Doctor.) DOCTOR: Listen. (It pushes him up the steps to the ticket hall.) DOCTOR: Now listen, everyone. When the Yeti come for you, don't struggle. Whatever you do, don't resist them.EVANS: Don't struggle, he says. He must be joking.COLONEL: The Doctor will have to give in. There's no other choice.EVANS: Aye, aye, time to get fell in. (They are moved off along the platform by the Yeti. When all have gone, the lid of a sand bin is lifted and Jamie looks out.) [Piccadilly Underground corridor] (A Yeti comes to meet the Doctor and his escort, holding a helmet-like device. It makes to put it on the Doctor's head, then both Yeti stop beeping. The control box has worked. The Doctor takes the device and examines it.) DOCTOR: Thank you. (The Doctor makes some adjustments to the device and gives it back to the Yeti, then switches off the control box again. The Yeti puts the device on the Doctor's head.) [Piccadilly ticket hall] ANNE: Father! Oh, Father, are you all right?TRAVERS: Yes, I'm all right. Don't worry, Anne.VICTORIA: Jamie and the Doctor, where are they?TRAVERS: Anne? [Piccadilly Underground platform] JAMIE: Yeti? Come towards me. I'm standing beside the platform at Piccadilly Station. Yeti, wherever you are, come towards me. (A Yeti comes out of the tunnel.) JAMIE: Come towards me. Like that, that's it. Come to. Right now, raise your right arm. Raise your right arm! (But the Yeti carries on along the track and into the far tunnel.) JAMIE: Oh, what's the use. [Piccadilly ticket hall] TRAVERS: Well, there's nothing to be afraid of. Just be calm. (The Doctor is brought in wearing the helmet device.) VICTORIA: Doctor!TRAVERS: The Doctor!ANNE: Doctor!VICTORIA: What are they going to do?DOCTOR: Now don't worry, Victoria.VICTORIA: Oh, butDOCTOR: Everything's under control. Don't be frightened.VICTORIA: But Doctor, what are they going to do?DOCTOR: Everything is under control. Tell her, Anne. You understand.ANNE: Yes, yes, I think so.DOCTOR: Now listen, everyone. Don't do anything foolish! I am perfectly all right.INTELLIGENCE [OC]: Yes, he is perfectly all right. Thank you, Doctor, for being so cooperative.COLONEL: Why don't you show yourself? Who are you?INTELLIGENCE [OC]: Silence. You will know soon enough. (Chorley enters with a Yeti.) VICTORIA: Chorley?COLONEL: Chorley?TRAVERS: Good grief.ANNE: That horrible little man?EVANS: You, the Intelligence?ANNE: No.!COLONEL: No, he can't be the Intelligence. He can't be. It doesn't make sense. (CHORLEY, having recovered his breath, is flustered and close to tears. He turns and points down the passageway.) CHORLEY: It isn't me. It isn't me. Don't you understand? I'm not the Intelligence. The Intelligence is him! (Arnold comes out of the shadows.) TRAVERS: It can't be!ANNE: Oh, it's too horrible. I don't believe it! (Arnold's face is blank.) ANNE: Arnold.ARNOLD: (no accent) No, merely Arnold's lifeless body in which I have concealed myself. But let us to work. There will be time for discussion later. In fact, all the time in the world.ANNE: Oh, so you weren't going to let us go then afterwards.TRAVERS: Did you think he would?ARNOLD: The last member of the party. Come and join us. (A Yeti brings Jamie in.) VICTORIA: Oh, Jamie!JAMIE: Victoria, are you all right?VICTORIA: Yes.ARNOLD: Your solicitude is touching. Nevertheless, it is wasting time.DOCTOR: Frightened that something might go wrong?ARNOLD: Join the Doctor.DOCTOR: Do what he says, Jamie.ARNOLD: Take him! (A Yeti grabs Jamie around the neck.) ARNOLD: I must ensure your complete cooperation, Doctor. Should you prove at all unhelpful, your young friend's neck will be broken.DOCTOR: You gave your word that no one would be harmed. I refuse to submit until you release Jamie!ARNOLD: All right. Release the boy. But at the first sign of trouble from youDOCTOR: Don't worry. I will do what you say.ARNOLD: Good. Into the machine, Doctor. (The Doctor steps into the pyramid.) TRAVERS: What's he going to do?COLONEL: What's happening? (There is a chair under a mass of circuitry. The Doctor sits in it. Arnold makes some adjustments then lowers a metal circlet onto the helmet the Doctor is wearing.) ARNOLD: Soon your mind will be absorbed by the Great Intelligence. You should be very proud, Doctor. Your knowledge of the past will help to shape the future of this planet.DOCTOR: Just get on with it, please.ARNOLD: You seem very anxious suddenly.DOCTOR: I just want it over and done with.ARNOLD: Submission is essential. You must understand, Doctor, that without your complete cooperation this transference would be of no value. Should you offer any opposition, either physical or mental, I shall be forced to punish you, or rather your friends. Prepare for a great darkness to cloud your mind.JAMIE: Attack now! Attack the Yeti! (The tame Yeti turns on the other Yeti.) JAMIE: Get Arnold! (It attacks Arnold.) DOCTOR: No!COLONEL: Get the Doctor out! (The Doctor shakes off attempts to rescue him.) DOCTOR: No, you don't understand. You'll ruin everything! No!JAMIE: Professor! Anne! Give us some help!DOCTOR: No! No! No! Leave me be! You don't understand. I've got to stay here! (Evans and the Colonel pull the Doctor out of the pyramid and Jamie throws the headset into it. BOOM! The Yeti all collapse.) EVANS: Well, that's that then, innit?DOCTOR: You blithering Welsh imbecile! Why can't you do what you're told!JAMIE: Hey, now just a minute, Doctor. If we hadn't pulled you out of that, you'd have been a heap of dust by now.DOCTOR: You're just as bad. I told you to leave it to me! Now you've gone and ruined everything.JAMIE: Ruined everything? How can we? We we've won, haven't we?DOCTOR: No!TRAVERS: What do you mean, Doctor?DOCTOR: Oh, why didn't they leave it to me? I had crossed those wires on that helmet thing. The Intelligence wouldn't have drained me, I would have drained the Intelligence! As it is, all we got was a crossed circuit.ANNE: You mean, all we've done is cut off its contact with Earth? It's still out there in space somewhere, flying around?DOCTOR: Precisely! Look. (Arnold lies dead, a charred husk.) VICTORIA: Oh!CHORLEY: Oh, poor fellow!COLONEL: Do you mean to say that Arnold wasn't the Intelligence?DOCTOR: No. He was just a poor soldier that was taken over. He was probably one of the first to disappear.EVANS: You mean it might come back?DOCTOR: Well, it's still around, isn't it? I've failed.TRAVERS: Nonsense, man.ANNE: You were marvellous.COLONEL: Yes. Great victory.DOCTOR: I doubt it.ANNE: No, you were a hero, and you know it.DOCTOR: You don't really think so, do you.ANNE: Yes, yes,. I do.CHORLEY: You've got to face facts, old man. By tomorrow morning you're going to be a household word, a national figure.DOCTOR: Oh, no. Oh, no.CHORLEY: Yes. I want you on my television programme, andDOCTOR: Oh, no!CHORLEY: and I want to organise a big press conference, andDOCTOR: Jamie! Victoria! Come along, it's time we left.CHORLEY: But the press conference, Doctor.DOCTOR: Goodbye!TRAVERS: But Doctor? Doctor, you can't go yet. There are a lot of things I want to discuss with you.DOCTOR: I'm sorry, Travers, we have to go.CHORLEY: Where are you going?DOCTOR: Covent Garden. Come along. Come along, Jamie. Goodbye, Travers.TRAVERS: Goodbye Victoria, dear. Goodbye. Goodbye. (The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria disappear down to the platform.) ANNE: Where's he going?TRAVERS: Oh, er, back to his TARDIS, I suppose.CHORLEY: You mean this, uh, this time machine thing, it really exists?TRAVERS: Well, I, er. Oh, explain it to him, Anne, will you? Colonel, I think we'd better check up top, don't you?COLONEL: Right, Professor. Evans!ANNE: Father? Father, ICHORLEY: Now don't you go, Miss Travers. I'd like you to explain all about this time machine for me.ANNE: Oh, dear. [Tunnel junction] DOCTOR: Well, where do we go? Which is the way to Covent Garden?JAMIE: Oh, don't ask me. I've completely lost my bearings.VICTORIA: All these tunnels look the same to me.DOCTOR: Come on, let's try this way.JAMIE: Well, it doesn't matter, anyway. I mean, there's no danger, is there?DOCTOR: Well, not from the Yeti, no, but who knows, they might suddenly start the trains again! Come on!JAMIE: Trains?VICTORIA: Oh!JAMIE: Come on! Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.