Stories Audio Drama Dark Gallifrey Dark Gallifrey The War Master Part 3 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 5 reviews 24 December 2024 · 41 words Review by Duracell1692 1 Easily the worst story I've done in a couple of years, I'm all one for whacky stories/twists but this one takes it too far, I really had to stop multiple times while listening and put my head in my hands. Duracell1692 View profile Like Liked 1 25 November 2024 · 1 words Review by Rock_Angel 2 Bangers Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 2 6 November 2024 · 107 words Review by sircarolyn Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! I support TARDIS!John Hart/TARDIS forever <3 Honestly though, this is was mostly just fun. I don't think I understand how this is going to tie in to any of the rest of the Dark Gallifrey stuff, and there wasn't enough Benny for me, but I'm glad the Master finally got his chance to be the main character of his story, and I'm glad that John didn't just feel totally shoehorned. However, it all felt a little *Alien Bodies* with the humanoid TARDIS thing, and I like that vibe, I'm just not quite sure this is the fresh new take on it it thinks it is. sircarolyn View profile Like Liked 2 2 October 2024 · 274 words Review by MrColdStream Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! 6️⃣⏹️ = FINE! Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! “LOOK, MOM! I'M A TIME MACHINE!” Picking up where the previous release left us, Dark Gallifrey: War Master 3 sees the War Master and John Hart come face to face with the Imbomination, who keeps tormenting them in different ways by shapeshifting into different forms and playing with their emotions and psyche. Benny pops up throughout the audio, but this third part is finally devoted to the War Master and his exploration of Dark Gallifrey. The story is at its best when it allows the War Master to slowly manipulate the people around him to reach his own goals. This turns into something of a mess, as the Master becomes a god and Captain John thinks he is a TARDIS (a gag that is so overplayed that it turns stupid). It does shed some light on Dark Gallifrey and the Imbomination, but it's all still left annoyingly ambiguous. The romance between Captain John and the Terrified TARDIS is a fun idea but not very effective because we’ve seen something similar before in The Doctor’s Wife. Tariyé Peterside puts in a great performance as the Imbomiantion and easily steals the spotlight here. Derek Jacobi is a delight as always, and James Marsters isn’t too bad, either. Jonathon Carley pops up to join Captain Hart in the guise of the War Doctor, but to be fair; he's nothing more than a cameo and a pretty cheap one at that. The constantly shifting music is grating to my ears. With this comes very sudden tonal shifts that are very much intentional but pretty tiring. MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 1 25 September 2024 · 73 words Review by twelvesoswald Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! i am sick of the doctor being shoehorned into big finish stuff lately like dark gallifrey and the paternoster gang are two instances where it just doesnt add anything??? like his cameo here was useless to the plot. again another dark gallifrey finale let down, i just don't get where this plot is headed tbh is every release gonna be us stopping dark gallifrey over and over again or will there be stakes ? twelvesoswald View profile Like Liked 3