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6 reviews
[Reviewed with The Vengeance of Morbius]
Great finale for this series. Really tense the whole way through with some pretty great characters (shoutouts to the alien centipede cop).
also morbius! that's the meme man


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Doesn't capitalise as well on the set up from the previous part, feeling like this stalls, and struggles to ever gain full momentum.

The shock ending is great, even if it doesn't feel satisfying, since the audience know the Doctor can not possibly have died in the fall.


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Well that ending was... Very unexpected. Obviously I know he's not actually dead but it sure feels like it, and I think that if they Doctor were to actually die, that would be an extremely fitting way to do it, going down with his enemy one last time to save the universe. Not much to say about the rest of the story, but I do like these lore heavy, Time Lord centric Eighth Doctor finales like this and Neverland, so I quite liked this one, and I liked Morbius in it. I'm really intrigued by the cliffhanger, so I'm really excited to get into the next series, (a good sign for any finale), but I just hope they resolve it in a non-cop outy way, cause I don't want the impact of the ending to be lessened (I suspect the sisterhood may have something to do with his inevitable survival but we'll see).


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A decent end to series 2. Was actually quite tense, and that was sure a cliffhanger lol. Not a fan of the Sisterhood plot, but other than that.

I liked this season much more than the first, lot's of great stories and I am excited to check out series 3!


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Zarodnix is a real Morbhead


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A letdown after the very strong Sisters of the Flame. This episode only actually starts halfway through, and we get virtually no time to explore Morbius's conquest. It feels like no-one is present for any of this except our main cast.

Cast-wise, no complaints here. Paul and Sheridan are as great as ever. Samuel West is fantastic as Morbius, for what little time he gets. Grace and Siddig are back from the previous story and they're still good here, just underserved in their roles after last time.

The resolution is so quick and simple it's barely a blip on the radar. Good enough cliffhanger, though (or, pair of cliffhangers!).


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