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Part One

[St Jude's Hospital]

(A young woman runs to the fencing surrounding a huge unused building, and gets inside. This sets off an alarm in a very high tech chamber. She follows her blinking disc to a blank wall, which then opens for her. In the high tech chamber, three statis pods open and bipeds with shiny shoes get out. The young woman places her disc on a vault door.)

GILL: What? Open! You've got to open!

(She removes her disc and sees that there is a place for another one nearby.)

GILL: Two access discs?

(The men from the pods arrive. They remove their right hands and guns emerge from their arms.)

MR DREAD: Prepare to be incinerated.

(She runs, and they walk after her. Outside in the courtyard, she hurts her ankle and has to lean against a wall. A familiar lizard-like alien emerges from her.)

ANDROVAX: Human bodies. Useless!

(He leaves. The three men, in black suits and ties, white shirts and sunglasses, arrive. Their leader, Mister Dread, scans the woman.)

MR DREAD: She is unconscious. The Veil has gone. We will find him.


(Sarah Jane and Clyde are watching a remote feed from a Mars probe on Mister Smith's screen. Luke is on a webcam screen on Sarah Jane's computer)

MAN [OC]: Oh boy, it's looking like a beautiful morning on Mars today. The dust storms have subsided. We've got a really clear view.

(Rani enters.)

RANI: Oh, you'll never guess what mum's done. Hi, there. Guess what?
CLYDE: Shush.
LUKE [on PC]: Hey, Rani, how are you?
RANI: Luke! Great, thanks. How's Oxford?
LUKE [on PC]: Just so brilliant.
SARAH JANE: Can you two keep it down? We need to time this to the second.
MAN [OC]: Mars probe, systems operational. Continuing on programmed route.
RANI: Is that Mars?
CLYDE: It's the feed from the latest Mars robot probe. Sarah Jane's about to upset NASA big time.
MR SMITH: The Mars rover will be in sight of target in twenty seconds.
LUKE [on PC]: So, how's everybody doing at school?
RANI: Oh, you know. Clyde's still winding Dad up. How are those uni mates getting on?
CLYDE: He says they live off baked beans and curry. Must be like living with the Slitheen.
SARAH JANE: Get ready, Mister Smith.
MR SMITH: Approaching point of visibility. Jamming signal now.
MAN [OC]: Hey, where did the signal go? We've lost contact with the probe.
MR SMITH: Powering down NASA probe.

(As the probe approaches a Pyramid of Mars.)

SARAH JANE: Well done, Mister Smith.
LUKE [on PC]: Looks like NASA just lost yet another Mars probe.
RANI: What was that, on the horizon?
SARAH JANE: An ancient civilisation. Ancient and terrible. Some of Mars' secrets are best left undiscovered.
LUKE [on PC]: You see, that's what Mum does now that I'm not around to keep an eye on her. Sabotages NASA probes.
SARAH JANE: She's so out of control.
SARAH JANE: Only the ones heading for trouble. So, guess what?
RANI: What?
RANI: Oh! Where Mum's dragged my dad.

[Sports hall]

GITA: My name is Gita Chandra, and I've seen aliens.

(The group seated in a circle applaud her.)

OCEAN: Welcome to the British UFO Research and Paranormal Studies Society, Ealing branch. Well, we've all seen them. What were yours like?
GITA: Rhinoceros men. And another one, like a lizard. Oh, this is my husband, Haresh. We both saw them.
HARESH: Hello.
GITA: This is my card, by the way, Bloomin' Lovely. Flowers for flower people.
OCEAN: I do love fresh flowers.
GITA: I do home deliveries. I've got a new ad in the Echo, you see, and I was checking it out when I saw your group advertised. And I just had to come, Miss Waters, and tell you what I'd, We'd seen.
OCEAN: Oh, call me Ocean. So many people feel awkward, even embarrassed, admitting to a close encounter, But we at BURPSS, believe you should let it all out.
GITA: Well, I feel better for it.
OCEAN: Ealing is the centre of so much alien activity. And Friday is our monthly UFO watch.
MINTY: We had some very interesting sightings last time. I'm Melvyn by the way. Melvyn Minton. But call me Minty. I'll be doing tomato and lentil soup.
HARESH: Sounds thrilling.
OCEAN: Believe me, Mister Chandra, Ealing is a thrilling place. The aliens are watching us, and maybe just waiting for the right moment. (The whole group looks up at the ceiling.)

[Bannerman Road]

(Haresh and Gita drive home.)

GITA: I'm not listening to you, no.
HARESH: Gita, they're called BURPSS. They're a bunch of wind bags.
GITA: Why do you believe to refuse to believe what you've seen with your own eyes?
HARESH: I'm not denying aliens exist, but whatever they were doing here was a one-off. You're not going to see them again.

(Gita screams as she sees Androvax pop up from behind Sarah Jane's car.)

HARESH: What's wrong?
GITA: It was one of them! The alien. The lizard one. I swear to you, I saw it.
HARESH: Oh yes, very funny.

(Gita gets the tyre wrench out of the boot.)

GITA: IT ran into Sarah's drive. Now you go and have a look, my darling.
HARESH: Me? What about you?

(Gita locks herself in the car.)

[Outside Sarah Jane's home]

(Androvax hides in the hedge.)

HARESH: Hello? Anybody there? I warn you, I'm armed.

(He has the feeling he is being watched.)

RANI: Dad, what are you doing?

(Rani goes to his side, and gets the same feeling.)

HARESH: I'm, I'm sorry. Gita thought she'd seen someone suspicious.
CLYDE: And you thought they needed a hand changing a tyre?
HARESH: She thought she'd seen the er, lizard alien we saw at Genetec.
SARAH JANE: An alien? In my garden?
HARESH: She dragged me to this UFO society this morning. BURPSS.
CLYDE: Pardon me?
HARESH: Exactly. I think it's got her imagination running wild. You know what your mother's like.
RANI: Yeah. Once she thought she saw Elvis at a Post Office.
SARAH JANE: Well, if I see any aliens, I'll be sure to let Gita know.
HARESH: Actually, er, please keep it to yourself. Gita's had enough close encounters. See you later, Rani. Macaroni cheese for tea.
RANI: Oh, great.

(Haresh leaves.)

CLYDE: I thought you said your dad's macaroni cheese was like eating superglue?
RANI: We should go back up to the attic, use Mister Smith.
CLYDE: What for? Androvax? No way. The Judoon took him prisoner. He's not coming back here. Why would he? It's like your dad said, your mum's just seeing things.
SARAH JANE: On the other hand, Androvax is a genocidal killer who destroyed twelve worlds, let alone the nasty habit he has of jumping into other people's bodies. So if he is here, that can only be trouble.
RANI: Which is why we should ask Mister Smith for help now.
SARAH JANE: I don't need Mister Smith. I can do a scan right here.
CLYDE: Oh, that is not good.
SARAH JANE: No, it isn't, is it, Androvax?

(Androvax sticks his forked tongue out of Rani's mouth and runs inside, shutting the door.)

CLYDE: When did he get her?
SARAH JANE: You know it only takes a second for Androvax to take a body.

(Sarah Jane sonicks her own front door open.)


RANI: Mister Smith, I need you. Now!
MR SMITH: Rani, I sense you're not quite yourself today.
RANI: You're just as annoying you were the last time I was here.
SARAH JANE: And I hoped we had seen the last of you then.
RANI: I don't mean you harm.
CLYDE: What? And that's why you jumped into Rani, is it? Get out of her, you freak.
RANI: Didn't expect a warm welcome.
SARAH JANE: You were right. And whatever it is you want, I remember exactly what it's like having you under my skin. Now release her.

(Androvax steps out of Rani, and she falls into Clyde's arms.)

CLYDE: You okay?
RANI' Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
ANDROVAX: Sarah Jane Smith. I need your help.
CLYDE: My hearing must be going. Did Androvax, the Destroyer of Worlds, just ask us for help? Like we're going to swallow that.
ANDROVAX: I released the young female. Call it a token of my integrity.
SARAH JANE: Mister Smith, containment vortex.

(A cylindrical forcefield appears around Androvax.)

SARAH JANE: Well, call that a token of my not being taken for a fool.

[Chandra home]

HARESH: I'm going to salvage what's left of my Saturday at badminton. Are you coming or sticking to space shuttles instead of shuttlecocks?
GITA: Enjoy your game, my darling. I don't suppose you'll be able to play once the lizard people make us all their slaves.

(Haresh leaves, and Gita phones the number on the BURPSS flyer.)

GITA: Hello? Is that Ocean? It's Gita Chandra. Yes, that's right. Guess what? I've seen them again. Here! In Bannerman Road.


SARAH JANE: You won't get out of there, so you can forget any idea of body-jumping any of us.
ANDROVAX: The taking of body gives me more strength. A little more time.
SARAH JANE: For what, what's wrong with you?
CLYDE: What if he's putting it on?
RANI: No. He's ill. Really ill. I felt it.
MR SMITH: I'm detecting the poison of the Moxolon Swamp Viper. The Judoon have a prison on one of the swamp worlds of the Calysteral Cluster.
ANDROVAX: Twenty million square sentons of stinking quagmire.
CLYDE: Sounds lovely.
ANDROVAX: Not many escape from there.
MR SMITH: Swamp viper toxin is fatal. Androvax is dying.
ANDROVAX: I don't have much time. I need you to help me. Help save my people.
SARAH JANE: Ah, no. Your species is dead. Your planet turned into a ball of ice when its star died.
ANDROVAX: At my trial, they told me before our planet was destroyed, my people launched a ship. Aboard it were a hundred of my kind in cryogenic sleep, but they crashed.
RANI: On Earth?
ANDROVAX: Forty years ago.

(Androvax falls to his knees.)

SARAH JANE: Androvax?
MR SMITH: I'm reading heightened pulse rates and increasing blood pressure.
ANDROVAX: In prison. I met a Bookan Pirate who'd acquired the activator disc to a vault here on Earth. That's where the ship now rests.
CLYDE: Hold on. Who puts a crashed space ship into a vault? Just how big is that going to be?
ANDROVAX: The vault needs two discs. I need Mister Smith to help me crack the vault's second code. You've got to help me. I have destroyed twelve planets, twelve civilisations. Please help me save just one.

[Outside Sarah Jane's home]

CLYDE: You can't trust him, Sarah Jane. You of all people know that.
SARAH JANE: Of course I do. Androvax taking control of my body was one of the worst experiences of my life. But I was inside his mind just as much as he was in mine. I felt his pain. His grief. He raged against the universe for taking his people.
RANI: And almost destroyed Earth.
SARAH JANE: I know. But if that is a vault, and there is a chance of saving a species, whatever Androvax has done, I can't ignore them.
GITA: Hello, Sarah. These are my friends, Ocean and Minty.
CLYDE: They sound like a toothpaste.
OCEAN: Lovely to meet you. We are BURPSS.
SARAH JANE: Oh. Better out than in, I'm sure.
OCEAN: British UFO Research and Paranormal Study Society. Ealing branch.
SARAH JANE: Oh, I'm sorry. I don't have much time for flying saucers, unless they've got a cup of tea on board. And actually, we're in a hurry.
MINTY: We understand there's been an alien sighting.
RANI: Mum? It was someone messing about.
GITA: I know what I saw, Rani. There was an alien, and it ran right up your drive, Sarah.
SARAH JANE: Well, I'm very proud of my begonias. I didn't realise they were a cosmic must see.
OCEAN: We're very used to scepticism, Miss Smith.
GITA: They just want to do some tests.

(Melvyn sets up his gizmo on the driveway. A small wheel, a bicycle handlebar and lamp, and a pair of headphones.)

MINTY: Invented this myself. Anything that passes through the outer layer of the atmosphere picks up beta particles, including extraterrestrial visitors. This'll find them.
SARAH JANE: An alien detector. How clever. Have you thought of taking it on Dragons' Den?
OCEAN: I promise you we won't damage anything.
CLYDE: Do you really think that gizmo could find Androvax?

(Sarah zaps it with her sonic lipstick.)

SARAH JANE: Pretty sure it won't now.
MINTY: It was working properly this morning, honestly.

(Sarah Jane, Rani and Clyde get into her car and drive away.)

GITA: Have you got another one?

[St Jude's Hospital]

RANI: How creepy is this place?
CLYDE: St Jude's Hospital.
SARAH JANE: It's not a hospital, it's an asylum.

(She zaps the chain on the gates and they enter the courtyard.)

SARAH JANE: Judging from the signs outside, someone still owns this place.
RANI: Along with a vault big enough to hide a spaceship?
SARAH JANE: Well, the vault must be hyper-dimensional.
CLYDE: Which means, exactly?
SARAH JANE: Well, the entrance might be here on Earth, but the vault itself is somewhere else.
RANI: What, big enough for a Veil ship?
SARAH JANE: And maybe more besides.

(They get inside the building.)

RANI: If this ship crashed on Earth and now it's in some sort of vault
CLYDE: Who put it there?
SARAH JANE: That's what I'd like to find out.

(Her wristwatch scanner beeps.)

SARAH JANE: And maybe the answer is through here.

(She leads the way down some stairs, breaking a laser beam.)


(A well preserved Humber Super Snipe. Black, of course.)

MR DREAD: The asylum has been compromised. Take us back.


SARAH JANE: Oh, I could do with some light down here.
CLYDE: Some people have a sonic lipstick. Me, I've got a light-up torch. If you ask me, the other side of this door is not a place you want to be.
SARAH JANE: Well, let's find out.

(She holds out her lipstick, and the door opens.)

[MIB vault]

(They are on a catwalk above the high tech area.)

SARAH JANE: The lights are motion-activated.
CLYDE: Uh oh. We just found where Daddy Bear sleeps with Mummy Bear and Baby Bear.
SARAH JANE: Come on.

(They go down to the three small vaults.)

SARAH JANE: The question is, where are their occupants?
RANI: I don't think this equipment ever belonged to the NHS.
SARAH JANE: It's alien. I'm sure that's a transmat device, but there's no power to it.
CLYDE: Someone really needs a scrap book.

(Paper cuttings on a wall.)

SARAH JANE: Some of these go back to the 1950s.
RANI: Why would aliens keep newspaper clippings about UFOs?
CLYDE: ETs with big egos?

(Sarah Jane takes one of the cuttings.)

SARAH JANE: 1972. that's Ocean Waters.
RANI: Mum's friend. She was kidnapped by aliens?
SARAH JANE: That must be why she started BURPSS. If only if she'd had a better name for it, people might have taken her more seriously. Come on.

[St Jude's Hospital]

(Back upstairs, in a well-lit corridor.)

SARAH JANE: Picking up more alien energies.
RANI: The vault?
SARAH JANE: Could be.
CLYDE: Do you know what I'm thinking? Is this a good idea? Is a whole race of body-popping aliens something that the universe really needs?
SARAH JANE: Androvax did some terrible things, but that doesn't mean his entire species is better off extinct.
MR DREAD: Stay where you are!
CLYDE: Boy, men in black!
RANI: So where's Will Smith?
SARAH JANE: My name is Sarah Jane Smith.
MR DREAD: Thank you for the introduction, but all I'm interested in is the activator disc.
SARAH JANE: Well, unlike you, I prefer to know who I'm dealing with.
MR DREAD: My name is Dread. Mister Dread.
RANI: You don't sound like any bundle of laughs, that's for sure.
MR DREAD: The Veil is not among you.
SARAH JANE: The Veil, Androvax, says this could save his species, but they're held here in a hyper-dimensional vault. Now, would you know anything about that, Mister Dread?
MR DREAD: These are off-world matters. Humans are irrelevant.
SARAH JANE: Earth is my planet. And believe me, that makes me very relevant. Now, where is the other disc?
MR DREAD: We do not have it. Its security is assured. One alone is useless. Give me the activator disc, and bring me the Veil, or prepare to be incinerated.

(The three MIB remove their hands.)

CLYDE: Oh, that's er, that's handy.
RANI: They're androids.
SARAH JANE: Get back!

(They hide while the androids shoot, then Sarah tries to use her sonic lipstick. It lights up a green forcefield.)

SARAH JANE: It doesn't work. Run!

(Out through the courtyard.)

SARAH JANE: Come on!

(Into the car and away.)

MR DREAD: Without the second activator disc, they are irrelevant. If they present a danger, we will cauterise it.


SARAH JANE: We just met your friend, Mister Dread.
ANDROVAX: The man in black?
CLYDE: He's an android with a laser blaster up his sleeve. Thanks for mentioning that.
MR SMITH: Androids dressed in black? They were instruments of the Alliance of Shades.
RANI: Which is what?
MR SMITH: An alien initiative to inhibit human awareness of extraterrestrial life. The men in black operated in the period 1953 to 1972. During this time, they reputedly wiped the memories of people who encountered aliens, and engineered the disposal of offworld debris.
SARAH JANE: Apparently into a hyper-dimensional vault, which the men in black are still guarding.
RANI: 72. That's when Ocean Waters was abducted.
SARAH JANE: We need to find out everything we can about Mister Dread. We should talk to Miss Waters.
MR SMITH: Searching for her address now, Sarah Jane.
ANDROVAX: If they have wiped her memory, you will learn nothing. But if I come with you.
SARAH JANE: No, Androvax.
ANDROVAX: If I take her body, I will find her memories of the men in black. She will be unharmed.
SARAH JANE: I can't ask anyone to let you take them over.
ANDROVAX: It will be her choice.
RANI: I know what I'd say. Anyway, I'd freak the minute I saw him.
SARAH JANE: Mister Smith, deactivate the containment vortex.
CLYDE: What are you doing?
SARAH JANE: Androvax will have to travel there in me.
ANDROVAX: Old friends, reunited.
CLYDE: No! If something goes wrong with this, we need you. Take me, Androvax. Do it now.

(Androvax dives into Clyde.)

RANI: Clyde?

(Androvax sticks his forked tongue out.)

[MIB vault]

(Dread notices the missing cutting.)

MR DREAD: Ocean Waters.

[Ocean's home]

OCEAN: Well, Miss Smith, this is a surprise. I'm afraid our alien hunt was something of a lost cause.
MINTY: A minor malfunction. I don't really understand it. The by-conductor is working.

(Big spark!)

MINTY: Yes, that's working all right.
SARAH JANE: Well, my visit is more of a professional nature. I'm a journalist, and given your expertise in the field of Ufology. I was wondering what you could tell me about men in black? And have you ever met Mister Dread?
OCEAN: You've seen him? I don't believe it. You've seen him? He must be so old now.
SARAH JANE: He's surprisingly sprightly, but, Ocean, I need you to tell me what you know about him and why are you so pleased?
OCEAN: Because it proves he exists. That I'm not mad. No one would ever believe me. About the abduction, about the men in black. It's been almost forty years. Sometimes I've even asked myself if I was mad.
RANI: You remembered, then?
OCEAN: Not the details. Nothing you could call evidence. That's what they do to you. When I try to remember, my head, it just gets filled with this bright green glow. But I remember him. Mister Dread. Nothing can wipe out that face.
MINTY: That's why she founded BURPSS. It's been her life. Trying to find some way of proving what really happened to her.

(Ocean's pendant starts beeping. She fishes it out from under her blouse. The second activator disc.)

SARAH JANE: I don't think Mister Dread just wiped your memory, Ocean. I think he left something with you for safe keeping in 1972.
OCEAN: Somehow this has always felt so special. I have no idea where it came from, where I bought it, or found it. It's just always felt so precious. I haven't taken it off in forty years.

(Clyde/Androvax grabs it.)

SARAH JANE: Androvax, no!

(Melvyn's gizmo goes berzerk.)

MINTY: It's picking up aliens! It's working!

(Dread kicks down the door.)

MR DREAD: Prepare to be incinerated.

Part Two

[Ocean's home]

(Dread swings his gun arm around, and Androvax/Clyde hides behind Rani.)

SARAH JANE: Mister Dread, no!
MR DREAD: Give me the activator discs.
CLYDE: Never!

(The forked tongue flickers out.)

OCEAN: He's an alien, too.
SARAH JANE: We only want to save Androvax's species. Why won't you help us?
MR DREAD: The equilibrium must be maintained.
RANI: What does that mean?
MR DREAD: The Veil ship must not be taken from the hyper-dimensional vault.
SARAH JANE: And if it is?
MR DREAD: The ship's stardrive engines will disrupt the vault matrix. The dimensional disturbance will tear your planet apart.
CLYDE: But my people will live again.

(Clyde runs out, and Mister Dread follows.)

SARAH JANE: Androvax, no!

(Rani nudges the android's gun arm as he takes a shot, making him miss Clyde and destroy plant pots instead.)


(Clyde staggers in pain as Gita approaches with a bouquet of flowers.)

GITA: Hello. Is Sarah interviewing Ocean? I knew she'd think there was a story there.

(Androvax leaves Clyde's body.)

GITA: It's you!

(Androvax enters Gita, and she drops the bouquet.)

[Ocean's home]

(Mister Dread is holding Rani.)

SARAH JANE: Did the Alliance of Shades program you with any morals at all, Mister Dread?
MR DREAD: I am a remarkable machine, Miss Smith. And one hundred percent reliable.

(Dread casts Rani aside and strides out, followed by Rani and Sarah Jane.)

OCEAN: Wait till BURPSS hear about this.
MINTY: Didn't they say something about Earth being destroyed?
OCEAN: You're right. Better call an extraordinary meeting.


RANI: Clyde.
CLYDE: What, what happened?
SARAH JANE: Don't shoot. That's Clyde, not Androvax.
CLYDE: Rani, he took your mum. And the discs.
RANI: Mum?
CLYDE: He swapped bodies. He thought it would slow us down.
MR DREAD: It will do him no good. My associates will be waiting at the vault.
RANI: They'll kill my mum.
MR DREAD: But we will save your planet.

(Dread leaves.)

CLYDE: I'm sorry, I should've done something to stop Androvax.
SARAH JANE: It's not your fault, Clyde. It's mine. I should have kept Androvax in the containment vortex.
RANI: But we need to find her.
SARAH JANE: We will.
RANI: Before they do.
SARAH JANE: We will.

[Sarah Jane's car]

(Androvax/Gita has driven her florist's van to St Jude's Hospital. Sarah Jane, Clyde and Rani are stuck at a traffic light.)

SARAH JANE: Why did I ever trust Androvax?
RANI: You thought it was right. We were trying to help him.
CLYDE: Some people you can't help.
RANI: Look, it's Mister Dread.

(His car is just up ahead the queue for the lights.)

SARAH JANE: Oh, those old cars, they can conk out just like that.

(She flicks her sonic lipstick. Smoke comes out from underneath the Humber's bonnet.)

CLYDE: Ooo, gotcha.

(The lights turn green and they drive off, leaving the motorists directly behind Dread stuck.)

VAN DRIVER: What's he doing?
SARAH JANE: He's not going anywhere.
VAN DRIVER: Oi, mate. Get a move on!

(Dread gets out of the car.)

VAN DRIVER: Come on. Shift it. You want to get a new motor, mate.
MR DREAD: Thank you. I'll take this one.

(Dread removes the driver's door and throws it into the road.)

MR DREAD: Goodbye.

(The driver unbuckles his seatbelt and runs off.)

[St Jude's Hospital]

(Sarah Jane parks behind the florist's van.)

RANI: Quickly.

(They run into the courtyard.)

SARAH JANE: Wait. Mister Dread's friends are still here.
CLYDE: Yeah, but Androvax is after the vault, and we still don't know where it is. Look, this place is huge. If we're going to find Gita, we should split.
RANI: Ah, we have to find her.
SARAH JANE: If you find your mum, don't go near her. Even if she says it's her, you can't trust her. You call me.
RANI: I know. I will.

(Meanwhile, in a corridor -)

GITA: It's close now.

(The two activator discs are glowing green.)


RANI: Maybe I should've told mum and dad.
CLYDE: What do you mean?
RANI: Well, after they saw the Judoon with Androvax, we thought it was funny, pretending we didn't know anything about aliens. It's not much of a joke now, is it? What if I'd told them, Clyde? Maybe none of this would have happened.
CLYDE: And maybe it wouldn't have made any difference. Look, I know Sarah Jane doesn't believe in fate, but I reckon that time and the universe, they're not random. Everything's sort of tied together by these invisible strings, like your mum joining BURPSS or Ocean Waters having that disc thing.
RANI: You mean if something's going to happen, it's going to happen?
CLYDE: Yeah. Well, some things, anyway. But we're going to save your mum now, so if it's the universe against Clyde Langer, the universe'd better bring some mates.

(They hear a sound and hide from one of Mister Dread's associates. Gita staggers into this corridor, sees him and tries to run.)

RANI: Mum. He'll kill her. Quick!

(They give chase into -)


(Androvax/Gita is hiding behind a screen.)

ANDROID: Time to burn.

(Clyde rolls a convenient medicine ball at the android, knocking him down.)

CLYDE: Strike!
RANI: Mum. Androvax. Whatever. This way now.

(They get out just before the android manages to shoot at them.)

[Outside the vault]

(Sarah Jane's wristwatch has led her to her goal.)

MR DREAD: Impressive, don't you agree?
SARAH JANE: Mister Dread. What happened, did you call out the AA? Oh, no, no, in your case, that would be Androids' Association.
MR DREAD: Yes, I have a Neuron X Series five Cyber-processor, titranic endoskeleton and a power cell that will maintain electro-functions for five hundred years. My purpose is to hide the existence of alien life from Earth and guard the vault. I am not programmed for comedy.
SARAH JANE: And judging from what I can see, the last time you were about I was in hot pants. What happened? Did the Alliance of Shades realise that you were doing such a bad job they pulled the plug? Literally, in your case.
MR DREAD: The Alliance was disbanded. We became guardians of the vault. But now we have been reactivated, our other protocols remain intact.
SARAH JANE: What does that mean?
MR DREAD: You have alien technology. It must be confiscated. And you must be processed.

(Mister Dread grabs Sarah Jane's arm.)

SARAH JANE: Sorry. Hands off.

(Literally. Sarah Jane escapes.)


(Clyde jams the door handle with a chair.)

CLYDE: We should be okay in here for a bit.
RANI: Are you going to be all right?
GITA: Of course not. The swamp viper venom is killing me.
RANI: Then give me my mum now.
GITA: I need her to free my people.
CLYDE: Look, you can't talk sense to him. I'm calling Sarah Jane.
RANI: No. Wait, Clyde, please. Just trust me. Androvax, I know how you feel. I felt it earlier. Look, we all want to save the people we love. You don't need my mum. You can take me.
RANI: Look, I need to save my mum.
GITA: Your body for hers?
RANI: I'm younger than she is. I'm fitter. Take me.
GITA: You have a deal.

(Androvax steps back out of Gita and she falls forward. Rani stops Androvax by holding him back with a trolley.)

GITA: What, what's happening? Clyde? Rani?
ANDROVAX: Never mind your body. I'll have your blood.
GITA: It's you.
RANI: Get her out of here. Get her out, Clyde.
GITA: It's a dream. it's just a bad dream, Gita. Obviously got my jeans on, this time.
RANI: Run!

(Rani runs past them and they follow. Androvax doesn't have the strength for the chase.)


RANI: Which way?
CLYDE: The way out sounds good to me.
GITA: Wait, wait. Oh. Oh, my dreams are never normally as exciting as this. Except for when George Clooney pops round for a cup of tea.
RANI: Mum, this isn't a dream. Aliens are real. Me, Clyde, Sarah Jane and Luke, we know all about them. We always have.
GITA: You knew? How?
CLYDE: Look, it's a long story, okay, but we haven't got time now, because Androvax is after us and so are the men in black. Oh, and if we don't get a move on, the world's going to end.
GITA: What?
RANI: You get used to that.

(The android arrives.)

RANI: Which way? We're stuck.
CLYDE: I guess it's up to me, then, to be the decoy.
RANI: Be careful.
CLYDE: Since when? Oi. Annie Android.

(Clyde leads it away from Rani and Gita's hiding place. Then they run in the opposite direction.)


(The android's discarded hand grabs Sarah Jane's arm. She throws it through the doorway and shuts the door. Then she sees Androvax and grabs a mop.)

SARAH JANE: Stay back.


(Clyde is trapped between two androids. They arm their weapons.)

CLYDE: Okay, count of four. One. Four.

(Clyde dives for cover as the two androids fire, shooting each other. Smouldering spare parts litter the corridor. Clyde picks up a pair of sunglasses and puts them on.)

CLYDE: Hasta la vista.


ANDROVAX: The venom is getting stronger. Every vein in my body is on fire.
SARAH JANE: Where's Gita? What have you done with her?
ANDROVAX: The poison clouded my head. Her brat of a daughter tricked me.
SARAH JANE: Well, you shouldn't have taken Gita in the first place. I said I would help you. That didn't include using my friends' bodies.
ANDROVAX: And now what, Sarah Jane Smith? Will you still help me when the re-birth of my civilisation means the end of yours?
SARAH JANE: You know I can't do that.


(Mister Dread meets the hand that Sarah Jane threw into the corridor, and attaches it. Rani and Gita burst through a door behind him.)

GITA: Oh, God.
RANI: Oh, don't shoot her. It's not Androvax.

(Dread scans Gita.)

MR DREAD: Yes, the Veil energy has gone.
GITA: Are you an alien?
MR DREAD: I'm an android. And you are my prisoners.


SARAH JANE: Is there anything I can do?
ANDROVAX: You heard what your Xylok said. Swamp vipers, they don't give you any second chances.
SARAH JANE: No, it doesn't seem like it.
ANDROVAX: Oh, my people. If only you could have seen what they had done. We had such beauty, Sarah Jane Smith. Such humanity.
SARAH JANE: I'm sorry, Androvax, to lose a world like that. I can't imagine what it must feel like. To have nothing and no one left across the whole universe. But what you did was futile and wrong. I thought you saw that now, I thought you wanted redemption. But you were prepared to destroy Earth to bring your people back. You haven't learned a thing.
ANDROVAX: But now I will be among them again.

(Androvax dies. Sarah Jane turns her back. But he was just pretending, and enters her.)

SARAH JANE: Hello again, old friend.

[MIB chamber]

RANI: What are you going to do with us?
GITA: I've heard what aliens do to humans when they get their sticky paws on them. I've read it in the Sunday papers. All that probing and implanting.
MR DREAD: As an android, I have no interest in either probing or implanting. But I do have an interest in the Veil. He is weak. He will soon need another body to sustain him.
RANI: You mean us? What, you're going to use us as bait? No way.
MR DREAD: Your approval is not required.
0 RANI: What if he gets to the vault first?
MR DREAD: My associates will handle that.
CLYDE: No, mate.

(Clyde knocks Dread into one of the pods. Rani and Gita hold him down as Clyde slides the lid over him.)

CLYDE: Your associates have been Clydeinated. Cool shades, though.
RANI: Come on. We've got to find Sarah Jane.

[Outside the Vault]

SARAH JANE: Soon, my brothers and sisters. Soon, I will release you, and our people will live again among the stars.
RANI: Sarah Jane!
SARAH JANE: Rani, you've found your mum.
GITA: I think we've got a few things to talk about when this is all finished, Sarah, my darling.
SARAH JANE: Of course, but right now I have something important to take care of.
CLYDE: What happened to Androvax?
SARAH JANE: The swamp viper venom took him.
RANI: So why are we opening the vault?
SARAH JANE: If we can save just two of his people, the Veil species still has a chance.
RANI: So there's no need to start the stardrive?
SARAH JANE: Mister Smith can arrange for a passing ship to take them to a new planet. Clyde, use the activator disc.

(Androvax/Sarah and Clyde each put a disc in its slot, and the vault door opens to reveal an impossibly big warehouse just like the Magrathean factory floor.)

GITA: Spaceships. Rani, it's full of spaceships. Spaceships, my darling. Spaceships.
RANI: Yes, Mum, we know. It's amazing.
GITA: Spaceships.
CLYDE: All I want to know is, how did they get them all in there? This door isn't that big.
RANI: The transmat device. Remember?
SARAH JANE: There isn't much time. Argh.
CLYDE: Sarah Jane?
RANI: Androvax!
CLYDE: No way.

(Clyde pulls Sarah Jane forward and Androvax leaves her.)

GITA: Oh, somebody tell me I didn't see that.
SARAH JANE: If you start that ship's engines, the vault will be destabilised. The dimensional imbalance, it will destroy Earth.
ANDROVAX: This was always my destiny, to save my people. Their ship was always calling to me, even when I crashed on Earth with the Judoon. Destruction and re-birth, Sarah Jane Smith. It is the way of the universe.

(The vault door closes between them.)

CLYDE: He took the other disc. We can't get in.
GITA: Is that it, then? We're all going to die?
SARAH JANE: I realise this is new to you, Gita, but there's one thing we never do in this situation, and that's give up.
CLYDE: Yeah, but I really wish Luke was here now.
SARAH JANE: Well, Luke isn't here. All we've got is Mister Dread.
CLYDE: He's this way.

[Veil spaceship]

COMPUTER: Star drive activation commencing.

[MIB chamber]

(The whole place shakes.)

CLYDE: Oh, this is not good.
SARAH JANE: He's started the ship's star drive. Come on, we don't have much time.
CLYDE:He's in his box.

(Sarah Jane sonicks the statis pod open.)

SARAH JANE: Mister Dread. We need your help.
CLYDE: It's like he's deactivated himself.
SARAH JANE: Well, if he's deactivated, maybe this will work.


MR DREAD: That hurt.
SARAH JANE: I'm sorry, but we need your help. Androvax has started his ship's star drive.
MR DREAD: I did warn you. Earth will be destroyed in approximately two minutes.
GITA: Two minutes? Then you've got to do something.
MR DREAD: The laws of hyper-dimensional physics cannot be changed.
SARAH JANE: Then use them, Mister Dread. The transmat equipment. That's how you put all the ships in there, isn't it?
SARAH JANE: Then you can use it to beam that Veil ship out of there and into space.
MR DREAD: Theoretically. But this equipment was all deactivated in 1972. There is no power source.
SARAH JANE: Yes, there is. You. You've got a power cell that'll keep you running for five hundred years.
GITA: Oh. Haresh,
RANI: It'll be all right, Mum. I promise.
CLYDE: Come on, Mister Dread. If you've always been here to protect the Earth from alien stuff, now's the time to get stuck in. None of this would even be happening if it wasn't for you.
RANI: Clyde's right. We didn't ask you to come and brush all those alien ships under the carpet.
SARAH JANE: So you have to stop this. Now.
MR DREAD: I want you to know. This is not in my job description.

(Mister Dread plugs himself into the power grid.)

CLYDE: Hurry up, Mister Dread. I don't think we've got much time.
MR DREAD: Scanning the vault. Setting coordinates. Powering transmatter equaliser.
SARAH JANE: The system's draining him.
MR DREAD: Transmat systems at eighty percent, eighty five, ninety. Locking on. Transmat energising.

(The Veil spaceship appears in Earth orbit, and Androvax flies away, happy. Mister Dread unplugs himself.)

SARAH JANE: Thank you.
MR DREAD: I need a holiday.
GITA: We did it! We did it! We saved the world! Yeah!
MR DREAD: My energy levels are at critical. Four hundred and fifty years of power used in two minutes.
CLYDE: Can you recharge?
MR DREAD: It's unnecessary. Without the second activator disc, the vault can never be opened again. The hyper-dimensional link has been severed. My mission is terminated.
GITA: Oh, Rani, wait till your father hears about this. Oh, wait till Ocean hears about this. Oh, my darlings, we'll be on the news all over the world.
RANI: No, mum, that's not the way it works.
GITA: Don't be silly, my darling. We just saved the Earth. I'll be on Newsnight. Haresh is going to be so jealous. I do have a thing for Jeremy Paxman. I can see the headlines now. Lizard spaceman used me like an overcoat, by Gita Chandra.
CLYDE: This is not good.
RANI: I know.
SARAH JANE: Mister Dread, could I ask you for one last teensy weensy favour before you retire?
GITA: I'll have to get my hair done.
MR DREAD: You should all look away. Gita Chandra?
GITA: Yes, my darling?

(Gita gets a full on green flash from Mister Dread's eyes.)

[Outside Sarah Jane's home]

(They all get out of the car.)

GITA: Oh, that was such a good laugh.
SARAH JANE: Glad you're feeling yourself again.
GITA: Oh, I can't remember the last time I went on a picnic. Let's do it all again next week.
CLYDE: Yeah. Great.
GITA: Dad will be so jealous he missed out all the fun.

(Ocean and Minty walk up the drive.)

CLYDE: Oh, it's Mulder and Scully again.
GITA: Don't I know you two from somewhere?
OCEAN: Of course you do. It's Ocean and Minty from BURPSS.
GITA: Oh, pardon you.
OCEAN: The British UFO Research and Paranormal Studies Society.
MINTY: Ealing branch.
GITA: I'm sorry. I don't believe in aliens.
RANI: But if you ask me, my mum's out of this world.
GITA: Ah, thank you, my darling. Now I wonder what your dad made for tea? I'm starving.
CLYDE: You just had a picnic. Remember?
GITA: I know. How weird is that?

(Gita leaves.)

OCEAN: But you were there. The men in black, you saw them. They got you, didn't they?
SARAH JANE: Men in black?
OCEAN: Oh, come on, Minty. It's the same old story. The aliens always win.

(Ocean and Minty leave.)

CLYDE: So Mister Dread went back in his box and that's the last of the men in black?
SARAH JANE: His energy cell was completely depleted.
RANI: And what about Androvax? Do you think he made it? Will he save his race?
SARAH JANE: Despite everything, I hope so. No, I really do.
ANDROVAX [OC]: Somewhere there is a new planet for the Veil. A new hope. It is the legacy of Androvax. A new beginning. A second genesis.

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.