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(Space station)

SWARM: Now you.

(The Doctor ducks out.)

DOCTOR: Ood, with me.
SWARM: She thinks running will help.

[Williamsons Tunnels]

(Sheltering from Sontaran weapons fire.)

WILLIAMSON: We're defenceless!
YASMIN: We're never defenceless.

(Uses a handy rope with a loop on the end to unlatch the door marked - rays of death never open. Energy bolts zap all the Sontarans, then the door slams shut again.)


DOCTOR: Ood, quick, what would happen if I rip off this conversion plate?
OOD: You will be pulled back into the universe.
DOCTOR: I have to get back to Earth. Can you locate my TARDIS?
SWARM: Doctor!
AZURE: Departing so soon?
DOCTOR: The neighbourhood went downhill.
SWARM: And leaving this behind?

(The fob watch.)

[Williamsons Tunnels]

DAN: I thought we got rid of this lot.
WILLIAMSON: There's more. Follow me.
JERICHO: Did he not say some of these doors had changed?
WILLIAMSON: Now which one?
DAN: No time like the present.
WILLIAMSON: This is the one! Come on! (Through the door onto a cliff above a river of molten lava.) DAN: They've all changed!

(No bodies lying around when they get back.)

DAN: What happened to the potato heads?
JERICHO: Oh, I'm getting very dizzy now.
DAN: It must be a shift in Time rather than space.
YASMIN: I think you might be getting the hang of this.
WILLIAMSON: Do not dally!
JERICHO: Who's dallying?
WILLIAMSON: We must take shelter!

(Through a door labelled December 5th far future two thousand and twenty one!!)

YASMIN: Oh, please be correct. Please be true.


OOD: I have located your TARDIS, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Hurry it along, Ood.
AZURE: All your erased memories. All those hidden lives.
SWARM: Don't you want to explore them with us? You're not going to leave us, Doctor.
OOD: Systems functional. Exit available.
DOCTOR: Watch me.

(She removes the conversion plate from her jacket.)

[Karvanista's ship]

(And dodges weapons fire.)

T KARVANISTA: What in the name of Rayfax are you doing here?
DOCTOR: I really don't know. Lupari ship, dead Sontarans.
BEL: I don't know who you are,but you're pretty unstable.
DOCTOR: (fading in and out) Oi, I'm the most stable person I know.

[Williamsons Tunnels]

(Set up as a museum.)

DAN: How are we back here?
KATE: Get your hands in the air.
WILLIAMSON: Madam, who are you? And what are youdoing in my tunnels?

(She scans the group.)

KATE: Readings for artron energy. At least two of you have had proximity to a TARDIS. Ah, that TARDIS, maybe.
YASMIN: How did that get here?
KATE: I presume some of you were with it and the Doctor in 1967? Was it true about the Weeping Angels?
YASMIN: How do you know the Doctor?
KATE: I'm the leader of Human Resistance Against Sontaran Occupation. The name's Stewart. Kate Stewart.

(Big wibble.)

DOCTOR: I'm here. Where's here? But also, I was... Yaz! Dan! Kate Stewart. Kate Stewart?! Jericho? And a Victorian-looking bloke. My TARDIS. And a lot of doors. Wait. (hugs Yasmin) But seriously, how am I here? I'm on Karvanista's ship. And also...


DOCTOR: I'm still here. How am I still here?
OOD: You are not and yet you are. There is danger. This is not usual.
DOCTOR: You're telling me that's not usual.
AZURE: Seems you are unable to tear yourself away.
DOCTOR: That does not belong to you.
SWARM: Do you think we're going to stop, after all the time you've made me wait? This is better than we could ever have hoped. We have everything we need. Division, the power to destroy your universe, and you.
STENK [transmission]: Peoples of the Universe, the warriors of Sontar offer you hope. To our long-time foes on the battlefield, we make this offer. In the face of an event which may extinguish us all, we offer the three-fingered hand of uneasy alliance. We must join together to survive this threat against us. Except Rutans. Rutans, you remain hideous scum and must be obliterated. To our Dalek and Cyber foes, we now offer the possibility of an understanding. Negotiation. To all others, we pledge death under the boots of Sontar.

[Karvanista's ship]

DOCTOR: None of this is possible. Three places, same time. Three me's, three Doctors. Same Doctor. Maybe conversion plate removal the same moment as contact with Swarm, outside normal laws of physics.
BEL: That's the next wave of Sontarans heading towards us.
DOCTOR: Oh, come on, Doctor, just concentrate on the here and now.
KARVANISTA: Oi! What're you doing?
DOCTOR: Disengaging from the fleet. You're a sitting dog here.
BEL: No. No, no, no.
DOCTOR: Too late, sorry!

[Sontaran Command]

(Based at the Dark Energy Camera in Chile.)

SENSTARG: Commander Stenck, scientific officer Senstarg reporting, sir. If you will permit me to speak. The Dark Energy Camera facility developed here by the humans is surprisingly adequate for our purposes. Establishing our command here has proven a wise strategic move, for which you are to be congratulated.
PRENTIS: It was my idea.
STENCK: Your obsequious congratulations are noted, Senstarg.
SONTARAN: Commander, a Lupari craft has detached from the inside of the planetary shield!

[Karvanista's ship]

DOCTOR: Where's the biggest concentration of Sontaran craft on Earth? Here, got it.
BEL: What?
DOCTOR: And let's remove that pesky defensive cloaking.

[Sontaran Command]

PRENTIS: It appears to be on a trajectory to crash into us.

[Karvanista's ship]

KARVANISTA: You just amped everything past maximum!
BEL: She's insane.

(The ship hurtles towards Stenck's command ship, and gets stuck on the forcefield.)

STENK [OC]: Attention, rogue Lupari ship! This is Sontaran Command. We have you held at in forcefield.

[Sontaran Command]

STENCK: Your attempt to crash into us has failed. We will bring your ship down to planetary surface...

[Karvanista's ship]

STENCK [OC]: ..where you will be imprisoned, interrogated and gleefully executed.
BEL: You knew they'd do that.
DOCTOR: People rarely wanna be crashed into. They tend to take precautions. Plus, we might get a peek at their operations. Win-win. So, Karvanista, the two of us are perfect Sontaran bait. We get captured to buy you time for a solo mission. Has anyone else noticed... lots of doors?


AZURE: You have no escape. It's perfect. All your lost memories.
DOCTOR: Give me that fob watch.
AZURE: Shall I open it? Shall we see? I think I shall.

(The fob watch opens. The Doctor is in that dead forest with the weird house.)

[Fob watch]

SWARM [OC]: Is this what you expected, Doctor?
AZURE: Illogical house. A construction that makes no sense.
SWARM: All the memories you've lost, all the people you've been. It's all in there, contained within that house. What are you waiting for, Doctor? Go inside, take a look. Meet the selves you've lost.
SWARM: Are you worried what you may discover?
AZURE: Or how it will break your mind?
SWARM: I have your past lives, and your memories. I can rend them all to dust. But don't worry, I'll take it slow.

(The house starts to fall apart, and so does the Doctor.)

AZURE: She feels all of it.
SWARM: I can make her feel much more.

(And rebuilds the house.)

SWARM: Ha! I could do this forever.

[Williamsons Tunnels]

DOCTOR: Has anyone else noticed lots of doors? What's all this?
WILLIAMSON: Those are my notes, maps and labels relating to these doors. Madam, they are all to be approached with caution.
DOCTOR: I approach everything with caution. Or abandon. One of the two. You okay?
YASMIN: I am now.
DOCTOR: How long has it been for you two?
YASMIN: A few years.
DAN: We went all over the world. She was amazing. She is amazing.
YASMIN: Don't go soppy on me now, Scouse.
DOCTOR: I missed you.
YASMIN: I missed you too. Thanks for the hologram.
DOCTOR: Who's he?
YASMIN: Joseph Williamson. He built all this, 19th century.
DOCTOR: Mad Mole? Of Edge Hill? Always wanted to meet you. You're on my list. It's a big list. More of a book. More of a series of books. Well, a small library. Anyway, enough of the small talk, tell me everything. Short version. Likes to chat, doesn't he? I can't get a word in.
WILLIAMSON: Well, madam, I was inspecting the start of building work on my land one evening, when I found myself in a city of the future. Next day, another part of my land led me to a different alien vista.
DOCTOR: Multiple rips in the fabric of Space and Time, in one corner of Liverpool.
WILLIAMSON: I became obsessed, as you might imagine. I was able to journey to far-off places, experience tremendous, terrifying vista and creatures. So I kept records. I marked where one world became another, structured these tunnels around those records. And then, on one journey, I saw... the end of everything.
DOCTOR: The final Flux event.
WILLIAMSON: Well, I believed we would be vulnerable on the surface, so I endeavoured to build a city under the earth, to protect as many of us as possible. I was mocked, and I fear my efforts have been for nought.
DOCTOR: No, no, no, no, no. Joseph Williamson, not at all. Quite the opposite! Come here. Well done. Paul Hollywood handshake. Thank you for everything you've done, Mad Mole. So, Kate Stewart, leader of human resistance, bring me up to speed.
KATE: Sontaran Command is at the Cerro Tololo Observatory in Chile, site of the Dark Energy Camera.
DOCTOR: Accessing information they can't get elsewhere.
KATE: Apparently they have a Psychic Command centre, and they're using humans to fuel its work. I thought if I could get some undercover operatives into Sontaran Command, they could tell us what the Sontarans were doing.
JERICHO: Do you think we might recruit another participant? Someone we left someone behind?
DOCTOR: We're having the same thought.
DAN: How would you get anyone in?
KATE: We've discovered a Sontaran weakness, thanks to a set of raids on...corner shops.
DOCTOR: Why are they raiding corner sh...? Oh! Metabolic processing! Lesser gravity, restorative gas composition. That would provoke a predilection.
DAN: Have you any idea what's she talking about?
YASMIN: Not a clue. Normal service resumed.
DOCTOR: Lots to do. Let's go. Infiltrate Sontarans, stop the Flux, keep everyone alive, escape Swarm, and put myself back together. Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention, I'm being trisected across disparate dimensions. I'm split across three realities now. It's quite draining, and confusing, and breaks every known law of every known everything.
YASMIN: How much danger are you in?
DOCTOR: I don't know. It's never happened to me before. Argh! I'm fine, I'm fine. Well, a bit scared. Keep going. We start with Operation Sontaran Corner Shop.


STENCK [OC]: Humans, in these last moments of your planet's existence, let our conquest be a reminder that defiance of Sontar shall always fail. This pitiful rock is but a temporary outpost for the Final Sontaran Offensive. The imminent cataclysm shall engulf your planet. Sontar-ha!

[MA Local Supermarket]

SHALLO: Move on, soldiers. I will deal with the site analysis.
SONTARAN: Yes, sir! Company, march!
ALL: Sontar-ha! Sontar-ha! Sontar-ha! Sontar-ha!

(Once alone, he makes a mad grab for all the chocolate he can stuff down his neck.)

DOCTOR: Oh dear, Commander Shallo. Drunk on chocolate? How would that go down with your superiors?
SHALLO: Who are you?
DOCTOR: I always wanted a little shop right on the corner, lots of footfall, well stocked. I'd have a shop exactly like this. Well, not exactly. I'd make some changes. Anyway, have more sweets.
DAN: You're gonna make him sick.
SHALLO: Sontarans are never sick! Sontarans shall be both vanquishers and saviours of the universe. Your delicious and appealing mouth snacks wrapped in paper will never weaken us, or our resolve. We are invulnerable. Hic! Maybe three more?
YASMIN: Try some of this. That is delicious.
SHALLO: More scum! Three scum!
DOCTOR: We understand you're in need of psychic operatives.
SHALLO: They break so easily, feeble human minds.
DOCTOR: We know a couple who are keen to help the Sontaran cause, in exchange for unlimited access to human chocolate. Maybe even the recipe. You could make it yourself. If you transport them to Sontaran Psychic Command. What do you say?
SHALLO: Ah... Ahhh... Choc-o-late.

[Path, 1967]

JERICHO: Hello, Miss Brown. (she hugs him) Oh, I say. Ha, ha!
CLAIRE: You're safe! All of you. How did you...? You said you were in 1901. We were split, and the Angels took you. I didn't think I'd ever see you again.
DOCTOR: I'm glad you're okay.
YASMIN: The good news is, we can get you back to 2021.
CLAIRE: I feel like there might be bad news.
DAN: The planet's under alien occupation.
CLAIRE: Angels?
DOCTOR: No. A race called Sontarans.
JERICHO: We need your percipient abilities in order for you and I to go undercover on an alien spacecraft.
CLAIRE: Does this sort of thing happen a lot to you?
DOCTOR: You'd be surprised. This is a big ask. You don't have to come. Oh, now I'm shut in with the dog.

[Sontaran Command]

KARVANISTA: This plan of yours had better work, cos you've been nothing but trouble for me ever since we met. What?
DOCTOR: I glimpsed a memory of you. We were together, in the Temple of Atropos. Division mission, that's my guess. Am I right?
KARVANISTA: When I said I couldn't talk to you about it, I really meant it.
DOCTOR: We're locked in! Pass the time. How close were we? Were you my... companion?
KARVANISTA: I can't talk, because it will kill me. I have a synaptic collider installed in my brain. If I talk about it, the collider will inject poison directly into my brain. I'll be dead in three seconds.
DOCTOR: Division put that in your head?
KARVANISTA: There was a time I'd do anything for you. But you left me.
DOCTOR: I don't have those memories.
KARVANISTA: I put the whole universe between us. Then you come crashing back in as if nothing had ever happened.


AZURE: Come back to us, Doctor. You don't get to die yet. We'll decide when.
DOCTOR: What's he doing? What do you want?
AZURE: You know what we want. The end of all spatial objects. And now, here, we have the means. Control over Division means control over the final Flux event. It's so interesting, Doctor. I look in your mind, and I see what you're most afraid of. Your biggest fear isn't yourself. It's the destruction of other things. It's an obsession. You want to keep things alive. You want creatures to breathe and live. You want species and races to build. I look into your mind and your hearts, and I don't know why you want it so much. And I don't know why you're so afraid of the opposite. Do you?
DOCTOR: Life must win.
AZURE: But why? Why is it better? Why is what you fight for better than what we will bring?
DOCTOR: Because otherwise... why are we here?
AZURE: You shouldn't be. That's why we exist, to correct the error.
DOCTOR: There's a balance to the universe. It exists that way for a reason.
AZURE: That is your faith. Ours is different. Ours is true. And now, we will ensure that the Flux takes apart your entire universe, ending with Atropos, the release of Time. And then we will play.
DOCTOR: What do you mean, play?
AZURE: The final Flux destroys. We stop it, wind it back, and watch it again and again and again. A constant destructive loop.
AZURE: Because that is what you did to us. You and Division left us suffering. This is how we will repay you. Suspended, feeling every death, every dying particle, on a loop. And as this happens, we will summon our Saviour. Time as witness.
AZURE: It will be beautiful.
SWARM: She's right. See? You are the universe, Doctor.

[Sontaran Command]

PRENTIS: The legendary Doctor.
DOCTOR: Bit tall for a Sontaran, and you don't have the air of a rescue party.
PRENTIS: It's time for your interrogation.
STENCK: Doctor! Finally, where you belong. As our prisoner. And the last of the Lupari. How you must mourn them.
KARVANISTA: What do you mean?
STENCK: My soldiers performed admirably. Every Lupar on those ships airlocked out into space. Their bodies now scatter the space lanes. Every single one, dead. That is the cost of resistance to Sontaran might.
DOCTOR: Karvanista, I'm so sorry.

(The Doctor is removed from the containment globe.)

KARVANISTA: I'm gonna kill every last Sontaran.
STENCK: Ha! I look forward to the combat.

(Karvanista does a howl to rival the Klingon death ritual.)

DOCTOR: Do we have to go with dragging? I can walk, you know.
BEL: No way.

[Inside Passenger-form]

VINDER: I need to take a break.
DIANE: I thought you said you were a pilot.
VINDER: I've been sitting down a lot recently. And we've been running for, well, no idea how long or how far.
DIANE: Distance and time seems to all work differently in here. Look, we can keep searching,b ut these landscapes are endless. I mean, literally endless. And I'm pretty sure your partner's not in here. There were others, but now they're gone. It's just me. You okay?
VINDER: I had it worked out. Get in here, find Bel, use this communicator to summon rescue. But I was wrong about it all. Bel's not here and the communicator won't work. Why have they kept you, if everyone else is gone?
DIANE: To them, I'm insignificant. But I'm not insignificant.
VINDER: Obviously. So how do we get out of here?
DIANE: Jump in the river.

(He runs, bounces off barrier and they are somewhere else.)

DIANE: That was the edge. When you get to the edge of one landscape, it transports you to another. This thing, this prison, generates endless multiple landscapes, but they still have edges, guarded by that security system. And I've been piecing the connections together.

(Shooting at Passenger-form images that appear.)

VINDER: Nice blaster action. Where'd you train?
DIANE: Laser Quest, Fazakerley. Come on, I need to show you something.

(A hole in the ground with glowing bits.)

DIANE: I found this after I'd been here for a while.
VINDER: How long did it take to dig this?
DIANE: Way too long.
VINDER: It's a bio-form. It's a combination of organic and machine, but these are the internal tech-systems.
DIANE: I figured systems have a purposem and if they're buried it's to prevent interference. So, I interfered. Why're you looking at me like that?
VINDER: We get trained on what to do if we're held hostage in various environments. The last environment we do is Passenger-forms. You should teach at the Academy.
DIANE: These systems, they seem to control those steps where you came in. If you disrupt the systems, the steps become active. We can make it from here, if we run. But it self-repairs, so they're only there a limited time.
VINDER: I'm all about disrupting the systems.

(Shoots them with his blaster, the steps appear.)

DIANE: Gotta be quick!

(Up the steps and they vanish, to reappear a little way from the Passenger-form.)

VINDER: We're out! Nice work.
DIANE: Now what?

[Psychic Command]

(Jericho and Claire are escorted through the ship.)

STENCK: Faster, human scum. The work must continue. Commander Shallo promised us high-calibre recruits. Let us hope you prove stronger than the previous feeble specimens.

(Claire twists a ring on her finger.)

CLAIRE: What is it you want us to do?

(They are put into the machine.)

STENCK: Our quantum readers predict multiple pathways of the timewaves. We require you to psychically evaluate all possibilities, in order to accurately identify the exact space-time coordinates of the predicted final Flux event.
CLAIRE: You want to know when and where it will happen.
STENCK: Correct, human scum. The ultimate cataclysm which will propel Sontar to universal domination. The system will register every response. The true coordinates will no doubt be an excruciating and possibly overwhelming psychic load. Your service to Sontar will end in success, or death.
JERICHO: And the reward for success?
STENCK: Death. Activate psychic load.

[Sontaran Command]

PRENTIS: Where is Kate Stewart?
DOCTOR: Your own torture chamber, on a Sontaran ship, at the heart of Sontaran Command. They must rate you very highly. For now.
PRENTIS: I'm protecting their interests.
DOCTOR: I've seen a lot of species make alliances with Sontarans. It never ends well. Speaking of species, what are you? Cos it is boiling in here, and any human would be sweating. Or any Sontaran. And I'm noting dual pulses in your wrist and neck. I'm thinking binary demi-species, but they're really rare. Oh! Am I right? Cos you look really cross. What's your name? We haven't been introduced. Do you know, what this ship really needs is lanyards.
PRENTIS: You can call me Grand Serpent.
DOCTOR: Is that what your parents called you? Oh look, darling, so cute.
PRENTIS: It was a title bestowed on me.
DOCTOR: Yeah. I bet you've been making lanyards with that on for years. Right, let me guess. Exiled? Or fleeing? Ex-leader, or dictator? You've got that air of entitlement. Probably responsible for any number of genocides. How am I doing?
PRENTIS: I will be the one interrogating you, Doctor. And I was a beloved ruler.
DOCTOR: Whoa! Ego klaxon! So what's the plan here? Let the Sontarans do the dirty work then betray them, or eradicate them, then rule over a semi-grateful human race. How am I doing at guessing? Oh! Ah! Feels weird. Feeling weird a lot today, but that feels different. Ah! Are you...?

(Something moves under her skin.)

DOCTOR: Ah! How rude! Are you trying to kill me right now?! Binary demi-specieswith inter-body bio-projection? Kill by suffocating the target from within, using their own lesser-dominant, often more-deadly form.
PRENTIS: Surrender to death.
DOCTOR: I'd rather not, cos you've got two problems. Ah...

(A goa'uld writhes on the floor.)

DOCTOR: One, I'm not fully here. Split across three places. You can't get a full physical lock on me because I can't even get one on myself. And two...

(The TARDIS materialises just outside the door.)

DOCTOR: Well, two...
DOCTOR 2: Hi! Please stop torturing me. Like immediately.

(She sonicks Prentis the Grand Serpent.)

DOCTOR: Hi! Wow, you're cute.
DOCTOR 2: Thanks! So, are you!
PRENTIS: What have you done to me?
DOCTOR 2: Put you on the very naughty step. Frozen.
DAN: Whoa!
YASMIN: There's two of you.
DOCTORS: I know!
DOCTOR 2: Now, we all know that bio-projection duo-imaging is subject to very painful sonic locking.

(The red beam switches from the Doctor to Prentis.)

DOCTOR: So subject to it.
DOCTOR 2: Sorry if that hurts. You're caught in its lock field now. Taste of your own medicine, I'm afraid.
DOCTOR: That's what I would've done.
DAN: That's what you did do.
DOCTOR 2: Come on, you lot. He's going to be stuck in there for a while.
DOCTOR: I've got such a crush on her!

(And, seven storeys lower...)

BEL: Come on. Not long before they detect us in here. You should be getting the data stream now. I'm not putting you to work, we're a team.

(Tigmi cheers up.)

DOCTOR: Hi. Did you get it? Are you done? We have to go, very quickly.
DOCTOR 2: We have to go! Quick smart!
BEL: What? How are you...?
DOCTOR: I'll tell you while we're running.
SONTARAN: Intruders! Halt and face your inevitable death. (And meanwhile...)
DAN: In the doghouse, are you?
DAN: Now then, be nice or you won't get a biscuit.

(He releases Karvanista.)

DAN: Fetch your dog, and I have. Wow, that Nepal fella was good after all.


YASMIN: Is he okay?
DAN: Sontarans killed all of his people.
DOCTOR: Splinter group one, Jericho and Claire in place. Hi, both of you, this is the Doctor. Well, Doctors. We're receiving a psychic data from your transmat rings.
DOCTOR 2: But the TARDIS is still deciphering the information. I'm sorry it's so painful, but we need you to hold on a little longer.
DOCTOR: Sit tight, keep going, stay safe. Splinter group two. Bel. Thank you. Wait, child tech. Are you having...?
BEL: All right, all right, we don't need to announce it, do we?
BEL: She's a good wee helper, though. As well as the code for the holdlock beam on the Lupari ship, there's also a log of all outgoing Sontaran transmissions.
DOCTOR 2: What kind of transmissions?
STENCK [hologram]: We offer the three-fingered hand of uneasy alliance. We must join together to survive this...
DOCTOR: Wait. Sontarans never do that.
DOCTOR 2: Why would they ever join up with Daleks and Cybermen?
DOCTOR: That's what I'm thinking. The Sontarans proposing a peace summit? That doesn't ring true.
DOCTOR 2: And how does them summoning their enemies connect up to the Flux?
DOCTOR: Oh, there's too many questions!
DOCTOR 2: Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Good idea.
BOTH: Contact. Doctor to Doctor to Doctor, hoping we can bridge the divide.

[Spacestation / TARDIS]

DOCTOR 3: Contact.
DOCTOR: How are you... I mean, we doing?
DOCTOR 3: Not good. Don't know how I get out of here. Don't think I've got the strength.
DOCTOR 2: Focus on the Flux. It's at the heart of everything. The TARDIS has been analysing Flux particles since we first came across it, but it can't fully decode its structure because it was made outside of the universe.
DOCTOR: Is there something in what the Ood showed us in Division?
DOCTOR 3: Yes! It's in the details.
DOCTOR 2; The make-up of the Flux, the primary material.
DOCTOR 3: Anti-matter, created outside of our universe and channelled in.
DOCTOR 2: That's what the Flux is.
DOCTOR 3: They're doing something with the Flux Generation system, changing part of the trajectory.


DOCTOR 2: Ah! Contact broken. We can't hold on to this split existence much longer.

[Sontaran Command]

STENCK: You. You! There is something different about you. Increasing psychic load.
JERICHO: It's too much for her!
STENCK: Quiet, human irrelevance! She has done it. What is it, Kragar? I hope you bring good news for once.
KRAGAR [hologram]: The best, Commander. We have the exact coordinates for the final Flux event. The operation can commence.
STENCK: Excellent, Kragar. You shall have the highest honours. Commander Stenck to all ships. Stenck to all ships. You are receiving new operational directives. All troops return to ships! Abandon Outpost Earth. The Flux Offensive is now active. The final victory for Sontar is within our grasp!
PRENTIS: The Doctor was in here.
STENCK: You were interrogating her.
PRENTIS: She rescued herself! Another Doctor. The same Doctor, in her own TARDIS!
STENCK: I do not have time for your delusional witterings. Our strategy has been activated.
PRENTIS: I just need to trace all recent readings of Artron energy around the Earth.
STENCK: Be quick, if you wish to survive alongside us.
PRENTIS: Of course. Kate Stewart.

[Outside Passenger-form]

DIANE: Totally different place.
VINDER: Must be where the Ravagers keep the Passenger-form until they need it. But we got out. (comms) This is Vinder calling the Doctor.


VINDER [OC]: Urgent help requested. Doctor, are you receiving?
DOCTOR: Vinder...
BEL: Vinder? He's alive?
YASMIN: How do you know Vinder?
BEL: Vinder, can you hear me?
YASMIN: You're the one he's looking for.
BEL: Tigmi, he's alive!
DOCTOR: Boosting the signal. Vinder, this is the Doctor receiving you.

[Outside Passenger-form]

(The Passenger-form starts to glow, to scoop them up.)

DIANE: Hurry it up, lad!
VINDER: Lock into our signal. We've managed to...


DOCTOR: Vinder, locking on.

[Inside Passenger-form]

DIANE: Think it was enough?


BEL: Can... can you do it? Can you get him?
DOCTOR: Doing it now, few things going on.
DOCTOR 2: Luckily there's two of us. Well, three. But two in here. Sorry, you talk.
DOCTOR: Got to stop the Sontarans, defeat the Flux, rescue him, and get Jericho and Claire.
KATE [OC]: Doctor, it's Kate. The doors down here are behaving very strangely.
DOCTOR: Of course. Why wouldn't they be? You know, not like we don't have enough to do. Divide and conquer. Yaz with me to Kate in the tunnels. Other me, rescue Vinder.


STENCK [hologram]: Return to Command. Our time grows closer.
PRENTIS: I'm not finished here yet.
STENCK [hologram]: Your vendettas are irrelevant. This planet will soon be a Flux-ravaged wasteland.
PRENTIS: Where is Kate Stewart?

(Young Stevie's skin moves.)

STEVIE: I've never heard of her.
PRENTIS: Where is Kate Stewart?
STEVIE: Williamson's Tunnels.
PRENTIS: You really should have said that sooner.

[Williamsons Tunnels]

DOCTOR: Retro-temporal manifestations? Yep.
YASMIN: Can you not say things like we're supposed to know what they are?
DOCTOR: They're a result of the Flux in the future, manifested in the past.
YASMIN: Thank you.
DOCTOR: When the Flux comes, it could blow the doors in.
WILLIAMSON: And destroy all my work?
DOCTOR: We need to get you home. We need to get you back to the 19th century. It's not safe, and you're too important to history. Ah. This one should provide a safe passage home. Please, this is our battle now, not yours. You gave us sanctuary. You got Yaz and Dan back to me. You may just have helped save the universe, never mind the world. Your work is done.
WILLIAMSON: Madams. Madam.


OOD: Doctor, your existence is becoming too unstable. I fear it will destroy you. Refreshment?
DOCTOR: Thank you. I need to stop them.
OOD: The final Flux event has begun. It cannot be prevented now.
DOCTOR: Think, Doctor, think.

[Outside Passenger-form]

DOCTOR: So what, you're linked to them, in service of the Ravagers? But the Ravagers don't care about you right now. They're distracted, by me, in Division. Here you are, waiting for a command that's not going to come. Okay, short fast hop.

[Inside Passenger-form]

(The TARDIS materialises at the top of the steps.)

DOCTOR: Get in! Quick! TARDIS doesn't like it in here. Can't stay too long.


(Vinder and Bel, Dan and Diane embrace.)

DAN: Oh! We've got you back!
DIANE: You were late.
DAN: I wasn't. I promise. It was his fault.
KARVANISTA: Don't blame me. I wish I'd never had anything to do with him.
BEL: Hi.
BEL: Missed you.
VINDER: Missed you more.
BEL: Also... we're having a baby. If the universe survives.
VINDER: Better make sure it does, then.
BEL: Yeah.

[Williamsons Tunnels]

DOCTOR: Claire and Jericho are in Sontaran Psychic Command. It seems the Sontarans are using human operatives to find out the exact moment and place the final Flux event will begin.
YASMIN: But simultaneously they're organising a truce meeting with Daleks and Cybermen.
KATE: What?
DOCTOR: Here's what I think they're doing. Luring their enemies to the place they know the final Flux event will explode. If they manage to wipe out the entire assembled armies of Cybermen and Daleks, having lured them there to negotiate a truce, then that would reverberate across civilisations. Sontarans as the ultimate vanquishers. That is a massive power grab, the biggest swing they've ever made.
YASMIN: But everything still gets destroyed by the Flux.
DOCTOR: That's where it's doubly sneaky and doubly clever. How do you combat anti-matter?
KATE: With matter. Anti-matter devours matter, but matter slows anti-matter down. Put enough in its way, and it stops and ceases to exist.
DOCTOR: Exactly. The Sontarans are planning to use their enemies' entire armies in order to absorb the Flux.
YASMIN: But they have to show up to lure the others in.
DOCTOR: And they have something no one else has. Lupari shields. Matter-generating, Flux-repellent shields to surround the Sontaran fleet. Saving themselves while all around them die. You've got to hand it to them. Talk about not letting a good catastrophe go to waste. They're on course for the ultimate victory. Save the universe, claim it as your own, by taking out all of your enemies at once.
YASMIN: So, do we stop it? Do we warn the Daleks and the Cybermen?
KATE: Save them to defeat the Sontarans?
DOCTOR: No. My plan's more risky than that.


DOCTOR: I've got tasks for you all. You've all got jobs.
DOCTOR 2: It's a really good plan. Quite risky, though.
DOCTOR: Can you let me do the explaining?
DOCTOR 2: All right, touchy.
DOCTOR: We have to stop the Sontaran plan with the Grand Serpent.
VINDER: What did you say? Did you say Grand Serpent?


DOCTOR: Come on. I'm not sure how much more my body can take of this, Ood. If I could get those Ravagers away, would you be able to minimise the final Flux event?
OOD: My impact may be minimal, but I'll try.
DOCTOR: Ah! That's all either of us can do right now. Oi, you two! Is this where we're going to stay for the end of the universe?
SWARM: Atropos will be the final point of the Flux destruction. The culmination, where Time will be unleashed. You'll be our offering. The first Time Lord. A final gift for the Saviour, sacrificed to Time on Atropos as it falls to the Flux. Atropos, then.


DOCTOR: You know the Sontaran strategy, you know our counterplan. We're dropping you three and other me back into the Lupari fleet. You know what you have to do. Timing is going to be everything. Now, we need to get Jericho and Claire out of danger.

[Psychic Command]

(In space.)

DOCTOR [OC]: Jericho, Claire, use the transmat rings now.
CLAIRE: Ready?

(But his ring falls off and skitters across the floor to the door where Sontarans are entering.)

JERICHO: Go, Miss Brown!

(She does, and arrives in the TARDIS. Jericho picks up a blaster but he's not a very good shot. The Sontarans back off and seal the door while his transmat ring sits smouldering on the floor.)

JERICHO: Oh, dear.

[Sontaran Command]

KRAGAR: Sontaran fleet in position. Lupari shield ships in wall formation in place.
STENCK: Prepare for the ultimate betrayal.

[Lupari ship]

(Bel knocks out a couple of Sontarans with a piece of pipe.)

STENCK [OC]: Lupari shield craft, when I give the word, move the barrier to protect only Sontaran ships.
DOCTOR: Boy, is he in for a surprise.

(Two more space fleets jump in.)

STENCK [OC]: Welcome, Dalek and Cyber comrades!

(The Flux is approaching.)

[Dalek saucer]

DALEK: All Dalek battalions are aligned here. We accept the offer of protection against the Flux event.


CYBERMAN: Cyber battalions are amassed. We accept a truce for mutually assured survival. (As Stenck laughs, the shield breaks apart and the Dalek saucers are the first to be obliterated by the Flux.)

[Dalek saucer]

DALEK: Lupari ships are moving and reforming. This is a betrayal.


CYBERMAN: Cyber Fleet trapped in the pull of the Flux. What is the meaning of this?

[Sontaran Command]

STENCK: The meaning is victory for Sontar! Sontar-ha!


OOD: I have done all I can, Doctor.

[Sontaran Command]

STENCK: Lupari shield, you are in the wrong formation! Resume protective placing!
KARVANISTA [on screen]: No.
STENCK: Where are my soldiers?
KARVANISTA [on screen]: Unconscious. Don't you think I know Lupari ships inside out? Like how to send a stun pulse to incapacitate intruders? And how to remotely control the fleet formation? You are not in control. We are. And this is for my people.
STENK: Urgh! What is happening?

[Lupari ship]

VINDER: This is Serving Commander Inston-Vee-Vinder of Kasto-Winfer-Foxfell, on a Lupari craft, blasting the hell out of your comms systems! Whoo!
BEL: Blasting Sontaran comms is the family business. Right, Tigmi?

[Sontaran Command]

STENCK: All Sontaran ships, evacuate!
DOCTOR [on screen]: I'm afraid my friends just took out your comms transmitters.


DOCTOR: And in seven seconds you'll be in the gravitational pull of the Flux. Vinder, Bel, get clear!
BEL [OC]: Getting clear, Doctor.
VINDER [OC]: So clear!
DOCTOR: This was your strategy. Anti-matter slowed by absorbing army fleets.

[Sontaran Command]

STENCK: Argh! You will suffer for this, Doctor!

[Psychic Command]

DOCTOR [on screen]: Doctor to Jericho. I know your transmat ring is out of service, but get yourself to a transport pod just out in the corridor.
JERICHO: I'm afraid my options for exiting are...rather non-existent.
DOCTOR [on screen]: I can't get the TARDIS in because of the pull of the Flux.
JERICHO: I've lived more in my time with you than I did during the previous two decades. Who has had a life like mine?
STENCK: I have you now, nameless human.
JERICHO: I, sir, am Professor Eustacius Jericho, scourge of scoundrels! I wish I'd written that autobiography. What a good title.
STENCK: By the wrath of Sontar, I will now execute you.
JERICHO: I really don't think you're going to have time.

(The Flux takes him.)

JERICHO: What an awfully big adventure.


YASMIN: Jericho.
DOCTOR 2: Some of the Flux is gonna make it through the Lupari shield. It's not enough.
DOCTOR: We thought about that.
DOCTOR 2: There's a way to deal with the remnants of it.
DOCTOR: Right, what were you telling me?
DIANE: The Passenger-form. Inside is endless, endless matter. Can't you use that to absorb what's left of the Flux?
DOCTOR: Diane, you may have just saved the rest of the universe.
DIANE: Told you those things underestimated me.
DOCTOR 2: If we summon and open the Passenger-form, the Flux'll be drawn inside it .Mutually assured extinction.


DOCTOR [OC]: And there it is. I knew you'd have some use! Hoover up that Flux for us.

(It does.)


SWARM: Our Saviour. (A purple swarm descends and solidifies.)
DOCTOR: I always wondered what Time would look like. Ah, way to play to your ego.

(It looks like Swarm.)

SWARM: Saviour. We have come to release you.
TIME: And yet I'm still encaged in this pitiful realm of Atropos.
SWARM: No. Soon the Flux...
TIME: The Flux is extinguished.
AZURE: What?!
TIME: You bring me here to announce you've failed.
DOCTOR: Sure you pressed the right button?
AZURE: I warned you not to play games with us, Doctor.
DOCTOR: I've been with you the whole time. Well, most of me has. So, however much you wanted to break Time out of prison, you just have to make do with visiting hours. They didn't even bring you a cake.
SWARM: We brought you, Doctor. Take her, the Timeless Child, as sacrifice. She is yours.
TIME: But how will I reward your failure, my servants?

(Purple swirly engulfs Swarm and Azure.)

AZURE: Ascension!

(The fob watch drops to the ground and the Doctor picks it up. Time transforms into the Doctor.)

DOCTOR: Nice look. Quite fancy that coat. Oh, I get how that ego appeal thing works now. My turn now, is it? My reckoning?
DOCTOR: Oh. Really?
TIME: You can leave here, but you won't outrun me. Your time is heading to its end.
DOCTOR: No, it's not. You're wrong.
TIME: Nothing is forever. No regeneration, no life. Beware of the forces that mass against you. (sotto) And their Master.
DOCTOR: What do you mean? What do you mean, their Master?
TIME: I restore you, Doctor. Reunify you. But for how long?


YASMIN: You okay?
DOCTOR: I'm whole again. Am I? Yes, it feels that way. I had a reckoning with Time. Wait. One thing left undone.

[Williamsons Tunnels]

PRENTIS: I know you're here, Kate. Time to stop hiding.
VINDER: Yeah, it's not her you should be worrying about.
PRENTIS: Who are you?
VINDER: Now, that's the question. Do you have any idea what I've been through because of you?
PRENTIS: Perhaps you're mistaking me for someone else.
VINDER: No. I've waited a long time for this.
PRENTIS: What are you going to do, shoot me?
VINDER: It's better than that.
KATE: Open door seven, please, Prentis.
PRENTIS: I knew you were skulking down here.
KATE: And yet in your arrogance, you came alone.
VINDER: Open door seven. You want to know who I am? I'm the man who understands the pain of exile.

(Door seven leads out onto a solitary rock floating in space. They seal the door behind him.)

[Lupari ship]

DOCTOR: I'm sorry for what the Sontarans did to the Lupari. You think saddling me with these two will make up for it? I'm dropping everyone off, first opportunity I get.
BEL: We'll see. I've got quite attached to this ship now.
VINDER: Yeah, we could do a bit of exploring, pick up some work, get into trouble, get out of trouble.
DAN: One family and their dog.
KARVANISTA: I wish I'd never saved your life. You're not staying, any of you. This is my ship.
DOCTOR: Well then, we'll, er, leave you to it.

(TARDIS door closes.)


CLAIRE: I should've stayed with the professor.
YASMIN: You risked your life. You got the information that we needed.
DOCTOR: Yaz is right. None of us would be here without you.
KATE: Or you, Doctor. Thank you, as always. Where would Earth be without you?
DOCTOR: Always glad to help.
KATE: I like this regeneration. Hope I meet it again.
DOCTOR: I hope so too. Look after yourself, Kate Stewart.

[Museum of Liverpool]

DAN: Nobody really knows to this day why he built the tunnels. They're still excavating them now. You should go and have a look while you're here.
DAN: I'll leave yous. Have a nice evening.
DIANE: What you doing?
DAN: Wanted to see how you were. Listen, I booked a table at the Rivera, tomorrow night. I thought we could finally get that drink.
DIANE: Do you mind if we don't?
DAN: I wasn't late. It wasn't my fault.
DIANE: Maybe not tomorrow. I'd better...
DAN: Yeah. Yeah.


DOCTOR: Need a lift anywhere?
DAN: Why, where you going?
YASMIN: No idea.
DOCTOR: Wanna come?


DOCTOR: First left, ninth right,and then third left. Bedroom corridor. Get yourself settled in properly. Yaz. I'm sorry. I didn't let you in to what I was doing. Going after Karvanista. What I was looking for. I shouldn't have shut you out.
YASMIN: No. You shouldn't have.
DOCTOR: I was looking for... information... about me. A life I never knew. I want to tell you everything.
YASMIN: I'd like that.
DAN: Did you say left or right?
YASMIN: Come on, Scouse, let Yorkshire show you the way.

(The Doctor takes the fob watch out of her pocket, then removes a blue globe from the console and holds it over the long, long tunnel down into the workings of the TARDIS.)

DOCTOR: Do me a favour. Keep this safe somewhere deep within this TARDIS. Somewhere I can never find it.

(Drops it and replaces the globe.)

DOCTOR: Unless I really ask for it.

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.