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This wasn't bad for a 6 episode long story arc, I had fun with it. Not exactly entirely my thing and I just didn't care for the villains at all. Dan is a really fun character and I wish he was a companion for longer than he is!!!


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Overall a decent finale to a great season! Great character moments, spectacular CG, and an interesting story.

My only two nitpicks would be that 1) I did get a bit lost in the middle with all the different characters, and 2) the ending of Swarm and Azure was a bit abrupt.

I guess the biggest question left for me is, how has the universe changed since the flux? It wasn't really addressed in this episode.


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It stinks.  It is pay-off to all the build-up of Flux in the weakest way possible.  Once again Chibnall ends a big story by vomiting out some exposition and farting out a conclusion to the conflict in the most hand-wavy means possible.  Flux as a whole is a colossal failure.  A catastrophe of undelivered potential.  Is half the universe gone?  Have our characters changed or really been challenged at all?  It will take another show-runner to answer that and even show a hint of the Doctor grieving.  I like looking back on this now a bit more since the franchise has moved on a bit.  Flux is not much more than a bad memory now and I prefer it that way.


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