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This was a weird one. The Doctor and Mel meet the Wishing Beast in its past in their future and yeah it's in the hands of a supposed French salon in 1960s Salford where it's making women super young? The Doctor returns to a Pertwee-trick and goes in drag to confront it? Then he sends it on its destiny to become the Wishing Beast and never says exactly why he had to do that even though it kills a lot of people? I don't know, just a weird one all around.


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The Wishing Beast

I don't even really know what to say here. This certainly hasn't helped me to care about the Wishing Beast as a villain in any way. This is a really odd story overall. The Doctor dresses in drag to confront the Wishing Beast and then it gets sent away to live through the events of the last story. And that's about it, there's nothing more to it. There was a nice moment at the end between the Doctor and Mel I suppose, but that kind of thing has been done a lot better in a lot more places than this.

Next Story: Spaceport Fear


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Nowhere else will you get the Doctor dressing in drag to infiltrate a beauty salon and then a minute later subjecting the villain of the week to a fate worse than death. Unparalleled experience.


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