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Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Following the threads of a conspiracy twisting throughout all of time and space, the Doctor and his companions head to the Vanishing Point - a mythical place, said to exist somewhere between science and magic. But it is a journey from which they may never return.

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Catastrophe Theory

That was... disappointing. Better than the last two stories but only by the slightest bit. It just feels like all the originality has been chucked out of the window in favour of a Dalek cliffhanger. I guess we always knew it was coming considering the cliffhanger to the first set but I just wish it was done in a slightly more interesting way.

This story carries on the nothing streak from the last two. There's this mysterious place called "the Vanishing Point" and the Doctor needs to go there to somehow find out what the purpose of all his missions has been and he basically just does that for a whole hour. I've already forgotten most of the specific details and I only finished it about 5 minutes ago.

Again, the only thing I can praise here is the performances (and they were great). It's really fun to hear the whole Season 6 team in full-cast audio and Troughton, Hines, and Padbury all have great chemistry with each other. Emma Noakes continues to be great as Raven though she's not nearly as interesting as she was in the last set.

This has been an interesting listen so far. I found the first two sets really promising after a relisten and was expecting this one to be the same for my first listen but it was by far the weakest one. I wanted to be able to say I'll be eagerly awaiting what comes next after this but I really can't say that I am, especially if Nick Briggs remains as involved as he clearly was here.

Next Story: (Unreleased)


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Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!

"The Vanishing Point: A Satisfying Reunion but a Slow Conclusion"

The final chapter of the Conspiracy of Raven set, The Vanishing Point, reunites the Second Doctor, Jamie, and Zoe as they attempt to unravel the enigma surrounding Raven and the mysterious Time Lord missions. The story takes place largely within the confines of the TARDIS and a peculiar, liminal space known as the Vanishing Point—a world between worlds.

The dynamic chemistry between the three leads is undoubtedly the story’s highlight. Michael Troughton’s portrayal of the Second Doctor, Frazer Hines’ Jamie, and Wendy Padbury’s Zoe effortlessly recapture the charm of their classic TV-era partnership. Their interplay provides a nostalgic core that holds the narrative together, even as the plot struggles to maintain momentum.

While the setup aims for a surreal atmosphere reminiscent of The Mind Robber, it lacks the same level of tension or creativity. Much of the first half feels like an extended prelude to the more substantive second half, where the titular Vanishing Point is finally explored. This pacing issue contributes to a sense of meandering, as the story takes its time getting to the real crux of its mystery.

Once the action shifts to the Vanishing Point, the narrative picks up, offering intriguing questions about the Doctor’s purpose and decisions. Raven’s confrontation with the Doctor, and Jamie’s own doubts, add a layer of depth to the proceedings, challenging the Doctor in ways that resonate with the philosophical undertones often found in this era of Doctor Who.

However, the resolution feels understated, in keeping with the tone of the entire set, leaving some narrative threads ambiguous. While this may appeal to fans who appreciate reflective storytelling, it risks feeling anticlimactic for those expecting a more definitive payoff.

📝Verdict: 6/10

The Vanishing Point excels in character interactions and thematic questions but struggles with pacing and a lack of narrative urgency. Its moments of depth and nostalgia make it a fitting, if understated, conclusion to the set.


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I think this is another case of setting up for the finale I’m guessing the next set will be the finale as usually these arcs are 4 sets


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The adventure continues... Well the slog, dudgery, whole lot of nothing.

Its the second time of listening to this release, the first time I thought it was just me not getting into it, but after 4 episodes at this point I'm almost giving up.

So there's a place called the vanishing point, and with our heroes reunited - Jamie, the Doctor and Zoe thats where they go. The missions that the Doctor has been sent on since the Final Beginning, seems to have been somewhat random and against the laws of time, so who exactly has been orchestrating the events and why?

As you can tell I've not been a fan of this set, and I have tried. As mentioned, this is the second chance I've given it and its not improved. It feels like it has the right ingredients, - Micheal Troughton doing a pretty good 2nd Doctor, Jamie and Zoe both back. Raven an interesting foil, intrigue in what and why the missions the Doctor has been sent on are achieving, the vanishing point a strange place. But as with the previous 4 episodes its painfully slow at telling an engaging story.

I did like the cliffhanger and look forward to the next set , but I wish Big finish would re edited this and create a more excitng audio.


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Honestly my favorite episode of the set, and that’s just because things started to take a lot greater shape. After Kippers I wasn’t sure where this arc was leading at all, but it’s very clear with the way this episode ends. Ideally the next box set will be a three parter wrapping things up and featuring a showdown between the Doctor and the big bad.

I really adore how they use Jamie and Zoe here. This is maybe the first time I’ve seen them reflect on their travels with the Doctor critically, and it’s a new angle I would not have expected to see. It really gives the adventure a lot more emotional stakes that I felt were missing previously.


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