Stories Audio Drama Iris Wildthyme Iris Wildthyme Episode 3 The Two Irises 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 1 review 21 December 2024 · 208 words Review by quartz_ Spoilers This review contains spoilers! scream. i LOVE this episode SO SO much!!!!! Ofc, there are some very, uh, not good bits, because it's Simon Gurrier, what do you expect. The underlying homophobia is not to my taste at all, and neither is everyone being so weird about Hilary coming out a boy. Just mention it once and it's done, please. Still, the overall episode was everything. Hilary, oh my god, beloved! Adore how the first thing he does is try to get Panda off drinking by throwing out all the spirits. Very different from Iris, very interesting. I love the exploration of his feelings when he finds out he's computer-generated. Not real. Everything was just a glitch. And they're not mad at him! They're mad at Iris for being so bloody careless with their feelings, and just- augh, my hearts. The second sacrifice fake-out was very Wildthyme. I loved it. The first had me so emotional, Hilary, darling! "Like mother and son :)" "I'll settle for big sis, thanks!" Iconic. Absolutely iconic. Would've been 5 stars if not for the homophobic undertones. In my head Hilary and Roger are living together happily with their little nightclub and also the yoga place. Please. I am snatching them out of Simon Gurrier's hands. They're mine now. quartz_ View profile Like Liked 0