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BBC Books

The Twilight Streets

3.75/ 5 1,180 votes

Released Thursday, March 6, 2008
Written by Gary Russell
Pages 256
Time Travel Present
Locations Cardiff Earth Wales

It's the start of a Cardiff autumn - the days are getting shorter, the dark evenings settling in. There's a part of Cardiff that no one goes to much. No crime, no murders, just they stay away. A collection of old rundown houses and gloomy streets. Something's not quite right there, something is off-kilter. Except now, the Council are renovating the area. And a new company have been employed to do this. And look: they're going to organise street parties to show off the gentrified area. Clown and face-painters for the kids, street magicians for the adults. None of this is Torchwood's problem. Except that Tosh recognises the man sponsoring the street parties when she's passing one day: Bilis Manger!

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