Stories Audio Drama Big Finish Main Range Main Range Episode 55 The Twilight Kingdom 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 6 reviews 24 February 2025 · 18 words Review by ash.hnt 1 again, this wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great, either. more on the good side of okay. ash.hnt View profile Like Liked 1 21 February 2025 · 111 words Review by RandomJoke It’s fine. Painfully fine. There are some neat Bits here and there, but overall it doesn’t leave you with much. It’s not bad or anything, but there isn’t much to discuss here, frankly. For being set in another Universe, it feels too standard and not in a fun enjoyable way, more so “yet another Adventure!” There isn’t much for me to write home about, it’s the literal Definition of middle of the Road. I rate it more highly than most, but that’s not saying much. Some neat Imagery, but overall a rather forgettable one. Its Placement in this Arc certainly doesn’t help much. RandomJoke View profile Like Liked 0 10 November 2024 · 1234 words Review by Speechless Spoilers 5 This review contains spoilers! The Monthly Adventures #055 - “The Twilight Kingdom" by Will Shindler In these reviews, I have talked about stories that deserve everything that is said about them. I have talked about stories that have received far too much praise and stories I liked despite the undeniable faults present in them. And I have also talked about stories like The Twilight Kingdom, where I simply do not understand the utter bane with which they are discussed. See some reviews about this audio and you’d think it was the dullest thing conceived by man, but then you listen to it and realise it’s just a Doctor Who story. It’s nothing out of the box, sure, but is it the absolute travesty people treat it as? I think not. Taken in by a band of feared revolutionaries hiding in a remote cave system, the Doctor, Charley and C’rizz find themselves at odds with each other as tensions rise and a great horror is uncovered beneath the surface. (CONTAINS SPOILERS) I’ll be honest, I really don’t see the near universal hate for this one. It is currently sitting comfortably at a 2.67/5 on TARDIS Guide and I truly believe that it shouldn’t be even close to this low a rating. It is fine. It is categorically, unequivocally, fine. Sure, it’s not reinventing the wheel but is it really a creatively bankrupt and agonisingly slow slog as so many people would define it? It is a very Doctor Who-ey story, in a way: a bunch of soldiers, a mystery, some mind control shenanigans, relations falling apart, some spooky things going bump in the night, I fail to see why this differs from the usual stream of passable scripts. And even then, I think there are a number of things to admire about The Twilight Kingdom. For one, it’s got some cracking imagery. The horrific things that go on in this audio: thousands of clones of a crazed general emerging from the ground, to a lake of blood that turns to acid to a man’s face absorbed into the wall of a cave, there are tons of fantastic ideas here. One major complaint I see thrown around is that the setting is “just a cave” but it’s another complaint I don’t get. What’s wrong with a cave? The most unnatural place on Earth besides the ocean are the dark, murky and narrow turns of a cave and I think it’s given rise to some great pieces of fiction (see here, The Descent). Throw in the fact that this cave is in reality the bowels of a giant, telepathic creature and I think you have something that doubles as a fun setting and great antagonist. Perhaps, however, I can find fault in some other aspects of the story, how about the characters? Do we have a particularly dull side cast? No, actually, I think we have an easily likeable and fun set of characters that all have good performances backing them up, especially friendly scientist Janto, whose ending self-sacrifice feels well earned. As for the story, whilst I feel it can certainly drag at points, I don’t think more than the average episode of Doctor Who. It’s basically the final part of Apocalypse Now turned into a two hour audio play, just with more living caves; an army general has gone insane and is leading a terrorist cell from the depths of an alien cavern. It's a pretty fun plot all things considered and I think it is executed fine, I honestly don’t understand the accusations of unoriginality lobbied at this script. However, I’d be a fool to not mention that this audio isn’t exactly a masterpiece and is, in the end, host to a wealth of issues. One main thing I think Shindler failed at was his attempt to develop the relationship between Eight and his companions. The last three stories have made things tense between them, from the traumatising ordeal in Scherzo to the less than apt meeting in The Creed of the Kromon, they’re not exactly on the best of terms and so it is any wonder they get into a fight? Problem is, this isn’t dealt with well. Charley eventually loses patience with the Doctor but it just comes out of nowhere, with little build up making it feel sudden and unnatural. Not only that, but it’s then written off as Charley under the influence of the cave’s powers and in one scene she’s over it, which I think is an unfortunate mishandling of a neat idea. This happens a lot, Doctor Who seems allergic to having actual tension between its leads for more than a fleeting second. At this point, I desperately want to see a set of a few episodes or more when the Doctor and the companion utterly despise each other and see what stories we can get out of that. However, any arguments between our main cast are often resolved quickly in favour of the story, leading to half baked arguments and convenient sentimentality. The Twilight Kingdom in particular, however, manages to hit a favourite little pet peeve of mine whilst also whilst carrying out a pet peeve of mine: the mind control. Basically, the group of revolutionaries are being forced to stay because the Cave Creature is controlling them, and that’s also the cause of the rising tensions in our central group; this annoys me, because it always feels like such a half measure when a story has to do this. Any powerful antagonist who has to use mind control to get people to follow it is immediately made less threatening, because rather than being a great manipulator, it’s just a set up to a “you’re still in there!” moment. Would it not be more interesting, tense and devastating to see our characters actually get driven apart? And finally, I have to say that I don’t entirely not get why people dislike The Twilight Kingdom. It is generic, it is undeniably generic. This is about as stripped down as you can get for a Doctor Who story and whilst it does some fun things, it’s not one that’s going to be remembered. Is The Twilight Kingdom bad? No, not really. It’s not experimental like a Divergence story should be (and it doesn’t make use of the no time concept again, though it acknowledges that passage of time is still very much a thing in this universe) but it’s a fun time that I don’t think dragged as much as people say. It is not the greatest story you’ll ever listen to but it is one I think deserves just a little more love. 7/10 Pros: + Some really great, horrific imagery + The setting is actually quite good (it is fine, why is it universally despised) + Likeable and believable side cast + An entirely serviceable script Cons: - Tries and fails to develop the companions - Falls prey to the “it was all mind control!” trope - In the end, incredibly generic Speechless View profile Like Liked 5 14 October 2024 · 550 words Review by slytherindoctor Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! MR 55: The Twilight Kingdom I'll be honest I checked out of this one about five minutes in. So I'll try to remember what I can. I feel like this is just pretty procedural. There's a mystery. They spend two hours solving it. The end. It's not a particularly interesting mystery either. Nor does the episode have anything to say really. It's just kind of here being bland. So there's a military group hunting down a rebel from their world who is hiding out here. He defected when the military didn't tell him about his family dying in a diseased city until after his current mission whatever it was. They find the rebel group in a cave underground. There's initially an intriguing thing here where the soldier kills his commanding officer at the command of the rebel leader. But this isn't ever really touched on or mentioned again. It's just kind of there for shock factor. One of the other characters in the rebel camp says that this isn't even a normal thing. There's some tension with the Doctor and Charley as she wants to stay and help the rebels and he doesn't. Which is strange for him. Mr "I've organized more rebellions than you've had hot dinners." But C'rizz and Charley become more and more obsessed with staying. And then the Doctor wanders around for a meandering hour until he finally figures out that they're in a giant living organism, not a cave. And the organism psychically manipulates people into staying and then eats them, its evolutionary survival mechanism. The Doctor spends awhile talking to the disembodied head of the real rebel leader who has been down here all this time. He's been attached to the creature and projecting versions of himself to the rebels. He's dying, the organism wants the Doctor to take his place, and then he's saved at the last minute by someone else doing it instead. Classic. The organism can't handle all the emotions and grief of loss that the rebel and the guy who takes his place feels. We learn that it's not indigenous to the planet. Of course. None of the people on the planet are, which makes sense. It's some sort of scientific experiment maybe? Rassilon plucking these creatures out of time and space and putting them in his divergent universe because he's incredibly racist? That's why there's zones and immigration and customs to direct the flow of traffic. Whatever the thing talking to them at the end is. The creature also found the tardis apparently. I like how the Doctor feels disoriented in this universe, though. It's completely different with different creatures and no concept of time despite having time. If there is time still working I dont know why the Doctor is disoriented by that part. The story itself is just pretty blah. Nothing bad about it really. But nothing particularly great about it either. It doesn't have much to say. Despite literally walking around inside a body, it's not as big into the body horror as say Kromon or the Projects. Just a disembodied head and beating organs. Inoffensive at best. It could have benefited greatly from cutting an hour and turning it into a regular hour long episode. The middle two parts are where it slows down the most. slytherindoctor View profile Like Liked 1 27 September 2024 · 76 words Review by kiraoho Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! 21.04.2023 It has a few interesting ideas. Time Lord without time as someone who's lost their soul is very poetic and I'm definitely stealing it someday. Being unable to leave because your mind turns against you is, though nothing new, still a cool concept to explore. Unfortunately, that's about it. The whole story is mostly filler, with bland characters, bland run-arounds and a bland villain. The cliffhanger is hilarious and ruins the whole arc for me, perhaps. 1.5/5 kiraoho View profile Like Liked 1 23 May 2024 · 565 words Review by MrColdStream 4 Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! "THE TWILIGHT KINGDOM: JOURNEY INTO DARKNESS WITH LITTLE TO ILLUMINATE IT" Following the surreal experimentation of The Natural History of Fear, The Twilight Kingdom takes a more traditional Doctor Who approach. The Doctor, Charley, and C’rizz arrive in a jungle, stumble across a body, and soon find themselves entangled with a group of soldiers on a mission. Their journey leads them into a mysterious cave system, where something ancient and powerful lurks. It’s a classic setup, but one that ultimately feels too restrained for its own good. The story holds its secrets tightly, and rather than building tension, this slow drip of information results in an adventure that struggles to maintain engagement. A LACKLUSTRE ATMOSPHERE AND FORGETTABLE CHARACTERS Unlike the eerie, dreamlike quality of the previous stories in the Divergent Universe arc, The Twilight Kingdom never quite manages to evoke a strong sense of place. The jungle setting feels underdeveloped, and once the story moves into the caves, it becomes even more indistinct. There are glimpses of intrigue—strange alien voices, rat-like creatures skittering in the darkness—but these elements never amount to much. The supporting cast, a band of soldiers caught up in the mystery, have potential, but they blend together too easily. Without strong characterisation to make them stand out, they serve more as plot devices than as compelling individuals. This is especially disappointing given that military figures in Doctor Who often bring either tension or moral dilemmas to the table—here, they provide neither in a memorable way. A WEAK SHOWING FOR THE LEADS One of the biggest issues with The Twilight Kingdom is how little it gives the main trio to do. The Doctor, Charley, and C’rizz rarely shine, and their dynamic, which has been so central to this arc, feels oddly muted. Charley and C’rizz, in particular, struggle to stand out, making it difficult to invest in their journey. The Doctor remains his usual self, but even Paul McGann’s charismatic performance can’t inject much energy into the script. C’rizz’s presence in the Divergent Universe arc has, so far, been defined by his inner turmoil and moral struggles. However, this story does little to develop his character, making him feel almost redundant here. Given how previous stories have explored his psychological depth, this feels like a missed opportunity. A REVEAL THAT LANDS WITH A WHIMPER For a story that withholds its secrets for so long, The Twilight Kingdom needed a strong payoff. Unfortunately, the final episode’s big reveal lacks the impact required to justify the slow build-up. The truth behind the mysterious forces in the cave feels underwhelming, failing to deliver the kind of shocking or thought-provoking twist that might have elevated the story. 📝VERDICT: 3/10 The Twilight Kingdom has all the ingredients of a solid Doctor Who adventure—an eerie setting, a mysterious threat, and a group of characters caught in the middle—but it never quite comes together. The slow pacing doesn’t build tension, the supporting characters blur into the background, and the main trio feel underused. While not a terrible story, it’s ultimately one of the most forgettable entries in the Divergent Universe arc. MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 4