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We come to something much more light-hearted with The Trouble with Drax from the Fourth Doctor Adventures, easily the best story in the range’s entirety. The Doctor’s con artist childhood friend is caught up in another scrape as Drax recruits the Doctor and Romana to help him uncover the lost world of Altrazar. What starts as a simple pressganging into committing a heist soon spirals into an execution of Drax’s master plan, one he has literally spent all his lives putting together.

The twist around Drax’s involvement is too masterfully done for me to spoil so you’ll just have to listen for yourself but it’s some of John Dorney’s cleverest writing and wittiest, Dorney’s clearly paying homage to Douglas Adams’s style and he does so eloquently. If there’s one Fourth Doctor Adventures story you should go out of your way to listen to, make it this one.


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I really enjoyed this one overall.  It's delightfully fun and The Trouble with Drax understands it is a bemusing heist story, which it plays into well.  Ray Brooks as Drax kind of steals the show here.  I certainly saw a few of the twists coming as we went along, as, after a while I could kind of see what writer John Dorney was going for, but I still thoroughly enjoyed every step of that journey.  I would absolutely recommend this one and it feels right on the level of a top-tier, "Doctor and Romana II with Douglas Adams as script supervisor era" Doctor Who story.  You can't do much better than that!


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Gallery of Ghouls

And this one immediately wins the record of timiest-wimiest story off The Paradox Planet two parter.

This story took me for a wild ride, the first twist, of there being two Draxes was surprising and I thought, how cool, a multi-Drax story. Little did I know how correct I was.

Every single time they revealed that there was another Drax, I was shocked. After the first few, I should have just expected it but somehow I didn't believe that they would have the balls to make every character Drax. I believed wrong.

I'm not sure I'll ever fully understand what happened in this story, but one thing I know for certain is that it was really really good. It makes me want a Drax miniseries, with him getting up to all sorts of temporal cons and schemes.

Next Story: The Pursuit of History


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