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Episode One


(The Doctor and Victoria enter.)

DOCTOR: There we are. Well, what do you think?
VICTORIA: I don't know. I can't believe it. It's so big. Where are we?
DOCTOR: Oh, it's the TARDIS. It's my home. At least, it has been for a considerable number of years.
VICTORIA: What are all these knobs?
DOCTOR: What, these?
JAMIE: Instruments. These are for controlling our flight.
JAMIE: Well, yes. You see, we travel around in here through time and space.
DOCTOR: Oh no, no, no, no. Don't laugh. It's true. Your father and Maxtible were working on the same problem, but I have perfected a rather special model, which enables me to travel through the universe of time.
VICTORIA: How can you? I mean, if what you say is true then you must be, er, well, how old?
DOCTOR: Well, if we count in Earth terms, I suppose I must be about four hundred, yes, about four hundred and fifty years old. Yes, well, quite. Now, I think Victoria might find that dress a little impracticable if she's going to join us in our adventures. Jamie, show her where she can find some new ones, will you?
JAMIE: Aye, right. This way, Victoria. Try to give us a smooth take off, Doctor? We don't want to frighten her.

(Jamie leaves.)

DOCTOR: A smooth take off? A smooth take off! What a nerve!

(The TARDIS dematerialises.)


(A simple yet elegant curved space rocket sits on three spindly legs on the only flat piece of land available. It's only visible markings are a chequered pattern around it. Up on a nearby cliff, a there is a dark-skinned man.)

PARRY [OC]: Hey, Toberman! Get that big head down!

(The man walks to the edge of a cliff and looks down at the party in the gully.)

PARRY: (bearded Welshman, gesturing at him) What's the matter with you? Have you gone mad?
VINER: (balding man) The fool. Doesn't he realise the danger he's in? It's nothing to laugh at. None of us knows what's going to happen when we press that thing, especially in this rarified atmosphere.
PARRY: All right. Viner, no need to get excited. (to the woman) Can't you keep your servant under control?
KAFTAN: (Middle Eastern) If I wish, I can.
HOPPER: (blond American) Hurry it up, will you, Rogers! I don't know what you think you're going to find anyway.
PARRY: According to the map reference now, that should be the entrance to the city of Telos.
HOPPER: I hope you're right, because I want to get out of here.
KLIEG: (German, balding) Let me remind you, Mister Hopper, that you are being more than well paid for your part in this expedition.
HOPPER: Oh, big deal.
ROGERS: (younger man) Sorry. We had to make it a pretty big one.
PARRY: All right, let's get on with it. We've wasted enough time.

(The group scramble further up the cliff and take cover.)

PARRY: Stand by. Everybody down!

(The remote detonator is activated, and part of the opposite cliff face is blown away. The group comes out to look.)

PARRY: Oh no.
HOPPER: Well, there you go. You blast yourself one lump of rock and all you've got is another.

(Professor Parry turns away in disgust, and Rogers looks again at the rock face.)

ROGERS: No, wait a minute, look!

(To the side of the area they blew up are is a clearly artificial opening in the cliff.)

HOPPER: Man, you just blew yourself a pair of doors.

(Cheers all round.)

PARRY: Well, come on. What are we waiting for?

(The team hurry up to the entrance, led by Toberman and Kaftan.)

[Outside the Tomb]

(The entrance is a recessed metallic structure with double doors in the middle. On either side are images of strange humanoid creatures with chest plates and helmets with handles.)

KAFTAN: Fifty pounds for the first man to open the doors.
PARRY: Miss Kaftan, I must remind you that I am the leader of this

(An anonymous man walks up to the doors and takes a firm hold of the handles. He promptly gets electrocuted for his efforts.)

PARRY: What happened?
KLIEG: I don't know.
HOPPER: Well, one thing for sure, he's not going to collect fifty pounds from you or anybody else.
VINER: Quiet. Quiet a minute.
PARRY: What's it?

(The TARDIS is materialising out of sight.)

VINER: It sounded like an engine. Something came down over there behind that rock.
HOPPER: Okay, Viner, slow down, I'll take care of this. Jim, behind that rock.
CALLUM: (American) Okay, I've got it.

(As the Americans hide, guns drawn, the Doctor, Victoria and Jamie come around the side of a scree. Victoria is in a daring knee-length dress.)

HOPPER: Hold it right there, friend.
DOCTOR: If you put it like that, I certainly will.
CALLUM: Did you hear that, Professor? English.
PARRY: Yes. All right, Hopper.

(Hopper lowers his weapon.)

DOCTOR: Thank you.
PARRY: Who are you and where do you come from?
HOPPER: And you'd better have a good story.
JAMIE: Maybe you'll not get one.
HOPPER: Listen, fella, we're not playing games.
ROGERS: You'd better listen to him.
DOCTOR: Now what's been happening over here?

(The Doctor goes over to the body.)

KLIEG: He was killed the moment you made your appearance.
DOCTOR: Ah, and you think we did it? Oh, no. I can assure you that we had nothing to do with the death of this man. He appears to have been electrocuted. Trying to open these doors perhaps?
ROGERS: He seems to know all the answers.
HOPPER: A wise guy.
VINER: I think this fellow must be the member of a rival expedition.
DOCTOR: Expedition?
PARRY: We've tried to keep it a secret. Unsuccessfully now it appears.
VINER: Look at him. Archaeologist written all over him.
DOCTOR: Really? Does it show?
VINER: There, you see? It's impossible to keep a secret in the scientific world.
VICTORIA: Doctor, what do you mean?
JAMIE: Tell them, Doctor. Go on, tell them.
DOCTOR: No. Not until they tell me what the purpose of their expedition.
PARRY: This is an archaeological expedition. We're searching the universe for the last remains of the Cybermen.
JAMIE: Cybermen? You mean to say they came from here?
PARRY: But of course. Telos was their home. This is the entrance to their city.
VINER: We know they died out many centuries ago. What we don't know is why they died out.
HOPPER: Callum, Rogers, get him back to the rocket. I'll be with you in a minute.
HOPPER: Well, that's that. Are you coming back to the rocket with me, Professor?
PARRY: What for?
HOPPER: You're not going on with this, are you? Look I don't know if these people have anything to do with it or not, but one of my men has just been killed. You're not paying that kind of money.
PARRY: Yes, I suppose that's quite true.
HOPPER: Yeah, you think it over. Come on, let's go. We'll wait for you back at the ship.
DOCTOR: The problem, I take it, is to open these doors, right?
KLIEG: Ha, brilliant.
PARRY: That is the problem.
KLIEG: And we would prefer it if you returned to wherever you came from.
JAMIE: Oh, not very friendly, are they, Doctor?
VICTORIA: Oh yes, do as he says.
DOCTOR: I'm afraid that that became impossible the moment that name was mentioned.
VICTORIA: What name?
DOCTOR: Cybermen.
VICTORIA: Cybermen? What are they?
VINER: I knew they were here on the same quest.
PARRY: No one would come here for any other reason.
DOCTOR: We must stay.
JAMIE: Oh, Doctor!
VICTORIA: Oh, must we? I don't like the look of those things at all.
DOCTOR: We shall stay and help you with your search.
KLIEG: Perhaps we don't want your help.
DOCTOR: That's just it, you so obviously do. Now I'm sure we can agree. I can open those doors for you.
KLIEG: It is our problem, and I suggest you take this ridiculous expedition of yours off this planet.
JAMIE: It seems to me that we've got as much right here as you have.
PARRY: Of course you have. Mister Klieg, must I remind you again that you do not speak for this expedition? I am it's leader, you and Miss Kaftan are only here on sufferance.
KLIEG: Thank you. And whose money is paying for the hire of that rocket?
PARRY: I thought I made it quite clear that your financial support did not entitle you to a say in the running of this expedition.
KAFTAN: Of course it was quite clear. Was it not, Eric?
KLIEG: Of course. No one questions your leadership.
DOCTOR: Ah, good, that's all settled. And now we shall open these doors.
JAMIE: What?
PARRY: Careful, man!
HAYDON: Hey look out!

(The Doctor puts his magnetic voltmeter on the handles, checks the reading and removes it.)

DOCTOR: It's perfectly safe now.
PARRY: You'll be killed!
HAYDON: No, don't touch him!

(The Doctor grabs a handle and pulls but can't move it.)

DOCTOR: I'm afraid it's beyond my strength.
JAMIE: Let me, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Jamie.

(Jamie can't move them either.)

JAMIE: Aye, well, I've not had much exercise lately.
DOCTOR: Quite. I think here is a gentleman who can open these doors for us.
KAFTAN: He is my servant. I will not have him risk his life.
PARRY: Surely it was for just such a contingency as this that you insisted we bring him with us?
DOCTOR: Oh, there's no danger now. Unless of course he's afraid.

(Toberman steps forward.)

DOCTOR: Oh, no, no, he's not afraid.

(Toberman pulls open the right door then the left. They are about a foot thick.)

PARRY: Come on.
DOCTOR: No, wait, wait. I would be very careful in there if I were you.
HAYDON: But why wasn't Toberman killed? Why weren't you killed?
DOCTOR: The poor fellow who died drained all there electricity out of his body. It's perfectly safe to go in there now.
KLIEG: Come on, then. We're wasting time. Of course. After you, Professor.

(Parry, Klieg and the party walk inside.)

DOCTOR: But I'd still. I'd still be very careful if I were you. Very careful indeed! Come on, let's go and join them. Come on, Victoria.

(Victoria stays rooted to the spot.)

DOCTOR: You look very nice in that dress, Victoria.
VICTORIA: Thank you. Don't you think it's a bit
DOCTOR: A bit short? Oh, I shouldn't worry about that. Look at Jamie's.
JAMIE: Hey, I'll have you know that. Oh, aye.
DOCTOR: Come along. Come along. Let's go and see what the others are doing, shall we? Come along.

[Central chamber]

(They walk down a small slope into a clean metal room. There are banks of instruments below a big dial to our right, a doorway with a Cyberman image above it ahead, and more instrumentation to the left.)

VICTORIA: Mercy, just look at this place.
VINER: These controls are of their earlier dynasty.
HAYDON: Not so very early as all that by the look of it. Look, John.
VINER: Yes, I'm quite capable of making my own deductions, thank you.
HAYDON: All right.

(To the left of the main doorway is a large hatch cover.)

KLIEG: Be careful. There might be danger in there.
KAFTAN: Don't worry, with Toberman to guard me. What is more important is to keep an eye on these strangers.
KLIEG: Well I tried to
KAFTAN: Do not raise your voice. You will achieve nothing by shouting. You look after the Doctor and I will watch the girl.
KLIEG: And the Scots boy?
KAFTAN: Leave him to Toberman. Ay, Toberman? But you will be careful and discreet, understand?
TOBERMAN: I understand.
JAMIE: Did you ever seen the like of it Doctor?
DOCTOR: Not exactly, Jamie, but very nearly.
PARRY: Now that we're all here. Now that we're all here, I think we'd better take stock of the situation. This appears to be a dead end. The only way out appears to be through that hatch.
KAFTAN: Are there no doors?
PARRY: No, apart from the entrance.
DOCTOR: And the other two, of course.
VINER: Two other doors?
DOCTOR: Oh, yes. One in that section, and one in that section over there. Activated, I imagine, by this simple logical system over here. Here we are, I think.

(The Doctor moves levers 6, 4 and 5, there's a beep and a door to the right of the entrance slides up.)

DOCTOR: Yes, splendid, splendid. A simple logical gate.

(He does the same with another set of levers and the door opposite the entrance lifts.)

KLIEG: Doctor, you seem to be very familiar with this place.
DOCTOR: Oh no, not really. It's all based upon symbolic logic, the same as you use in computers. The opening mechanism for this door, an OR gate. you call it.
KLIEG: Yes, yes, I can see that, but how did you know in the first place?
DOCTOR: Oh, I use my own special technique.
KLIEG: Oh really, Doctor? And may we know what that is?
DOCTOR: Keeping my eyes open and my mouth shut.
PARRY: We're far too many to explore together. I think we'd better divide up. If you, Mister Viner would take that door with er
JAMIE: Jamie.
PARRY: Jamie and Mister Haydon. Mister Klieg, the Doctor and myself will make up the other party.
VICTORIA: Well, what about us?
PARRY: I think the women had better remain here.
VICTORIA: Oh, rubbish. We can make a party.
KAFTAN: Certainly. With Toberman to guard us we need fear no one.
PARRY: Right. Mister Klieg, will you take them along with you?
KLIEG: I prefer to stay here.
PARRY: As you wish. Mister Viner, will you go along with the women?
VINER: If you like.
PARRY: But get back to the spacecraft by 1630. You all know the temperature drop at night, so we'll meet back here at 1625. If anyone is missing that'll give us an hour to look for them before we have to leave.
VINER: Come on, then. we might as well try that opening over there.
KAFTAN: We'd better keep close together.
VICTORIA: I'm all right thank you.

(They go through the central doorway.)

HAYDON: Come on, Jamie.
JAMIE: Right.

(Haydon and Jamie take the right hand door.)

PARRY: Now to concentrate on this, whatever it is. This hatch must lead somewhere and there must be some opening mechanism. What was that about symbolic logic? Any ideas?
DOCTOR: No, not really. I think it's about time we gave Mister Klieg a chance to show off his archaeological skills? I love to see the experts at work, don't you?

[Projector room]

(The central door has led to a room full of equipment. It is dominated by a contraption with three projectors.)

VINER: Come on. Right in. Where's Toberman?
KAFTAN: I sent him to join the others. We do not need any other protection now that you are with us.
VINER: Yes, well, shall we commence? Everything must be carefully measured and recorded.
VICTORIA: What is this room?
VINER: I don't know. Possibly this is where the Cybermen are made.
VICTORIA: I wonder what this is.
VINER: Do you mind? You're getting in my way. Just go over there, will you?
VICTORIA: Oh, fiddle!
KAFTAN: Could this not be the purpose of the room?
KAFTAN: A Cyberman would stand in that form and be, well, revitalised?

(There is a large Cyberman-shaped recess opposite the projector.)

VINER: Yes, that's reasonable. These projectors were probably made to fire in neuro-electric potential. Yes, that's it, I think you're right.
VICTORIA: Revitalising is just what I need.

(Victoria tries to step into the recess, but the leg slots are too long for her.)

VICTORIA: Oh mercy, the Cybermen must have been giants.
VINER: Will you please be careful. The first rule of archaeological work is that nothing must be touched until its been described and recorded.

[Testing room]

JAMIE: Hey, you know, it's just struck me. All the corridors in here are as light as day, yet there are no windows.
HAYDON: Alpha-meson phosphor.
HAYDON: It's a lighting system that never goes out. Works by letting cosmic rays bombard a layer of barium.
JAMIE: Oh aye, that.
HAYDON: Point is, what was this room used for?
JAMIE: Well, possibly for raising caterpillars, like this one.
HAYDON: Hey, for heavens sake watch out until we know what it is.
JAMIE: Och, it's as dead as a stone.

(Jamie is holding a tiny metallic creature with a pair of staring eyes and little antennae.)

[Central chamber]

(The big dial is lit up now, and flashing blocks of numbers as the indicator finger swings to and fro.)

PARRY: Well?
KLIEG: Well, the basis of this code is binary to digital conversion with a intervening step involving a sort of Whitehead logic.
Well, when this Burrier series is complete, there is no more to be done.
DOCTOR: Yes, but why do it at all?
PARRY: Really, Doctor, for an archaeologist you seem to be curiously lacking in curiosity.
DOCTOR: Some things are better left undone, and I have a feeling that this is one of them.
KLIEG: What do you mean by that?
DOCTOR: Well, it's all too easy, isn't it?
KLIEG: Easy?
PARRY: I wouldn't call this an easy survey, would you, Klieg?
KLIEG: Everything here is designed to keep their secrets, whatever they are, insoluble.
DOCTOR: Insoluble?
KLIEG: But take this
DOCTOR: Oh, I wouldn't say that.
KLIEG: But take this mathematical sequence, for example. I'm really no nearer to it's solution. I've tried every possible combination. You'd hardly call that easy!

(The Doctor reads Klieg's notebook.)

DOCTOR: Yes, well, what you've done here is mostly right.
KLIEG: Why, thank you.
DOCTOR: You see, if you take any progressive series it can be converted into binary notation. If you take the sum of the integrants, and express the result as a power series, then the indices show the basic binary blocks. Only I wouldn't do it if I were you. Oh no, I really wouldn't do it!
KLIEG: Of course. You're right.

(Klieg goes to the row of levers below the dial and starts moving them.)

KLIEG: Look! Sum between limits of one and nine one integral into power series. Yes! yes! Then you differentiate

(There is a sound of increasing power generation. The lights start to flicker.)

DOCTOR: You fool! Why couldn't you leave it alone!
PARRY: What's happening?
DOCTOR: I don't know. Perhaps the Cybermen aren't quite as dormant as you imagine. We must find out what has happened to the others.

[Projector room]

(Victoria climbs into the recess again. Kaftan goes to a control panel and pulls a lever. The lid of the recess closes as Victoria screams.)

VINER: Did you touch anything?
VINER: Well, keep away from that board. Here, help me.

(Kaftan is about to move another lever.)

KAFTAN: One moment.

(She leaves it and joins him at the recess lid.)

VINER: We'll need a crowbar to get this off.
KAFTAN: It may already be too late.

[Testing room]

JAMIE: That's strange.
JAMIE: I could swear that that thing moved.
HAYDON: You're seeing things, old chap! Come and look at this. The whole control panel is active suddenly. I don't know which button to press first.
JAMIE: Oh, I wouldn't touch it if I were you.
HAYDON: I think I'll try this one. Nothing.
JAMIE: Hey, wait a minute. What's happening? It's getting dark. Hey, look at the far wall!

(Patterns of light are swirling.)

[Projector room]

VINER: It's no use. I daren't touch anything. If I operate the wrong sequence, she'll die. I must find the logical order. If it's not too late.

(Viner bangs on the lid. Victoria knocks back.)

KAFTAN: She's still alive!
VINER: Thank heavens. Look, I'd better go and get the others, You stay her with her.
KAFTAN: Yes, but hurry.
VINER: I won't be long.

(Viner leaves. Kaftan knocks on the lid and gets a reply. Then she goes to the row of levers and moves another one. The Doctor enters as the projectors move up and down.)

DOCTOR: I wouldn't touch the projector controls if I were you. Someone might get hurt.
VINER: There must be some way to release it, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Yes, there is. Now let me see.

[Testing room]

(Jamie is mesmerised while Haydon is shielding his eyes with his hands.)

HAYDON: Jamie. Jamie, don't watch it.
JAMIE: I must. I must. I can't seem to take my eyes off it. I don't want to take my eyes off it. I don't want to take my eyes off it.

(Jamie walks forward.)

HAYDON: Stop, Jamie!
JAMIE: Yes, yes, I see it now.

(Haydon moves the lever back to its start position and the wall goes blank.)

HAYDON: Are you all right?
JAMIE: Oh, where have I been?
HAYDON: You've been under some form of hypnosis.
JAMIE: That's ridiculous. What would the Cybermen want with a hypnotising machine?
HAYDON: Yes, you're right. It must be for something else. Wait a minute. Know what it could be?
JAMIE: What?
HAYDON: Some kind of target. I remember reading about this somewhere. They used to have something like it on Earth years ago.
JAMIE: How does it work? Which bit do you aim at?
HAYDON: There's a subliminal centre which you're trained to see.
JAMIE: Oh, aye. A what?
HAYDON: Come on, lets run the whole thing again and see what happens. But keep your eyes off the wall. Now you work the controls this time and I'll watch.
JAMIE: Right.
HAYDON: Okay, press the buttons.

(Haydon watches through his fingers.)

[Projector room]

DOCTOR: Yes I think this is the sequence. Stand by to let her out, will you. And if you, my dear, would stand well clear. Thank you. Right!

(The lid swings open and Victoria comes out, gasping.)

DOCTOR: Victoria, are you all right? It's all right. Get your breath. It's all right.
DOCTOR: It's all right now.
VICTORIA: I didn't like that very much Doctor!
DOCTOR: No, I don't expect you did. You'll have to be a little more careful in future, won't you. Now, come along. We must go and see whether Jamie is all right. Come along.

[Central chamber]

PARRY: There must be some way to get that hatch open.
KLIEG: That must be the control to do it.

(Wrong lever.)

PARRY: The tombs of the Cybermen must be below ground, together with all their records. If we can't get down there, all our work here and the sacrifice of that unfortunate fellow's life will go in vain.
KLIEG: A great deal more than that
PARRY: Pardon?
KLIEG: Of course. There's only one explanation. The Doctor.
KLIEG: He didn't give us the complete code. There must be a further sequence to operate that opening mechanism.
PARRY: All right. Well, lets try and find out.
KLIEG: Now, what could it be?

[Testing room]

(The wall has moves from spirals to fractals. Jamie moves the last lever and it goes blank.)

HAYDON: Is that all?
JAMIE: Aye. All except this big button here. What does that do?
HAYDON: I'm not sure, but we'll soon find out. I'm going to trace the source of these shapes. There must be a projector somewhere. Look, when I give the word, press the button.
JAMIE: The big one?
HAYDON: Yes. Maybe it works in conjunction with the others.
JAMIE: Right. Ready when you are.
HAYDON: Okay, go ahead.

(We notice that Haydon is standing in front of a possible door in the back wall. The swirling pattern is a figure of eight. The Doctor enters.)

DOCTOR: Oh Jamie, don't touch that control!
JAMIE: I already have. What's the matter Doctor?
DOCTOR: Well, which one was it?
JAMIE: Which one what?

(A Cyberman come in from the right across the front of the psychedelic screen and a weapon comes out of the wall opposite. It fires, catching Haydon squarely in the back. Victoria screams.)

Episode Two

[Testing room]

DOCTOR: What exactly happened here, Jamie? What did you do? What sequence did you use?
JAMIE: Sequence, how do you mean? Oh, you mean these! Oh, well, I just pressed that button and pulled this lever and then that lever there.
PARRY: Doctor, could you spare us a moment? I. Haydon! What's happened?
VINER: He's dead. Don't you see, he's dead? It's this damn building. It's alive. It's watching us! It'll get us all! We've got to leave!
PARRY: All right, Viner. This is terrible. How did it happen?
VINER: We've got to get out this building. It's deadly! They'll kill all of us if we don't get back to rocket.
VINER: The Cybermen! Didn't you see it?
PARRY: Cybermen? A live Cyberman? My dear Viner, they've been dead for the last five hundred years.
VINER: I tell you it was a Cyberman and it came out of there, that screen thing.
JAMIE: He's right.
VINER: Keep back! Keep back! You'll bring it out again.
DOCTOR: The question is, what killed him.
VINER: But you saw the Cyberman, Doctor.
DOCTOR: I saw something.
VINER: Well?
DOCTOR: Poor Haydon was looking at that screen, in the direction we all were, right?
VINER: Of course. Must you state the obvious?
DOCTOR: It's not so obvious when you consider he was shot in the back.
JAMIE: In the back?
PARRY: Are you sure, Doctor?
DOCTOR: See for yourself. Now if the Cybermen didn't shoot him, what did? The answer, I think, lies over here. Jamie?
JAMIE: Yes, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Can you remember exactly what you did, what sequence you used?
JAMIE: Oh, I'm not sure, Doctor.
DOCTOR: You must try. I want to repeat it all when I give the word.
JAMIE: Very well, Doctor.
VINER: You're crazy, man. You'll bring that, that thing out again.
DOCTOR: Maybe. I don't know. Now, Jamie, when you're ready.
JAMIE: Anytime, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Now there is a distinct element of risk in what I'm asking you all to do, so if anyone wishes to leave they must do so at once. Not you, Jamie.
VINER: Can't you stop this? He'll kill us all.
DOCTOR: Not if you go back against that wall, in that corner there. Now, please. Right, Jamie.

(Jamie pulls two levers and presses the big button. The figure of eight pattern appears on the wall and the Cyberman slides out in front of it. The weapon comes out of the opposite wall and this time the Cyberman is decapitated. Victoria screams. The Doctor ducks under the weapon's turret to examine it.)

JAMIE: Careful, Doctor!
DOCTOR: It's all right. I think. I think it's all right now. Yes. You see, it's just a mock up, a model. No, don't touch that. That gun may be wired up too.
PARRY: It's a trap.
DOCTOR: No I don't think so. I think it's a testing room for weapons. This is a purely robotic Cyberman. There's no human material in it at all. He's a target for weapons.
PARRY: Let's get back to the control room with this poor fellow.
VICTORIA: What's that?
JAMIE: Some wee creature I found on the floor there.

(Victoria picks it up.)

VICTORIA: It's a fossil.
DOCTOR: Victoria, be careful. Let me see that.

(The Doctor takes the metal creature.)

DOCTOR: Yes, it's certainly inactive, but it's not a fossil. Wait a minute.

(The Doctor takes out a notebook.)

DOCTOR: Yes, here we are. Yes, it's a Cybermat.
VICTORIA: What's a Cybermat?
DOCTOR: It's one of those. I'd leave it alone if I were you. Come along.

(Victoria puts the Cybermat into her huge handbag.)

[Central chamber]

(Toberman enters from outside.)

TOBERMAN: It is done.
KLIEG: I just don't understand this code. This sequence doesn't make complete sense.
KAFTAN: You, a logician, you can't understand it?
KLIEG: But in the time
KAFTAN: You must.
KLIEG: In the time we have.
KAFTAN: We have plenty of time. You will see.
PARRY: Lay him down there.

(Haydon has been carried in.)

KAFTAN: What has happened to him?
VINER: There's been a terrible accident. He's been shot!
PARRY: Right, we're all here, it seems. Will you all sit down for a moment?
KAFTAN: Toberman?
PARRY: Mister Klieg?
KLIEG: Leave me alone. Can't you see I'm working, or have you forgotten the purpose of this expedition?
PARRY: This directly concerns my expedition. You will kindly take your place. Right, I'll come straight to the point. I have reluctantly decided to abandon the expedition and return to Earth.

(General consternation.)

PARRY: I feel as strongly about it as you. This expedition has been my dream for many years. But there were those like Mister Viner who said that more preparation was needed, more men and equipment. I refused to heed their warnings and the result is that two men have died. I'm sorry, but we must leave at the first available conjunction. We'll take back all we can for further study, of course, but that is my decision and that is what we must do.
KLIEG: I insist that
PARRY: My decision is final! We leave when the north hemisphere is properly tangential, which will be at eighteen forty two. Ah, Captain Hopper. Just the man. Can you be ready to blast off at eighteen forty two?
PARRY: I beg your pardon? Did I hear you right? You are paid to take orders, Captain Hopper.
HOPPER: Not impossible ones, I'm not. It's the fuel pumps. Some character has balled up the lot.
DOCTOR: Or something.
HOPPER: Well, whatever it is, it's practically wrecked our chances of getting off this crummy planet.

(A little later, discussions have been on-going.)

VINER: I don't care what any of you say. I utterly refuse. I will not spend the night on this planet.
DOCTOR: I don't think we've got much choice.
VINER: Well, at least we can get out of this sinister building. I've recorded all the necessary details, I suggest we all go back to the rocket.
HOPPER: You make a very bad suggestion, Viner, you know that?
VINER: I insist.
HOPPER: You do a lot of insisting. Well, I'm going to tell you something now. The first guy that set sets foot in my rocketship is going to stop the repair work just like that.
PARRY: How long will it take to get the rocket operational again?
HOPPER: Working non-stop without interruption, maybe seventy two hours.
PARRY: Seventy two hours!
VINER: But that's impossible! We'd all be out of our minds after three days in this place. We must go back on board.
HOPPER: Now look, I can't afford to waste any more time with you guys, but I'll give it to you just once more, all right? Now you may not know this but we practically have to pull that ship apart to fix the damage. And there just isn't room for all of you on board. Especially with you insisting all over the place. No room to work, got it?
PARRY: Yes, of course. I see now.
VINER: It's all right for you. Have you any idea what it's like in this deadly building?
HOPPER: Well it's not exactly peaches back on the ship.
DOCTOR: Captain, you do have another reason for not wanting them back on the ship, don't you?
HOPPER: Yeah. Until I find who broke into that rocket.
DOCTOR: Or what?
HOPPER: Who broke into the rocket. Until then I'm going to keep a round the clock guard on it.
DOCTOR: I see.
HOPPER: I'm going to get off this place with my skin still fitting tight all over, all right?
DOCTOR: All right.
HOPPER: Now, in case it gets cold at night, I've brought these anoraks and some food. I'll let you know when I'm ready to take off.

(Hopper leaves.)

KLIEG: As we have to stay, we might as well finish our job and fully explore down there. That is, if the Professor has no objection.
PARRY: We have no alternative. it seems.
DOCTOR: Well, but can't we stay here? It seems a pleasant enough room to me.
JAMIE: Hey, you speak for yourself.
KLIEG: Of course you can leave here anytime you please, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, I was forgetting. I can, can't I.
VICTORIA: But you're not going to are you, Doctor?
DOCTOR: No. Not just yet awhile, no. But you and Jamie can go back to the TARDIS if you wish.
VICTORIA: I'll stay with you.
DOCTOR: Jamie?
JAMIE: Oh, I'll stay.
DOCTOR: Now, I think it's about time we gave Mister Klieg some help.
KLIEG: Thank you, I think I can manage.
JAMIE: Hey, let the Doctor past or I'll

(Toberman grabs the front of the Doctor's shirt in one hand.)

JAMIE: Yes, well, let the Doctor past.
DOCTOR: It's all right, Jamie. Your colleague has very strong hands.
KAFTAN: Very strong.
DOCTOR: Enough to do a good deal of damage if let loose in the right place.

(Kaftan gestures Toberman to let the Doctor past.)

PARRY: There's no doubt about it, the major workings lie below. There are metal caverns down there, all interconnected. If only we can get down into them.
KLIEG: That's it! I've got it! Finally, a Boolean function of symbolic logic.
DOCTOR: Logical, yes, but
KAFTAN: Everything yields to logic. Our basic assumption, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Really.
KLIEG: Six, cap, B four, if and only if, C is cap function of two A.

(Klieg adjusts the main controls, pulls a lever, and nothing happens.)

DOCTOR: I think perhaps your logic is wearing a little thin.
KLIEG: I must have made a mistake. I'll do it again more carefully. Six, cap, B four, if and only if, C is cap function of, ah, that's it, two F not two A.

(This time the big hatch by the entrance swings up, light coming from below.)

VICTORIA: The hatch!
KLIEG: I've done it! I've done it!
DOCTOR: Congratulations.
JAMIE: Yeah, but Doctor, you
PARRY: Excellent! Now to work. It'll be extremely cold down there. We shall all need to put on warm clothing. Mister Viner, will you see about the anoraks?
KLIEG: Just a moment. Are we all going down?
PARRY: There is safety in numbers.
KLIEG: The women as well?
PARRY: Oh, they of course will stay up here. In case of trouble, contact the rocket.
VICTORIA: I'm coming down with you.
PARRY: But my dear young lady
VICTORIA: You heard me, Professor. The
DOCTOR: Victoria, you would be much safer up here.
VICTORIA: But, Doctor, I
DOCTOR: And much more use to us.
VICTORIA: I don't see,
DOCTOR: Keep an eye on (points at Kaftan) things. Please?
VICTORIA: All right.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
PARRY: Well, if we're all ready, I shall lead the descent. Be ready to go back the instant I give the word.
KLIEG: You know what to do.
KAFTAN: The hatch?

(The Doctor puts on his cape.)

DOCTOR: Mister Toberman?
KAFTAN: He stays with me.
DOCTOR: Then I stay here too.
KAFTAN: Of course, I am being selfish. His strength will be useful to you down there. He must go down. Go down, Toberman.

(Toberman walks up the steps to the hatch, followed by the Doctor.)

DOCTOR: Remember what I said. Be very careful.

(The men disappear down through the hatchway.)

KAFTAN: It seems we are to be left alone to wait. Captain Hopper brought some food from the rocket. You would like some?
VICTORIA: Oh, rather. I'm ravenous.

(Victoria leaves her bag by the hatch.)

KAFTAN: Roast beef? Roast veal? Chicken?
VICTORIA: Oh, chicken, please

(Kaftan hands over a small cube.)

VICTORIA: What on Earth's this?
KAFTAN: What you have asked for. Chicken.
VICTORIA: Thank you, but I'm not very hungry now.

(Victoria goes to look down the hatchway. Kaftan pours liquid from a thermos into a cup and drops a small pill into it with a smile.)

[Bottom of the ladder]

PARRY: Hurry up, there. We've no time to linger. It's extremely cold down here even with these anoraks.
JAMIE: You obviously knew what to expect.
DOCTOR: Well, which way do we go?
KLIEG: I don't know. Let's try this way.


(There are active control panels in the room.)

JAMIE: Hey, what on Earth?!
PARRY: Behold, gentlemen. The tombs of the Cybermen!

(The walls of the cavern are full of frosted compartments reaching high above them.)

JAMIE: Tombs? I don't see any tombs.
DOCTOR: In there, Jamie. Frozen forever. All their evil locked away with them. And so it must remain.
KLIEG: Like a gigantic honeycomb. Like bees waiting the signal to arise from their winter sleep.
DOCTOR: A signal that they're never going to get.
VINER: We'd better get busy. Everything must be recorded. It's too cold to remain for long.
KLIEG: Unless we find some way to warm things up.

[Central chamber]

KAFTAN: You have hardly touched your coffee. It must be cold by now. You would like some more?
VICTORIA: No, thank you. I'm much warmer now.
KAFTAN: That's good.
VICTORIA: I feel so sleepy.

(Victoria falls asleep by the steps to the hatch. Kaftan checks that she is out cold then closes the hatch cover.)


(The thud is heard down below.)

VINER: What was that?
JAMIE: It sounded like the hatch!

[Bottom of the ladder]

JAMIE: It's closed!
VINER: Oh, what's the use. We're trapped down here now. We'll never survive down in this cold. Better get back.


VINER: It's closed. What have they done that for? What are they playing at up there?
DOCTOR: Perhaps it wasn't them. Where's Jamie?
VINER: He went up the ladder to try it. Professor. Professor, listen to me, for heaven's sake! The hatch is down again. We're trapped down here.
PARRY: Trapped? But there are some of my party up there. Are you sure?
VINER: Of course I'm sure. You know how heavy that thing is. It's down now. We must do something. I give us a couple of hours in here at the most.
DOCTOR: Mister Klieg doesn't seem to be very worried.
KLIEG: No, I'm not, Doctor.
JAMIE: It won't open and I can't make anybody hear.
VINER: There you are.
KLIEG: There is an easy way out of our situation.
VINER: You've found something?
KLIEG: Of course you're forgetting your logic. If it closes it can be opened, from here.
DOCTOR: Conveniently labelled in symbolic logic, I notice.
KLIEG: Right, are we ready? I shall now operate the sequence.
DOCTOR: If it is the opening device.
KLIEG: It's obviously an opening device of some kind, Doctor.
VINER: I don't know how you can be so blasted calm about it all!
JAMIE: I'll see if it works then.
JAMIE [OC]: Go ahead!

(Klieg moves levers.)

JAMIE [OC]: Nothing happening out here.
VINER: It doesn't work.

(Whilst the others concentrate on the hatch, Klieg turns to the vast network of tombs with a smile. They start to defrost.)

[Bottom of the ladder]

(Something drips on Parry.)

PARRY: Water!
JAMIE: Aye, it's getting warmer.
VINER: The ice is melting.
JAMIE: Hey, look behind you!


VINER: Look! Look at the honeycomb! There's something inside.

(There is movement inside the defrosted cells.)

JAMIE: They're Cybermen.
DOCTOR: Jamie, come back.
PARRY: It is them. Gentlemen, they are perfect. This is unique in archaeology.
VINER: No. No, they're moving. We must shut it down.

(Viner moves levers and the Cybermen slow down.)

KLIEG: What are you doing? Keep away from that!

(Klieg produces a gun.)

KLIEG: Keep away.
DOCTOR: What do you think you're doing?
KLIEG: I shall not hesitate to kill. For the last time, I'm asking you to get away from those controls.

(Klieg shoots Viner.)

PARRY: Viner! Viner, Viner.

(Klieg moves the levers back to on.)

PARRY: Viner, you've killed him!
JAMIE: He's mad!
DOCTOR: Jamie!

(The tombs defrost again.)

PARRY: Haydon dead, now Viner. What kind of a man are you?!
KLIEG: Back. Keep back! Let's see what happens. As the Professor says, this is a unique archaeological event. It would be such a pity to miss it.

[Central chamber]

(Something is moving and beeping inside Victoria's bag as she wakes from her nap.)

VICTORIA: What's happened?
VICTORIA: The hatch is down. Are they back?
KAFTAN: They are still down there.
VICTORIA: Then why is the hatch down? They won't be able to get up again.
KAFTAN: I shall open it when we are ready.
VICTORIA: When who's ready? You closed it?
KAFTAN: I did.
VICTORIA: Then you'd better open it again, hadn't you!
KAFTAN: No, it shall remain closed.
VICTORIA: The Doctor warned me about you.
KAFTAN: That was very clever of him.
VICTORIA: Out of my way!
VICTORIA: I'm going to open the hatch.

(Kaftan pokes a gun in Victoria's back.)

KAFTAN: Stand back! That's better. Now, let's move away from these controls. We shall be more comfortable over here, I think.
VICTORIA: But why? Why have you done it? You've trapped your friends down there as well as mine!
KAFTAN: I shall open it when Mister Klieg has completed our plans. Meanwhile, it is better that they remain undisturbed. If you touch those controls I shall have to kill you.

(The Cybermat has chewed a hole in Victoria's bag and is trundling across the floor.)


JAMIE: You know, Doctor, I have a feeling that man's planned it all. He knew that that control wouldn't open the hatch.
DOCTOR: So did I, Jamie.
JAMIE: You knew, Doctor?
DOCTOR: I wanted to know what he was up to.
KLIEG: And now you know, Doctor.
PARRY: We know nothing. This is the action of a lunatic.
KLIEG: Lunatic? Not at all, Professor. A necessary detail, that's all.
PARRY: But why?
KLIEG: Logic, my dear Professor, logic and power. On Earth the Brotherhood of Logicians is the greatest man intelligence ever assembled. But that's not enough by itself. We need power. Power to put our ability into action. The Cybermen have this power. I have come here to find it and use it.
PARRY: So that was your motive in financing my expedition.
KLIEG: Precisely. Your complete lack of administration made it ideal for our purpose.
DOCTOR: You think the Cybermen will help you?
KLIEG: Of course. I shall be their resurrector.
PARRY: Look!

(The Cybermen start to rip their way out of their cells and climb down the ladders at either side of the block.)

[Central chamber]

(Victoria spots the Cybermat.)

KAFTAN: Keep still.
VICTORIA: Behind you! That thing, it's come alive!
KAFTAN: You are so simple. You don't really expect to take me in with a trick like that?
VICTORIA: It's true. Look!
KAFTAN: Will nothing keep you still?
VICTORIA: Oh, will you please look!
KAFTAN: If I have any further trouble from you I will have to take drastic steps.
VICTORIA: Why don't you believe me?
KAFTAN: We will not allow a little girl like you to interfere with our plans.

(The Cybermat jumps onto Kaftan's shoulder. She screams. Victoria pulls it off and throws it away, then picks up Kaftan's gun and shoots the little monster. It blows up and dies. Kaftan is out cold. Victoria looks at the row of control levers.)

VICTORIA: I don't know.

(She puts the gun down on the hatch steps and runs out.)

VICTORIA: Captain Hopper!


(The Cybermen ignore the humans and gather in front of a cyber logo at the base of the wall. They open it to reveal a slightly different design of Cyberman.)

JAMIE: What is it?
DOCTOR: I think it's their leader, their Controller, Jamie.

(The Controller steps out of his cell. He has no chest unit and an extra tall head like a massive brain. The Cybermen salute him.)

KLIEG: I am Klieg. Eric Klieg. I have brought you back to life. We of the Logicians have planned this. You are alive because of us. Now you will help us. We need your power. You need our mass intelligence. Are you listening? Do you understand me? Now that I have released you

(The Controller grips Klieg's wrist and forces him to kneel.)

KLIEG: Aaah! Let me go! I set you free! It was our plan!

(The Controller tosses Klieg away from him.)

CONTROLLER: You belong to us. You shall be like us.
Episode Three


PARRY: How did you know that we would come to release you? You could have remained frozen forever.
CONTROLLER: The humanoid mind. You are inquisitive.
DOCTOR: Ah, I see, a trap. A very special sort of trap, too.
PARRY: What do you mean, special trap?
DOCTOR: Well, don't you see? They only wanted superior intellects. That's why they made the trap so complicated.
CONTROLLER: We knew that somebody like you would come to our planet one day.
DOCTOR: Yes, and we've done exactly as you've calculated, haven't we?
CONTROLLER: Now you belong to us.

[Central chamber]

(Victoria has bought Hopper and Callum from the rocket. Kaftan is still unconscious.)

VICTORIA: Now, quick. Find the opening device. I don't know which it is.
HOPPER: Now hold on. I'm not pulling any levers until I know what this is all about.
CALLUM: I don't reckon we should have left the rocket, Captain. I can't see much wrong here.
VICTORIA: Not much wrong? Are you blind, the pair of you? What about this then?

(The closed hatch.)

CALLUM: I can't see any change, Vic.
VICTORIA: That's just it. They're down there now.
CALLUM: Then why close the hatch on them?

(Kaftan wakes.)

CALLUM: It doesn't make sense, Vic.
VICTORIA: I didn't. And please stop calling me Vic. She closed the hatch.
CALLUM: Oh, did she now?
VICTORIA: Now look, are you going to help me or not? They're probably freezing to death down there. If you're not going to help me, I'm going to pull every one of those levers on that board and see what happens.
HOPPER: Ah now, I wouldn't do that, Vic. Come on, Jim. I think we'd better do as she says.
HOPPER: Okay, now. Were you here when they opened it all up?
HOPPER: Well, come on. You must have some idea.
VICTORIA: I don't know. I wasn't looking. Oh, I think it's one of those levers down there.
CALLUM: She thinks!


JAMIE: Can we not make a run for it, Doctor?
DOCTOR: No, no. We wouldn't even reach the ladder. It's too risky.
PARRY: What can we do?
DOCTOR: We'll play for time. Wait our chance. Leave it to me. Excuse me. May I ask a question? Why did you submit yourself to freezing? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to.
CONTROLLER: To survive. Our history computer has full details of you.
DOCTOR: Oh? How?
CONTROLLER: We know of your intelligence.
DOCTOR: Oh, thank you very much. Ah, yes. The lunar surface.
CONTROLLER: Our machinery had stopped and our supply of replacements been depleted.
DOCTOR: So that's why you attacked the Moonbase.
CONTROLLER: You had destroyed our first planet and we were becoming extinct.
JAMIE: What difference does capturing us make? You'll still become extinct.
CONTROLLER: We will survive. We will survive. Now you will help us.
PARRY: What makes you think we're going to help you? That murderer doesn't speak for us.
CONTROLLER: You will become the first of a new race of Cybermen. You will return to the Earth and control it.
PARRY: Never! Never!
CONTROLLER: Everything we decide is carried out. There are no mistakes.
JAMIE: A new race of Cybermen? But we're humans. We're not like you.
CONTROLLER: You will be.
DOCTOR: Oh, no, no. Keep away! Keep away! Keep away from me!

(The group of Cybermen take hold of the scientists and Toberman. Only Jamie manages to escape. A Cyberman goes after him but takes the wrong turn at a junction. Jamie doubles back to the ladder, and gets zapped there.)

DOCTOR: If only you'd let go I'd stand still.
TOBERMAN: Please, please, please let me go! Please, let me go!

(The Cyberman struggling with Toberman picks him up and throws him into a pile of barrels.)

DOCTOR: If you would let go of me, I can stand still! You're breaking my arm!
CONTROLLER: To struggle is futile.

[Central chamber]

(Callum is looking at the wiring underneath a panel.)

HOPPER: You sure that's the one?
CALLUM: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, it's the only one it could be. Yeah. It leads up to that one there. Yeah.
VICTORIA: Please hurry, Captain Hopper!
HOPPER: Keep back, will you? Leave this to me. Jim, stand by the power cut off.

(Kaftan crawls for her gun.)

CALLUM: Power, yeah, yeah.
HOPPER: Stand back, will you, just in case we got the wrong one.
KAFTAN: Don't move! Raise your hands!
HOPPER: Now look here, lady.
KAFTAN: I shall kill you.
HOPPER: Well, your own men are down there, remember? What are you doing this for?
KAFTAN: Move away from that control board. Over here. I shall open the hatch when Klieg gives the signal.
HOPPER: Well why close it in the first place?
KAFTAN: Klieg must remain undisturbed. Your friends will not escape from there, and you will not interfere.

(The Cyberman moves into view. Victoria screams and Kaftan looks behind her. Hopper jumps forward and grabs the gun.)

HOPPER: Watch her, Jim. If she moves, blast her.
CALLUM: Right.
HOPPER: Ah, you scream real good, Vic! Thanks a lot.
VICTORIA: Please, the hatch!
HOPPER: Okay, we'll take a risk. Stand by.

(Hopper pulls the lever and the hatch opens.)

VICTORIA: It's very quiet down there.
HOPPER: Yeah, too quiet.
VICTORIA: Something must have happened.
HOPPER: How long they been down there?
VICTORIA: Oh, about an hour.
HOPPER: That's too long. I'm going down. Hey, Jim, what are those bombs loaded with?
CALLUM: Smoke.
HOPPER: Great. Give us a couple, will you?
CALLUM: Yeah, sure.
HOPPER: Come on, come on.
CALLUM: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

(Callum takes two grenades from his bag.)

HOPPER: Okay, here we go.
VICTORIA: I'm coming too.
HOPPER: Later, maybe. Not this trip.
VICTORIA: Who'd be a woman.
HOPPER: How would you know, honey? You'd better stay up here. We don't know what's going on down there.

(Hopper goes down through the hatch.)

VICTORIA: Is he always like that?
CALLUM: Most of the time, Vic, yeah.


(Everyone is sitting on the floor, including Jamie. The Doctor is tending to Toberman.)

CONTROLLER: We have decided how you will be used.
CONTROLLER: You are a logician. Our race is also logical. You will be the leader of the new race.
KLIEG: You will listen to my proposals then?
CONTROLLER: Yes, we will listen, but first you will be altered.
KLIEG: Altered?
CONTROLLER: You have fear. We will eliminate fear from your brain. Yes. You will be the first.
CYBERMAN: And you will be the next.
PARRY: I? No, no!
CYBERMAN: You will be like us.

(Hopper takes the pin from a smoke grenade.)

CONTROLLER: To die is unnecessary. You will be frozen and placed in our tombs until we are ready to use you. Your lives will be suspended. Prepare the tombs.
PARRY: They really mean it. They're going to freeze us.
JAMIE: Not me.
DOCTOR: No, Jamie. They're coming back.

(Hopper throws his smoke grenades and they go off at the base of the tombs. The Cybermen are disoriented.)

HOPPER: Come on, you guys, run for it!

[Outside the cavern]

(The smoke is filling the passageways too.)

DOCTOR: Is he all right?
JAMIE: Aye, I think so. Which way is it? I can't remember.
DOCTOR: That way.
JAMIE: Are you sure?
DOCTOR: No, I'm not sure, but try it. I'll be with you in a minute.
JAMIE: All right.

(Jamie and Parry go left. The Doctor returns to the cavern. Klieg turns right.)

DOCTOR: Captain, we've got to stop them.
HOPPER: Block off this tunnel perhaps?
DOCTOR: No, we can't do that. The hatch. We must get there first. Come on.

(Toberman gets captured by two Cybermen.)


(Toberman is zapped into submission.)

CONTROLLER: This humanoid is powerful. We will use him. Prepare him.

[Bottom of the ladder]

(Jamie is helping Parry up the ladder.)

HOPPER: Hurry up, can't you? For Pete's sake, get a move on.
JAMIE: I am. I can't breathe. Victoria!
HOPPER: Come on, come on get up!

[Central chamber]

VICTORIA: Jamie! Look at that smoke.
JAMIE [OC]: Victoria!

(Hopper helps Jamie out.)

JAMIE: Come on, Mister Parry. Come on, quick! Stand back.

(Parry comes out, then Hopper.)

HOPPER: The Cybermen, they're right behind us.

(The Doctor makes it to the ladder and starts climbing, but there is a Cyberman right behind him.)

HOPPER: As soon as the Doctor's up, slam down the hatch!
CALLUM: Okay. Stand by!

(The Doctor is almost out when...)

DOCTOR: Oh! Ah! He's got my leg!
JAMIE: Doctor, come on! Come on!
DOCTOR: It's no use!

(The Cyberman appears and grabs the Doctor's shoulders. Victoria grabs the thermos from the table and starts hitting the cyber man's arm with it. It lets go of the Doctor and grabs Victoria instead, leaning half out of the hatch.)

HOPPER: Jim, close the hatch!
JAMIE: Victoria!

(Callum moves the lever and the hatch comes down on the Cyberman. It has to let go of Victoria to try and stop the hatch cover coming down. Finally it is shut.)

CALLUM: Got him!

(The hatch moves and fractures as the Cyberman beats on it, then it stops.)

VICTORIA: It was horrible. It was so strong!
JAMIE: It's all right, Victoria. You're all right now.
PARRY: That was a near thing. Is anyone missing?
HOPPER: Yes. Klieg and Toberman, they're still down there.

[Bottom of the ladder]

(Klieg is hiding as the Cyberman comes down and makes its report.)

CONTROLLER: The humanoid has escaped?
CONTROLLER: Guard the passageway.

(The Controller and his aide leave. Klieg is at the top of the ladder, knocking fairly gently on the closed hatch for fear of being heard by the Cybermen.)

[Central chamber]

PARRY: Don't open it. It may be the Cybermen.
DOCTOR: No. No, it's too soft. It must be Toberman and Klieg.
HOPPER: Ah, you're crazy.
PARRY: You're right. We can't leave them down there, even if they are killers.
JAMIE: Oh, they're probably both frozen solid by now.

(More knocking.)

KAFTAN: You must let them up. They must be saved.
DOCTOR: Yes, they're more dangerous down there than they are up here.
HOPPER: What? Well, okay. Jim.
CALLUM: All right.
HOPPER: Okay, let her go.
DOCTOR: Excuse me, please.

(The Doctor pushes Kaftan behind him as the hatch opens. Hopper has his gun ready as Klieg climbs out.)

KLIEG: Close it! Close it, quick!
KAFTAN: Eric, where's Toberman?
KLIEG: They've got him.
DOCTOR: Do you still think you can form an alliance with the Cybermen, Mister Klieg?
KLIEG: If I'd only been in a stronger position to bargain with them.
PARRY: You must be out of your mind, Klieg.
HOPPER: You're not in any position to bargain with anybody right now. Well, what are we going to do with him?
PARRY: I'd feel much happier if they weren't left in here.
DOCTOR: Well, what about the testing room? There's only one door. They can't get out.
PARRY: That's a good idea. They'll be quite safe in there.
HOPPER: Callum.
CALLUM: Right. Mister Klieg? Miss Kaftan?
HOPPER: Now, if I don't get back to the rocket, we're not going to take off inside a week.
PARRY: We'll come with you.
HOPPER: I told you before, not till I'm operational again. I'll let you know when that is.

(He turns to the Doctor who is whispering to Jamie.)

HOPPER: I don't think you'll have any more trouble with your friends down there.
DOCTOR: We shall see.


(The Controller tests a lever on the control panel.)

CONTROLLER: Release the cyber mats. We will use the power of cybernetics.

(Three large Cybermats are taken out.)

CONTROLLER: Activate them. The brain of this humanoid will be their target. Now.

(The foot or so long devices are put on the floor near Toberman, but they don't move.)

CONTROLLER: These Cybermats are dormant through lack of use. Inspect them.

[Testing room]

(Something falls from the dummy Cyberman to the floor.)

KLIEG: What's that?
KAFTAN: Just me.
KLIEG: Oh, be quiet.
KAFTAN: Sleep later. Look at this.
KLIEG: What is it?
KAFTAN: One of the weapons they were testing. Look, here's the connection.
KLIEG: Let me see. Oh yes, you're right. It's a Cybergun. Take a look at that control. See that everything is switched off.
KAFTAN: Right. All the sequences show negative.
KLIEG: Good. Now they will have to listen.

(Klieg gets out a pair of pliers and starts work on the gun.)


CYBERMAN: The Cybermats are ready.
CONTROLLER: Stand clear. Now.

(This time the Cybermats trundle towards Toberman.)

[Testing room]

(Klieg has removed the Cybergun from the dummy. He test fires it at a wall. The metal melts and burns.)

KLIEG: Excellent. A small X-Ray laser.
KAFTAN: What are you going to do now?
KLIEG: Take command, of course. What do you think? With this I shall be able to deal with those people in there.
KAFTAN: Never mind about them. The important thing for us is to control the Cybermen.
KLIEG: Yes, I know but
KAFTAN: Isn't it, Eric?
KLIEG: You haven't been down there. You haven't seen those vile things.
KAFTAN: You're not scared, are you?
KLIEG: I have completely underestimated their power.
KAFTAN: But this time we have the power, at least you do. The gun, Eric, the gun. You have the Cybermen's own weapon, this laser to turn against them. Now they will have to obey. If they refuse, we shall destroy the opening device and seal them up in their tomb forever. Now do you understand?
KLIEG: Yes. Yes, you're right. I am invulnerable with this. I shall be master.
KAFTAN: Come, let us deal with these people first. Eric?
KLIEG: Master. The supreme moment in my life. It was logical.
KAFTAN: Eric, we have work to do.
KLIEG: Yes, yes, of course. But hardly work, more a pleasure.
KLIEG: The pleasure to test this on that Doctor and his companions. The others are of no consequence, but he will make a most precise target.


CONTROLLER: Enough. These humanoids are not like us. They still have fear. Place the Cybermats on the runway.

(The Cybermats are put on a small ramp leading into a hole in the wall.)

CONTROLLER: Cybermats will attack.

[Central chamber]

(Everyone is asleep except Victoria, who has the gun. The Doctor yawns and Victoria turns the weapon on him. He raises his arms in surrender.)

DOCTOR: I'm on your side, remember? Hey, why didn't you wake me? I should have been on watch half an hour ago.
VICTORIA: I thought you should rest.
DOCTOR: Why me?
VICTORIA: No reason really.
DOCTOR: Oh, I think I know. Is it because I'm
VICTORIA: Well, if you are 450 years old, you need a great deal of sleep.
DOCTOR: Well that's very considerate of you, Victoria, but between you and me, I'm really quite lively actually, all things being considered.

(The Doctor takes the gun.)

DOCTOR: Are you happy with us, Victoria?
VICTORIA: Yes, I am. At least, I would be if my father were here.
DOCTOR: Yes, I know, I know.
VICTORIA: I wonder what he would have thought if he could see me now.
DOCTOR: You miss him very much, don't you?
VICTORIA: It's only when I close my eyes. I can still see him standing there, before those horrible Dalek creatures came to the house. He was a very kind man, I shall never forget him. Never.
DOCTOR: No, of course you won't. But, you know, the memory of him won't always be a sad one.
VICTORIA: I think it will. You can't understand, being so ancient.
VICTORIA: I mean old.
VICTORIA: You probably can't remember your family.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, I can when I want to. And that's the point, really. I have to really want to, to bring them back in front of my eyes. The rest of the time they sleep in my mind, and I forget. And so will you. Oh yes, you will. You'll find there's so much else to think about. So remember, our lives are different to anybody else's. That's the exciting thing. There's nobody in the universe can do what we're doing. You must get some sleep and let this poor old man stay awake.

(A Cybermat has entered the room. The Doctor puts his cloak around Victoria as she settles by the table. The metal creature homes in on his shoe and he feels it's bump.)

DOCTOR: Jamie, Victoria, Callum, wake up. Wake up!
JAMIE: What?
VICTORIA: What is it?

(A second Cybermat jumps onto Callum's chest.)

DOCTOR: Callum. Callum!
VICTORIA: It's one of those terrible things again.
DOCTOR: Don't move, Callum. Don't move.

(The Doctor knocks the Cybermat off Callum's chest and helps him up.)

DOCTOR: Now get back to the controls, all of you. Steady, don't make any sudden movements. Parry, Parry. Wake up, Parry. Wake up. Wake up. Don't panic. Come back with us. Steady. Now we'll all go in the other room and lock them out.

(Victoria screams. The first Cybermat is heading for them.)

CALLUM: Let's get out of here. The main doors. No, look.

(The third Cybermat is there.)

VICTORIA: Oh Doctor, we're trapped.
DOCTOR: Back against the controls, everybody.

(The Doctor picks up the big power cable he was sleeping against.)

DOCTOR: Here. Five me a hand, quick.
PARRY: What?
DOCTOR: Lay this down on the ground. Come on!
JAMIE: They'll go over it, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Come on!

(The Doctor lays the cable in an arc in front of the control panel.)

CALLUM: Let's blast the filthy things!

(Callum puts three bullets into a Cybermat, wrecking it.)

DOCTOR: You're wasting your time. There are too many of them. Now, do what I say. Come back!

(The Doctor puts power through the cable. It smokes and the Cybermats start spinning.)

DOCTOR: There you are, you see.
PARRY: What are those creatures?
DOCTOR: Well, they're a form of metallic life. They home on human brainwaves and attack.

(The Cybermats have all keeled over and stopped moving.)

VICTORIA: Are they safe now?
DOCTOR: Yes, quite safe now. The power cable generated an electrical field and confused their tiny metal minds. You might almost say that they've had a complete metal breakdown.

(Jamie groans.)

DOCTOR: I'm so sorry, Jamie.
VICTORIA: What about Klieg and Kaftan? They've probably attacked them as well.
PARRY: The testing room.
DOCTOR: Come on. Now mind your feet.
KLIEG: Most ingenious, Doctor. Now, let's see what you can do against this.

(Klieg raises the Cybergun.)

CALLUM: Watch out, Doctor!

(Klieg fires the Cybergun.)

Episode Four

[Central chamber]

(Victoria screams. Callum falls to the floor clutching his shoulder. Everyone else is already on the floor. Parry goes to help Callum.)

KLIEG: Keep back! Your gun.

(Klieg hands Parry's gun to Kaftan.)

PARRY: You've killed him, you murderer.
KLIEG: No, he is fortunate, I spared him.
JAMIE: You mean you missed him.
KLIEG: Silence. I could have destroyed him if I wanted to. Shall I kill them now?
KAFTAN: No, no, that will not be necessary. I'm sure the Cybermen will have a good use for them. You will make excellent experimental specimens.
VICTORIA: Oh, let me help him, please.
KLIEG: No tricks.
DOCTOR: You still think you can bargain with the Cybermen?
KLIEG: Certainly. And this time on our terms.

(Klieg opens the hatch and shouts down through it.)

KLIEG: I wish to speak to the Controller. I wish to speak to the Controller!


KLIEG [OC]: I wish to speak to the Controller!
CONTROLLER: The humanoids must first be destroyed. You will re-enter cells to conserve energy.
CYBERMAN: He is now prepared.
CONTROLLER: Release him.

(Toberman sits up, staring at nothing and with a metal-looking arm. The Cybermen climb back into their tombs and seal themselves up again.)

[Central chamber]

KLIEG: They're coming. And now, gentlemen, you will see how I shall use the power of the Cybermen.
DOCTOR: Use maybe, but you'll never control the Cybermen.
KAFTAN: Eric, behind you!
KLIEG: Stop. You know what this can do to you.

(The Controller stands at the top of the ladder with Toberman behind him.)

KLIEG: That's better. Now you are under my control. We know you must be revitalised or you will perish. If you agree to my terms, I shall let you survive.
CONTROLLER: I will listen.
KAFTAN: Make them release Toberman.
JAMIE: If you think they'll listen to you, you're even dafter than I thought.
KLIEG: Silence. Sit down. First, you release our man.

(The Controller's brain send energy into Toberman's head. Toberman walks out of the hatchway, not looking where he is putting his feet.)

KAFTAN: Toberman, it is good that you are back. Watch them.
JAMIE: Doctor, he seems er
DOCTOR: Yes, Jamie, yes.

(The Controller is coming down the steps.)

KLIEG: Stay where you are! Now, do you agree to accept our plan?
KLIEG: The conquest of the Earth.
PARRY: What? You must be out of your mind.
KLIEG: Silence! Your answer?
CONTROLLER: We accept. We will give you some of our power devices.
KLIEG: Good. I knew an understanding could be reached. I shall let you be revitalised. To survive, it must be now. Come forward. Slowly.
KAFTAN: Eric, be careful.
KLIEG: Leave this to me.

(The Controller goes to the door to the power room.)

PARRY: You're absolutely crazy to trust them!
KLIEG: Do you think so? Then perhaps you and your colleagues had better join him. Go on, go on!
KLIEG: The girl stays with us!
KLIEG: Any trouble, she is our hostage.

(Klieg closes the door to the power room on them.)

KLIEG: Close the hatch.

(Toberman doesn't move.)

KAFTAN: Go on, close it.

(Toberman still doesn't move so Kaftan does it herself.)

[Projector room]

(The Controller is trying to get into the Cyberman shaped recess where Victoria got herself trapped.)

JAMIE: He's too weak to get in.
DOCTOR: Quiet, Jamie.

(The Doctor goes over to the Controller.)

DOCTOR: You seem to be in trouble.
CONTROLLER: The energy levels are low. We will survive. You will help us. You will help us.
DOCTOR: Yes, yes, certainly. Jamie, Professor.
JAMIE: You don't mean to say you're actually going to help them?
PARRY: Surely not? You can't support these creatures.
DOCTOR: I think it best. Come on. Come along.

(They help the Controller into the recess.)

DOCTOR: That's it. Up and in.
CONTROLLER: (winding down) Do you understand the machine?
DOCTOR: Yes. One moment.
JAMIE: Have you taken leave of your senses? Now let's go and help Victoria.
DOCTOR: In a moment, Jamie. Now, are you ready?

(The projector head swings up and down and the recess door closes on the Controller.)

CONTROLLER: We will survive. We will sur
DOCTOR: Now then, where would you rather have him, in or out of there?
JAMIE: Oh, I see what you mean.
DOCTOR: Only we must make sure that he stays in there.

[Central chamber]

(Victoria has put Callum's arm in a sling.)

VICTORIA: Do you really believe you can bargain with those terrible Cybermen?
KAFTAN: That is our concern, not yours.
VICTORIA: I'm talking to him, not you.
KLIEG: They will have to agree to our plan.
VICTORIA: What about the other weapon?
KLIEG: What other weapon?
VICTORIA: Well, I saw another one like that in that room over there.
KLIEG: Is that true?
KAFTAN: I don't know. We'd better make sure.
KLIEG: No, wait. That means that any one of them in there could
KAFTAN: Yes, you're right, Eric.
KLIEG: Better wait here. If the Cyberman is aroused, we shall be ready for him. Now stay well clear. Take no chances.

(Toberman is staring at Klieg.)

[Projector room]

(The recess lid has been tied down. The projector head is still swinging up and down, and has started to overheat.)

PARRY: Keep back, it's smoking.
JAMIE: I told you we shouldn't have touched it.
PARRY: Yes, turn it off. It's out of control.

(The projector stops.)

PARRY: It's taken over.
DOCTOR: I think not. I think there must be some sort of internal timing mechanism. Jamie, I hope you made those ropes secure.
JAMIE: Oh, the King of the beasties himself couldnae get out of that one.

(So the re-energised Controller punches his way out easily.)

DOCTOR: Jamie, remind me to give you a lesson in tying knots sometime.
CONTROLLER: You will remain still.

(The Controller transmits strong energy waves through the walls to Toberman.)

[Central chamber]

KLIEG: Stay here and watch that door. At least now we will have some warning.
CALLUM: What do you two hope to gain from all this?
KLIEG: That does not concern you.

(Klieg puts the Cybergun down on the table.)

KAFTAN: Oh, they might as well know, Eric. We are going to build a better world.
CALLUM: Better? Well, who for?

(Toberman approaches Klieg.)

KLIEG: I told you to watch that door.

(Toberman hits Klieg with his cyberarm.)

KAFTAN: Toberman!

(The Doctor, Jamie, Parry and the Controller enter. It picks up the Cybergun.)

JAMIE: Victoria!
VICTORIA: What's going on?
CONTROLLER: You have done well.
KAFTAN: Toberman!
CONTROLLER: Silence. He is now under our control. Open the tombs.
KAFTAN: No. You have broken your promise.
CONTROLLER: Cybermen do not promise. Such ideas have no value. Open.

(The Controller looks as if he is going to shoot Kaftan, but opens the hatch instead. As it walks away, Kaftan shuts it again and gets a gun from her bag. She fires.)

CONTROLLER: That gun will not harm me.

(Kaftan fires again and the Controller kills her. Then it opens the hatch again. The Doctor goes over to Toberman. The Controller calls down the hatchway.)

DOCTOR: Look what they've done. You're not like them. You're a man like us. You must help us! He has killed Kaftan! You must help us.
CONTROLLER: You will report to the surface.

(Toberman attacks the Controller, and it drops the Cybergun for Jamie to pick up as they struggle. Then Toberman lifts the Controller over his head and throws it onto the control panel in a shower of sparks.)

DOCTOR: Jamie, the hatch!

(A Cyberman is climbing up the ladder.)

DOCTOR: The gun, Jamie!

(Jamie shoots the Cyberman and it expires in a cloud of smoke. He pushes its remains down the ladder.)

JAMIE: There's another one, Doctor!

(Jamie fires down the ladder.)

DOCTOR: Are there any more?
JAMIE: No, it's gone quiet. I'll close the hatch.
DOCTOR: No, wait a minute. I'd better go down there.
VICTORIA: Oh, no, no, not again.
DOCTOR: It's the only way to make sure.
JAMIE: Then I'll go with you.
DOCTOR: No, wait. You stay and look after Victoria. I'll take somebody else.

(Toberman is cradling Kaftan's body.)

DOCTOR: Toberman, you see what these creatures have done to you? They've tried to make you like them. Do you understand? They've tried to make you their slave. They just want to use you. They are evil. Think of Kaftan.
DOCTOR: They must be destroyed, do you see? Evil must be destroyed, Now, come!
TOBERMAN: Destroy!
DOCTOR: Come! Come on! Come on!

(Klieg pretends to be unconscious as the Doctor leads Toberman to the hatch then lets him go first.)

PARRY: Good luck.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
JAMIE: Doctor, the gun.
DOCTOR: I shan't need that.

(The Doctor goes down the ladder.)

JAMIE: He should have taken it.
VICTORIA: Oh, poor Mister Callum. How are you feeling?
CALLUM: I can't move my arm. I can't move it.

(Klieg takes the Cybergun and goes down the hatch while everyone is with Callum.)


DOCTOR: Move quietly. They're all dormant, see.

(Toberman hits a piece of equipment.)

DOCTOR: No! Quietly. They're only asleep. They're not frozen yet. Now, you watch them. I have things to do. Now, let me see.

(The Doctor presses some buttons.)


(The Doctor pulls levers.)

KLIEG: The cryostat! You're freezing them!
DOCTOR: Klieg!

(Klieg reverses the levers.)

DOCTOR: No! No! You'll wake them up!
KLIEG: That is exactly my intention. You still don't understand, do you? Their Controller is dead. Now I shall control them. They'll do what I say. You see, Doctor, yours is the privilege to witness for the first time the union between mass power and my absolute intelligence. Who's that? Come out. Come out or I shall kill this man.

(Jamie enters.)

KLIEG: It's you. Over to that wall, all of you. All of you! Now.
DOCTOR: Yes, as you say, such a combination between intelligence and power would make you formidable indeed. Why you'd be commander of the universe with your brilliance! It makes the imagination reel with the possibilities!
KLIEG: Why, Doctor, if I had only known you shared my imagination, you might even have worked for me.
DOCTOR: Perhaps it's not too late?
JAMIE: Doctor!
DOCTOR: No, Jamie, don't you see?

(The Cybermen are waking but Klieg has his back to them.)

DOCTOR: Don't you see what this is going to all mean to all the people who come to serve Klieg the All Powerful? Why, no country, no person would dare to have a single thought that was not your own. Eric Klieg's own conception of the, of the way of life!
KLIEG: Brilliant! Yes, yes, you're right. Master of the world.
DOCTOR: Well now I know you're mad. I just wanted to make sure.

[Central chamber]

HOPPER: Well, the fuel system's okay. We can blast off any time.
PARRY: All right.
HOPPER: Hey, what gives? Well, where is everybody?
PARRY: Down there. And so are Klieg and the Cybermen.
HOPPER: Well, I hope they know what they're doing. I've been down there once and I don't reckon to go again.
VICTORIA: That's all right, Captain. It's comforting to know that we have your superior strength to call on, should we need it.


KLIEG: And so you have forfeited your right to survival. I shall make an example of you to all who question my intelligence, and the supreme power of the Cybermen.
DOCTOR: You know, I've heard all this before somewhere.
JAMIE: You know your trouble? You talk too much.
KLIEG: Oh, you're stupid. You still think that your puny minds can survive against us? You're decadent, weak. Do you know that? Weak!
DOCTOR: All right. Go ahead, kill us.
KLIEG: No, I have a better idea. Much better idea. I shall leave you to the Cybermen. I'm sure they'll have some use for you. Or parts of you.

(A Cyberman grabs Klieg and beats him to death, then goes to the control panel. Toberman tackles him.)

DOCTOR: Quick Jamie. These two levers together.
JAMIE: I can't shift this one.
DOCTOR: What? You've got to trip that first.

(The Cyberman and Toberman are evenly matched. Finally Toberman gets it on its back and smashes open the chest unit. Foam oozes out.)

DOCTOR: Last time they were frozen for five centuries. This time it must be forever.

(The Doctor and Jamie leave as the remaining Cybermen finish sealing themselves in their tombs and the ice covers the cavern walls again.)

[Central chamber]

VICTORIA: Oh, Doctor!
DOCTOR: Here we are, Victoria, safe and sound. Close the hatch.

(The hatch closes.)

DOCTOR: There we are. Now then. Now, the best thing about a machine that makes sense, you can very easily make it turn out nonsense.

(The Doctor adjusts the wiring in the main panel that Callum had opened.)

DOCTOR: There we are. Now I think you'd better all go outside.
PARRY: Why, what are you going to do, Doctor?
DOCTOR: I'm going to re-electrify the main doors.
DOCTOR: Only this time I'm going to include the hatch and the control panel.
DOCTOR: Anyone touching any of them will get a considerable shock. In fact, a fatal one.
PARRY: I see.
DOCTOR: Now, everyone outside. And please take him with you, I shall be glad to see him outside.
JAMIE: No, I'll stay with the Doctor.
VICTORIA: Oh, all right.

(Everyone leaves as the Controller's hand moves.)

DOCTOR: There we are. That's done. Now, we just have to close the main doors and the circuit is complete.
JAMIE: Oh, thank goodness for that.

(They check the hatch is firmly closed.)

JAMIE: Doctor. Doctor!

(The Controller is back on its feet.)

DOCTOR: Jamie, you go that way, I'll go this way. That way will give us more of a chance. When I say run, run.

(They start to circle the table.)


(The Controller tries to grab the Doctor as Jamie runs behind it to the main doors with the Doctor right behind.)

[Tomb entrance]

(Jamie and the Doctor start to push the metal doors closed.)

DOCTOR: Quickly. Wait! Stop!
JAMIE: What?
DOCTOR: We'll get a shock. We must find something to insulate. I know, that shoring timber over there! Hurry up! Hurry up, he's coming!

(Jamie comes back with the wood to push the doors shut as a Cybermat scuttles out between their feet.)

JAMIE: Okay, Doctor!
DOCTOR: Quickly! We must keep him inside or else all our work'll be wasted.
JAMIE: I can't hold mine. Come on!
DOCTOR: You must do!

(Toberman pushes them aside and pits his strength against that of the Controller trying to push the doors open.)

JAMIE: Toberman!
CONTROLLER: We must survive. We must survive.
TOBERMAN: You are evil!

(The doors start to close.)

DOCTOR: Toberman, come away!
JAMIE: Careful, you'll get killed, man!

[Central chamber]

TOBERMAN: They shall never pass Toberman. The door is closed.

(As the metal doors meet fully, electricity burns through the Controller and it falls to the floor, smoking and writhing.)

[Tomb entrance]

(Toberman slides to the ground.)

PARRY: How terrible. Another life gone.
HOPPER: Come on, Professor. Blast off in nine minutes. Well, anybody coming along for the ride?
VICTORIA: We have our own flying machine.
HOPPER: Flying machine?
VICTORIA: At least it works.
HOPPER: Oh, let's go.
PARRY: Right. Well, goodbye, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Goodbye.
PARRY: I'm sorry it had to end
DOCTOR: I know. I know. Goodbye.

(Hopper and Parry leave.)

JAMIE: Now, that really is the end of the Cybermen, isn't it?
DOCTOR: Yes, Jamie. On the other hand, I never like to make predictions. Come along.

(The Cybermat watches them go.)

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.