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Classic Who S5 • Serial 1 · (4 episodes)

The Tomb of the Cybermen

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“Our lives are different to anybody else’s. That’s the exciting thing. There’s nobody in the universe can do what we’re doing.”

— Second Doctor, The Tomb of the Cybermen

DOCTOR: You look very nice in that dress, Victoria.

VICTORIA: Thank you. Don't you think it's a bit--

DOCTOR: A bit short? Oh, I shouldn't worry about that. Look at Jamie's.

The Tomb of the Cybermen

KLIEG: Yes, yes, I can see that, but how did you know in the first place?

DOCTOR: Oh, I use my own special technique.

KLIEG: Oh really, Doctor? And may we know what that is?

DOCTOR: Keeping my eyes open and my mouth shut.

The Tomb of the Cybermen

KLIEG: It's you. Over to that wall, all of you. All of you! Now.

DOCTOR: Yes, as you say, such a combination between intelligence and power would make you formidable indeed. Why you'd be commander of the universe with your brilliance! It makes the imagination reel with the possibilities!

KLIEG: Why, Doctor, if I had only known you shared my imagination, you might even have worked for me.

DOCTOR: Perhaps it's not too late?

JAMIE: Doctor!

DOCTOR: No, Jamie, don't you see?

(The Cybermen are waking but Klieg has his back to them.)

DOCTOR: Don't you see what this is going to all mean to all the people who come to serve Klieg the All Powerful? Why, no country, no person would dare to have a single thought that was not your own. Eric Klieg's own conception of the, of the way of life!

KLIEG: Brilliant! Yes, yes, you're right. Master of the world.

DOCTOR: Well now I know you're mad. I just wanted to make sure.

The Tomb of the Cybermen

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Also featuring:

Peter Haydon  Hopper