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This was a bit of a disappointing conclusion to the Destiny of the Doctor audio series. It has such a strong premise in the central plot of 'What if time travel existed in the then-Present Day of 2013?', but it doesn't feel like a conclusion to the overall story arc of the Doctor leaving messages to be picked up by himself in earlier incarnations. In fact, the messages are hand-waved away in the dialogue when the Doctor defeats the giant alien lizards of the story, the Creevix.


Jenna Coleman does a good job at reading the story, although strangely Clara Oswald is nowhere to be seen. It seems very odd to get Jenna Coleman to read this audio adventure, and yet not feature her companion anywhere in the narrative - especially when the other stories all have the respective companions of the different eras.


Taking away the lack of Clara and the underwhelming climax to the story arc, it's a decent story. It's nothing particularly remarkable compared to other Doctor Who adventures, but it's not terrible. It would just have been nice to have seen a tighter conclusion to the over-arching threads of this audio series.


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