Stories Television Doctor Who Series 4 Doctor Who S4 Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 The Stolen Earth 12 images Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite IANTO: No broken bones. Slight loss of dignity. No change there then. — Ianto Jones, The Stolen Earth Link to Quote Favourite ARCHITECT: Time Lords are the stuff of legend. They belong in the myths and whispers of the Higher Species. You cannot possibly exist. — Shadow Architect, The Stolen Earth Link to Quote Favourite DONNA: Donna. I'm a human being. Maybe not the stuff of legend but every bit as important as Time Lords, thank you. — Donna Noble, The Stolen Earth Link to Quote Favourite DALEK CAAN: He is coming, the threefold man. He dances in the lonely places. Oh, creator of us all, the Doctor is coming. Tee hee hee hee — Dalek Caan, The Stolen Earth Link to Quote Favourite DALEK: My vision is not impaired. — Daleks, The Stolen Earth Link to Quote Favourite HARRIET: Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister. JACK: Yeah, I know who you are. — The Stolen Earth Link to Quote Favourite SARAH: Only, excuse me, Harriet, but. Well, the thing is, if you're looking for the Doctor, didn't he depose you? HARRIET: He did. And I've wondered about that for a long time, whether I was wrong. But I stand by my actions to this day, because I knew, I knew that one day, the Earth would be in danger, and the Doctor would fail to appear. I told him so myself, and he didn't listen. — The Stolen Earth Link to Quote Favourite HARRIET: Harriet Jones. Former Prime Minister. DALEK: Yes, we know who you are. HARRIET: Oh, you know nothing of any human, and that will be your downfall. DALEK: Exterminate. — The Stolen Earth Link to Quote Favourite DAVROS: Your voice is different, and yet its arrogance is unchanged. Welcome to my new Empire Doctor. It is only fitting that you should bear witness to the resurrection and the triumph of Davros, lord and creator of the Dalek race. — Davros, The Stolen Earth Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Sarah Jane said they were taking the people. What for? Think, Donna. When you met Rose in that parallel world, what did she say? DONNA: Just, the darkness is coming. DOCTOR: Anything else? DONNA: Why don't you ask her yourself? — The Stolen Earth Link to Quote Favourite JACK: Here we go. Good luck, Doctor. DONNA: Will someone please tell me what is going on?. ROSE: When he's dying, his er, his body, it repairs itself. It changes. But you can't! DOCTOR: I'm sorry, it's too late. I'm regenerating. — The Stolen Earth Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Saturday. Good. Good, I like Saturdays. — Tenth Doctor, The Stolen Earth