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First aired

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Directed by

Rachel Talalay


57 minutes

Time Travel


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)


Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

Psychic Paper, Sonic Screwdriver

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London

UK Viewers

7.61 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor is caught in a fight to the death as a spaceship crash-lands in London. But as the battle wreaks havoc, destiny is converging on the Doctor’s old friend, Donna.

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15 reviews

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It was a good start to the specials and the villain was amazing. Loved the Doctor and Donna. They have a nice back and forth and the comedy is just right. Her family is great too. Rose is an interesting character and can’t wait to see more of her. Beep the Meep is cute and took me by surprise when he’s revealed as the villain. The scene when the Doctor has to make a choice between opening up the memories in Donna which will kill her or not was powerful. You could feel the emotion and when he did do it and Donna getting angry at him was great. The ending was good and I love the cliffhanger. The TARDIS was amazing. 


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There's a few weird problems with this story that leave you scratching your head, but the Tennant/Donna reunion is just a ton of fun. The Meep's switch to villainy is excellent too, I enjoyed watching the swerve. The scene of Sylvia asking Donna if she's doing okay talking to Rose is excellent. A bit uneven, but it got RTD2 off in the right direction.


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People need to stop paying attention to the two iffy lines in this


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Apesar de em varios quesitos falhar The Star Beast ainda é um retorno de forma para uma serie que durante anos ficou presa na mediocridade. O Russel sabe capturar aquela magia e entusiasmo em tudo q ele faz. E isso é sentido nas performances da Catherine Tate e do David Tennent. Um nivel imesuravel de carisma vindo de todos os lados. E para fechar com chave de ouro, a serie finalmente volta a não parecer horrivelmente feia e mal filmada. Anos de uma fotografia esteria e cinza fazem você esquecer o quão bom é ter cor injetada de volta ao show.

Infelizmente o episodio peca alem desses aspectos. Com um especial tão facinado pelo retorno da Donna e do Tennent como o Doutor, o perssonagem da rose, central a historia é jogada de lado, criando um episodio um tanto como vazio em alguns aspectos.


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I LOVE Rose, I really liked the Meep, DoctorDonna is always a treat, but you couldn't pay me to care about UNIT in RTD2's era. Too much exposition. Overall, it's cute! Pretty good! Not a strong opener, though.


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AVG. Rating975 members
3.40 / 5

AVG. Rating675 votes
3.66 / 5

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DOCTOR: Once upon a time… Once upon a Time Lord, I had a best friend, and her name was Donna Noble. A Time Lord and a human, and we travelled the stars together.

— Fourteenth Doctor, The Star Beast

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Transcript + Script


(Split between the Doctor somewhere, Donna in her kitchen, and the closing scenes of Journey's End.)

DOCTOR: Once upon a time… Once upon a Time Lord, I had a best friend, and her name was Donna Noble. A Time Lord and a human, and we travelled the stars together.
DONNA: Sometimes I have dreams about impossible things. I dream of creatures and adventures and faraway skies. But none of it's true.
DOCTOR: Donna saved the entire universe by taking the power of the Time Lords into her mind, at a terrible cost.
DONNA: Binary, binary, binary, binary…
DOCTOR: She had to forget everything she ever knew.
DOCTOR: Goodbye.
DONNA: No. No, no…
DOCTOR: She had to forget me.
DONNA: Please, no. No! No!
DOCTOR: Because if Donna ever remembers me, she will die.
DONNA: And now I've got a nice life, with a nice fella and a nice house, and the most beautiful daughter in the world. But I just think something's missing.
DOCTOR: I can never see Donna again.
DONNA: Now the days are drawing in, I keep having more and more dreams. Like something's getting closer.
DOCTOR: But now this face has come back. Why?
DONNA: It's like a storm in the air, about to break.
DOCTOR: I think the story hasn't ended yet.

[Camden Lock]

(The TARDIS materialises just along from Cyberdog clothing store, the Doctor steps out and saunters away to the market, where someone is carrying a huge pile of boxes.)

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