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Folk horror blending aliens and local mythology is always a plus for me - I love these themes and ideas presented here, and it builds to a fantastically atmospheric, creepy and unnerving audio.

The Sixth Doctor works fantastically here, continuing well with Evelyne, but also, he works so well with the Brigadier - and I am glad that Big Finish decided to show this new dynamic for a Brigadier introduction to Big Finish, opposed to seeing him with familiar Doctor's.

A lot to enjoy in this story, again a stronger entry in early Big Finish.


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Depois de se envolverem com Maria I Rainha da Inglaterra em meados de 1555 no áudio anterior (The Marian Conspiracy), chegou a vez do lendário Brigadeiro Lethbridge-Stewart se deparar pela primeira vez com a sexta encarnação do Time Lord algo que não ocorre em seus episódios no formato de Série de TV - Aposentado, Brigadeiro se encontra no Instituto de Arqueologia Lanyon Moor envolvido a uma série de pesquisas feitas em uma área especifica na Cornualha. Logo o 6° Doctor e Evelyn se unem a expedição revelando a existência de uma ameaça alienígena. Entendo toda a proposta de Nicholas Pegg em entregar um enredo mais técnico que se dedica na maior parte do tempo desenvolver sua trama através diálogos, todo o trabalho detalhista que o escritor teve em seu texto cumpre perfeitamente o objetivo narrativo em deixar seu ouvinte ciente e cheio de informações relacionadas a situação e aos elementos envolvidos na história – Seu maior equívoco foi estender demais toda essa etapa prolongando até a Parte 4 a ponto de causar um desgaste significativo a experiência, basta observar que quando temos toda uma estrutura técnica completa e montada, no momento em que são colocadas na pratica (a chamada hora de entrar em ação) o escritor nos entrega um enredo fraco sem muita criatividade com uma conclusão bem água com açúcar ficando longe de ser algo memoriável. Tem muitos textos adicionais sem muita objetividade no enredo, parecem destinados a prolongar seus diálogos que em sua maioria pode até ter relação com a situação relatada ou com um determinado personagem, mas em praticamente todos os casos demonstraram ser adições nada relevantes no sentido de continuidade. Diferente de sua primeira história, infelizmente Evelyn se encontra sem muito proposito nesse evento, ela chega até ser capturada por Flint criando duas interessantes divisões no enredo, mas ao fugir a personagem fica flutuando na trama e volta ao status anterior. Já o Brigadeiro consegue se sair melhor apresentando uma ótima dinâmica com o 6° Doctor, sendo bem sincero - É mais uma por uma questão simbólica, não querendo ser insensível, mas se o personagem fosse substituído por um “NPC da BIG FINISH” haha, ele não teria um destaque. E por fim os vilões, Sancreda chega a ser interessante quando está usando seus poderes psíquico manipulando a senhora Moynihan, mas depois que é libertado se torna bem genérico com direito a aquele típico feito de voz de monstro da BIG FINISH, já Flint é patético com suas intenções ocultista e seu plano que lembra um pouco o arco “The Daemos” do 3° Doctor, ele mais parece ser uma desculpa para Evelyn ter o que fazer no enredo. Já que citei ela, quero destacar o fim HORROROSO e de grande mal gosto que deram a senhora Moynihan, uma cena muito desagradável e pesada de se ouvir, achei uma péssima decisão do escritor. Em resumo The Spectre Of Lanyon Moor é um áudio de muita pouca ação que facilmente se resulta em uma experiência pouco envolvente e dificilmente será algo memorável, mas por pouco não chega ao ponto de ser considerado como ruim.


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Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!

“The Spectre of Lanyon Moor: A Sinister Slice of Cornish Folklore”

The Spectre of Lanyon Moor delivers a gripping blend of local mythology, small-town intrigue, and science fiction, making it one of the stronger early Big Finish adventures. Its moody atmosphere, richly realised setting, and strong character dynamics make it a standout for fans of the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn Smythe.

The story opens with a dramatic and tragic scene of an alien being abandoned by its kin, setting the tone for the eerie events to follow. Six and Evelyn’s arrival at the idyllic yet mysterious Cornish village of Lanyon Moor immerses listeners in a world steeped in folklore. The meticulous attention to local mythology enriches the narrative, much like the approach taken in The Daemons.

The cliffhangers are well-executed, particularly the Part 1 revelation of the deadly threat and the Part 3 scene reminiscent of Azaal's summoning, which heightens tension and sets the stage for a gripping finale.

Evelyn shines throughout, with Maggie Stables showcasing her wit, intelligence, and independence. Her dynamic with the Sixth Doctor continues to be a joy, particularly as she tempers his more brusque tendencies, such as when she forces him to apologise to other characters. Evelyn’s rapport with Barnaby Edwards' Philip is also a highlight, making his betrayal all the more impactful.

The story is also notable for the return of Nicholas Courtney as the Brigadier. His reunion with the Doctor is handled with understated charm, allowing him to slot seamlessly into the narrative. Courtney plays the Brigadier as older and wiser, and his pivotal role in the climax is a satisfying moment for fans of the character.

The supporting cast is strong, with James Bolam delivering a delightfully nasty performance as Sir Archibald Flint, even if his character is a somewhat generic power-hungry aristocrat. Susan Jameson adds depth and menace as Mrs. Moynihan, while Toby Longworth makes Sancreda a compelling and sinister presence in the final part.

The creatures, brought to life through evocative sound design, maintain an air of ambiguity that adds to their creepiness. However, their limited presence in the middle of the story diminishes some of the tension built earlier on.

Despite some clunky moments in the writing typical of early Big Finish, the story flows well, even with its longer-than-average episode lengths. The climax, while talk-heavy, provides a satisfying resolution that balances the Brigadier’s heroism with the Doctor’s sharp intellect.

📝Verdict: 8/10

The Spectre of Lanyon Moor combines a strong sense of place, engaging performances, and a sinister atmosphere to deliver a memorable audio drama. It stands out as a testament to the potential of Big Finish’s early efforts, successfully weaving folklore and science fiction into a compelling tale.


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It’s been a while since I listen to that Audio.
This one in many ways could feel from the first glance as a checkbox story (having 6 and the Brigadier properly meet) but I have to say while it’s quite standard, it’s a VERY solid standard who Story.

Colin and Maggie as Evelyn and 6 are a blast dream team as always, with Courtney, they are such a lovely trio.

The Setting is lovely and used well throughout here!
While if I were to give it a rating, which would be a high 7/10, it’s a good sign how many of the interactions I still remember it quite well. Always a good sign for the very early BF MR Stories, easily one of the best I heard as yet.


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The Marian Conspiracy

Our adventures with 6 and Evelyn continue in The Spectre of Lanyon Moor. While not as fantastic as it's predecessor, it's still really great and marks the first appearance of the Brigadier in Big Finish. It's also his first and only meeting with the Sixth Doctor. Colin Baker and Nicholas Courtney immediately have great chemistry, you'd be forgiven for thinking they had met on TV. I love how the Brigadier immediately recognises the Doctor because he's met him enough times and who else would try to pull off a coat like that. Maggie Stables' Evelyn continues to be an excellent companion and a perfect foil to the Sixth Doctor.

The plot itself is alright, though nothing special. It's a fairly typical Doctor Who story set in a sleepy English town with some great alien mystery unfolding. It's got the obligatory betrayal twists and "character suddenly pulls out a gun to show they're evil" scenes that I see in just about every story. Sancreda is an interesting enough villain, with a very annoying voice. I do like that the Brigadier was the one to resolve the story, and the fact that he was willing to sacrifice his life to save the world only to then be very humble about it was a very Brigadier thing to do. It's a shame Nicholas Courtney doesn't appear in that many more stories alongside the Doctor because I really enjoy their dynamic.

Overall, a bit weaker than the last one but definitely a strong adventure that I'd be glad to relisten to.

Next Story: The Apocalypse Element


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Seconding what other people have said, this really is peak comfort who. Colin is in his element, Evelyn continues to be utterly delightful, and Nicholas Courtney steps so effortlessly back into the role it's like he'd never left, once the brig, always the brig.

The actual plot of this is pretty enjoyable too, but mostly it's those characters that bring this up for me, and I do love how much this setting gives everyone a chance to shine. Evelyn doing her research and talking to contacts in oxford, the Brig still kicking even in retirement, and the semi-globe-spanning nature of the story giving him a chance to call in those UNIT connections, and of course, the alien itself giving the doctor a lot to do, both with explaining the myths of the area and with the psychic abilities which gives him a chance to use his. That final scene too, character driven and oh so sweet, the sort of ending I love for these sorts of stories.

Overall a very solid 8/10 from me, and a main range story I could definitely see myself coming back to.


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I love Evelyn. She's definitely making my top companion list. Brigadier is nice to hear once again.
Unfortunately, the story itself isn't as captivating. The villain is just evil and destructive. His story is comically underwhelming. The omnipotent villains in Who is an interesting concept, but quite underutilised here.
The story is fine in the moment and forgettable once it's over. 2.5/5


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MR 009: The Spectre of Lanyon Moor

Kind of wild how all the good stories so far are Sixth Doctor stories. Coincidence? I think not! Am I saying that the Sixth Doctor is the best Doctor? Well yes, obviously. That's just an objective fact. But am I saying the only good Doctor Who stories are Sixth Doctor stories? I feel like we'll just have to let history decide that one.

Speaking of history, this story has a real sense of it. An alien that looks like an imp of some sort has been stranded on earth by his shipmate for 18,000 years, well outside of human recorded history. It can't really do anything because its ship has gone and it draws its psychic power from its ship. The most it can do is cause manifestations of itself and use those to influence people. Which it does.

This is just a fantastic little adventure. I don't normally like the Brigadier, especially not on the show, but here he's fine. He gets a nice little "get off my world" moment at the end when he fights the alien. And I'm glad he got a story with the Sixth Doctor.
There's a really interesting cast of characters here as well. An archeologist digging up the moor and getting more than he bargained for. An eccentric rich guy funding the dig who is more than he seems. The archeologist's assisstant who is secretly working for the rich guy. The assisstant to the dig who has been influenced by the alien. And all of these characters have their own backstories and quirks and are really enjoyable to listen to and digest their stories. Not to mention that Evelyn herself is ridiculously comfy to listen to.

I particularly enjoy the rich guy's arc here. He thinks he can harness the alien's power and use it to take over the world. But the alien kills him with a thought for daring to try to use his power. The alien does the same thing with the woman who he's influenced to help him.

In the end it turns out that the alien accidentally shot his shipmate instead of the shipmate having left him. So he decides to take out his revenge on the Earth for having been trapped there for so long. But that's when the Brigadier tricks him.

It's genuinely a fantastically engaging story from start to finish. This is the first story that really FEELS like a classic who serial in the way it's presented. Wandering around the Moor. The mad rich guy. The archeology dig. The alien manifestations. I could see this on the classic show easily. Definitely not during Colin's actual seasons, probably more during Tom's early seasons. Great story all around everyone. It's wild how this is Nicholas Pegg's ONLY writing credit for BF considering how good it is. Pull him off operating Daleks and have him write some more please and thank you. It makes me more than excited to continue to hear Six and Evelyn. Come on Five and Seven get your act together. lol


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loved sixie and the brigadier together, i'm so glad they managed to do some audios with nicholas courtney. overall a pretty good story with some nice twists and turns, a bit of overacting in parts though. i am a huge new tricks stan so james bolan being here was an amazing surprise!!


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The Monthly Adventures #009 - "The Spectre of Lanyon Moor" by Nicholas Pegg

My journey with Big Finish started a while ago. A good few years back, I can't remember when exactly, I was gifted The Sirens of Time for my birthday. Since then, I’ve gotten a total four more audios physically and listened to none of them before discovering the first fifty free on apple music about three years ago; and then, 18 months later, I got hooked on them and never really stopped. The Spectre of Lanyon Moor is the first audio I listened to completely recreationally- before it was just the odd one on a train ride or a long car journey - and I remember, ever since sitting down to listen to it, becoming obsessed with getting more and more of these eclectic audio dramas. But, being the start of my obsession, does The Spectre of Lanyon Moor hold up on a relisten?

After finding themselves investigating a Celtic archeological site in Cornwall, the Doctor and Evelyn team up with old ally Brigadier Lethbridge-Stuart to thwart a deadly revenge plot 18,000 years in the making.


When I think of a great Doctor Who story I think of innovative and bold new ideas, a creative sandbox of great concepts building a tightly written narrative that introduces me to new forms of storytelling, of world building, of imagination, all whilst giving me some brilliant, strong character drama along the way. Then there are stories like The Spectre of Lanyon Moor. It’s a fun story, an incredibly fun story, no doubt, but I’d be lying if I said there was anything of substance here. Its main positive, in my opinion, is that it nails the feel of a classic story. I can imagine this being aired sometime in the 70s, it’s got the exact right balance of dark and serious moments and the Doctor prancing around a Fogou looking at funny rocks. Not only that, but the setting helps as well, being rural Cornwall littered with archeological oddities such as the “fogou” I mentioned before, a sort of underground fort the Celts made. I love this aspect of the story as not only is it a unique, interesting place to set your story that reflects some of the locales seen in Classic Who, but it also taught me something new, so all around a good setting. The story is mainly where The Spectre of Lanyon Moor drags and I’ll get to that, but there are a number of diamonds in the rough, such as Mrs Moynihan, our - tertiary, I think - antagonist who completely outperforms her two fellow foes, being a genuinely interesting and tragic character as well as a great late story reveal and her death is probably the most disturbing part of the whole audio - eaten alive by her own dogs, the only things that hadn’t abandoned her by this point. Another, quite obvious quality of this audio is one of two inclusions of Nicholas Courtney as the Brigadier in the Main Range, which is a supremely wonderful addition to an already incredibly fun story. Courtney’s deep baritone is honestly just nice to listen to and, whilst I wish he had more to do, I’m never going to complain about the Brigadier being in a story.

However, despite how inoffensive it is or how many little sparks of life are present, The Spectre of Lanyon Moor still fails to impress me. It is far longer than it ought to be and it contains an obscene amount of padding. There’s a whole subplot with Evelyn getting kidnapped by a local aristocrat trying to harness the telepathic powers of the earth fallen alien - Sancreda - but not only does it just end in the fourth part, when the plot needs to move on from it, it barely contributes to the rest of the story, it’s just something for Evelyn to do whilst the rest of the narrative gets on with itself. Speaking of Sancreda, what an annoying villain. It sounds awful, I really cannot get behind that cartoonish performance, even if the whole audio’s going for this B-movie vibe, it’s just painful on the ears and it means I really can’t take Sancreda seriously.

Overall, The Spectre of Lanyon Moor is a corny, unsubtle outing for the Sixth Doctor that really reflects some of the cheesier outputs of the Classic Era, with a welcome return for the Brigadier but a drawn out plot and the sidelining of it’s companion that makes The Spectre of Lanyon Moor, for me, fall just shy of good.



+ Particularly fun runaround, completely inoffensive

+ Mrs Moynihan was a more interesting and compelling antagonist than the two real antagonists

+ The Brigadier’s always a welcome addition to the plot and Nicholas Courtney’s a delight

+ Nice, atmospheric setting and nice inclusion is some unknown historical oddities



- Sancreda was an incredibly annoying and underwhelming villain

- The entire plot with Sir Archibald was complete and utter padding

- Evelyn is massively sidelined, especially for her second outing


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I flagged this as requiring a prerequisite in that I really think it pays off more meaningfully if you are more familiar with staples of the Classic era of Doctor Who than not.

This is a pretty cool audio. It was great to have The Brigadier in a Sixth Doctor story, and feels like the story pays it off reasonably well. Evelyn feels like she has a lot to do and gets a lot of pretty memorable moments here. The larger ideas of the story and the music/effects were a lot more mediocre, but were entertaining enough this wasn't a bad experience or listen. Still, I liked quite a few scenes and some of the details around the historical content in this story. It makes good use of our history professor companion, and I think this is just a nice treat for Doctor Who fans overall.


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The Spectre of Lanyon Moor is a good story, with some superb acting, that sadly is a little too long. Unlike other stories that feel long, it's not because there are superfluous, 'nothing' scenes. It seems to be a little 'fat'. You could rearrange some scenes, and combine others, and it would feel a bit snappier. At over 2 hours, it could probably use with 20 minutes being cut out.

The plot is an interesting piece, with little twists and turns, that has a comforting feeling like a walk across a damp moor in October. The setting was a pleasant one, all the more because of the return of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, played by Nicholas Courtney. The Brig fits well within this story. He adds another familiar presence that carries a nice chunk of the story. The continued banter between The Doctor and Evelyn really feels like a couple of good friends teasing each other.

There are some good guest actors in this one, mainly the married couple of Susan Jameson and James Bolam, who add a nice energy in their performances.

While I have issues with this one, there is still enough in here to enjoy.


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