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Because this is Doctor Who and you need aliens to turn up at some point, which completely breaks the murder mystery formula. Anyone following all the clues would have ended up with their expectations thoroughly subverted, or confused. But do you know what? Good! This isn’t Miss Marple, it’s a big goofy time travel show and I love it.


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To be fair, it didnt’ help that I knew in advance Arc was joining the TARDIS, I think if I didn’t I’d like it more, but yeah, I really like ARC’s introduction here.


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This is an excellent end to this two-part story. The plot is solid and enjoyable. The art is absolutely beautiful. It's an excellent end to the first volume and continues to develop the series arc nicely.


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✅39/50 = Great! = Recommended!

Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!


The second part of the SERVEYOUinc story runs like the final third of a classic base under siege serial. The action is intense as the Doctor and his friends strive to stop the alien from eradicating them all.

The security chief, August Hart, makes for a very traditional Doctor Who villain but is effective enough.

The Doctor takes good command here, like Eleven did in most of his stories, while his companions fend for themselves.

ARC is a fascinating alien, but it's important to remember that it's not truly evil but rather a victim of torture and misinterpretation. I also like how it simply wants to learn and does so by listening to speech after the Doctor shows understanding towards it.

This feels weirdly fast-paced, and there's no real sense of danger before everything is quickly wrapped up.

Seeing ARC become a new companion at the end is definitely interesting. I hope they use it in interesting ways.


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