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better than the last story, but at the same time very predictable twists. overall not impressed by this set thus far.


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The third story in the Charlotte Pollard The Further Adventuress series.

A distress call gets the Tardis backed up in the time vortex, as groups of people take space ships to see the titled 'Writhing Mass' getting slain. Also there are construction workers making way for more traffic (it was so tempting to say Hyper space bypass there).

There’s quite a bit packed into these two episodes, which is quite the contrast form the last story. The Doctor finds himself paired with a new companion of sorts, as he accidentally picks up a school kid. And I did enjoy their interplay.

As is typical with Doctor Who the companion, Charley is off having her own adventure, which does involve a bit of time wimey stuff.

There was one plot point I could see comming a mile off, so it was a case of waiting for it to play out. But overall a good audio.


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