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Torchwood Tales

The Sin Eaters

3.94/ 5 395 votes

Released Thursday, June 4, 2009
Written by Brian Minchin
Narrated by Gareth David-Lloyd
Runtime 131 minutes
Time Travel Present
Locations Cardiff Earth Wales

Searching for the source of a bizarre Rift reading, Gwen, Jack and Ianto find a corpse on the beach, his face covered in hundreds of tiny cuts. Watching from the shadows is a man in black...The Reverend Hayward thinks he has found a way to take away people's sins. The trouble is, his special baptisms tend to take away their lives too. For the creatures he collects and puts in his church font are nightmarish parasites, feeding on their hosts' negative emotions before consuming them. It is up to Torchwood to track them down and destroy them...

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