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Underrated massively - the speech gets a lot of attention and rightfully so, but I enjoy the whole episode. Fantastic world building and design, the story packs a proper punch and develops Clara really well.


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This episode has a cool concept, but the pacing feels really off to me and some parts of the story feel messy, out of place or poorly explained. I actually feel like this episode would benefit from more exposition earlier on in the story to lay some of the groundwork so that it's not so suprising when things occur later in the episode and only then explained (which ends up making a lot of events feel very convenient, like they're happening only for the sake of the plot, when, in reality, they do actually fit into a (mostly - I think there are a few plot holes) consistent set of lore). On the positive side, this episode does bring us an absolutely lovely original song.


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It feels savage to have a strongly negative reaction to such a sincere and emotionally pure episode of Doctor Who. It is such a heartfelt and earnest production, so I feel like a brute saying its one of the worst episodes of Doctor Who, but it is one of the worst episodes of Doctor Who. It is more boring than anything else. Not much happens.

There is tonnes of sitting around and singing with monsters very slowly walking towards the camera; or faraway monsters being menacing. There is a constant looming feeling of "nothing" happening.

In its defense, it is unlike anything else the show has turned out in its first 60 years. Its borderline subversive - story beats do not happen at the points they typically do. This story does not have the shape of a Doctor Who episode, which I suppose is to its credit. Though cliches are cliches for a reason.

Its a sweet idea, currency on Akhaten being "meaningful" objects. While the internal logic of this is a bit dodgy, it is a lovely unique thought. Less unique is the generic ending where the monster is destroyed by feeding too much on a power it cannot contain.

I genuinely believe this is a story that could put a new viewer off of the show. I was very surprised that there are fans out there.


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This seems such a divisive episode. I'm assuming the singing has a big part to play in that. Felt like Doctor Who: The Musical at times.

I honestly still don't know whether I like it or not. It was certainly unique, it had a lot of heart and it actually felt very Star Trek to me at times but it did reek of sentimentality. I do know that I loved the reference to The Doctor's monologue at the end though, even if him losing his memories wasn't particularly well explained.


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Prerequisites: Nothing specific, but there are references to The Impossible Girl arc which started at the beginning of Series 7.

The Rings of Akhaten is a pretty controversial episode; I've seen people put it as one of their favorite Smith episodes, and I've seen people despise it (seriously, there's no way it's the worst Smith-era episode. The 2014 DWM poll was insane for thinking this is worse than stuff like Closing Time). Personally, I like this, although it's got a few notable flaws that keep it from being anything great. For starters, the music used here is truly excellent. This is some of Gold's best vocalised work, and his score in this episode is really great. I also really like the Eleventh Doctor's big speech against The Old God. Not only is it framed very nicely, but Smith himself gives a heck of a performance, and I it's a great moment. However, I think that this moment's effectiveness is brought down greatly by the subsequent ending. Apparently, Moffat gave Cross a script note that suggested that Clara save the day instead of the Doctor. I'm not opposed to that in itself, but I think the execution of this idea is kinda bad. Clara overloading the parasitic god with the power of her 'what could have been' leaf doesn't make a lick of sense; are you telling me that none of the other aliens in that crowd had offered up similar items of sentimental potential in their previous offering? It's ridiculous, and takes the drama out of the moment. Cross should've stuck to his guns and had the Doctor's speech actually work, or perhaps weaken it in some way. Overall, I think this episode has enough going for it that I enjoy it, but the ending is messy.


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