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A fun Second Doctor story that dives a bit into Gallifreyan lore that will become more prominent later in the series. Like The Black Hole, I like that it dipped into it without going very deep.
B. Maybe A.


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I love anything frazer reads I think


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Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!


Will Hadcroft paints a very suitable setting for this TARDIS team—an industrial plant so very similar to 20th-century Earth industrial complexes, but with a twist of a machine capable of resurrecting mortally wounded people. It’s a simple but strong story idea of the consequences of playing with life and death and letting machines act as gods.

Eventually, this turns into a base under siege, with a terrifying monster and a tense and exciting atmosphere. The sound effects help greatly here, as does Hines’ lively but occasionally stumbling narration.

Hadcroft captures Two, Jamie and Zoe, perfectly and follows the basic story formula of the time while delivering an intriguing story. The Doctor is inquisitive and passionate, and Zoe’s intelligence is put to good use.

The supporting characters aren't very interesting.

The later plot developments carry surprising weight, adding new layers to the story while expertly maintaining tension. The revelation that we are dealing with Gallifreyan technology and that one of the characters is a new Time Lord is superb, and the last few scenes are the highlight of the story.


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