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3 reviews

Okay this one is quite a fun one damn didn’t expect one character to keep popping up

Fun monthly range story featuring my favourite torchwood character and pairing, fantastic over the top characters and a fun hour spent.


I'm quite far behind on torchwood and Big Finish in general so I don't have much to compare it to when it comes to other recent releases but I always try to pick up any Norton or Soho team releases, this was a fun, camp and queer romp which is right up my alley and I had a good bit of fun but will not be high on my list for a re listen in the future. Always nice to catch up with Andy and Norton though and fun to see then both in unusual settings.

Enjoyed this one, yet another stereotypical Andy/Norton romp, very camp! Whilst not the best entry into the Torchwood main range, it's a fun one with two of Torchwood's best characters involved. Some lovely scenes between the pair, and twist/turns that I didn't expect. Nothing groundbreaking but a fun listen with some camp over-acting from the guest cast.