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The Fourth Doctor Adventures S9 Volume 2 • Episode 4

The Quest of the Engineer

3.85/ 5 39 votes*

Released Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Written by Andrew Smith
Runtime 124 minutes
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Spaceship
Locations E-Space

The TARDIS crew's attempts to escape E-Space lead them to a strange planet with a surface that shifts and changes constantly.

Losing their ship down a fissure, they venture into the depths of this world and encounter the man who rules this place – a man known only as 'the Engineer'. He tells them that he’s on a quest for illumination, and to find a rumoured portal in space that may lead to another reality, with knowledge unknown in this universe.

It seems he may be on the same quest as the Doctor and his friends. But can he be trusted? And who is he really?

Ratings are from TARDIS Guide members only.