Stories Television Doctor Who Series 13 Specials Doctor Who Specials The Power of the Doctor 5 images Back to Story Transcript [Spacetrain] (Cutting through the bulkhead.) HALAZ: Emergency transmission from the Toraji Transport Network. This is an urgent request for immediate assistance! This is an all-frequency appeal for help. We're under attack! We've been hijacked!HALAZ: All passengers down here! Marshals, to your posts.ARNHOST: Who is it? Who's attacking us? (Cybermen open fire, but get cut down themselves.) HALAZ: Be careful.ARNHOST: It's all right, they're dead.HALAZ: Go through. Head down the train. There are more marshals. Secure passenger safety. (The Cybermen begin to glow golden.) HALAZ: What's happening to them?ARNHOST: That energy... They're regenerating!HALAZ: All frequencies... urgent appeal for help! Is there anyone out there?DOCTOR [OC]: Yes, there is. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: We're unable to materialise inside your craft. The Cybermen have a blocking field in action. We're taking a different approach. [Spacetrain] DOCTOR [OC]: Get out of there now! [TARDIS] (Putting on a spacesuit.) DOCTOR: Ready?YASMIN: Ready.DAN: Ready. (TARDIS doors open in space, a metal ladder is rolled out.) [Spacetrain] CYBERMAN: Leader, we have detected a rescue attempt. Scans detect a TARDIS.LEADER: The Doctor. [Above the spacetrain] DAN: Could you not have got a less wobbly ladder?DOCTOR: Why? It's perfect! Er... Well, almost perfect. Tiny jump. Cool, right? Oh!YASMIN: Ah! Doctor!DOCTOR: I've got you. Come on, Dan.DAN: What am I doing? I've got a date to get to. Argh! [Spacetrain hull] DAN: Yeah!DOCTOR: What a landing! Nine point nine.DAN: Get in!DOCTOR: Our boots are connected to the electromagnetic roof.DAN: We're literally surfing on a space train.YASMIN: Shut up, Dan!DAN: All right, Sheffield, just cause my jump was better than yours!YASMIN: Dan, turn around! (The Master's Time Lord Cybermen are coming towards them.) [Spacetrain] ARNHOST: We need to wake the long-haul passengers.HALAZ: There's no time.ARNHOST: We can't just leave them. You know what'll happen to them.HALAZ: We have to protect the cargo. Keep moving! (Cybermen shooting at them.) HALAZ: Go with the passengers. I'll hold them off. (She gets injured and grabbed.) CYBERMAN: Where is the cargo?HALAZ: There's no cargo on board this train.CYBERMAN: You lie. Identify the location of the cargo carriage or be deleted.HALAZ: I'm not afraid of the Cybermen.CYBERMAN: We are more than Cybermen. We have evolved. We are your Cyber Masters. [Spacetrain hull] (The Doctor sonics open a control hatch.) DOCTOR: Okay, two important points. Number one - find something to hold on to. Number two - don't get shot!DAN: What?! (Dan gets hit and starts to float off before Yasmin drags him back down.) DOCTOR: I'm going to deactivate the train's electromagnets.YASMIN: But aren't they keeping us stuck to the roof?!DOCTOR: Yeah, but not just us. Watch out! (The Doctor holds Yasmin who holds Dan. The Cybermen go flying by.) [Spacetrain] DOCTOR: The train needs bringing under control. We need to get the train to a halt. The controls are over there, as I showed you. Don't lose my sonic. We need to find and keep the passengers safe and find out what those Cyber Masters want with this train. [Cargo carriage] CYBERMAN: Leader, the cargo has been secured.LEADER: Open it. [Spacetrain - front and middle] DOCTOR: It's all right. It's all right. We're here to help. I'm the Doctor. This is Yaz. I can sort that wound out. Pass that medpack off the wall.DAN: All right, Dan, son, just like she showed you. (The Spacetrain speeds up.) DOCTOR: Dan?DAN: Whoops, sorry! Wrong setting. Sorting it, hopefully. (It slows down again.) DAN [OC]: This is your space train driver Dan reassuring you everything is under control and we will be slowing to a gentle stop momentarily.DOCTOR: I'll deal with the Cybermen.ARNHOST: They're not ordinary Cybermen.DOCTOR: I know. [Cargo carriage] DOCTOR: Get away from that pod.CYBERMAN: Doctor, you shall not disrupt our mission.DOCTOR: Oh, I think I shall. Feel that slowing down? This train's under my control and reinforcements will be here any moment. So whatever you came for, whatever that cargo is, you've failed. (The cargo container opens. There is a child inside.) DOCTOR: It's all right. Don't be scared. I'm the Doctor. I'm going to protect you.LEADER: The Doctor lies. (The child and the Cybermen all transmat away.) [Siberia 1916 - a house] MESSENGER: Father Grigori, I have a message from the Tsarina. Your presence is urgently required at the Winter Palace. The Tsarevich has been taken ill. [London 2022 - Art Gallery] (Dorothy McShane takes a photo of an empty wall.) ACE: Excuse me.CURATOR: Can I help? (A young woman, not The Curator.) ACE: What's happened to this painting?CURATOR: It was taken down for restoration work.ACE: Was there something wrong with it?CURATOR: No. From time to time, all the paintings need a little TLC.ACE: But this one was only restored two months ago.CURATOR: It required a little additional work.ACE: Did it? [Gallery cafe] ACE: Fifteen of the world's most well-known paintings all been taken down pretty much simultaneously and with no explanation. Where are you, anyway?TEGAN [OC]: Sorry, Ace. Say again? [Countryside] (Trying to get a signal.) ACE [OC]: I said, where are you, Tegan?TEGAN: What day is it, Thursday? Romania. Somewhere near the Carpathians or maybe in them. I'm losing track.ACE [OC]: What are you doing there? [Gallery cafe] TEGAN [on phone]: There's a volcanic chain where those three seismologists were last seen investigating a nearby earthquake.ACE: And did you find them? [Countryside] TEGAN: Disappeared off the face of the Earth, just like the others. [Gallery cafe] ACE: A dozen seismologists and paintings.TEGAN [on phone]: There's something else. [Countryside] TEGAN: When I arrived at this cabin, there was a package waiting for me. When I opened it up, there was a Russian doll toy box inside. But there was also a card... from the Doctor. Ace, I haven't heard from the Doctor for nearly four decades.ACE [on phone]: Yeah, all right, show-off! [Gallery cafe] ACE: Just cause it's only three decades for me. So what was the doll? [Countryside] TEGAN: A Cyberman! Of all the things, why would the Doctor send me that? That's not a fond memory. [Gallery cafe] TEGAN [on phone]: It's not even a Russian doll. And why send it to me now?ACE: I think we should go in. [TARDIS] (The TARDIS materialises in the middle of Dan's street.) DOCTOR: Back in time for your date. You're welcome. Should we pick you up again in 24 hours? Yaz, you and I can try and pick up the trail of where the Cyber Masters went with that child.DAN: You don't have to come back for me.DOCTOR: Okay.YASMIN: What?DAN: I was one hand away from flying off into space and suffocating. I don't want to push me luck any further. I mean, all this... All this is amazing, and I've had the most incredible time. But it's not my life. And my life's far from perfect, but... I need to get back to it. I need to attack it. And I can now... cause I've been with you.DOCTOR: I get it. Life's important. Home's important. [Granger Street] (There's a gap in the terrace where Dan's miniaturised house is.) DAN: Yeah. My house. Looks like I'll be kipping on my mum and dad's sofa tonight. See you again, Doctor. (The Doctor goes back in the TARDIS.) DAN: Have I upset her?YASMIN: Not one for goodbyes. Whereas me, I'm glad to see the back of you.DAN: I'll call you.YASMIN: I'll ghost you. [TARDIS] DALEK: Doctor!DOCTOR: No!DALEK: Breaching transmission firewalls.DOCTOR: Get out of my TARDIS!DALEK: I mean you no harm.DOCTOR: You'd be the first Dalek to ever mean that.DALEK: I have information critical to the future of both humans and Daleks. It is imperative that you and I meet immediately.DOCTOR: I don't think so.DALEK: I offer you the key to the destruction of the Daleks.DOCTOR: A Dalek invades my TARDIS with a message offering to destroy its own species?DALEK: I no longer believe in the Dalek mission.DOCTOR: Well, that's a new one.DALEK: The Dalek machine was created to ensure the survival of the Kaled race. Yet Kaled identity has eroded over time. The Dalek mission has changed to become the perpetuation of the Dalek race. Analysis concludes we have lost the right to survive.DOCTOR: Your Creator would both be impressed and horrified. So you come to me as what, a spy?DALEK: A Dalek incursion on Earth is imminent. I offer you the chance to destroy every Dalek before that attack.DOCTOR: Why would I ever trust you?DALEK: To save the lives of billions of humans. I will communicate location and time. You must attend.DOCTOR: No, no, no. You don't order me!DALEK: I am detected. Transmission must end.YASMIN: Who are you yelling at?DOCTOR: The TARDIS has locked on to the cargo trail. Now, where is that child? That data doesn't make sense. It's just outside Earth in the year 1916.YASMIN: Why doesn't that make sense?DOCTOR: Because I'm seeing one planet too many in your solar system. And that extra planet is right in the shadow of Earth. [St Petersburg 1916 - The Winter Palace] MAID: Tsarina, Rasputin approaches.ALEXANDRA: It is good to see you, Father Grigori. How is my son?MASTER: Such a tiny injury and such a terrible effect. His haemophilia is a cruel illness.ALEXANDRA: I cannot help but think that he has worsened ever since the arrival of the second moon in the sky.MASTER: An entire new moon. These special times must not challenge our faith. They should strengthen it.ALEXANDRA: I'm afraid for my son.MASTER: I believe in the morning he'll be much improved.ALEXANDRA: But can you be sure?MASTER: Are my eyes not full of certainty?ALEXANDRA: Yes... they are.MASTER: My dear Tsar, this endless war. Have you made your decision to send more troops or withdraw?NICHOLAS: It is so difficult. What would your advice be?MASTER: My main concern is that you and your family take some time away. A holiday, very soon, don't you think?NICHOLAS: Long holiday? Yes. Yes, I, er... I think so. Don't I?MASTER: I will take care of your beautiful Winter Palace and you will remain assured of your one certainty. Which is?NICHOLAS: That you are the Master... and I will obey you. [Cyberplanet] DOCTOR: Organic life converted into metal on a planetary scale.YASMIN: Cybertechnology.DOCTOR: Are they capable of this? There's Cybermen everywhere we go right now, Yaz. Those ones on the train, the Cyber Masters, they were created by the Master on Gallifrey.YASMIN: Doctor? (There's another Police Box, but the writing on it just says Hahaha over and over.) DOCTOR: Stay here.YASMIN: Nope. [Second TARDIS] (The Cloister bell is tolling.) YASMIN: It's not yours, is it? Yours from another time? In the future.DOCTOR: I feel like I'm being taunted. Ah! The core of this TARDIS has been lashed into the centre of the planet's metal structure. But why?YASMIN: The screen's showing another energy source on the surface.DOCTOR: Come on. [Cyberplanet] DOCTOR: Ah, there's a rudimentary cloaking shield in operation. Soon fix that. The Cybermen have tethered that child into this planet. It was registering as an energy source.YASMIN: How is that child an energy source?DOCTOR: Wait, there's more layers to the shield. Oh, not just cloaking. It's a consciousness shield! A creature trying to evade capture, hiding behind a visual projection shield, and this one shows us what we instinctively want to protect, as a defence.YASMIN: So what is it?DOCTOR: Oh, a Qurunx. One of the great mysteries of the universe. I've never seen one before, Yaz. Sentient energy enough to power planets and civilisations. They're so rare. A metal planet with a Qurunx at the heart of it, on the edge of Earth in the second decade of the 20th century. Why?LEADER: Desist!DOCTOR: Ah, decided to show your face, have you? Is this planet your doing?LEADER: This structure is the zenith of Cyberconversion. An entire planet transported here.DOCTOR: You think I'm going to allow that?LEADER: You will not be able to stop it.DOCTOR: Oh, yeah? Why is that?LEADER: Your Master awaits, Doctor.YASMIN: Doctor, what does it mean by that? (More Cybermen transmat in and start shooting. They run.) [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Yes, what?KATE [holo]: Doctor, UNIT needs your help.DOCTOR: Bit busy, Kate. Can it wait? Oh! KATE [holo]: Absolutely not. [UNIT HQ London 2022] DOCTOR: Nice new building.KATE: Thank you. Now, a dozen of the world's leading seismologists have gone missing in the past two weeks. Plus of the world's most valuable paintings have disappeared from view.DOCTOR: That's what you called us here for? Have you any idea what's going on in outer space in 1916 right now?KATE: Strangely enough, no. Oh, also new freelancers. Don't be cross.ACE: Are you ready for this?TEGAN: No.ACE: Me neither.KATE: I believe you three know each other of old.ACE: Oh, wow!TEGAN: You said a woman. You never said young.DOCTOR: Tegan. Ace?ACE: That is a good look on you, Professor.DOCTOR: What are you doing here?KATE: I brought them in. I'm rebuilding our intelligence networks with people who understand the problems Earth faces from personal experience. It seemed pretty clear where to start.DOCTOR: So... how have you been?TEGAN: Like you care.ACE: Tegan, we discussed this.TEGAN: Thirty eight years!YASMIN: I'm Yaz. The only one here who doesn't really know what's going on.TEGAN: We used to be you, decades back.YASMIN: Oh. I see. Wow.DOCTOR: So what was so urgent, Kate?KATE: This is why I brought you in. Let's start with the paintings. Mona Lisa, The Scream, The Hay Wain, Girl With A Pearl Earring, The Last Supper. All of them and more taken out of public view because all of them, we've discovered, have been defaced. The face of Rasputin inserted into every painting.DOCTOR: Oh no, that's not Rasputin. That's the Master.ACE + TEGAN: What?MASTER [on screen]: Greetings, seismology fans. If you're craving answers to life's little mysteries, my keynote address at the International Seismology Memorial Conference is now starting at a conference hall vaguely near you. Come feel the Earth move. Here's the pin. See you in a bit.ACE: So that's the Master now? DOCTOR: 1916, Rasputin, and the only person who would leave a TARDIS that looked like mine.YASMIN: Hotel. 3.2 kilometres from Mount Vesuvius.KATE: We've got a UNIT base near Naples. I'll get you local support.DOCTOR: Sorry, dealing with multiple somethings. It's good to see you both.TEGAN: Ow! You gave me an electric shock.DOCTOR: Sorry. My bad. I promise, I'm coming back.ACE: Ow! Oh, you are really staticky. (Quick scan with the sonic.) DOCTOR: We'll be back. Come on, Yaz.TEGAN: I think I handled that quite well. [Naples] MASTER: If we correlate the latest tremor detection data with the aforementioned ground deformation measurements, cross-referencing the increase in volcanic gas emissions and rising magma levels, we note...YASMIN: Doctor, look.MASTER: ..ladies and gentlemen, that it would only take the slightest tectonic pressure...(waves) Do you like my seismologist collection? I think I've got the whole set now.DOCTOR: All right, I followed your breadcrumb trail. Some people think you're Rasputin, you've got a TARDIS on a metal planet with a stolen Qurunx, guarded by your Cyber Masters in 1916. Now, do I win a prize if I guess how this all fits together or are you just going to tell me why you're grandstanding?MASTER: Be patient. We'll get there.DOCTOR: How did you even escape from Gallifrey?MASTER: Magnificent attention to detail. I'm a seismologist now.YASMIN: You killed all these people. For what?MASTER: To give you simple, fair warning. Leave Earth now, Doctor, or it will be the death of you, because really, honestly, truly, this is the day you die. No, not just die. This is the day you are erased from existence... forever. I know, a bit of a conversation stopper. Awkward, right, Yaz? Do you see what I've done? I was so clever because I can give her this warning, but we both know she won't leave. She can't, not now I've said that to her, and yet she knows she should, because she also knows I don't make empty threats. I can absolutely, categorically, pinky-promisey confirm this is no empty threat.SOLDIERS: Go! Go! Go! Go!MASTER: Ooo, ooo! You brought soldiers. Are these for me? Oh, you shouldn't have. Is this rendition? I've always wanted to be renditioned. Or is it rendered? Ooo, gentle, gentle, gentle, boys! Am I going to UNIT? I hope I'm going to UNIT.DOCTOR: Give her a gun.YASMIN: What?DOCTOR: Cover him. We're taking him in the TARDIS. Take the gun.MASTER: Yaz, she must be worried. Thought she didn't like guns.YASMIN: Fine.MASTER: Do you even know how to use that, love?YASMIN: Don't you worry, I've had weapons training. Now move.MASTER: Great chat. Good meeting. Thank you all. Clear up the tiny bodies and inform the loved ones for me, would you? [TARDIS] MASTER: You're not going to shoot me. Not in her TARDIS. Think of the mess.YASMIN: Just in case you're wondering, all this I'm-messing-with-your-mind chat, I've heard worse on a Friday night in Sheffield.MASTER: Can I let you in on a little secret? It's okay, it's okay. I ingested the Cyberium. The battle AI of the Cybermen. I'm so many steps ahead. I can see it all, right through to all our ends. I'm sorry, Yaz, this is going to be very, very painful.YASMIN: In your dreams, mate.MASTER: Yeah.DOCTOR: UNIT will keep you under armed guard, while I get rid of all the mess you've been scattering around the place.MASTER: Whatever you want. I'm in her head. I said I'm in your head, dear. Aren't those Dalek symbols? What are they, coordinates? Why... why are you getting messages from Daleks? Why is she getting messages from Daleks?YASMIN: I'm sure there's a good reason.MASTER: Let's hope so. [Spaceship] VINDER: Status report. Inston-Vee Vinder now exiting the wormhole. I've survived, and I'm detecting a life signal from the missing Qurunx, but the wormhole is playing havoc with the ship. In summary, wormhole navigation was a really bad idea! (Crash.) [Cyberplanet] VINDER: Okay, let's start with the good news. The ship did accurately predict the wormhole and managed to surf it with me inside. Good news part two. It did lead me to the missing Qurunx, so I guess we could say mission partially successful? Except... apparently it's connected to some control system on a planet that shouldn't even be here, according to the charts. Oh, and I have a ship problem in that it's broken. Thanks, wormhole. Wait. (He sees a TARDIS.) [UNIT HQ] KATE: Put him in the bunker. Constant monitoring, full security detail.MASTER: Ooo, the bunker! That sounds nice. I love a bunker. Anybody want to join me? Bunk-up in the bunker? Your dad was an idiot. Oh, Tegan Jovanka! How's your Auntie Vanessa? Do you keep her in a little doll's house?TEGAN: I'm going to enjoy watching you locked up in a tiny cell.MASTER: That's right, you tell me. And Ace! Or should I say Dorothy? Didn't the Doctor ditch you? No? Little fallout with your Machiavellian maestro?ACE: Last time I saw you, you were half cat.MASTER: A man's allowed to experiment.KATE: Take him away.MASTER: Yes, yes, take me away. You'll all feel safer then with me in the building. You're not staying, Doctor? You're not going to leave them alone, are you, while you go Dalek hunting? Whoo!DOCTOR: Ace, Tegan, I need you to stay here and monitor the Master. We won't be long.ACE: Professor, where are you going?TEGAN: She really doesn't want us back in there. [Bunker] MASTER: Wow. Love what you've done with the place. Darling, I don't seem to have the room-service menu, only I have allergies. I'm human-intolerant. No? Just trying to lighten the tone before you all die. [TARDIS] YASMIN: Doctor. Stop for a second. I can't keep doing this with you, running from one place to the next, never explaining.DOCTOR: Sorry, no time.YASMIN: Make time. Daleks... on the same day as the Master and Cybermen.DOCTOR: I know. They're either separate problems, or all part of one bigger scheme. He doesn't have that power. He couldn't corral Daleks and Cybermen, could he? It's all happening so fast. Ooo! Very sorry. I am really staticky today.YASMIN: You're going to meet a Dalek. Has it never occurred to you that it could be a trap?DOCTOR: Of course it has. But there's about to be a Dalek attack on Earth, and the one that tipped me off said it has information which could help us stop the Daleks, but not just now, all Daleks for ever. It's a calculated risk, and it's one I have to take. [Bolivia - in a volcano] YASMIN: I'll take down there. Meet you back here. Be careful.DOCTOR: I'm supposed to be the one saying that to you. (The Dalek transmats in.) DALEK: I am surprised, Doctor. I was not sure you would come.DOCTOR: Well, I did. Now give me the information you promised.DALEK: All data is contained within my casing. You must be fast.DOCTOR: This will extract all the information. You're really going to let me do this?DALEK: I am. Data transfer in progress. I have betrayed my species. You must ensure they are destroyed. (Meanwhile, with Yasmin.) DALEK 2 [OC]: Testing complete. All systems are in place and operating at maximum efficiency. We are ready.YASMIN: No. They're already here. Seismology. Volcanoes. Daleks. And the Master. No, this is not good news. [UNIT HQ] ACE: I'll get surveillance up on the Master's cell. We can take turns watching. Whatever he's up to, he can't do much from a UNIT prison cell. I really thought I'd seen the last of him.TEGAN: Ace? The toy.MASTER [on screen]: Oh! Didn't it want to stay inside your bag? Oh Tegan, do you really think the Doctor cared enough to send you even one meagre toy?TEGAN: How's he doing that?MASTER [on screen]: The Doctor didn't send you that, I did, knowing what you would do with it. You'd keep it so close to you because you have nothing else. Do you know the great thing about tissue compression? It also works in reverse. That ain't just any Cyberman. It's a Russian doll. (That grows, then splits open and out walk more Cybermen.) MASTER [on screen]: Oh, and say hello to my friend Ashad. I killed him once, but he's forgiven me now.ACE: Tegan! (Tegan tips over a table to use as a shield while Ace hand her a gun from a cubby hole in the floor.) ACE: Gold bullets, tin-heads. Did you think UNIT wouldn't be ready?TEGAN: Why isn't it working?ASHAD: We long ago developed resistance to gold.BOTH: Run!MASTER [on screen]: Oh, run! Run! Oh, look at them.KATE [OC]: All units, full combat protocols. UNIT is under attack. I repeat, UNIT is under attack from Cybermen. [Bunker] (Ashad frees the Master.) MASTER: I am so glad I cloned you. Every detail paying off. Such a good plan. [Volcano] DALEK: Data transfer almost complete. We are detected!DALEK 2: Stay where you are, Doctor. You have no escape.DOCTOR: Was this your plan? To lure me in and then betray me?DALEK: I did not betray you.DALEK 2: The traitor speaks the truth. We allowed the traitor to contact you. Force opening of traitor. (The Dalek's casing is opened to reveal the mutant.) DALEK 2: Exterminate the traitor.DALEKS: Exterminate!DALEK 2: Enter the casing, Doctor.DOCTOR: No.DALEK 2: Obey!DALEK 3: Obey!DALEK 2: Or be exterminated! (The tendrils drag the Doctor inside the casing as Yasmin watches.) DALEK 2: Mission successful. The Doctor is a prisoner of the Daleks. Activate spatiotemporal shift. (The Doctor is transmatted away.) [TARDIS] YASMIN: I can do this. I can do this. (The Cloister bell tolls.) YASMIN: The Doctor's in danger. There must be a Dalek teleport trace that we can follow, that you can lock on to. And why am I talking to you? [Winter Palace] MASTER: Hello, Doctor. Welcome to the end of your existence. Say hello to my friends. I believe we're all acquainted, right? Do you like the garb? I love the garb. Got to dress for the occasion. I was just thinking we could call this the Master's Dalek Plan. Or the, er... Cyber-Dalek Master Plan, or the Cyber-Master's Dalek Plan? I can't quite get it. But in the end I suppose we'll just call it the day I killed the Doctor... with a little help from my friends.DOCTOR: Your friends? You hate each other.MASTER: And the one thing stronger than their hatred for each other... is their hatred for you. Just took a little handsome genius to point it out to them. What unites us is stronger than what divides us. I mean, that's very you, that, isn't it? You love a team, don't you? Letting every Tom, Dick and Harriet into your TARDIS. Well, you have your fam. Now, I have mine.DOCTOR: So everything else was a diversion?MASTER: No. No. No! Not a diversion. Very important! Three-phase plan. You'll see. Except you won't. But rest assured, without you to defend it, Earth will fall very, very fast. I did warn you, Doctor. I'm going old-school, Doctor. A tribute to our elders. Do you remember the ultimate sanction for breaking our laws? Forced regeneration. They even did it to you once, didn't they? Well, maybe more than once. Who knows? Not you.DOCTOR: You don't have the technology.MASTER: I do. I do. I do! When I ransacked Gallifrey, I took everything. But where would he get the power? If only I had a planet built for this purpose. No, wait, wait. I do! You did get that, right? A conversion planet. Except it doesn't only convert organic to Cyber. I brought it here to help another conversion altogether. (Plays Rasputin by Boney M and dances along to it.) BONEY M: ♪ There lived a certain man in Russia long ago. He was big and strong in his eyes a flaming glow. Most people looked at him with terror and with fear. ♪ [Cyberplanet] VINDER: Okay, Doctor. This is my last roll of the dice. I've been carrying this around with me since you gave it to me. (An old Nokia phone with wires round it.) [Winter Palace] BONEY M: ♪ a preacher full of ecstasy and fire. But he also... ♪ [Cyberplanet] VINDER: You need my help? I could certainly do with yours. But I'm not holding out much hope.BONEY M: Ra-Ra-Rasputin lover of the Russian queen. There was a cat that really was gone. ♪ [Winter Palace] BONEY M: ♪ Ra-Ra-Rasputin Russia's greatest love machine. It was a shame how he carried on... ♪ (The Daleks and Cybermen look at each other - unable to believe their ocular units.) MASTER: Let's get you out of there. [TARDIS] VINDER [holo]: This is Inston-Vee Vinder saying, if you need my help...YASMIN: Vinder.VINDER [holo]: ..I could certainly do with yours.MASTER [holo]: Hello, TARDIS. Receiving this loud and clear? Say goodbye, Yaz.YASMIN: TARDIS, lock on to his signal. [Winter Palace] (The Doctor is in a glass cubicle. The Master gets into a second one.) MASTER: Forced regeneration, Doctor. To force you... to regenerate... into me. [TARDIS] YASMIN: Oh, no! [Winter Palace] DOCTOR: You wouldn't. (The Cyberplanet sends its energy to Earth, and into the cubicles.) DOCTOR: Yaz! (The process ends. They have swapped places and are wearing each other's clothes.) MASTER: It worked. (He gets out of the cubicle.) MASTER: Yeah. I... am... the Doctor. (The TARDIS materialises.) MASTER: Oh, hello, Yasmin Khan.YASMIN: Where's the Doctor? My Doctor.MASTER: Gone. Really gone. Forever gone. Don't... don't... don't worry. You'll get used to me. Everyone will. I still need a companion to ask and... bask in my brilliance. Come on, Yaz. Let's go on an adventure! Don't make me ask twice. I'd hate to have to bring you down to size. [UNIT HQ] TEGAN: We only just got here. They're all over the lower floors!KATE: I have to lock down the building. I can't risk them getting into the world. You both need to leave.TEGAN: How?ACE: You have these panels in every room. Automated landing parachutes. If you can't go down, you've got to go up. Off the roof?TEGAN: You're kidding.ACE: I stashed some of my stuff in here earlier. Hope you don't mind. (Puts on her old jacket.) KATE: Very 80's.ACE: Thanks. Come on, Tegan.KATE: I'll hold the lockdown till you're clear.TEGAN: You carry that bat with you all the time?ACE: Beyonce copied all my moves. [TARDIS] MASTER: Come on, Yaz! Let's save a civilisation! Let's correct history! Rescue a sick animal! These yours? Oh, bless. Ow! What was that? Some sort of dirty protest? Unless you want to be consigned down a black hole for eternity, you'd better behave! I am the Doctor, and you will obey me. (The Master burps regeneration energy.) YASMIN: Change back.MASTER: Can't be done. I know you're worried about what I'm going to do. It's simple. The Earth will become a foundry for Daleks and Cyber production, hence the work in the volcano, while I tarnish the name of the Doctor. I'm going to make the Doctor a byword for fear, pain and destruction, so when people hear that name in future, they quake in fear.YASMIN: If you think I am going to let you...MASTER: I am the Doctor now! I am the Doctor! (in pain) You should have shot me when you had the chance. I need clothes. Try to escape, or touch anything, and I'll kill you. [UNIT HQ roof] ACE: Out here! What are you doing? We can do this.TEGAN: I brought them in... the Cybermen. It's my mistake. You go, find the Doctor. I need to help Kate. (A metal door slams down between them.)ACE: Tegan! [A moon?] (The Master has chosen the 7th Doctor's pullover with 4's scarf to wear with 13's coat, which has a stick of celery pinned to the lapel. Twin planets are at war nearby.) MASTER: Oh, lovely. Gold star and a sticker. That's how you stop two sides warring, Yaz. Destroy them both. (A hover camera arrives.) MASTER: Oh, hello. I have a message for all your remaining news viewers. I am the Doctor. And I caused this. (The camera flies off.) MASTER: See? No-one to stop me now.YASMIN: No! (She pushes him over, runs into the TARDIS and locks the doors. The TARDIS dematerialises.) MASTER: I'll wait. You'll be back. And I have... all the time. (Takes out a blue and white painted recorder - 2nd Doctor - and plays the Skye Boat Song.) [Consciousness] DOCTOR 1: Well! You're obviously one of the more determined of us.DOCTOR: I'm sorry?DOCTOR 1: You refuse to pass through. Quite the strength of character, this incarnation, mmm?DOCTOR 6: The question is, what are we going to do about it?DOCTOR: Do about what?DOCTOR 6: Our predicament! This is supposed to be handed over. You can't ruin it for the next one.DOCTOR 5: And you were doing so well.DOCTOR: Where am I, exactly? Because the last thing I remember is being forced to regenerate.DOCTOR 8: That's why we're here. To stop you moving any further through. You are not finished.DOCTOR 1: We are not finished.DOCTOR: We being... ?DOCTOR 5: Vestiges of your consciousness.DOCTOR 6: Fragments of yourself.DOCTOR 7: From the past.DOCTOR 8: Guardians of the Edge.DOCTOR: Sorry, why are you not wearing... ?DOCTOR 8: I don't do robes.DOCTOR 7: There's always one. Has to be different.DOCTOR 8: I am a manifestation of our consciousness. I can wear what I like.DOCTOR: Could we just focus on this, whatever this is? You said Guardians of the Edge. The edge of what? Ah! (They are at the top of a bottomless cliff.) DOCTOR 8: Existence.DOCTOR 5: It's symbolic, obviously. Consciousness will do that. But this is the place you pass through during the process of regeneration. Go past here, there's no way back.DOCTOR 6: But time's running out! We can't let the Master permanently hijack our existence.DOCTOR: Yes. Very aware of that. But I was thinking, in the immediate aftermath of regeneration, the body's weak, unstable while it re-forms.DOCTOR 7: Very good. Even more so with a forced regeneration.DOCTOR 8: So until it's settled, he may be vulnerable. We need help from the outside, which is easier said than done.DOCTOR: Unless one of us, or all of us, were really clever. I mean, this is why you manifested here! To remind me there's always a way. Things always work out, right? Hello? [TARDIS] YASMIN: Come on. I need to get back to UNIT. If I can work with the others to get the Doctor back...HOLO-DOCTOR: Hi! If you're seeing this, I'm dead.YASMIN: What?HOLO-DOCTOR: Is that a bad way to start? Bit overdramatic? How's it looking? I have been working on this literally for ever. It should adapt and respond to its environment and whoever it's interacting with. It's an interactive AI holo-me! Built from data of my behaviour across thousands of years. And it should only activate under the gravest circumstances. Like if I'm no longer around. Now, that would be disastrous. But I will have very subtly inserted a sonically triggered nano-implant under your skin and passed it off as static electricity. If I remember to do that. I must remember to do that.YASMIN: You could have told us you'd done that.HOLO-DOCTOR: Whoa! The emotional receptors on the AI are a bit oversensitive. Apparently, you're annoyed with me? Apparently, I should apologise for something?YASMIN: I've got a plan. Tell me if I'm doing this right. [Cyberplanet] (The TARDIS materialises.) VINDER: Who said miracles don't happen? [TARDIS] VINDER: The Doctor's gone?YASMIN: Worse than gone. And we're the only ones to help her.VINDER: Could you go through it again, but slowly?YASMIN: No! We're on our way to our next pick-up. I hope. Doctor, I need information.HOLO-DOCTOR: Hiya. Hi, Vinder!VINDER: How's she doing that?YASMIN: Shh! Doctor, how do you reverse a forced regeneration?HOLO-DOCTOR: No, no, no, no. Forced regeneration isn't something you ever want to be dealing with. Is that what's happened to me?VINDER: It's a hologram. Can't hurt the feelings of a hologram.YASMIN: Yeah. How do we get real you back? Real you.HOLO-DOCTOR: (going through some past faces.) No. Impossible. Unless... No. Calibrating. I'm thinking.VINDER: What... what was that?HOLO-DOCTOR: Other interfaces, other me's. Sorry, I'm processing the information. Only one chance. I've seen it in extreme circumstances. It's incredibly dangerous. Anything could happen. Are these extreme circumstances? [Bunker] CYBERMAN: Conversion pod established.ASHAD: Let the conversions begin. Their army shall become ours. [UNIT HQ] (Tegan runs in as a shutter slams behind her.) KATE: What are you doing? You're supposed to be getting out of here.TEGAN: Yeah, well, I didn't.KATE: I don't have time to factor you in.TEGAN: I have spent the past thirty years living like a nomad. I have done land mines, coups, I have been hijacked, and I've nearly drowned trying to help people. I've seen off two husbands, and somewhere out there is an adopted son who hasn't called me for six weeks. And if that's not enough, I was an air hostess in the early 80's, and, trust me, compared to that, a building full of Cybermen is nothing. Now, what's the plan?KATE: Containment and structural termination. They've taken out all the systems, but in the basement there's a manual activation override for the structural termination system. It'll level the building, leave everything inside entombed.TEGAN: You said basement. We're at the top of the building, with Cybermen in between.KATE: There is a way out. It's not pretty. But if you can get down there, I'll distract the Cybermen.TEGAN: How are you going to do that? [Bunker] KATE [OC]: Attention, Cybermen. I am the commanding officer of this facility and I have an offer for you... if you can find me, that is.ASHAD: With me! [UNIT HQ roof] ACE: Er... okay. That's high. Oh, come on. This used to be easy. I used to be good with heights. Just do it. Just step off. (She does, and pulls the rip cord. Ashad sees her and shoots holes in the parachute so she plummets down by Lloyds building.) ACE: How do you brake?! What?! (The TARDIS materialises under her, doors open, then shuts them again to stop her fall.) [TARDIS] YASMIN: Hi.ACE: Did you do that? Can you fly the TARDIS? Does she let you? I never got to fly the TARDIS. Whoa. Nice vibe. Where's the Doctor? Hi. I'm Ace.VINDER: Inston-Vee Vinder.YASMIN: Ace, how would you feel about me dropping you under a Bolivian volcano so you can stop the Daleks from flooding the world with lava? (Ace draws her anti-Dalek baseball bat.) ACE: Wicked.YASMIN: Vinder, our mission is even more dangerous than that. [Moon?] MASTER: Better? [TARDIS] YASMIN: I'm sorry.MASTER: Are you? Truly?YASMIN: Came back, didn't I?MASTER: We could have fun, you know? I am fun. Different type of fun, but fun. We could travel. You'll see. (He sets the TARDIS flying while Vinder hides, weapon at the ready.) [UNIT HQ basement] HOLO-DOCTOR: Good hiding place.TEGAN: Great. Now I'm hallucinating. (The hologram flickers to the 5th Doctor.) TEGAN: What... ? What are... ?HOLO-DOCTOR 5: You're affecting the interface of your hologram implant. It's reacting to your emotional memory. I should have accounted for that.TEGAN: You sort of look like you used to, but... not quite.HOLO-DOCTOR 5: I could say the same to you.TEGAN: Surprised you remember.HOLO-DOCTOR 5: You think you left and I never thought of you again. I never forget any of you. I remember everything.TEGAN: Yeah? Well, what am I thinking, seeing all these Cybermen?HOLO-DOCTOR 5: Adric. Now, brave heart. What?TEGAN: I missed you.HOLO-DOCTOR 5: I missed you too. Now please, don't get killed. Go! (Tegan runs to a boarded-over door, prises it open and looks down a very deep shaft.) [Volcano] DALEK: Tectonic plate depth achieved.DALEK 2: Progress plan to next phase of activation.ACE: I think I might have slightly overestimated myself here, Professor. Although, I have souped up the Nitro 9.HOLO-DOCTOR: Nitro 999! Just what we need. Good work, Ace.ACE: How are you doing that?HOLO-DOCTOR: In case you need help, but it looks like you're doing fine.ACE: So it's fine for me to blow stuff up when you decide? Nothing's changed.HOLO-DOCTOR 7: It's never fine to blow stuff up. Sometimes, sadly, it's the only solution. But only after fair warning.ACE: Now it's getting freaky.HOLO-DOCTOR 7: I was only ever trying to teach you good habits, Ace. Obviously, I failed.ACE: You never failed me, Professor. You made me the person I am today. I'm sorry we fell out. I'm sorry I judged you. I didn't understand the burden you carried.HOLO-DOCTOR 7: All children leave home sooner or later. The joy is to watch them fly.ACE: So... we're good?HOLO-DOCTOR 7: Oh, we're more than good. We're ace!HOLO-DOCTOR: Now, let's get that Nitro 999 going.DALEK [OC]: Power levels now increasing.DALEK 2 [OC]: Prepare to engage circuit four.DALEK 3 [OC]: All sectors now engaging full power. (Ace leaps out, bat ready, and frightens... a man with a piece of psychic paper.) GRAHAM: Oh, you, er... Easy, love. Arnold Palmer... son. Volcano inspector.ACE: (reads) Graham, friend of the Doctor. Oh! Former bus driver, worried about the amount of Daleks in here and what he's going to do about it.GRAHAM: I can't get the hang of this. Listen, those metal things... they are from outer space, and they seem to be drilling to disrupt the tectonic plates. We've got to get rid of them a bit sharpish.ACE: I know. Want to see how I dealt with them in 1963?GRAHAM: 1963? How old are you?ACE: Excuse me. A gentleman never asks that, and never on the first date. I'm Ace.GRAHAM: Yes, you are. [UNIT HQ] CYBERMAN: Human structural defences removed. UNIT commander detected in this area.KATE: That's far enough. Any further, and that laser shield will shred at least some of you. You should know that reinforcements are already on the way from all around the world.ASHAD: Let them come. They will be recruits for the new Cyber Army. We will spread from this building in fire and glory to conquer humanity.KATE: You underestimate us.ASHAD: I understand you. I was like you, weak and feeble.KATE: Actually, I'm neither. I have knowledge of this planet, of its security infrastructure, of its leaders.ASHAD: You have no reason to offer this.KATE: Release all the soldiers you hold. Save them from conversion. Let them go, and you can have me. I'm of greater strategic value.ASHAD: You calculate this may earn you time for reinforcements to arrive. You are wrong. The Doctor is not coming. The Doctor will never save you again.KATE: I choose to believe otherwise.ASHAD: Your surrender is accepted. (Kate turns off the laser shield between them.) ASHAD: Your conversion shall begin. [Bunker] (Tegan is climbing down the ladder as Ashad marches Kate past. He hears her slip.) TEGAN: Argh! Rabbits!ASHAD: Renegade human in the walls. (The Cybermen blast holes in the shaft. Tegan lets go of the ladder and drops.) [Winter Palace] MASTER: Ah, thank you for waiting, my precious fam. And now it's time to kill... everyone. Unleash the volcanoes.DALEK: Volcanic eruptions shall commence. [Volcano] DALEK: Disruptor pulse activation. Destabilising tectonic plates.DALEK 2: Every volcano on planet Earth shall be activated!DALEK 3: All humans shall be exterminated. [Winter Palace] CYBERMASTER: Tectonic disruption in progress. Volcanic eruptions increasing across the surface of planet Earth.YASMIN: You're not the Doctor. You'll never be the Doctor.MASTER: On reflection, Yaz, I think they make much better companions than you. I think it's time for your execution.YASMIN: Yeah? Well, if they're much better than me, why didn't they spot her come in? (Yasmin presses her shoulder and Ruth the Fugitive Doctor enters. The CyberMasters surround her.) MASTER: What's going on? Who are you?HOLO-RUTH: I'm the Doctor, mate. Who the hell are you?MASTER: Shoot her.HOLO-RUTH: Are you sure you want to do that, boys?MASTER: Fire! (And promptly shoot each other because she's a hologram.) HOLO-RUTH: So... it was just the genetic material you put into them, was it? Maybe you should have included the brains. Next time, check for signs of a hologram. Schoolboy error. But then you were a rubbish schoolboy, too.MASTER: (to Yasmin) Was this you?YASMIN: Out-thought by the Doctor. Get in the machine.MASTER: Or you'll what?VINDER: You heard her. Quickly.MASTER: And who are you? Did you stow away in my TARDIS?VINDER: It's not your TARDIS.MASTER: If you're a friend of the Doctor's, you aren't going to use that. (Vinder shoots him in the shoulder.) VINDER: I'm freelance.MASTER: You going to let him do this to me, Yaz? Huh? To your Doctor?YASMIN: You're not my Doctor! Because you know the greatest strength my Doctor has? She's spent her life gathering friends. She can't help it. And she is loved, because she taught us to never give up, even if someone steals your very existence. (The CyberMasters begin to glow golden.) HOLO-RUTH: They're starting. Yaz, over there. We've got to harness their regenerative energy. Right, burst of two seconds, and then link it into that.MASTER: No!YASMIN: This is weird. You were a tour guide in Gloucester the last time I saw you.HOLO-RUTH: Nice trick to use a different interface to confuse this lot. Now! (Yasmin sonics the regeneration energy into the cube in the ceiling.) MASTER: No!YASMIN: Will it be enough?HOLO-RUTH: Hopefully. Enough to reverse. It's happening.YASMIN: Is it safe?HOLO-RUTH: I hope so.MASTER: I erased you, Doctor. Don't let me go back to being me. [Conciousness] DOCTOR: What's happening?DOCTOR 6: Concentrate! Reunite.DOCTOR 7: Yes.DOCTOR 8: Where there's hope...DOCTORS 1 5 6 7 8: Good luck, Doctor. [Winter Palace] DOCTOR: Hi. What did I miss? What am I wearing? Forced regeneration. Forced degeneration. You brought me back! Yaz, you saved my life.YASMIN: You're welcome.HOLO-RUTH: Guess that's me done.DOCTOR: My AI hologram worked. Oh, I am a genius.HOLO-RUTH: See you around.DOCTOR: Vinder, what are you doing here? Oh.VINDER: Whoa, you all right? Whole new lease of life. If memory serves me, we've got a lot to do. Come on. [Bunker] ASHAD: Your soldiers offered pitiful resistance. They shall begin their ascension, as you shall now receive yours. I bestow upon you the greatest of gifts. Your conversion shall begin.KATE: No, no... No... No, no... No, no! (screams) [Structural control] TEGAN: Oh, my God, it's worse than a cockpit.HOLO-DOCTOR: Extra wrinkle. Right, divert that power into that circuit.TEGAN: You're not even here!HOLO-DOCTOR: I'm everywhere, me. I'm using your ocular nerve to scan, analyse and process. The Cyber conversion unit is powering itself from here, but if we change that, then they'll get a nasty surprise! (Tegan starts pressing buttons and a metal arm comes through the wall and around her neck.) CYBERMAN: Human rebel located. You will be deleted. Human resistance no longer anticipated. (Energy streams up from the conversion chair and back down into Ashad and the other Cybermen. Kate runs. Tegan removes the Cyber-arm.) [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Daleks are setting off volcanoes in 2022, and here, in 1916, there's a big Cyber planet which could convert the whole of Earth. There's definitely a fix for both, but it's got to be quick. Just piecing it all together. We used to be friends, him and me.VINDER: So how do we fix all those problems?DOCTOR: Have you not figured it out yet? Obvious, isn't it? We're going to need some help, though. All hands on deck. [Volcano] ACE: Oi! Pepper pot! (She breaks off its eye stalk.) ACE: Now, Graham!DALEK: Vision impaired!GRAHAM: How long are the timers?ACE: Run! (Explosions.) ACE: Timer still needs work.GRAHAM: Yeah.ACE: Pack a load of Nitro onto this.GRAHAM: Right.ACE: Should bring it down.GRAHAM: Well, I hope the timers last longer on this batch, cause the moment this little lot goes up, we've got to get to the surface fast, get past a load of angry Daleks, and I'd like to make it out of here alive. Ready?ACE: Ready. (They run, the TARDIS is there.) DOCTOR: Graham!GRAHAM: Hey, Doc!BOTH: How did you get here?ACE: It's about to blow, Professor!DALEK: Sabotage! The Doctor is still alive! (Flying Daleks shoot at the TARDIS as it dematerialises.) DALEK: Exterminate! (The volcano explodes, taking the fleeing Daleks with it.) [Outside UNIT HQ] (The building comes down neatly as Kate and Tegan run out.) KATE: I'd only just signed the lease. (The TARDIS is parked on the corner.) DOCTOR: Wow. Remind me never to mess with either of you.TEGAN: I thought that was a given! And yes, I would like to go in the TARDIS.DOCTOR: Ah. Kate? (The Rasputin Master totters from the Winter Palace.) [TARDIS] (Arranging the companions around the six-sided console, just like it is supposed to be operated.) DOCTOR: Okay. So now it really is crowded in here, just how I like it. There you go. I'm going to need every single one of you. Stand there. No, no, no, not that!YASMIN: No?DOCTOR: There. Yes. Good. Okay. Everybody okay? (Talking over each other - don't understand, what are they supposed to do, etc.) DOCTOR: No, sorry. No time. Where's Ryan?GRAHAM: Patagonia.DOCTOR: Vinder, is that your ship on the surface of this Cyber planet? Don't speak. No time. Come with me. Another problem to solve. When I say now, activate everything. Chop chop, Vinder.GRAHAM: She's still not explaining anything, then?KATE: How is it bigger on the inside? [Cyberplanet] DOCTOR: Never happier than when I'm fixing things. What a ship! Stellar engineering. Proper build. Whoo! Bit of wormhole damage. Still loads of miles in this, if you've got an excellent engineer. Which I am! Repairs complete. What are you waiting for? Get in. Start her up. You need to be off this planet while the wormhole's still there.VINDER: Thank you, Doctor.DOCTOR: Thanks for being there for me. How's your family, by the way? Send them my love. Remember, when I say now, get off the planet's surface. Safe travels. [Master's TARDIS] (Using holographic communication to talk to her TARDIS.) DOCTOR: Everyone still in position? Good. I'm in the Master's TARDIS. He's clever, I'll give him that. Using a TARDIS to power the spatiotemporal movement of a Cyber conversion planet. What a mind, what a TARDIS! Type 75. Bit flashy for my tastes, but way more powerful than mine. But he's pushed his TARDIS right to the edge, burned out half his systems, marooned himself here. So, I'm linking the TARDISes. I'm using mine to jump-start his. So when I say now, activate the control I gave you and we'll have a double-powered TARDIS. Now. [TARDIS] YASMIN: Go, go, go! [Vinder's spaceship] VINDER: Ha! She did it! Thank you, Doctor![Master's TARDIS] DOCTOR: Vinder heading home, tick. [TARDISes] ACE: She really doesn't like it!TEGAN: Are you sure this is going to work?DOCTOR: No, this has to work. No margin for error. (The Cyberplanet vanishes from 1916 and reappears in 2022.) DOCTOR: Yes! Temporal hop, 106 years, done. Now for conversion. I really hope this works. (Sending conversion beams down to Earth.) TEGAN: Did she just freeze volcanoes into steel?DOCTOR: Yes, I did. Turning multiple planet-threatening situations into public art! You're welcome.YASMIN: Okay, don't get cocky.DOCTOR: Now, one last thing and we're done.GRAHAM: Do you think we can let go yet? [Cyberplanet] DOCTOR: (to the Qurunx) I'm sorry for what was done to you. I'm sorry that you were taken and that you've been harnessed. I'll see you released. But I need one more thing from you. Channel your energy down into this planet. Disintegrate everything. And then you'll be free! Yes, that's it! What a creature! What a universe! I'll never understand it. (The Master appears in his TARDIS and crawls out the door.) MASTER: Doctor!DOCTOR: You lost. You gambled and you lost. And now your body's failing because of what you put it through.MASTER: Maybe. But if I can't be the Doctor, neither can you. (He signals the Qurunx to redirect its red energy and sends her tumbling across the ground as he is crushed by falling boulders. Yasmin runs out and carries her back inside.) [TARDIS] YASMIN: She's fine. She's fine.DOCTOR: Ah. Extended fam. (The TARDIS flies away from the imploding Cyberplanet.) DOCTOR: Did we do it?YASMIN: We did it. Well, you did it.DOCTOR: Where is everyone?YASMIN: I took them home.DOCTOR: Did you? That's clever.YASMIN: Well, Croydon, so close enough. (Sarah Jane Smith's home town.) DOCTOR: How long was I out?YASMIN: A while.DOCTOR: Why's the Cloister Bell ringing?YASMIN: Doctor, look at your hand.DOCTOR: No. No. That's not right. I need more time. I want more time! Ah! You know what this means, right? Yeah? It's all right. It's all right, Yaz. One last trip. Where would you choose? What flavour ice cream? [TARDIS roof] (Eating ice cream cones.) YASMIN: How many times do you think you've saved Earth?DOCTOR: I've lost count. But look at it. How could you not love a planet like that?YASMIN: I don't want it to end.DOCTOR: A wise person once said to me, goodbyes only hurt because what came before was so special. Oh, and it's been so special. You, and Graham, and Ryan, and Dan. Nobody else got to be us. Nobody else got to live our days. Nobody. And my hearts are so full of love of all of you. Oh, I have loved being with you, Yaz. And I have loved being me. I think I need to do this next bit alone.YASMIN: Let's not say goodbye. (There's not a cloud in the sky anywhere on the visible hemisphere.) [Park] GRAHAM: You've got it upside down. Look, it's definitely left, not right.DAN: Mate, I know how to read a map.GRAHAM: Yeah, I understand that, but maybe let me have a look.DAN: I've got it here!GRAHAM: Just let me, please.BOTH: Yaz!GRAHAM: How... ? How is she? How was she?YASMIN: What are you doing here?GRAHAM: Didn't you get your invite? [Support group] GRAHAM: I'm Graham. And apparently I've got to be the first one to talk, so... Right. I have this problem. See, I met this person, and I got whooshed away across all space and time. I mean, I had the most amazing adventures, really. I mean, you wait till you hear, cause I'm going to tell you 'em all. But... But I came back, and I actually can't tell anyone, because they'd have me put away. And that's... That started me thinking, though. I can't be the only one. I can't. And look! I'm not. (Circle of chairs - Ace, Yasmin, Tegan, empty chair for Sarah Jane?, Jo, Dan, Ian, Kate, Mel.) GRAHAM: I reckon there are more people out there too. So maybe this is where we share stories about the Doc.KATE: I will also say, I may want to recruit you for some work.DAN: Dan. I've, er... I've only been back a month, and I've got to say, I'm glad I'm not on the verge of being exterminated any more. But I do miss her.IAN: Sorry. Did you say her?MEL: How many Doctors are there?JO: I think we're going to be here quite some time. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Look after the next one. [Support group] TEGAN: (to Yasmin) You okay?ACE: Is she okay? [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Going to take in one last sunrise. [Support group] YASMIN: Of course she's okay. She's the Doctor. [Durdle Door] DOCTOR: Oh, the blossomiest blossom. That's the only sad thing. I want to know what happens next. Right, then. Doctor Whoever-I'm-about-to-be. Tag, you're it. (She regenerates - including the clothes.) DOCTOR TEN: I know these teeth. What? What? What?! Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.