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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Written by

Paul Magrs

Narrated by

Katy Manning


344 minutes

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London


More adventures with Iris Wildthyme, transtemporal adventuress, who travels the multiverse with her best friend Panda, in the Celestial Omnibus - a double decker bus that is a bit smaller on the inside than it is on the outside...

Exiled by her own people to Earth in 1976, Iris and Panda find the streets of London filled with rubbish, and deadly plastic rubbish men terrorising innocent citizens and causing chaos. The government are no help, so it's up to Iris to investigate, with a bit of help from MIAOW (the Ministry of Incursions and Ontological Wonders).

**Contains references to alcohol and smoking.

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It's too bad I haven't been able to connect with these Wildthyme novels.  It's not like I am unable to enjoy the character in general - so far I really like her more traditional Big Finish audios - her own series has been good so far, I like The Wormery, and she's decent in Excelis.  I even like other scripts and stories by writer Paul Magrs a lot more than these audiobooks.

They aren't unacceptable but it isn't overly fun.  I like Polythene Terror slightly more than Wildthyme Beyond!, but only just so.  The Polythene Terror feels like it has more focus on its story.  By featuring the garbage people attacking Earth, there was a strong sense of purpose to this story in a way I didn't quite get from Beyond!

Unfortunately one of the biggest weaknesses I found in both novels were the characters.  While Iris and Panda can be fun, a lot of the other figures in this story feels superficial and shallow.  Tim feels very boring, and even if I like his gay relationship with Vince Cosmos.  They remind me a lot of Lilith and Simon from the last novel.  They all just feel like generic kids, who gosh golly can't believe they are going on this incredibly silly adventure.  I've said it in my review for Beyond, but it feels like Magrs' sense of humour is very contingent on randomness, and it just never works for me.

Even something like Vince Cosmos feels utterly unnecessary.  He feels like a parody of the Doctor, but that's what Iris already is.  So he comes across as completely redundant.  I just don't get it, but that's true of the book at large.  I found it neither funny nor entertaining, but I do appreciate how once again we have an Iris novel ending in everyone having a good party.  It's a cute detail that does give some nice closure at the end of the story.  More books should end like that because it works for me even in a book I otherwise didn't enjoy.

Also, Katy Manning does a great job narrating the audiobook.  She's so good and I loved how she brings so many voices to life for the characters.  I just wish she had a better story to read.


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