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First aired

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Production Code


Written by

Helen Raynor

Directed by

Douglas Mackinnon


45 minutes

Story Type


Time Travel


Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

Sonic Screwdriver

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London

UK Viewers

6.53 million

Appreciation Index



As the poisonous gas from the Tenth Sontaran Battle Fleet's ATMOS continues to thicken throughout the world, purging humanity one country after the next, a clone of Martha Jones works in the shadows to support them. Will the Tenth Doctor learn about Martha's replacement? And can he figure out what the gas is made of, and destroy it before the entire planet chokes to death? More importantly, can the Doctor stop UNIT from starting an interplanetary war with the deadly Sontarans? It's all down to Donna Noble and child genius Luke Rattigan to fix things before it's too late.

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1 review

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This is big, silly, popcorn-Who. If you don't like manic, improbable, Earth shattering events followed by swift, improbable solutions then you might find it difficult to get on board with this. It is at this point, after having a big returning villain each year across new who, that they started to get into the B-list menaces (Macra notwithstanding). At the time of transmission, for the the average viewer over 30, Sontarans were one of those "you might remember these guys" threats. They are served adequately, fulfilling their own little niche in the show - the war mongers with a taste for honourable death.

There are pandering inclusions including mentions of the Rutans and the first of many ham-fisted nods to the Brigadier that the 21st century run offers up. At this point in time, it would have been a much more satisfying route just include Nicholas Courtney in the show. A missed opportunity now. But then you have Martha's return(!), Donna fighting aliens solo(!), Wilf being a sweetie(!), the fully fledged return of UNIT(!) All engaging sugary treats.

In retrospect, the most ahead of its time aspect that this two-parter serves up is a secondary human villain who is built in the mould of Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk. He is a t-shirt wearing, tech company owner who wields serious power which he puts to dubious use - something the show could do with revisiting.


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AVG. Rating734 members
3.36 / 5

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3.93 / 5

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WILF: I won't tell her. Best not. Just keep it as our little secret, eh?

DONNA: Yeah.

WILF: And you go with him, that wonderful Doctor. You go and see the stars, and then bring a bit of them back for your old Gramps.

DONNA: Love you.

Transcript + Script Needs checking

[Outside the Nobles' home]

(The Doctor is under the car, struggling with the ATMOS.)

DONNA: He's going to choke. Doctor!
DOCTOR: It won't open.

(Sylvia comes back out of the house with an axe, closes the bonnet and breaks the windscreen.)

SYLVIA: Well, don't just stand there. Get him out.

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