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Doctor Who S4 • Episode 5

The Poison Sky

3.72/ 5 1,695 votes

First aired Saturday, May 3, 2008
Production Code 4.5
Written by Helen Raynor
Directed by Douglas Mackinnon
Runtime 45 minutes
Story Type Two-Parter
Time Travel Present
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver
Locations Earth England London
UK Viewers 6.53 million
Appreciation Index 88

As the poisonous gas from the Tenth Sontaran Battle Fleet's ATMOS continues to thicken throughout the world, purging humanity one country after the next, a clone of Martha Jones works in the shadows to support them. Will the Tenth Doctor learn about Martha's replacement? And can he figure out what the gas is made of, and destroy it before the entire planet chokes to death? More importantly, can the Doctor stop UNIT from starting an interplanetary war with the deadly Sontarans? It's all down to Donna Noble and child genius Luke Rattigan to fix things before it's too late.

Ratings are from TARDIS Guide members only.

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