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The Fourth Doctor Adventures S9 Volume 2 • Episode 3

The Planet of Witches

3.55/ 5 38 votes*

Released Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Written by Alan Barnes
Runtime 117 minutes
Locations E-Space

Whilst attempting a detailed scan of E-Space, K9 detects the trail of a large spacecraft. Seeking a lead for their escape, the Doctor sets out on its trail towards a misty yellow planet.

Arriving just in time to witness a crash-landing in the planet’s swamps, the Doctor and his crew discover a number of escaping prisoners fleeing from someone claiming to be a Witchfinder... whilst terrifying ‘familiars’ float around them.

For this is the planet of the witches... and the witches may just know the way home.

Ratings are from TARDIS Guide members only.