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Friday, August 27, 1993

Written by

Barry Letts


BBC Audio


140 minutes

Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Reverse the polarity

Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

Bessie, Sonic Screwdriver

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London


When a horrific and inexplicable death occurs at Space World, a new theme park on Hampstead Heath, UNIT is called in to investigate. The Third Doctor is highly suspicious. Just who controls the Parakon Corporation, the shadowy organisation behind the running of the park? What is "Experienced Reality" and what are the limits of its awesome powers?

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3 reviews
Reminds me of Planet of the Daleks, in that the first two episodes are fascinating, but then the story changes and becomes incredibly dull. The shift between the two sections is INCREDIBLY stark.
C. Maybe D.


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The paradise of Death is a good story with the Third Doctor, told over five, 30 minute parts. The plot, in the beginning, feels like an era appropriate story, then from part 3 it becomes larger and grander. While I think the middle is a little long, it does serve the story well and come back around. The themes explored are enjoyable, and wouldn't be out of place in any era of the show. It was great to hear Jon Pertwee as the Third Doctor, even if you can tell that 20 years had passed. Elisabeth Sladen and Nicolas Courtney also give great performances as Sarah Jane Smith and The Brigadier, respectively. All the classic performers slip back into their roles, and give performances that take you back into the Third Doctor era. Overall, I think this is a good story, that is a little let down by its length.


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AVG. Rating40 members
3.23 / 5


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4.00 / 5

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DOCTOR: As the stun gun blocked the energy flow, so we have to reverse the effect.

BRIGADIER: Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow, eh, Doctor?

DOCTOR: You may mock, Lethbridge-Stewart. I know as well as you, that expression would sound like nonsense to a classical subatomic physicist.


DOCTOR: Well, now I'm reversing the pseudo-polarity of the metaphorical synapses in Onya's putative energy channels. And that's just as nonsensical and just as effective.

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A Third Doctor story, which takes place after The Time Warrior.

[Episode One]

RADIO: (transatlantic accent) Feeling like nothing on Earth? Come to Space World and fly to the Moon! Life getting humdrum? Come to Space World and take a trip to the stars! Kids getting you down? Bring them to Space World, the new theme park only ten minutes walk from Hampstead Station! For a mere twenty pounds a head, you can have the experience of a lifetime! Space rides to take your breath away. Light sabre duels with the Robot of Death, challenges from the Space Gladiators Elite, and fabulous prizes to be won. But best of all, the monsters from outer space! Twenty one alien creatures, so perfect in every detail you have to believe they're real! Come to Space World, the great day out for all the family!
FREETH: Not bad. Not bad at all. Young Kitson is learning. I could have wished that he had mentioned the name of the corporation. That, after all, is the object of the exercise. Perhaps we should have called it the Parakon Corporation Space Park, like a sponsored horse race. It lacks a certain je ne sais quois, though, wouldn't you say, Tragan?
TRAGAN: If it did the job.
FREETH: You're a pragmatist, of course. The finer feelings are a closed book to you. It must be the effect of consorting with those ghastly little pets of yours.
TRAGAN: Hmm. You'd have been in a fine pickle without them last time.
FREETH: True, true. A nasty moment.


FREETH: How much longer, Crestin?
CRESTIN [on comm]: We'll be landing in two or three minutes, Chairman Freeth.
FREETH: About time. Well, Tragan, here we go again.

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