Stories Short Story Puffin eshorts Story: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 The Mystery of the Haunted Cottage 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: First rule of being a detective is to observe. Observe the obvious, and observe the not-so-obvious. Observing the not-so-obvious is not as easy as observing the obvious, but if it were easy everyone would be at it. — Tenth Doctor, The Mystery of the Haunted Cottage Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: I punched Dracula! He has a very hard face. MARTHA: I bet. First time you’ve met him? DOCTOR: No, but the first time it was an android, second time it was Vlad the Impaler and the third time it was a Cyber-Dracula, so I don’t really think they count. Ha! Count. — The Mystery of the Haunted Cottage