Stories Audio Drama Charlotte Pollard - The Further Adventuress Charlotte Pollard Episode: 1 2 3 4 The Mummy Speaks! 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 2 reviews 24 January 2025 · 23 words Review by Jamie Spoilers This review contains spoilers! the first part had me hooked but the second part just fell apart for me tbh, the story lost its intrigue and yeah.. Jamie View profile Like Liked 0 17 December 2024 · 305 words Review by Seagullslost This is the first story in the Charlotte Pollard The Further Adventuress, Eighth Doctor set. Which consists of 4, 1 hour, 2 part stories. I went to the live show in London: The Stuff of Nightmares - the Eighth Doctor and Charley back together and I remembered how much I’d enjoyed them. When they first began in the audios they ‘were’ the new series. With the Chimes of Midnight, Neverland, Zagrus and Charley leaving, only to pair up with the Sixth and continue until Blue Forgotton Planet, where she ultimately leaves the Doctor. And even then she carried on in her own series. So she’s had quite an adventure, and I loved it all. The Doctor and Charlie arrive in Paris in the 1800’s, after accidentally insulting the natives, they take refuge in a side show where an ancient Mummy is apparently alive and talking. It is nice to have them together again, its kind of the classic line up, there’s the Fifth and Tegan, the Sixth and Peri, the Seventh and Ace. The Eighth and Charley. The setting is great, period Paris; there is a nice bit where Charley tries to speak French but the TARDIS translates it into English. A minor spoiler but Charley is nearly executed and takes it in her stride - I can’t help thinking Id’ be a bit more fearful. Also included are references to other stories and events, such as Ramsey the Vortisaur, and it does make me wonder where this is placed with in the timeline. I wasn’t entirely sure about the shorter stories but in all fairness I’m finding the 4 parts a bit of a slog these days. But I also believe in letting the story take the time it needs, and this worked well. Its not the most gripping adventure, but enjoyable. Seagullslost View profile Like Liked 0