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First aired

Saturday, September 14, 1968

Production Code


Directed by

David Maloney


100 minutes

Time Travel

Alternate Reality

Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Clockwork, Lost the TARDIS, Robots, The Doctor Falls

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

The Land of Fiction


To escape from the volcanic eruption on Dulkis, the Second Doctor uses an emergency unit. It moves the TARDIS out of normal time and space. The travellers find themselves in an endless void where they are menaced by white robots.

Having regained the safety of the TARDIS, they believe they have escaped — until the ship explodes. They find themselves in a land of fiction, where they are hunted by life-size clockwork soldiers and encounter characters like Rapunzel, the Karkus, and Swift's Lemuel Gulliver.

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5 Episodes

Episode 1

First aired

Saturday, September 14, 1968


20 minutes

Written by

Derrick Sherwin

Directed by

David Maloney

UK Viewers

6.6 million

Appreciation Index



The TARDIS arrives in a white void, having made an emergency take-off to escape the volcanic eruption on Dulkis. The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe find themselves in the Land of Fiction, where characters from the imagination come to life, and The Master, the mysterious ruler, chooses the Doctor to take his place.

Episode 2

First aired

Saturday, September 21, 1968


20 minutes

Written by

Peter Ling

Directed by

David Maloney

UK Viewers

6.5 million

Appreciation Index



With the TARDIS destroyed, the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe find themselves in a strange forest patrolled by mysterious soldiers.

Episode 3

First aired

Saturday, September 28, 1968


20 minutes

Written by

Peter Ling

Directed by

David Maloney

UK Viewers

7.2 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor realises that the travellers are trapped in a world where fiction is real and where creatures are a threat if people believe in them.

Episode 4

First aired

Saturday, October 5, 1968


20 minutes

Written by

Peter Ling

Directed by

David Maloney

UK Viewers

7.3 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe reach the citadel at the centre of the land, where they finally encounter the Master of the Land of Fiction.

Episode 5

First aired

Saturday, October 12, 1968


20 minutes

Written by

Peter Ling

Directed by

David Maloney

UK Viewers

6.7 million

Appreciation Index



With Jamie and Zoe having been turned into fiction, the Doctor must find a way to save them without suffering the same fate or becoming part of the Master Brain.


How to watch The Mind Robber:


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11 reviews

A fun story. Unlike new who were fictional characters sometimes turn out to be real, here they're written and controlled by the Master (not thee master). We also get Jamie played by another actor as he has a face change for a short while. But Troughton is the stand out as always. One of my favourites of his tenure.


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when did the second doctor get good
This was great! Reminds me a lot of The Celestial Toymaker, which I also loved. Really, really fun and imaginative.
Also, best excuse so far for a cast member being absent for a week.


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The Mind Robber reminds me a lot of The Celestial Toymaker, yet a much better version of it.  On the one hand, both stories are creative.  Plus, The Mind Robber has better, and makes much better use of its companions.  Jamie and Zoe make for highly effective a highly effective TARDIS team with the Second Doctor.  Production also puts a lot more effort into production, so The Mind Robber looks great and holds up a lot more than The Celestial Toymaker on every front.

In both stories, we face these larger than life threats that are imaginative and very creative.  The Land of Stories is a very cool setting that shows just how different the setting of the Doctor Who universe can be.  With all that being said, this feels like a longer serial than five episodes, and that definitely has something to do with how repetitive this story can be.  At a certain point, we get it, and it feels a little drawn out after a while.  I did like the stuff with Rapunzel, that was pretty silly.


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Out of all the Second Doctor stories and given how so few of them managed to survive the junking period with all their episodes intact, thank god this was one of them! This is one particular story that wouldn’t have worked nearly as well without the visuals, The Mind Robber is a wonderfully creative and bizarre story where the Doctor and company are pulled out of reality and find themselves in the Land of Fiction. I won’t dare ruin any of the various characters and scenarios our heroes come across because frankly you should just go watch it for yourself, it’s the Second Doctor story I’ve revisited the most and I have so much fun watching it every single time, honestly the only problem I had with The Mind Robber was that I was sad when it was over, I totally could’ve watched six parts of this story, even for a five-parter it’s remarkably short.

As I said earlier the different characters and situations the Doctor encounters are so much fun and creative to watch which play off brilliantly with Patrick Troughton’s comically cartoonish personality. The winner being how the story manages to work around the actor for Jamie, Frazer Hines, needing to take a week off to recover from chicken pox, I won’t give away how they do it but it’s incredibly inventive and funny. This story is like a Doctor Who version of Alice in Wonderland, you just don’t know what the Doctor’s gonna find around the next corner. It’s unpredictability and how it plays fast and loose with logic make it a highly engaging story, from its foreboding and atmospheric opening episode with one of the best cliff-hangers of all time, to an absolute blast of a climax with the Doctor’s mind battle against the intelligence controlling the Land of Fiction. This is arguably the most creative Doctor Who story ever written and has more imagination than the whole of Modern Who combined. If you’re a fan of Doctor Who and have never seen The Mind Robber before, put this high on your watchlist, in fact don’t even bother doing that, just stop reading and go watch it right now!


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“You know he’s a fictional character”


Mes critiques sont de plus en plus courtes mais que dire sinon que Ling flippait, et que pourtant l’histoire qu’il écrit est aussi magique que décisive. 

En fait c’est vraiment une parenthèse certes fauchée (et un peu improvisée), mais quand même très avant gardiste dans ce tout qu’elle dit de la série  

Le Docteur est encore n’importe qui, et il peut donc être toutes les histoires possibles. 

Pourtant, avec le seul pouvoir de son imagination, il se bat pour ne pas être qu’une histoire.


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DOCTOR: Which way, do you think?

ZOE: To the right.

DOCTOR: They both look equally unattractive to me.

ZOE: But it must be to the right. I've been working it out as we went along.

JAMIE: Doctor.

DOCTOR: Shush. How?

ZOE: Well, as soon as we avoided the dead ends, it soon fell into a clear pattern. One left, two right, three left, four right and so on. It's a simple arithmetic progression.

JAMIE: Yes, but Doctor.

DOCTOR: Shush, Jamie.

DOCTOR: What it is to have an arithmetical brain. What do you want?

JAMIE: The thread's run out. Now, should we not go back?

DOCTOR: No, you stay here.


DOCTOR: And Zoe and I will explore a little further. There must be another way out of this maze and I mean to find it.

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Transcript Needs checking

Episode One

[Outside the TARDIS]

(The former atomic test island on Dulkis is having a small volcanic eruption.)

JAMIE: Doctor, come on, will you? Look!
DOCTOR: Oh, my word! Come on, Jamie. Into the TARDIS, quickly!


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