Stories Audio Drama Classic Doctors, New Monsters Classic Doctors, New Monsters Episode: 1 2 3 4 The Krillitane Feint 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 8 reviews 14 March 2025 · 34 words Review by Azurillkirby Absolutely INCREDIBLE tension, unlike anything I've seen or heard from Doctor Who before. Definitely one of my favorite Second Doctor stories. I also think this would be amazing if adapted for the screen. S. Azurillkirby View profile Like Liked 0 11 February 2025 · 134 words Review by thedefinitearticle63 Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order. Previous Story: Operation Werewolf I love the way Classic Doctors New Monsters takes these one-off monsters and realises them to their full potential. They did it with the clockwork droids and now the Krillitane. Obviously a shape-shifter story isn't exactly anything new but it's brilliantly done here with us following the impostor TARDIS team for the majority of the story instead. It leads to a genuinely all-timer twist where you realise who we've actually been following the entire team. Troughton, Hines and Padbury's performances here were amazing in the way they suddenly flipped the switch like that. I'm excited to see the follow up to this one if it's anything as good as this. Next Story: The War Games thedefinitearticle63 View profile Like Liked 1 29 January 2025 · 48 words Review by BSCTDrayden 1 Very good slowburn story that just as it was about to bore me had the twist happen. Had to stop and physically gasp! And from there just goes from strength to strength. Such a great base under siege story with some fun discussion about humanity and its cruelty. BSCTDrayden View profile Like Liked 1 29 January 2025 · 13 words Review by Rock_Angel 1 Love the krillitane and this story is exactly what I wanted from it Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 1 23 January 2025 · 572 words Review by MrColdStream Spoilers 5 This review contains spoilers! Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! “The Krillitane Feint: When Base Under Siege Takes a Shapeshifting Turn" A nostalgic Second Doctor audio with a clever twist and classic base-under-siege thrills. Return of the Krillitane: Reimagining the Krillitane—first introduced in School Reunion—for the Second Doctor’s era is an intriguing idea. The Krillitane Feint captures the quintessential spirit of Doctor Who’s 1960s storytelling while blending it with the sinister allure of the Krillitane. With Two, Jamie, and Zoe arriving at a secret research base experimenting on the Krillitanes for military purposes, this story fits neatly into the classic base-under-siege framework so beloved by this era. Classic Formula with a Modern Edge: The story takes familiar beats: a top-secret operation, an unheeding authority figure, and the Doctor warning of impending disaster, only to be dismissed. What sets this apart is the addition of the Krillitanes’ shapeshifting ability, creating a suspenseful “who’s who” scenario that adds an air of paranoia to the base. It’s almost Jurassic World-like, with humanity’s hubris front and center—tampering with forces they don’t fully understand and suffering the consequences. The stormy planet setting and the claustrophobic atmosphere of the base are well-realised through immersive sound design. The first half is slow but deliberate, building tension with sharp character moments. However, the climax, while faithful to the era’s style, doesn’t quite deliver the payoff the setup promises, leaving the final stretch feeling rushed and slightly muddled. A Brilliant Twist: One of the most rewarding elements of the story is the twist: the Doctor, Jamie, and Zoe we’ve been following are revealed to be Krillitanes in disguise. John Dorney deserves credit for this clever narrative sleight of hand, with subtle hints sprinkled throughout for listeners to catch on subsequent listens. It’s a fresh way to use the Krillitanes and adds depth to what might otherwise have been a standard base-under-siege plot. Beloved Performances and Nostalgic Dynamics: This audio is a treat for fans of the Second Doctor’s TARDIS team. Michael Troughton effortlessly channels his father’s mischievous, resourceful portrayal of the Doctor, perfectly complemented by Frazer Hines as Jamie and Wendy Padbury as Zoe. Their chemistry remains impeccable, with the Doctor pretending to be a private investor to gain access to the base, Zoe using her intelligence to drive the plot, and Jamie providing steadfast loyalty and charm. The characters feel true to their original dynamics, which makes the eventual twist all the more satisfying. The Human Villains and Krillitanes in the Background: As is common in Doctor Who, the real villains aren’t the monsters but the humans exploiting them. David Carlyle gives a solid performance as the ruthless, self-serving base leader, while Jason Forbes captures the conflict of a scientist torn between duty and morality. The Krillitanes themselves are underutilised despite their terrifying shapeshifting ability, only truly stepping into the spotlight in the final act. "Verdict: A Clever Blend of Nostalgia and Intrigue" The Krillitane Feint is a polished homage to classic Doctor Who, with enough twists and modern touches to keep it engaging. While it doesn’t quite stick the landing and underuses its titular monsters, the story is a joy for fans of the Second Doctor era. Strong performances and a clever narrative structure make it worth a listen, especially for those eager to relive the charm of Season 6’s golden years. 📝76/100 MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 5 21 January 2025 · 108 words Review by turlough Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! A pretty good story with too many plot twists to shake a stick at, The Krillitane Feint really picks up the ideas that School Reunion just couldn't achieve with the limited budget and CGI restraints of 2006. I loved the idea of the humans being some of the main enemies, and I wish we could've seen more in terms of them being experimented on with the Krillitane ways of adaptation. Overall this was a great story, 2, Jamie and Zoe were the perfect TARDIS team for this and it was nice to see them all be useful to the plot, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series turlough View profile Like Liked 3 21 January 2025 · 65 words Review by Guardax Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! What a fun story to open the set that was! Michael Troughton's Second Doctor is always great, and builds up the intensity appropriately throughout the story of what the Krillitanes are possibly up to. Then the penny drops and it's a shock for everyone! A very killer and effective twist, and I'm excited to see what the presumed follow-up Seventh Doctor story will look like. Guardax View profile Like Liked 2 21 January 2025 · 62 words Review by Jamie Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! honestly the twist in this gagged me so much, i was really not expecting it in the slightest. really great story highlighting the evil of humanity, which in turn are the real monsters in this story. love a base under siege, but didn't expect it to be under siege by THOSE characters. really well done and a great start to this set. Jamie View profile Like Liked 3