Stories Television Doctor Who Season 6 Classic Who S6 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Invasion 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: I hate computers and refuse to be bullied by them! — Second Doctor, The Invasion Link to Quote Favourite ISOBEL: You're still worried about your two friends, aren't you? ZOE: Yes, a bit. ISOBEL: They can't have got themselves into any sort of trouble, can they? ZOE: Oh, you wouldn't say that if you knew them. If there's trouble to be found, the Doctor and Jamie can't miss it. — The Invasion Link to Quote Favourite BRIGADIER: Yes, well, since the Yeti do, I've been in charge of an independent intelligence group that we call UNIT. That's United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. JAMIE: You mean you're like a world secret police. BRIGADIER: Not quite. We don't actually arrest people, just investigate them. — The Invasion Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny VAUGHN: Packer! — Tobias Vaughn, The Invasion Link to Quote Favourite BRIGADIER: How nice to see you again, Doctor. DOCTOR: It's Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart! BRIGADIER: Ah, Brigadier now. I've gone on up in the world. JAMIE: Oh course, the Yetis. — The Invasion Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny JAMIE: We're stuck here in this lift now! DOCTOR: No, no it's the lift that's stuck, not us. Look. (The Doctor points up at a maintenance hatch on the ceiling) JAMIE: Hey, where does that lead to? DOCTOR: Out into the lift shaft, I imagine. Quickly, on me back. (The Doctor leans down) JAMIE: You know something? DOCTOR: Mmhmm? JAMIE: You're a clever wee chappie. — The Invasion Link to Quote Favourite VAUGHN: Excellent. — Tobias Vaughn, The Invasion Link to Quote Favourite ISOBEL: Well, all I need is my cameras from the house and then I'm all set. BRIGADIER: Now, wait a minute, This is hardly a job for you. ISOBEL: Why ever not? BRIGADIER: Well, you're a young woman. This is a job for my men. ISOBEL: Well, of all the bigoted, anti-feminist, cretinous remarks- BRIGADIER: This is no job for a girl like you. Now that's final. ISOBEL: Oh, you, you, you man! BRIGADIER: I'll get in touch with my photographic unit and get them onto it. ISOBEL: Oh, that stupid bigoted idiotic- JAMIE: Aye, well, he's right, you know. ZOE: Jamie McCrimmon! JAMIE: Well, he is. ZOE: Just because you're a man you think that you're superior, do you? JAMIE: Now, I didn't say that. Of course, it's true. ZOE: Is it really? Right. Coming, Isobel? ISOBEL: What a splendid idea. JAMIE: Where are you going? ZOE: Do you think we should let him come with us? ISOBEL: Oh, I don't know. Men aren't much good in situations like this. JAMIE: Just a moment. Where are you're going? ISOBEL: London. Coming? JAMIE: London? Now we shouldn't do anything without the Doctor! Och. — The Invasion Link to Quote Favourite WATKINS: Vaughn, obviously I can't choose but to work for you. If I refuse, you'll torture me or kill me. I know I can't stand up to torture, and I don't want to die. You're an evil man, Vaughn. You're sadistic. You're a megalomaniac. You're insane. I pity you, but if I get half a chance, I'll kill you. VAUGHN: Kill me? Would you? Give me your gun, Packer. ( Packer gives Vaughn his pistol. Vaughn points it at Watkin's head then turns it round and offers it to him.) VAUGHN: Take it. There you are. Take it. (Vaughn puts the gun in Watkins' hand. Gregory and Packer and the guard back away.) VAUGHN: Now you're free to shoot me, Professor. Shoot. Shoot! (Vaughn knocks Watkins down.) VAUGHN: Come on, the gun's loaded, or haven't you got the courage to pull the trigger? (Watkins gets up and fires three times, point blank, then faints. Vaughn has three smoking holes in his shirt, but is standing there laughing.) VAUGHN: Take him away. Get work started on the machine immediately. — The Invasion