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Friday, April 2, 2004

Written by

Justin Richards

Directed by

Gary Russell


69 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Court Trial, Robots

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

The Capitol, Gallifrey


President Romana has been called to account for her actions. But the only evidence that she has responded to a real and present danger has disappeared. To clear her good name she is dependent on the testimony of the very people who want to see her publicly humiliated and her power removed.

While Leela tries to discover truths of her own, Romana is forced into an uneasy truce with her rivals at the CIA. But at least she can be sure the inquiry will be handled in a fair and proper manner. Or can she? When the investigation itself triggers danger and time is quite literally running out for all of Gallifrey's power and knowledge, just who can Romana trust?

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For an episode called The Inquiry, there isn't much time spent on the actual inquiry. :(

Elsewise; fun time stuff at the end, Braxiatel becomes an actual interesting character, and there's good character work with the other main cast.

Probably my favourite episode yet, though admittedly the first half was a little boring to me, and the lack of actual courtroom focus genuinely is a bummer.


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Enjoyed this one, there’s a lot of interesting plot and some very cool character moments. It did take me two listens to feel like I grasped the plot but tbh that’s nearly always the case with audios, the first time it’s just unconnected, short scenes in my mind, no matter what I do. I liked the convoluted time/matrix stuff, it’s really fun that this series seems to explore some of the weirder time travel stuff more.

It’s nice to see some more background for Braxiatel, this story gives him some real character, where before he seemed to mostly be someone Romana could talk to, and I think his motivation is beautifully acted out too.

Romana herself, is, as always, wonderful (I just adore her voice!) and gets to be quite clever. I particularly enjoyed the scene where she uncovered Braxiatel’s apparent involvement.

Leela also continues to be wonderful. She can just do so much raw emotion especially with her uncovering/starting to uncover? -feels like that is not quite done yet- the circumstances of Andred’s death.

All in all, a great story, though the first two were a bit better in my opinion.


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As always with this Range, our Leads give a great Performance and I can only sing praise for Lalla & Louise. I must admit I expected something more straightforward and what I get was very messy. Messy isn’t bad, but makes it harder to connect with this one. I did like how we explore the Emotions Leela is still feeling of Andred’s absence and how this plays into it, that was very nice! And really it’s the Character Moments that shine here quite a lot!


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The episode was fairly average for me. I would have appreciated more of the courtroom drama aspect, and it was nice to have the Inquisitor featured.


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This one was alright. I had some fun with the time-travel laden nature of this conspiracy but it felt like there wasn't much of the actual Inquiry set up at the start of the story. It really just boils down to more of Leela and Romana moving around to different scenes.  For whatever reason I didn't connect with Leela's loss of her husband as much in this story, and it a pretty critical part of The Inquiry.

I don't know, this is one of the weaker Gallfrey audios I've encountered so far.  I'm starting to worry that this series isn't quite for me, or that my expectations for what beings as powerful as the Time Lords should be like are way to high for an audio story.  But I guess my feeling on that is that if you aren't really willing to get really weird and wild with the Gallifreyan politics, then the Time Lords are just going to come across as petty, kind of stupid children rather than practical demi-gods.

We'll see.  I want to give this series an open mind.  This was the first Gallifrey episode that's given me pause.


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AVG. Rating133 members
3.65 / 5


AVG. Rating180 votes
3.83 / 5

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BRAXIATEL: That fool Glower was actually going to set the thing off! As a scientific study!

ROMANA: But something stopped him.

BRAXIATEL: Right at the last moment. The device was dismantled and never spoken of again. Rumour has it that Narvin persuaded him to change his mind. Whatever happened, the CIA recruited Narvin and he’s never looked back.

LEELA: Except to see who stands behind him with a knife.

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