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BERENGARLA: Hiding in crypts doesn’t make you look evil, Childeric. Just rather sulky and antisocial.

DOCTOR: It doesn’t matter to whom the cruelty is directed, the cruelty itself is wrong.

— Sixth Doctor, The Holy Terror

CROWD: [Shouting] All hail Frobisher! All hail the big talking bird!

FROBISHER: Do you know who l am? I'm God, that’s who!

— Frobisher, The Holy Terror

FROBISHER: And all those people? They were killed, just to punish Eugene? ...That's terrible.

DOCTOR: If it's any consolation, they were never actually real in the first place.

FROBISHER: No, Doc. That's no consolation. They thought they were real, didn't they?

DOCTOR: * (sighing)* Just like the fish in the swimming pool. They felt pain, they felt fear. And more than that, they had hopes and dreams and families. Yes, it is terrible. But that's what comes of travelling in the TARDIS. All the people you meet, all the planets you see... you know they won't last forever, and our next journey could be to a time when they'll all have been long forgotten. Such little lives. And we can feel like gods, set apart from them all.

FROBISHER: And that's supposed to make me feel better, is it?

DOCTOR: No. Not at all.

FROBISHER: For a while back there, Doc, I actually felt I could do some good. I actually felt I could save them all.

DOCTOR: * (heavily)* I know, Frobisher. Believe me. I know. ...Come on. Let's get away from here.